LOCALS. t,'ip HiiiMfHicry at LelghUm's, illn)), Andrews In now reported much bettor. m m , Tiipro l nnnor of a Rtnnll university .lally n-xt ycar. (tnt. 1 w- A(lamR (yf Ruporlor vis ing IiIh hoii Monday. 1 II. 11. Hlu'iW enmn U from Ashland Milny '" H,,(' '"'' 'HyH' fliiidi-ntH are beginning to plan for ,ho summer vacation. p A. I.ynmn'n brother paid him a vlfllt the flr' part of tho woolc. The Kngllsh club 'ineotH Wort's tomorrow evening. at AHhh Mary lvchot awl Ilolwi Nance wont to'o.wha to ni'o Nat Goodwin. Pace nnd his chosen nlno afo out prac ticing baseball every day now. MIps Ili'U'ti llanwood will Htudy ihi' Frewh libraries next year. .In MIhhph Lulu Wirt and Jennie Ilnrbor have Ihhmi visiting friends In tho city. Mr Knmiey of Mncoln has boon hired an couch Tor our baseball huln. Tho assaying clans aro dolnK some Rood work under Mr. Illltner's direc tion. A subscription for the tennis associ ation baa 'I0' circulating tho imst wcok. . , . Milsi Woller of Omaha wan tho guest Miss Slaughter tho IIphI nrt of the niwk. Tho Hngllsti Hub will meet tomorrow ovonlng with Miss Jutla Wort, 1IW1 10 stivct. Chancellor iMnoLonn ivpllon to Mio sonlor wenlng. will give a ro closw HatuiUay Tho attiuMancc at tire university summer school this year promises 'to lie large. Th. V. M C. A. will ihold a business mating next Saturday night to elect a secretary. Cliff Wescott was called 'homo, this morning onibuslnoss, to '1ms gone two or three days. o. D. McColl and Frnnk P. Long of Kansas state university were visitors Wednesday. Professor A. II. Wntoi'houso of Grand Island visited tho university Fnlday and Sniurdny. The school of ngnlotilturo tfias dis banded for the year, otter a very suc- (vful season. Tho classical alcove Is a very popular and bi-nellulul place for the Greek and Latin students. Tli" next nu mixer of tho Nebraska Literary iMnguxlno will be puWIshed the ilrst of June. D. Ferguson 1b preparing a paper on tho ethics of Journalism, as a special topic in Journalism. Tho Dellan girlB gave a leap year Party Saturday evening at tho home of MIbh Hattlo Harding. A baseball subscription has been floating around this week. Talk about being Hooded with rain. University 'baseiball will be about tho r"ly thing of the national game wo shall see In 'Lincoln this year. Sigma Alpha 'Epsllon gave another Informal danca and card party at their rooms last Saturday evening. That frat plature; you want it framed, Got our prices. Lincoln Frame & Art Co.. 220 South Eleventh street. Fred p. Teal, '97, ot tho Chicago homeopathic medical college, is vdslt nt? Omaha friends at the university. Professor Fling wMl deliver an ad dress at (Ashland ithls owning at the Invitation of the Woman's club of that Tio Palladlan glrla will give a spc il Program one week from Friday evening. None of itho boys have been ftWo rto find out tho naturo of the pro Gram, for the girls are keeping that Part of the matter Beoret. William need Junroy left for Omaha nfl substitute reporter on tho World Herald, IHo will only bo gonn a month, however, n (ho could not slay away from Lincoln longer than that. O. in . llowman, '01, has been visiting university tfrlonds lately. Ho hnfl 1oon touching at Alllanco for Mio pat two years, The 'commit too on college sottlenvont work Is trylnr; to obtain a number of games to put In their cottage on W street. 'Prof. Harbour lectured last Friday ovonlng at York for tho boncllt of tho Hoys' club of tho Congregational church. AIIsh Grace 'Alien, tenoning at Wnro Ndltr., stopped hero on her wny homo to call on 'lnr ''brother, 0. H. Allen, luft Hnturdny, Judge- Glffen of Tecumsoh (began his course of lectures before the law stu dents on 'Wlils and AdmlnlHtratilons" this week. The IPalladlan girls will give their annual program on the 21Mi of April. Tho Palladlan 'boys WHI give theirs on the fith of ftlny. The standards for high Jumping and polo-vnultlnghavo boon placed near tho armory, and Held day 'practice ihns bo gun In earnest. IOrnest Gerrard ihas returned from Gwrmuny nnd Is now In dloston making up his thesis on the material he col lected 'While there. Philip Julius Magulro and Junius Sterling (Morton are among the dele gates chosen to the state convention of tho gold democrats. Tho Ilrst guard mounting of tho sea son took place Wednesday evening. Tho entire drill hour Friday will be devoted to this exorcise. You will II ml tho host stock of floe sta tionery In the west at I.elghton's, 202 and 20C South Eleventh street. Their prices aro always ivaonaible. Tho senior class considered tho fon lor promenado preliminaries at tlvelr mooting Monday. V. It. MaLnicas was apiolntod imaater of ceremonies. Thoro aro several promising young freshmen writers In the English depart ment who will "probably make tho Eng lish clulb iboforo Uie year Is out. Hal Beans staid in 'Lincoln all day last Sunday and says It was the longest day of Ills life. Hcwill call on the young lady In Omaha next Sunday as usual. The rain last week 'Interfered some what with work on the new tennis courts, ibutithey wlllibe finished so that playing can 'begin by the Ilrst of next week. Tho university electrician can find a job stringing up tho disconnected wires under some of tho (library tables a few more incadescents could thus Ibe put Into use. The Ph1 Kappa Pfil fraternity will spend a week camping on Ernest Wlg genhorn's Island In tho Platte, near Ashland, immediately after school closes Jn June. OIlss Louise Pound's "The nomaunt of tho Hose; Additional Evidence That It is umvucerfl" was tne leaumg ar ticle In the last numlber of Modern Language Notes. Great preparations are being made for bringing out a orowU at tho Joint dolbate of the TJ. B. D. C. and Doane on tho 25th of 'April. A fare-and-a-thlrd rate has 'been secured. On account of tho rain Friday even ing the attendance at the different so cieties was small. At the request of tho Unions all assembled In Union Stall and held a Joint meeting. lino of ethics, tho need of Introspection and ifrlondly ee, blolmu. The fraternity was tho Ideal iplnco for such a spirit. Tho talk iwuh most beneficial to tho members, A largo crowd gathers on tho campus ovory day to watch our athletes prac- tlco for Hold day, J, V. Crabtroo has boon chosen as an Instructor for tho Sarpy county Insti tute "this summer. Georgo Horgort wont to Nebraska. City this mornliiK. Ho wn called homo hv tho death of his grandmother, Tho work In tho university seminar historical class for the rest of tho year will consist of special papers, which are to bo prepared by the members of tho elans, Mlsa Hon ton entertained the ladles' club of the city In tlio oliiiiiUi.! 1c:.hn room Tuesday afternoon, Uollcate re freshments wore served and the tlmo wis passed agreeably. Professor Barber's wheel exploded on the Btiroet Wednesday afternoon. Thoso who wore nenr by when the accident occurred thought another pop had been produced. The professor led his wheel home. Prof. Barbour received two kangaroo rats this week. Tha animals are very rare and have n striking resemblance to the kangaroo. They may bo seen In the curative room, Nebraska hall. Tho young ladles' military company is doing some llnu drilling. An old soldier was heard U remark the other day that Captain llllott had tho snap and metal to makiia good captain. Burton W. Wllsm and Julius P. Sedgwick returned from Cleveland Sunday afternoon, lyhcre they had buen In attendance at tie national conven tion of the Plil Kniba Psl fraternity. t Y. M. C. A. will neat Sunday after noon ait 4 o'clock It Dellan hall. Sub j, "-The Little Fxes That Spoil the Grape Vines." Eiry voung man in the university InvltMl to be prtvJort. i Tho following slgi Is lasted through out tiro German mlverslty libraries: "Wash your "hands ileforo using books." It nhould ibe given a prominent place in our own library and rending room. iMr. Hunter, of tin well-known print ing company, has kindly placed a clock In his Eleventh stree: window. If it were not kept a ibalf hur slow univer sity students would appreciate It more. "Meals 10 coins and up" the hollow freah'mnn .read; and lu passed on In search of another chop-house, wisely concluding that an expenditure of 10 cents ought to .bring a meal that could be kept down. There aro a lot of giddy girls who make It a point to gather in the library alcoves and liolu a regular gossiping match. It Is worse than any sowing society or woman's club. They ought to be suppressed. The P. B. D. C. and tho Maxwell boys will have a Joint debate in Palladian hall April 25. Messrs. Sloan, Hunting and Klndlcr will represent the P. B. D. C, and Warner, Beach and Castor .the Maxwells. The question to bo debated Is "greenbacks." The faculty has recently made ar rangements for recommending thoso students who expect to teach to the boards of the high schools of tho state. Tho students are requested to make themselves known If they Intend to teach next year. Tno library Is an exceedingly popular resort for those desiring to study In the ovonlng. But It seems strange that It should too necessary for tho librarian to make such frequent requests for "less noise" In a room filled with such ambitious students. """. - - E kpns I Ladies' Cloaks Ladies' Underwear Ladies' Hosiery Ladies' Gloves Gents' Underwear Gents' Hosiery Gent's Gloves MILLER & PAINE, 1235 t0 1239 O St. Jeweler, Optician, and Engraver. DEALER IN WATCHES, DIAMONDS, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, JEWELRY, ETC., ETC. All Roods sold ongrnvod froo of clmrgo, nnd no ohargo mndo for examining Clio oyos, 1 1 43 C Street. Lincoln, Neb, THE PALACE DINING HALL la tho I'noPEii Place to got your Monls. SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS ALL TOUR FELLOW STUDENTS BOARD IIEUE. TUY US. 1130 N ST. A. G. 0SMER, PROP. EIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllM I R-I-P-A-N-S I E 5 ONE OIVES RELIEF. a MiHitiiiiiriiriiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiii COAL COAL COAL CHARLES B. GREGORY, Doalor in all kinds of Dr. F. 8. Stein, u)t ono Umo an in structor 1n the English department, wUH deliver the 1accailaureate sermon before the pradiuatlvo class of Platts- mouth hlph school, (May 31. At the convention of tho American Uenulblloan collepre league A. J. Weaver was elected first vice-president. Hoag land, (Martin and Killen were the other delegates from the university. Clarence Sldnner, who 'ho3 been an assistant dn tho electrical department for tho past tlvo weeks, will leave dn July for Germany, where ho will con tinue lids studies (n electricity. Professor Caldwell addressed the young men of the Phi Kappa Psl fra- terndtv last Sunday afternoon at tne Gv -O Rock Springs, Pittsburg, Wler City, Lexington, Anthracite, o o Jtl. j- Hurricane, Semi-Anthracite, Canon City, Peerless, Hanna. Office, 1100 0 Street Richards' Block. Yards, 14th ft Y Sts. Telephones Nos. 343 & 345. ANNEX RESTAURANT 133 SoUfeh 12 Si Calls special attention of the readers of The Nebraskan, to the fact that they can gst the best and cheapest meals there of any place in the city. A square meal 15 cents Short orders at all hours. 10 Per cent off on $3 Tickets L C. Holaday, Prop. " Miiu.ui iteeu jjurwoy jeii ior uuiauu i iwiuiy i. ....... ... ..w lat Tuesday, whore ho soea to work ' oharitor 'house. (Ills talk was along tho Someone seems to io making a sys tematdc raid on alio books dn tho econ omic department. We are 'happy to see that such intense interest Is mani fested In economic studies. The per son (n question will undoubtedly make an alble and honest statesman. Tho ibotany, zoology, geology and all othfer "ology" classes h'odd tho present pleasant weather with delight. It means many enJoyaJblc excursions into tho neighboring country for specimens. Lator, itrtps wdll ibe planned to Weep ing Water, Ashland and BeJlevlow, If you got up too late for breakfast Sunday morning, come dawn1 to Francia Bros.' restaurtinit, 127 no. llth and get a plate of cakes and ooffe. Special of fer to students for Hon days. A $1.10 ticket for 80 cents. J. H. EVANS, President. O. C QTJIGrGKLiTC, Secretary EVANS LAUNDRY COMPANY Telephone 199. 327-331 North Twelfth St.