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About The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1896)
Tub Nebraskan. Wcokly Nnnnimppr ImiiixI I'Tery 1'rlilny Noon nt tliu Unlvornlty o( Nolirimkft. I'.hTKIlKIl AH HKf'ONM'l.AM MAIIi MATT!!. V. T. Hii.kv, MniinglnR IMItnr AitftoriATicn. .MlM.!ciI.o!trlilKn, Hocl.ily C Witiff, Mllllnrjr J (. llllrliinnn lcnl ('. I!. Adiinin, locil It X. Ilnkor, Killtnrlnl 8 II. Hlimn, IlKportar It H, Mueller, Kxcliiuigp, TAlT AHTIAT. r, r Culver, ... V. 0. Wnlllnnlnril 1'rlee ieryonr, '7J " by mull '?"' i rliii ier month 10 '.Inn mull CommiuileiilloiiH to Tin: Nmiikakkan UiiiVerdlty ul NebrimkH. - i .... .-..!. i-'J 'Pho Mmo iIh approaching nsnln for oxnintniitlonH. If tiny notion Is to bo tiilcon by Lho ntuilonlH toward IniuiKU ralliiR Mm honor nyHloin, It 1h tlmo to arouse a UMlo lntomnt In tho innttor. Thoro Ih no tlonbl but Mint tntlont boh tlnuMii would bn Mtoonly way to nmln l.Un ii,ho 8.vnloin. If a fooling could onco bo urotiHod It would havo n flyinpti t'hollr offoot upon Mio nioBt fonllnnod rrllihor. i()s should bo ttikon to produoo Kticli -u insult. A innsa mooting nhould bi hold, or a fow Irtidlng Btudonts hoiild start .tho "honor Bystoin" In otio of tholr olnssoB. Tho oxnmplo would bo wholcsomo anil promptly fol lowed by other classes. A vory sonsoloss rumor lint, boon clr (iilftiUiignbotitiMio hnlla lntoly to Uio of foot tiliut tho faculty and rogonts oon Rlilorod Jt ndvlBablo to cIoro college work itwo wcolrs oarllor Mils year on account of luck of funds. Tho report litis no foundation whatever and tho matter has novor boon montlonod tit faculty inoctlngs. Thoro would bo no Raving of oxponso In any ovont. As oiif professor put It, "Wo might savo tho cost of oloctrlc light and gas bills fonthoso two weeks, and I'd bo willing to stand itihat myself." All Halarles arc paid by tho year, tho wear and tear on t,ho buildings would hardly -warrant tiho regents In taking tho reported l.op. It Is to bo regretted that tho ro)K)rt was started and it Is hoped that Rtudpiuts will do ovorythlng posslblo to prevent Its spreading. Do students ovor got nnywhoro or do anything on tlmo? This is cortotnly a porUnont question and In truth tlmo ly. Well, to bo sure, do Ihoy ? A largo number lukewarm lib collogo doings, very many lato to classes, to oha-wl; to socloty mootlngs, to rocoptlons mid entertainments, to bed and to rise nil Mioso answer "No." Why nro wo not on timo? exclaims tho professor who, ivltih a smllo, promptly locks Mio door on tho sounding of the gong. Why does the tlmo for handing In themes and required work frequently have to lo extended? It 13 certainly .not a lack of hitorest. Is it on account of too much work? It must ho simply, as Proressor Wolf says, "a habit of tho mind," and if so it is somo tiling to bo discouraged. Tho baseball situation this year pre sents feaituros somewhat different from tlioso of last year. Tho fact that thoro is little talk loads somo to tho conclu sion that little enthusiasm is mani fested tut tho owning of tho season. This, howovor, is a misapprehension. Tho rlgldnoss and thoroughness of tho preliminary training shows that tho boys are keenly sonelblo of tho work necessary for tho iiuccoss of tho col lege team. Tlliolr motto Is push, vim and persovoranco. Tho work and dis cipline in itho gymnasium puts tho boys In healthy condition physically for na tive field practico and hence for moro effective work. Wo havo an abundance of good ma terial. With six of last year's nine oar nastly at work and other oholco players eager for a position on tho team, tho manager predicts vory favorable pros pects. This Is certainly encouraging and Is tho proper spirit to prevail. It is our duty to athletics do have a team tilmit can compote with tho eastern col leges, or at least make a crodltablo showing. With many dates planned and delightful trips assured, a noble Impulse 'Is surely givon for good play ing during this season. 1'Mold day plans 1110 at present In a nlato of unoontnlnty, Mr. Hvorolt, hi whoso ihnndti tiho working up ot ar rangoniontB was placed, did nothing as ho has quit work for tills m-inuntor, and ilt aooincd host, to tho athlotlo board not do retain him longor in that posi tion. Mr. Canioron In temporarily re sponsible, but his tlmo will not allow him to continue In ilhat capacity and tiho board Is now looking for another man. If tho lot falls on you, don't back out, for Hold tiny niUBt bo 11 hiiccobh this year. Another Important question Jb tho diito for Hold day, Thoro nro good rea sons why It should coino In eoininoneo niont week juid would thon ho Mon day, .luno 8. It would add nnothor tu trnutlou to tho conimouuomunt pro gnini Jind by bolng moro witloly ad vertised would bo moro largely a stale and olty affair than it has ovor boon. Then, too, il would give moro Mmo for training and moro tlnioforUto woiklni! up of arrangoniontB, tho proourlng of lirlzes, etc. Ily tho way, a lino gold motltil is to bo offered So tho wlnnor of tho 100-yardB (intili, tiudur contain con dltlons. Ask Cameron about this. The principal objection to tho chnngo of diUio is that nuii'.y men go homo utter examination:;. It Is truo Unit a fow good moil might bo lost In this way, hut tho fuel scorns to lie that most of tlio 111011 intoiv'sted will roinnln If BUlIlcloni iitduconient is 0 (To rod. Tho chancellor says (that this ehungo ot date was niado in tiio university of Minnesota in tho nice of tiho above argument; that tho now (Into was successful, and now tihoy could not bo Induced to rovort to tho old dtito. Tho question will bo thor oughly discussed by tho regents, who are- now In seuslon, as woil as tho ques tion ot a small nppropraltlon for teach ing aMilotlcs. It will thon bo dually decided by tho athlotlc board tut Its mooting i'Vlday afternoon. Thus it will havo careful consideration from all sides and if tho dato shall be com inoneomont week ovory aUiloto should abide by tho decision and do his best to inako itho ovont a success, la any case coino out and practice ovory ovon ing north of tho gymnasium. A lino now sixteen-pound lead shot is in uso, a '111111111101 will bo provtdled as soon as possible and otihoi arrangenionits will bo made for tho practico of every event. Special attention will bo given to practice in U10 running start, looking forward to that gold modal. Don't delay your practico till tho last week boforo Hold day. MONDAY AS A HOLIDAY. (A question for consideration.) In tho rush ami hurry of our univer sity life, wlioti almost uvuryonu is obliged to do more than ho should, It Is an obvious necessity that wu havo oiu day on which to Kiitlicr up the loose ends of the past week and prepare for the coming one. lAtu Is .somewhat of a grind with us, and would bo much moro so If it were not for our Saturday holi day. But it would seoni that thuro Is an other and more suitable day for this act than tho one we now observe. The average student lets go his grip, aftor his last recitation of tho week. Usually an 1 more especially at this time of year, we only work in a half hearted way on Saturday. Much time is unnecessar ily wasted In loallng, small talk and fixing up one's room." Tills Is natural for one Justly tired after the strain of the week. An amazingly largo per cont of tho students put tholr work off till Sunday. They find 'It much easier to do so than to bucklo down on Saturday. This prac tice is pernicious lii its moral offect. Wo havo boon taught from earliest child hood that the Sabbath is a sacred day of rest, and who labors unnecessarily upon that day, sins against himsolf and his God. Whenever tho normal man or woman works on tho Lord's day lie does violonco to his conscience, blunts liis sense of right and wrong, and ren ders each now offense more easy. The physical effects should also bo noted. Man needs ono day In seven on which to rest his metal or phsical nature. If he does not take this ho decreases his nblllty to do good, clean work. Ho Is as tired on Monday as Saturday nnd raoro weary each succeeding week. But putting off lessons till Sunday does not got them, for the student Is often more conscientious when that day arrives than ho had expected to be. But whether this Is tho true reason, or pure laziness, Monday recitations are notor- , iously tho worst ,if the week. With- 1 out further discussion, It should now be plain that lho oauno nf this Is largely the fad thai our holiday comes on Satur day. IloHldos tho cannon already stated, it Is discouraging to havo to remem ber four or live lewiniiH ovor Sunday, with no opportunity to brush up on them. It would Hoom that If Monday were given us as a holiday, almost all lho disadvantages stated above would bo done away with. Thorn would bo no ox ciiMe for studying oil Sunday, Hlnco thorp would alwnyii bo another day left for that. Monday morning wo would be bright nnd fresh and would bo uhlo to accomplish twice iih muoh aB we now do mi Saturday. Ono doos not need to; drive himself to work when ho fpclfl now vigor and strength In his veliin. TIiiih there would be a saving of tlmo. Wo would havo to work until aftor our Inst recitation on Saturday nnd would feel no Inclination to loaf on Monday. Tuesday's recitations would bo the bom of lho week, Instead of tho poorout, ns Monday's now arc. Uoaldos all thin, many of iih would bo able to xo homo Saturday afternoon nnd utay over Sun day without mining any chnti-cH on Monday, or having In come back on the Sabbath. So, for moral, economic, physical, no. elal and menial rmsons, It In clear that Monday Ih tho normal holiday of the university wook. FIR8r CLASS Tailoring At ItciiHonuhlo lricoH FANCY SPRING GOODS. ALSO picijcle Shits, CHEAP. GEO. W. FRASER, 131 No:th 11 St. Hohmann's Music Depot 114( O St. CLOSING OUT. Spcclnl Prices on nil Mnon. 811 KKT MUSIC ONIMlALF OFF. W. E. BURLINGIM, 135 So. Uth St. BOOKS, TOYS, STATIONARY, FANCY GOODS, Flro Vorkn, FInKH, Munkn, (lumen, Athletic Goods, Etc, Etc, Onlcru tnkon for flno mgrnvlnp nml printing. A copper pinto with your iinmo eiiKrnvoil mid 100 cnnln for J1.C0. Goto (California In a TEourtst Sleeper 1 ft i- It is the RIGHT way, Pay moro and you are extravagant. Pay less and you arc uncomfort able. The newest, brightest, cleanest and easiest rid ing Tourist Sleepers arc used for our Personally Conducted Excursions to California, which leave Lincoln every Thursday 12:15 p.m.,rcaching SanFran cisco Sunday evening, and Los Angelos Mon day noon. GEO. W. BONNELL, City Ticket Agent, Cor. 10th and O Sts., Lincoln, Neb. Ask for full informa tion, or write to J. FRANCIS, G. P. A., Omaha, Neb. -&s!J4&t&Li.ii.&U($ WE HAVE PURCHASED THE Baldwin Tailoring Stock, Wo arc now iho lenders m nil kinds of Clothing, You linvc nn opportunity to got high clnss tailoring nt greatly reduced prices. You should not neglect this opportunity. s. Put Your feet into a Pair of our New Spring Shoes They are Beauties. j3D&?15 VIA THE UNION PACIFIC . . TO . . "The Italy of America," Southorn California hat vory truthfully boon called; with ita fruits and (lowers, a Veritable Summerland. Rtudpntfl, when you want to ro homo oithor to points on tho main lino or to NORFOLK Always tako UNION PACIFIC. s City Ticket Office E. P. 8L0SG0N, Qonoral Agent. FREY & FREY, FLORISTS. Funke Opera House Blook, Corner 0 and 12th Street. CHRIS' PLACE" ii r ii IUKKISH niTII A VAPDR MASSAGE Hot & Gold N. B. Havo you trlod ono of bio 1 1 SALT GLOE SI BATHS. Call and boo him about tbom. Basement-N. W. Corner 11th & P Streets. H. W. BROWN, DRUGGIST. Books and Stationery, College Text-Books. And a Complete Stock ot Standard and Miscellaneous Books 217 SO. ELEVENTH ST. A B r TIJA DHirid m. PAINE, WARFEL & BUMSTEAD, 1136 0 Street . . . W O Street 1044 O Stroot J. T. MASTIN, ICtty Ticket Agent tfivst IMat'l BanI?, LINCOLN, NEH. Capital, Surplus, $400,000.00 100,000.00 OFFICERS: N.S.HAKWOOD President. CUAS. A. HANNA. VIcc-l'rcsldcnt. K. M. COOK. Cnshlcr. C.S. Ul'l'INCOTT, and II. S. FKKKMAN.Ass'tCMhlen HUTCHINS & HYATT SELL ALL At Reduced Rates. 1040 0 St. Tolophono 225, G. A. SHOEMAKER, M.D., (U. OF N 89.) Office, No. 1134 L St., Ground Floor HOUR8, 7 TO O A.M.; 1 TO 3 ND 7 TO O P.M. Tdlcph .C RRR i i r r f - til J