The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, April 17, 1896, Image 1

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Vol. IV.
No. 2(1.
IKport of tho Gommlttoo on Tholr Ap
palntmont -Approvod by tho Ro
gonti -Uomllllonn of Award.
Tho pnnnltte vp)onted to poll
er tlu question of tho appointment
,f f,.,AH nnd sehnlnrs In thv unlvor
,itr vcmntni'iii! as follows, viz.:
SHIPS. A system of fellowship and scholar
uhlps Blwll 1,r ""rttaihHHliL'il In thlH uni
versity, I" aeordnneo with tho follow-
mj; plan:
I. Fellowship n"' soholnrshlps with
out stipend "knll lm' appointed on the
Kiuml of IdKh attainments. Follows
anil scholars shall o profonvbly called
.iprtii for neoili-d assistance iln Instruo
lion or otherwise, ami Khali then ho
lM for Hu'lr services according to
duties performed, oh stated below.
It. Fellowships may ho awarded only for a higher degree.
Follows shall Iho appointed by
thoMcctUlv. committee of tho regents,
on iho recommendation of tho limil of
tho donrtiiHMit concerned and the
chancellor. Thoy hIiiiII bo npwlntod
for one year. Hut tin no case Nhnil a
MKwhold .in appointment more than
thiwyoars The money value of thi
Mlonuhlp .shall value with tho service
n-nJrtvd to the department whether
In diss Instruction or 'In other ways,
but dh.vll In no way exceed $300 per
Ill Scholarships may be awniMod to
candkKitos for any higher decree. The
manner of appointment and value of
l)i scholarship shall lle determined as
In the caw.- of fellowship, except that
tho value shall In no ease uxcoed J1G0
per annum.
IV. Any fully organized department
In tho university may recommend for
appointment one fellow. The recoin
"'Milaiiloti of a second fellow may bo
made only with the approval of tho
faculty. lE.ieh department shall also
bo entitled to recommend for appoint
ment at least one scholar annually.
V. Fellows and soliolars shall bo re
ported separately, under these two
headings, In the catalogue of the uni
versity. University of Nebraska, Fob'y. s, 'OG.
Commit too.
Tho committee on 'the place of manual
training, consisting of Professors Hes
', Richards and Owons, rcimrtpd at
"e faculty meeetlng Tuesday evening.
The report recommended .that courses
eand two, consulting of practical me
chanlcs, two hours each week, be mado
a college eketlve forany group In which
a Is not a required subject; also In tho
industrial college that these courses bo
rlMred In tho civil engineering, elec
trical and steam engineering ami gen
fral sclentlfls groups.
A one hours' course In drawing
courses ft and C or mechanical drawing)
ffaa recommended bo bo olonMvo n n
wlleue study In evory group In 'the unl
vwBtty, Young women pursuing any of
Jhtso groups will not be required to take
""so courses In practical mechanics.
The regular meeting of tho board of
swits was hold yeatorday and today.
Nothing out of the ordinary has yet
come up for consideration. An adjouro
mnt was taken at C o'clock last night
UlU this morning.
Jhe lxrd approved what has al-
way been done by the faculty regard
nS the school of agrlculturo and school
t mechanical arts. Tho course was re
sori t0 th prIor committee. Profes-
eehrw!i ds Wan mad0 dIrcctor of tno
LvIT f mehawical arts and Professor
7n of tho agricultural school. The
ani Uat ch001 and the fellowships
ch7ii80hO,ar8h,pa wore approved of, in
tral i Ul chaJI,Koa In tho manual
was lepaTtmo,nt. Professor Edgron
p fma(,e loan of .the graduate school.
r(K.ieSf0rs Sherman and Bessey were
dust i i"1 ltana of Ul0 academic and In
title Bchools- Professor Richard's
was changed from associate profos
o professor of practical meohanlcs.
a i.lllna8 not Iwonitho cutom to appoint
"urarian," Miss Jones has been
known n "hhsIhIiuiI llbmrlmn." This
tlllo ww ohangtxl to "acting librarian."
I'rofpjiHOi" HtotM wis eleeted diTlgmtlon
onglneor and experlmont station coun
cil. This eouoluiliMl Thursday'H busl
noss. IHI OIKIANI.loa.
The class of 'HO Is at last tin a fair
way to niako a name for Itself. Othor
classes Imforo this one have 'Insl'llnted
Junior proinunades. si'leWt'd olass pins,
and rurnlshed the library with a copy
of the Hombrero, edited and published
by rliomselvps. Mttle or nothing of this
sort will be handed down In history us
connected with the present senior class.
Her members seldom agree mining
thomselves. In the four long yearn
thpy huve not learned to tinderstand
ench other. Hut llnally It seoms that this
class will surpass all Its predecessors
Hiy ereoblng a nionumunt more lasting
In the memory of man than tiny Insti
tution kept up4iy any class of this uni
versity, Home Unvo ngo, 'perhaps last fall, it
oeourreU to severnl of 'the moro pner
gptlc of this nrgviuUntlon to establish
a fund to nhl needy Mtudents. Tho
fund scheme and the question of caps
and gowns ran Kqunrely Into each oth
er and at class meeting the nwver pro
ject was laid on tho sholf because, ns
yet, Is seemed 'Impraotlml. Hut un
daunted the champion of tho now fund
stihemo clung 'to 1 1 when it seemed ns
though 'he was alone and succeeded
at length tin having a commtttceo p
jMilntod to look Into the matter and ro-
lort. Tho committee looked and saw
the opportunity beforo It and
grasped that opportunity with n ihiw
eiJCul grlj) and at last, as wo said, tho
olnss Is about to adopt something new
and onlglanl
In substance It 'Is this: "Each mem
ber Is to contribute money as liberally
and as frequently as possible to a. fund.
This fund will bo for tho use of needy
students; of course certain require
ments arc demanded of those students.
In years to como this fund will grew
and as It grows tho name of the class
grows with it, and also docs tho amount
of good. Furthermore, tho olass will
maintain a prominent organization to
provide practical means to bundle and
control the fund.
Tho permanent organization will
have at its head a president and also a
treasurerund secretary. It shall be tho
duty of these olllcers to proierly care
for the funds, which Involves a Judi
cious discrimination among those ap
plying for lonns, and to keep tho olnss
united as closely as possible by pro
viding for reunions nnd Iby sending
enwh member nnnuully a list of tho
menilvrs, what 'thoy are doing and
what they are Intending to do.
No one can help but see tho great
bandits of such an enterprise, 'both to
the class and to the university.
Zither solo, iolka, Pojourrl, A. C.
Heading, "Tho Wrong Track," Mr.
Recitation, "Our Uady of tho Mine,"
Field, G. E. Hogcr.
Pnpor, Mr. Mumfortl.
Vocal solo, selected, J. T. Cameron.
Recitation, "Sioux Chief's Daughter,"
Eva Rolofson.
Discussion, "Hoc Constamtla Est," L.
J. Abbott.
Vocal solo, "Little Blue Pigeon With
Volvot Eyes," R. do K-oven, Mario Pol
Now members' song.
Recitation, Hattie Packard.
Pantomime, Mr. Eggcrton, Miss Alice
Craig, Miss May Bouton, Miss Momnle
Mills, Miss Grace Hloomlngdalo, Miss
Rose Thome, Miss Margarot Country
man. Song, male quartet.
Recitation, Charles Root.
Duet, "We're Growing Old Together,"
Lilian Scollold, Fred Eggerton.
Farce, Mr. Killcji, Mr. Sayer, Miss
Elmoro, Mr. Andreson, Miss Packard,
Mr. Pollock.
Song, girls' quartet.
Violin solo, "Tho Beggar Student,"
Meyer Barr.
Story, "The Sight came," Murcy
Paper, "Natural Phenomena," R. S.
Vocal solo, Madge Wiggins.
Essay, "A Social Tendency," W. L.
Vocal solo, "When tho Tldo Comes
In," Millar, H. S. Evans.
Medley, Jessie Stanton.
Speech, J. E. Pearson.
ArgumontH Advnnood for Having It Dur
ing Oommonoomont Wook A Moot
ing Uallod to Uomddor it.
A meeting was hold In tho armory
lust (Mnudity iby some of those Inter
ested in field day exorcises, It. A.
OlarkP, M. 1)., presiding.
lAihont the only Important maltor con
sidered wis the date Of Held day. May
10 was the time set foist year, but for
various reasons It 'ivas thought best
to change It. Ir. Clarke, speaking for
the chancellor, said lilJn-t the llrsl Mon
day in com mencementj week would be a
good day, the reasons Ibolng that a
larger crowd would bo In attendance
that week from 'MM state nnd henco
tho me-rohnnts'wouht give 'bettor prizes;
tho contoMtunts wold -hmvi a longer
time to train; also a request for money
hns been unade to Ho regents for Held
day, which tihey iwmlld be more willing
to grnnt during ooiimonceniont week.
as the university wiuld 1ip better ad
vertised on account it tho greater num
br of people present.
In tho discussion following, objec
tions wore made, Hie principal one
bolng that so many of the boys went
homo during commineemont week. uV
vote wns taken as to tho opinion of
those present and dolded in favor of
commencement wool, June S. This de
cision was presented at the meeting of
regents on Tuesday,
Utogular class -pictleo was held
Tuesdny at noon andaftor (1 p. in. These
hours will iho regular for drill days. As
one in'diKVmat the 'tnlon -boys offer a
gold mednl for the 6cst 100-yard dash,
If made within 10 3-L
Work not, and yoti shall not eat, said
the undent ninndnU
Rest not, and your work shall not be
fruitful, says modem experience.
Tho busiest, most jroduotlvu ngo tho
world has over seen fn this" nineteenth
Never .before hns tin importance of
rest and recreation been so clearly rec
ognized, and In no pievloiis ngo has
such brouil nnd costl provision for
healthful pleasure-seeking boon made.
Hotter work can he done by any man
in twe-'ve hours than In fifteen.
Six days of work e.ioh week are more
produotivo'thnn seven, If they are prop
erly used.
And a year of ten or eleven months
devoted to energetic labor, with tho
remainder given to Intelligent recrea
tion, Is worth more to mankind than
twelve 'months of steady grinding.
These are modern discoveries, nnd
they are helping to make life a great
deal better worth living than It was In
tho days of old. Christla Union.
A radiograph, tho result of tho re
cent use of X rays in surgery, was seen
at this oftlce Inst week. Tho subject
was a hoy's hand containing a bullet,
the outlines of the hones and bullet
bolng plainly marked.
The ibullot was removed iby Dr. J. J.
Savllle, asslstckl by Dr. R. S. Towne.
Tho ji-lcturo was taken by Mr. I. P.
Lovlston and George M. Turner of tho
Omaha high school.
The second annual reception of tho
Woman's club of this city by Miss Barr
was given Monday at tho university
gymnasium, from 2 to 5 p. m.
Miss Barr greeted tho club in hor
charming way. She then explained the
mothod of taking physical examina
tions. Tho Importance of taking those
examinations before tho student enters
the physical training course was espe
cially emphasized. It is very necessary
that the Instructor should know whore
there are deformities and thus bo able
to give such exerclso as would correct1
anything of tho kind. When Miss Barr
had finished her short, but exceedingly
Interesting, talk, everyone present real
ized that tho responsibility of the In
structor and tho work done by ono In
such a position Is very much greater
than tho public give credit for. People
ns a rule scorn to think that very little
Is required of ono in order to be ablo
to teach physical culture. But tho fact
Is, that anyono who understands tho
work and Is ablo to hold any kind of a
position must have a good general edu
A1MUL 17, 1S()(I.
cation, ns well ns a thorough knowledge
of physiology, anatomy, especially of
myology, nnd, most important of all, a
good understanding of applied nnatomy
to gymnnstlcs.
Tho elementary ohms gave n very
pretty drill In hnr bolln, Miss Stella
Elliot leading them. After this oxer
else, Miss Elliot led tho class In a run.
Miss Barr then drilled the advance
class In Military marching, which was
heartily npplaudi-d by everyone. Mad
tho young men been nblo to have seen
the conciseness with which the move,
monts wore executed, they would havo
been Inspired to raise tholr record In tho
cadet drill.
Miss Annie Hpurok then put the class
through a vigorous drill In Indian clubs.
Everyone appreciated the work done on
the horse nnd parallel bars. Miss Elliot
led the work on tho -bars, while Miss
Hpurek took charge or tho vaulting at
the horso.
Miss Alberta Hpurek delighted every
one with hor work on tho travelling
rings. After tho apparatus work all
thoroughly enjoyed tho exciting game
with bean bags. Tho young ladles then
withdrew to tho bathroom, whero a
cold shower refreshed thorn.
Miss Harr hn nddrossed tho club
In a must Interesting talk on "Clothing,"
with regard to health, comfort nnd
beauty. Miss Harr's high standing as
nn Instructor and tho Inestimable Influ
ence of hor work wns greatly appre
ciated. PI BETA. PHI "AT HOME."
All of tho social functions of the uni
versity iluive been very pleasant this
year and not tho lenst enjoyable was
the reception given by tho Pi Beta Phi
fraternity t the home of Mr. ninkl Mrs.
Frank Lahr, 1030, L street, Friday
Nothing vlds so much to people's en
joyment of an occasion as to bo made
to forget wolf.
Tho music of the Hngenow orchestra
ns It greeted tho guests on their ar
rival put them In this happy condition.
Mrs. C. H. Morrill and Mrs. A. S. Ray-1
moiid, ns iwtroncssvs, assisted In re
ceiving. The decorations harmonized through
out and consisted of fraternity colors
and llowers. Particularly wan tho din
ing room, where Ices were Borvod,
made cheerful with (lowers, smllnx and
All tho fraternities wore represented
and othor friends wore present. Mem
bers of the faculty kindly lent their ap
proval to tho occasion by tholr pres
ence. Per Axel Rydbcrg, a graduate of the
state university, and for years a spe
cial student In botany there, has Just
won tho botanical fellowship of Co
lumbia college, perhaps the best in the
country, In the face of lively competi
tion from Mvo contestants, two
of thorn being professors In well
known colleges. The fellowship
Is practically sutllclcnt to pay all tho
expenses of a student for the year. Tho
prize was largely won by the recent
part of tho "Scm Bot.'s" "Flora of
Nebraska," prepared by Mr. Rydborg,
that on Resales.
Apropos of this part of tho flora, tho
Botanical Gazette for April has this
appreciative note;
"The botanical seminar of the univer
sity of Nebraska has issued part 21 of
its "Flora of Nebraska," comprising
tho Rosnlcs, by Mr. Rydberg. The
handsome typography, good plates and
full treatmont of the othor parts con
tinue. The statement of the relation
ships of various groups is full of Inter
est and careful synonymy blazes the
way for those unfamiliar with the now
There Is a cadet captain who Is going
about the university with a long face.
Desplto all his gilded regalia ho has
not been recognized In his true position,
but classified as "poor white trash" be
fore a largo and fun-loving public. Ho
was strutting about tho B, & M. depot
making a glaring show of all his brass,
evidently waiting for "her." Ho had
Just caught sight of hor In shirt waist
and flowing tie, when ho was roughly
addressed. A big, stout negro woman
stood In front of him, carrying two
largo bundles and dragging a carpet
bag. "Hero you, take my baggage In
and havo It transferred." Tho cadet
captain swears that hereafter ho will
not bo found In tho company of rail
way porters.
Piuok, IS Cknts.
Gavo A Prnotionl Talk to tho l'olltlonl
IDoonomy Btudoiitn-Bubntnnoo
of His Romnrkft.
Rurvoyor of Customs Mr. J. M. Hurkn
spoke boforo tho university Political
Economy club Wo'dnosihiy evening. It
won ono of tho most Interesting nnd
praotlcnl talks the club has onjoypd
this year.
Mr. Burks bogan by saying ho
thought pcnnomlo students wamtel
facts rather than bursts of oratory, if
they did not, thoy hnd mado a mistnke
In asking him to nddresn them. He.
Moving facts were wanted he would
proceed. Ho wild in pant;
A great mnny people In this world
aro too anxious to get hold of -tho al
mighty dollar. This makes It neces
sary for the government to closely
guard Its business with reference to
tho collection of duties on Imports.
Formerly nil Import duties wore col
lected at senports, thus necessitating
that all goods bo unpacked at these
ports of entry. This meant that all
Inland goods must bo unpacked, ex
amined -and then repacked. In order
to lesson the expense and Inconvenience
Inland customs houses were established.
Goodn may now bo forwarded to tholr
destination and duties collected by tho
local surveyor of customs. To nvold
any possible loss to the government, of
duties, the goods are kept continuously
bonded until duties are paid.
Tho Inland merchant cannot sustain
loss. Ho Is protected by an examin
ation or appraisement. -Hero tho United
States Is Judiciously lenient. By giv
ing satisfactory bonds tho Importer
may take goods from custom houses
to his own store or warehouse.
Ports of entry are whore goods first
como into tho country. Ports of Im
mediate transportation arc ports where
goods may be forward under bond,
without preliminary examinations. As
goods may bo forwarded under bond,
released, so shippers as a rule prefer
to ship overland as local freight rather
than ship In bond nt twice the amount
of duty.
Bonded carriers deliver bonded goods
to bonded warehouses. Both tho duties
and merchandise nro covored, so tho
government takes little or no possible
Tho larger customs houses havs
three chief ofllcers, surveyor, collector
and naval ofllcer. At smaller ports
like Lincoln "the surveyor does tho work
of tho three. By following In detail
tho business of the Lincoln custom
house, It Is cvlde-nt how careful tin
government Is with this part of It
There are seven classes of customs
Those owned or leased by the gov
ernment, and used for storing seeds or
unclaimed goods.
Imported bonded warehouse, that Is,
his own store or warehouse.
Thoso warehouses used for general
Those used for bulky goods, bonded
yards or sheds.
Bonded elevators, etc., for grain stor
age. Those warehouses used -to store goods
to bo exported.
Those warehouses used In connection
with smelting and roilnlng ores.
Mr. Burks said tho describing of tho
goods to bo imported and making out
the Invoice was no "boy's play." Tho
description must be definite and spe
cific. The penalty for a false invoice
is $5,000 fine or two years' Imprison
ment, or both. This penalty was
necessary. Mr. Burks gave Instances
In his own oxporlonce where men had
tried to mnko him bollovo something
they ought not.
Tho collection of Import duties Is a
complicated bustnoss. It must bo
transacted with precision and honesty.
Evory day men are trying to evade
tho customs laws. This Is why tho gov
ernment Is so careful and exacting.
Mi. Burks' talk was highly practical
and thoroughly appreciated. As a
member of tho club said, "It was some
thing we don't get In tho books."
Ono of tho most interesting papers
that comes to the library Is a little
monthly called "Praeco Lotinus," pub
lished almost entirely In Latin, for tho
discrimination and encouragement of
the use of Latin speech, and for the
cultivation of 'Latin literature.