The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, March 20, 1896, Image 3

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ThosiIbn nljrht. . .
julluc l". Sedgwick spent Sunday nt
hfe Iwm - Vor
H F Kinjf hns gone to Chicago to
.-hiuinoii Is In the city visiting
M univ
Pr. J
moved :
rny friends.
- McNny, leading dantlst, has
, :;:6 O stivd.
Another lirgc case of crystals have
t! (1 : ! to the museum.
a a a
A. J. ' ver spent Sntunlny nnd Sun
davM h hmo nt Palls Olty.
Chnvy Nusx, a former university
MuJoni. In town this week.
rharh Mansfelde of Ashland vis
ited ' J rslty this week.
It's an 'ul handy thing to be timid-
dextrous- George Hartlctt.
Chancellor At no-Loan has been vlslt
tnp class? during the last week.
Th wlf'x f Professor Caldwell
Iwm very si. k for the past week.
The NVUraakan will not be Issued next
tvwk ow lng to the vacation recess.
The ' . -ball club took their first out-
5-tr pr"' " "i Monday afternoon.
Ft:... - .ire like bad, miry roads
millions .u. sunk in them every yor.
Oxar w ". a former university
u4eM. s at the university Tuesday
A tnans isn't at all like a conclu-
-i-n. but a girt will Jump at either."
Ij k ramon-d that Bert Cosgravc cx-
l! Jo r '.urn next year and take
The dr.iniatl dub has postponed Us
date at Baste until the latter part of
V , Selma Wtagsnhorn of Ashland
i '. cu-. of Miss Jessie Jury this
Tht- 1'Hian boys will give a special
program two weeks from next Friday
Th- 1 r
Literary society pave a
' program last Friday
i if.
S;ud-m in English four were very
mjpfc urpried by an examination last
In in day before slates were In
vented tx-ople multiplied upon the
a a a
Ohartrti True was initiated ilnto the
PU Ddi Theta fraternity on last Fri
day !).
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Shedd of Ashland
la V city Saturday and Sunday
vufljtoir .;, - boys.
Tfc"- J1 be no drill Friday night.
a snaio f the cadets want to attend
the cooi -: t Crete.
w w
A qu -, sin-ays in order In Euro
Wffl hK ,ry classes Is "Got your pa-
flniMioir "No."
a a
Wis ; . Mansfelde. who Is teaching
la tii-- .hUnd high school visited her
aJ J u?r Monday.
T1' J!ij Kappa Psl fraternity will
!;! .. . its flrwt anniversary In a
PM ay nxt wek.
it ha b.n decided Jthal the weather
U tjo cold for a baseball game
" ''ret on Friday.
". Williams of Fairbury Is vlslt
b hl brother. W. L., a student of the
w a-ii,,!, this week.
a a a
. liiuta has a, new wheel, but it
rjnrsl every day since he got It,
n tuu not ridden it.
r w
3. A. Barr&tt returned from a visit
to friends and relatives in Salt
Lake City and Oregon.
Ptain frat. men are observing Lent
with a vengeance they are refraining
vo from frat. "meets."
"Cowiucaitlon is the thief of time"
" v1fy this look jibout the library
"4tag room any old time.
w a a
diaries KuSilmaa will leave Friday
for hte home at Grand Island to look
after his beet sugar land.
m m
Th many friends of Ralph Andrews
'Jll lx? pleased too learn that he la butt
"wjoverlng from his serious Illness, and
oxpeots to be able to return to Lincoln
If you contemplate having some pho
tographs taken, got Hayden'a prices
first. Over 120C O street.
The Southeastern Nebraska Educa
tional association will meet nt the uni
versity March 26, 27 and 23.
There was a rough house over in
nhys, lab, and the other day a number
of itho boys were badly docked.
a a
Miss Grace Clough, a former univer
sity student. Is visjtlng Kate Walker.
She Is on 'her way to Northwestern.
Several members of the English club
have been nsketl to furnish a program
for the Ladles Faculty club next week.
a a a
Art Weaver delivered a lecture be
fore an audience nt Shubort, Neb., Sat
urday night on "The Monroe Doctrine."
a a a
The English club meets Saturday
evening with Miss Louise Pound, when
the chancellor will address the mem
bers. a a a
Miss Julia Wor has been appointed
one of the Judges on the high school
oratorical contest at Ashland, Friday
a a
Dr. Lees has his Greek (Plato class)
at work on themes covering the whole
of the classic period. Some grumbling
has reached our ears,
a a a
Last Saturday evening Phi Del'a
Theta celebrated alumni day by a V.n li
quet nt the Lincoln. The Delta Gam
mas remembered them with llowers.
a a
Word has been received of the death
of H. II. Hardy, who has been attend
ing she Ann Arbor law school. lie was
formerly business manner of the Hes
perian. a
The P. B. D. C. has challenged the
U. B. D. C. to a Joint debate. The chal
lenge was accepted and committees
have been appointed to arrange the
The English 4 class is rivalling the
hygiene class In their facility for get
ting up a "rough house" on short no
tice. Maybe they arc training for a
The ladies of the W. & A. will give
an entertainment in the chapel the Sat
urday before Easter. Mrs. Manning
has charge of the elocutionary part of
the program.
a a a
The department of horticulture and
botany !s crowded for library room.
The office and ante room are often full
and running over with students doing
horticultural reading.
Professor Barbour is preparing to
mount a huge skeleton in the museum
skeleton of the Titonotherurm. The
collecting of the material has been
going on for several years.
a a a
William Heed Dunroy is busily en
gaged at Seward organizing a new fra
ternal Insurance order. He writes that
the "nag" is the most welcome visitor
he has had since he left the unL
a a
There seems to le a desire on the
part of some of the professors to reform
the "amen" corner at chapel exercise.
Judging from some of the lectures dif
ferent classes have received on the sub
ject. a a a
The authorities of the Colorado
Springs summer school are negotiating
to secure some more of our professora
this summer. Dr. Bessey will be there
from the 13th of July until the middle
of August.
Dr. Bessey and Professor Palmer of
the university of Colorado have nearly
completed the program for the natural
science department of the national
teachers' association, which will be held
at Buffalo the second week in July
a a
Professor Bailey of Cornell univer
sity recently sent drawings of the origl
nal plants from which the blackberry
and dewberry were derived to Professor
Card. These species seem to have been
badly confused and the drawings were
sent to Professor Card for judgment.
a a a
The program for the summer school
at the university Is almost ready for the
press. The school will open on the 8th
of June and close on the 13th of July.
The professors will, give their services
free tills year. All the charges made
will be Jl for matriculation.
Professor Candy's Sunday school
was entertained on Saturday evening
by Miss Lofgrep. assisted by Mrs.
Brook, at their pleasant rooms In the
Nebraska conservatory. The early
part of the vening was agreeably spent
in solving the mysteries of "A Floral
nomanoe." The prizes hiuving been
awarded, light refreshments were
erved, after which Miss Hay favored
the company with -two piano solos and
nil Joined in singing songs. Those pres
ent were Mr. nnd Mrs. Tandy nnd son
Bert, Mrs. Van Brunt. Misses Bnssett.
Carr, Gould. Hay and Smith, nnd
Messrs. Boose, Burrows, Campbell,
Corbln, Noyes and Klnuuernuvnn.
Misses Lillian Newbranch, Eva
Bolofson and Etta Snmyr and Messrs.
C. C. Hull, J. N. Shrove and J. P. Cam
eron of the Union soottfty took In the
dance -t the usyluni last Thursday
night. In the wee snmll hours of the
morning they enjoyed a rid- buck to
the city In a. large spring wajron.
Los Saturday evening the republican
club elected the following oillcers: It.
S. Baker, president; Spencer, vice-president;
E. T. Sullivan, secretary-tivas-urer;
C. E. Mntnon, sergcuni-at-nrms.
A. W. (Martin was elected doleguto to
tho republican college, league, which
meets in Chrcvigo next Augimi. while
Jonas Sun was made delegate to the
national kugue of republican clubs.
McKlnley was Indorsed for president.
a a
The men that fcave charge of the
boiler house some times do "business ac
cording to established rules regardless
of the coiven!ene of persons In the
buildings. The stcum wa3 shut off from
Nebraska hall the other evening at 6
o'clock and the peple at work In the
building were badb" wrought up when
the engineer refusal to give them any
more heat after sclnol hours.
The old Greeks, wore star-gnzers.
They seem betters have loved the sil
ver sway of Dion lion the rule of Gol
den Phoebus. So through the long,
soft nights they dixuned the meaning
of the stars. An soon the Hellenic
heavens wore peopled with the starry
flguros of their Jrenms. Heroes of
myth and legend were by the great
Olympians stain pU on high in eternal
constellations moiuments nobler than
human genius couS devise. And In the
stars was shown purpose not alto
gether satisfactory to be sure, but still
credible and curislty was in so far
In the duller da: of ours are certain
grotesque imitator of the Greeks, who
In accord with aelr more sublunary
sight have turnd their eyes from
heaven to earth. With grosser imag
inations unable to divine- the writings
of the gods, they live sought for con
stellations in the witings of men. They
are the vast army f interpreters, mor
alists, of "readens-ln-to." which ever
accompanies decay of Imagination. The
race shows the rrbikles and angu
larity of middle .ure: It has lost the
lissome grace of routh and th It
poatry of soul, lov. it beauty. Noth
ing is left for us bit "morality." from
which beauty Is vermore divorced.
The stars cannot e understood until
mapped and charted with an "eternal
punK.e" -printed underneath. Liter
ature cannot exist for mere beauty's
sake, whloh in tht golden days men
deemed truth's as well. In all must
be purpose purpose and moral, truth
and ugliness.
Ye gods of Hella. grant us one but
one more great liar! H. A.
An dnjured freshman walked Into the
red Ink department the other day. In
his hand was a much-colored theme:
"I want to know what's the matter
with that," pointing to a criticised
"Well, it might be improved."
"It might be improved! It's not
wrong, then, only might be Improved?"
"Do you mean to say that you mark
sentences that have nothing the mat
ter, but that they might be improved?"
"Why not?"
"You expect every sentence to be per
fect? I didn't suppose students were
expected to do perfect work" sarcas
tically. The Instructor mildly hinted that
that was the object of criticism and
theme writing.
"I can't see that you have any right
to mark mistakes that can't be proven
such by the dictionary or grammar,"
returned the other. ''Besides, It ap
pears Xhat you have given my theme
more attention than some others. Is
that so?"
The charge was acknowledged.
"And you call that Just!" roared the
freshman. "What right have you got
to give more time to my theme than
any other? Is it fair? Is It Just?"
But the second gong sounded and the
instructor fled.
Johnnie had a little lam,
It followed him from school,
'Twaa one the teacher gave him
With his cruel Wrohen rule.
But Johnnie's lam was quite unlike
4The other Iamb, you see,
For Johnnie was lamb-basted
Across the teacher's, knee. Ex.
Jeweler, Optician, and Engraver.
All goods sold engraved free of charge, and uo clmrgo niiulo for examining
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