The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, March 06, 1896, Image 4

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TIo PliI Kappu I'nl fro entity will
Rli nn infonnal party nt 'their chapter
house Saturday evening.
A number of .the Phi Delta Tlvotn. fra
ternlty took their young friends for n
nlolglniilf Tuesday evening.
V. H. Harford, ft prominent member
of Ohio Weoylan chanter won the guest
of the 111 lft' hoyB mst- week.
Tlie battalion has been drilling In the
manual of orms in the urmory during
tho ltiolement weather this week.
If yon miss your regular boarding
house meal remember you can gvt as
good w one at the Annex restaurant for
150. , , ,
Company "Q," eoinjvosed of "gym"
Hri has been formed. They will drill
with Bun" nt the regular exhibition this
jprhig. . , .
Mc!i!. bangworthy, l)lloy und
Schick spent Sunday at their homo in
Seward- Mr. Hedge accompanied Mr.
NHey. . 9 ,
The Y M. C. A. sent 'to othor college
Y. M O. A.'a their handbook for this
year and are getting a large number In
exchange , , ,
Mrs. Manning, who hns been unable
to meet her class on account of a broken
llgment. la about again and nttendlug
to her work.
Miss Hyatt, who ihas recently re
turned from California, is engaged In
making some very tine botanical charts
for Dr. Uessey.
The Ashland club will meet Monday
evening- They will entertain, the fac
ulty n.n.1 graduating class of the Ash
land high school.
The lire occurring on South Fifteenth
street edneadoy morning incurs a eon
slderaWe loss to Mr. Uhle, Janitor of
Grant memorial hall.
John M. Coulter, who lee toured hero
tot fall, has been secured for he high
est professorship of the botanical de
triment at the university of Chicago.
Tho department of botany hus recent
ly received one of tlho finest works on
fungi ever published. This work has
been wanted in the department for" some
William Grant engrossed the charter
which was presented to Chancellor Mac
Lean at his Inaugural. Mr. Grant is an
artist in this line and his ability Is
slii.wn by his oxcellent work.
W. J. Bryan will speak in chapel
Tu"day on his favorite topic. His ad
dress will be free to all, but especially
Is it to be given to the members of the
recently formed free silver organization.
Thi- poster collector is hardly second
as a peat and a bore to the camera
fiend. It Is a wonder that university
stuilirKs didn't get all tnose posters
collected while they were in high school.
The ministerial association has ap
pointed ft commlttoo to confer with
Chancellor MUoLoan protesting wgwinst
the use of the armory for university
dances. They claim that It Is strictly
contrary to their views and that It
would not bo for the best interests for
tho university.
We have at lust found out when the
Idea of Junior and senior orations um
Into vogue In this university. In look
Ing over the catalogue of tho university
of Nebraska for year "?l-72 we Und
the following: "In the Junior and sen
ior years students will be required to
deliver orations and furnish ahem for
the professor.
We wish to call the attention of the
public to a slight mistake in our last
Issue. We stated that Mr. F. M. Homes
was one of the victims of a recent hold
up. Mr. Barnes, uion arriving honu,
round he had left his watch and monoj
upon the dresser in his room, und con
sequently had not been held up at nil.
The Union girl's program last week
was a huge Joke on the boys who Im
agined they wore going to have a treat.
They were not disappointed as to the
ticat, as they were lunched on wlennle
uural and brand later In the oonlng.
Instead of the program the young
ladles gave party at the home of Miss
The Y M. C. A. will hold Its annual
business meeting Saturday owning,
March 7, for the election of oillcers.
After the business meeting there will
be an Informal reception, at which an
opportunity will be given to crack a
few nuts and to get better acquainted.
Hvery member v the association Is
asked to be present.
Professor Wilson Is to be H Chautau
qua, N. Y., for six weeks during the
summer. He will have charge of the
department of preparatory Latin. He
will offer three courses, two being de
signed especially for teachers. Ho will
also each week conduct n conference
open to sill teachers of Latin in colleges
and preparatory schools.
Dr. Bessey Is Juat finishing his tenth
annual report (to tiho state board of
agriculture. In his (report he will dis
cuss the physiology of piarfts with refer
ence to the amount of water which they
require. He will also discuss the weeds
of the state, and he has prepared a
key fay whioh anyone can determine
whnt.weed Is it hand.
W'a are deeply indebted todr. Gene
Brownfoi- th fine, large watermelon
which he brought 'into the office yester
day and presented to the editors. Mr.
Brown says that he has ear loads of
them on his farm In the eastern part
of the county, and would be pleased to
supply the army of the university of
Nebraska An case of war.
A Hoftenoit llenrt,
Little Dick Mamma, may I go and
play with Hobby Upton, und stay thero
to dinner If thoy nBlc mo?
Mamma I thought you didn't like
Hobby Upton.
lkI didn't, but as I passed his house
just now, my heart Buttoned toward
'Did ho look lonoly"?"
"No'tn, ho looked happy."
"What about?"
"Ho Raid his mother was mnklu'
applo dumplings."
Knr After That.
Hills Do you think' that wo will ever
bo able to talk with tho peoplo on
Mason Don't see why not; we've al
ready got a telephone as far as Brook
lyn. ,
Tho ltvnl Trouble.
Mrs. Wltherby I wish you would bo
mora particular, Henry, when you are
In company.
Wltherby (snvngelv) Don't you con
sider that 1 have go6d manners?
Mrs. Wltherby Ymj, dear; but a poor
Not Unutnal.
Friend You muni mako allowances
for your husband's shortcomings.
Mmo. the Countess, nee Gotrax But
the more 1 allow Urn the shorter he
Tho IMiiMin,
Newly Married A
coming to visit us lor a month.
y mother-in-law la
Friend You don't
Newly Married No; she can cook.
The DIUrultT.
seem very sorry.
-. -aeWfc -- -- . .ni
Ladies' Cloaks
Ladies' Underwear
Ladies' Hosiery
Ladies' Gloves
Gents' Underwear
Gents' Hosiery
Gent's Gloves
1235 t0 I239 O St
Jeweler, Optician, and Engraver.
spell his name, and
It. How Is that?"
ds name Is cither
1 don't know
"You sny you can
yet you don't know
"Well, you see.
Smith, Jones or Brown;
Tho Rt4vt Ont.
"What Is the sec et of Fanny Jinks'
wonderful social uccess abroad' I
hear that earls, dukes, lords and
princes are literally falling over each
other to propose to' her."
"She gave it out; that she was the
daughter of a pollcfe cnptaln."
Why It Wa.
Editor Smith, wiat do you mean by
saying that Do Smidgo was the ladles'
Hon at the reception last night? I was
there and did not (see a single woman
near him.
Society Reporter Of course not;
ladles are afraid oflons.
A rtotcnt.
Uncle Mose Hab 1 do right to be
tried by a Jury of sua peers?
Justice Of have.
Uncle Mose WolUdere hain't a man
of doze twclbo dat hain't los' chlckuns
In do las' fo' weeks, to ma certain
A TYost.
The peer proposed (tho debutant
Had wealth and he had blood)
But found his hopes the next Instant
were all nipped In the bud.
All goods .sold engraved froo of charge, and uo ohnrgo mndo for examining
tho oyos.
1 1 43 O Street.
Lincoln, Neb.
Is tho PnorRn Plage to got your Meals.
1130 N ST A. G. OSMER, PROP.
If yu get up too late for breakfast
Sunday morning, come down to Francis
Bro. restaurant, 127 no. 11th and get
a phv.- of cakes and coffe.- Special of
fer 1. students for ten days. A $1.10
ticket fur 80 cents.
The Canadian boys' debating club Will
hold ts usual meeting Saturday even
ing. The question for discussion will
be: Resolved, That England Should
Re Cf-nsured for Her Course With the
A ruaher comical typographical error
In mii last Issue might Wave caused a
IKth ambiguity as regards our potion
on Mr. Dunroy's quitting college. We
will "miss" Reed, tout wo do not "wish
him from school."
. '
At a business meeting of the Pershing
Rifles Thursday night the following men
wrt voted into the company: A. A.
niBohof, John Hastle, A. A. Boer, Will
Orant. E. T. Chapln, B. W. Christie. J.
T. Hi unner, 13. R. Morrison.
It Is understood that Professor Balbos'
red ink supply Is In no danger of run
ning out before April 1. Freshmen are
advised to be careful, aa foe- must use
up what wus considered sufficient to
last till nertMune, by April 1.
A oadet who had probably become
overenthhstastlc by reading the daily
accounts of the Spanish trouble stuck
his bayonet in Uhe back of his front
rank man's head dn attempting to come
to "port arms" ait drill Monday night.
The Freshman class mot Friday to
oleot a president, a vacancy being
caused by President-elect R. Ij. Pierson
leaving school. E, F. Turner was elect
ed on the second ballot. The class has
an ofllcer well endowed, physically us
well as mentally.
But few spectartors witnessed "Bobby"
Owens' heroic act Thursday morning.
The car track had Jogged off a bale or
hay from a passing hayrack at the cor
ner of Eleventh and R. It was n. high
wagon, with bars along the top and the
driver looked in dismay at the bale ly
ing In the snow. It was at this oppor
tune moment that the genial professor
happened along. Picking up the bale as
If he had pitched hay nil his life he
tossed It over the bars with scarcely an
effort. A smile of Intense satisraauon
overspread his face as he -dusted his
hands and walked on.
No Doubt of It,
Smith I sec where a Rhode Island
man has successfully experimented
with an air ship. What do you think
of It?
Jones Rhode Island, eh? Hum, well,
I call that flying In the face of Providence.
1 &
i 5
Dealer in all kinds of
Tuesday's snow reminded some of the
Palladlan girls that it was leap year,
so they at once began to exercise their
prerogative by inviting the boys to
the first sleighing party of the season.
The following are those who enjoyed
the pleasure so rarely possible here:
Misses Anna Burrows, Lulu Burrows,
Oray. Matthews, Stanton. Morton, Bul
lock, Smalls, Woods, Bailey, Smith,
Sundean, Atklnsc-n, Redford, O'Connell,
and Auman, vnd Messrs. Moore, Will
iams. Axllng, Smith, Johnson, Jones,
Onrov. Pollard. Snenser. Hustle, Taylor,
Congdon, William Boose, iinKenon iwia
Juiit I.Ike Man.
Mrs. Somebody, who lives on Thir
teenth street, has an Infant son who 1b
Just beginning to walk. Last week ho
fell down stairs, so bis mother bought a
gate to put at the top of the stairs.
There Is a little metal socket screwed
to each side ,ot the stairs and the gate
fits Into these., It was put up one day,
Wednesday, I think. It was Mr. Some
body's night at the lodge and Mrs.
Somebody romembored after ho bad loft
the house that ho had not been told ot
tho gate. She was so exercised for fear
ho would fall over It when he came In
that she sat up for him. He was Lite,
very lato, and she was very tired. And
yet whon ho did come and realized how
devotedly she had waited up In order
to save him a tumble what do you think
the heartless man said?
"Why, my dear," Bald be, "why didn't
you Just lift the gate out?"
"Wasn't that Just like a man?"
Washington Post.
llnd lllm There.
Old Man Gradley (testily) Confound
your Irnnudence, sir. I've forgotten
more than you'll ever learn.
Tom Lnrkey (cheekily) That may
bo, old man, but 1 know more than you
can remember.
' "Isn't this a cold snap?" said Dusty
"That's what It Is." replied Fltz Will
iam, and then the two worthies pro
ceeded with their Investigation of the
honest worklngman's dinner pall.
C -O
Reck Spring,
Wiir City,
Cmir City,
Offico, 1100 0 Street
Richards' llitk.
Yards, 14th ft Y Sts.
Has. 343 & 34S.
Jack I don't think I care for the new
Jess Why not?
Jack She Is usually too old.
Vrry Knt orally.
Miss Perlnue In New York do
prominent social lights smoke?
Miss Caustlque Yes, particularly
after they have been turned down.
May Wnat n wonderful imagina
tion Mr. D Billion hap'
Agnes (cnldly) Why? Did he tell
you that you were pretty?
May (more coldly) No; h said that
he thought you would be a good wife
for somebody else.'
Anex Resturant.
133 SoUtK 12 St.
Calls special attention of the readers of
The Nebraskan, to the fact that they can gat
the best and cheapest meals there of any
place in the city. A square meal 15 cents
Short orders at all hours.
L C. Holaday, Prop.
Colonel Are you one of the
vnnced" women, Miss Passe?
Miss P. (haughtily) Indeed I am not
1 wao 23 last birthday.
Before tlio SJrm Broke.
"That remains to be seen," said Dick,
"What remains 7" Mrs. Hicks nsked,
eying him. But before he could reply
she caught sight of a velvety daub of
green paint on tho seat of your pants.
SlRnn of the Season.
Hallum Would you call this an open
winter so far?
BlllBon Yes, indeed. Even the book
agents haven't learned to shut tb
doors behind them yet.
Telephone 199.
327-331 North Twelfth St.