The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, February 21, 1896, Image 3

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Vc notice that L. A. Rlokettn has a
new bicycle. Good thing, etc
The Hrownlnff class bejmn tho ntudy
i i)jn. l'assos" lont Wednesday,
Chnncollor MacLean Rave IiIb lecture
fl "johnny Hull" In Omaha Monday
fVcnlnK- , , ,
D. S. Wilson of the law school npent
gmurday ami Sunday vIrIUiir In Green
wood. , , .
Qcotrc Sheldon and K. M. Polard of
Kclmwka attended Charter day oxer
'(tt last week.
1'wfowor Foster'R loitcst Idea 1a n Ger
man play. t he enacted by mombcre of
Ms advanced class.
Professor Swostey will attend farmcni'
institute nt Columbus, Norfolk, Cedar
RdpMsnnd Pullcpton ithla week.
It'sftll rlKhtto bo called Rtub, or buck,
or Klnjr WHHam, but when people nick
name me Acetclyne 1 11 kick, Ander-
wn. .
Miss Hayward, Bister of "nilly" H.y
twA, of football fame, came up from
Nebraska. City to nttend tho Junior
Farmer institutes ore (to bo held at
Columbus, Norfolk, Pullcrton, Cedar
Rapids, Sidney, North Ploitite and Lex
ington this week.
Mr. Jones, who Is representing; Doanc
college In the state oratorical contest,
tttended the looal contest in the chapel
Surday evening.
Word has been received from Ralph
Andrews. Ho is nt present in the Mercy
hospital at Chicago, under the care of
noted specialist.
Word has been received from Mo
ravia, C&l., that the father of Carl
Uurnham, formerly '98, died after a
protracted Illness.
They say wc are indebted to Silas
Lyman for the success of the Franklin
lclite last Friday evening1. She was a
hummer, all right.
Dr. Wolfe greeted his class in ethics
the other day with ta do improviso,
nhich more than took the conceit out
of a few "shiners."
Professor Bates has (an advance
division of English which Is doing spe
cial work in story writing and in the
study of metlhodH of construction.
Will McKay made a desperate effort
to hang out 'the weather signals one day
this week. Their appearance ait 'half
mast produced a very solemn effect,
It is hoped that enough students will
attend the state oratorical contest at
Crete the 20th of next month so that a
special train can be secured from Lincoln.
Professor Bruner and his assistant,
V. D. Hunter, are in the northwestern
part of ithe state making- collections of
birds .that spend 'the winter In (that part
of the state.
T. A. Williams, '89, who has been work
ing in the botanical laboratory during
his vacation, left Monid&y to take up
his work as professor of botany at
Brookings, S. D.
Professor In English literature class
announcing1 .the result of the exam.:
"fine grades are in tihe homos of the
registrar." Then turning- to the lesson,
"A Scholar's Funeral."
Students! It will be well worth your
time in order to hear D. MoKalg's lec
ture, "Scenes and Perils of My Fugitive
Life during ithe War," ait St. Paul's
church next Tuesday evening-.
It has at last been discovered where
"Doc" Abbott got his military educa
tion entitling him to the nondeplume of
"rebel general," and to his military
overcoat. Ask him and he will tell you.
Dr. Bessey lis giving a course of lec
tures on "The Evolution of the Vege
table Kingdom" this semester. This
course begins with fossil plants and
traces the development down to the
Plants of today.
N. B. "The Scenes and Perils at My
Fugitive Life During- the War,?' is the
subject of a very Imbe-rea tins' lecture to
given, by Rev. R, (N. McKadE-, D. D.,
t St. Paul's M. E. phtvrch next Tues
day evening, February 25.
The Palladlans will give a "nerr mem
ber's" program in their hall Friday
evening. The first part of the exer
cises will be a mock high school enter
tainment, and the "Blue Beard," a pan
tomime, will be given. There will also
"u' PJfUUJCM miuoii; - I
called n, lean yeai program, since tho
young ladlcH art- compelled to tnko tho
young Rcntlemcii lo tho entertainment.
In German cla8 one of tho students
wthllo trnnnlatlng a sentence which ho
evidently, had not studied jrave tho
meaning of doubly ns doubled up. Ab It
was a very pathetic piece this freoitrana
latlon was extremely ludicrous,
Doc Everett says ho Is going, to make
a winning number of Hold day this year.
If you do "Doc," you will receive great
credit, for among nil our college events
perhnpB none have hitherto excited as
little Interest and spirit as Meld day.
Regular meeting of the Y. M, C, A. In
Dellan hall 4 p. m. Sunday, February
23. Mr. II. C. Caldwell wilt lead. "Be
ing not Seeming" Is tho subject to bo
considered. References: Mark Ufl;
Matthew vll:lB. All young men cordial
ly Invited,
A fine photogrtvph of a human hand
taken with the X rays, by tho Rootscn
process, can be seen at the Chemical
laboratory. It was made In the physi
cal tnfttittJto at Hamburg and was sent
to Mr. L. Avery by H. A. Sentcr, class
of '95, now a student at Heidelberg.
Tho showing that the battalion has
made this winter is something to be
wondered at. The corp3 never made a
more favorable impression than it did
last Friday. What can -we expect of It
by next June? At this rate we will
have a whole battalion of prize win
ners, and not only a company.
The scientific world is very active in
experimcmtlng with the newly dis
covered X rays. Nearly all tho leading
colleges and universities are contribu
ting results from their laboratories.
Several of our electrics have been at
tempting to produce phenomenon and
they promise a good article for The Ne
braskan. Although no formal action was taken
against the fifteen who attended the
Holden Comedy company entertainment
a short time ago, yet that brave" little
band has had more than Us share of
redress. It seems as If every professor
In the university has taken It upon him
self to make a few remarks about It.
"The Rime of dhe Ancient Mariner,"
published by Langman, Green & Co., In
the series of English classics gotten up
by George Rico Carpenter, is edited and
Introduced by Professor Botes, who
spent some time lost cummer working
the topic up. The book is daintily made
from the typographic standpoint, and
while primarily designed as a text book,
is to be recommended to all readers
wishing well-edited and reliable editions.
to tho American history books, Thero
he sits down and reads one book by 9
o'clock, when ho has to go to class. At
10 ho returns and no on through tho
entire day, This person has control of
tho books, over half of which ho has not
looked at, but has kept the entire class
from all the books. If tho bIioo llts, put
It on.
You really should not stay so late,
You'll surely miss your class at eight.
Besides in Anglo you'll resign
What you do not Www at nine,
And then the chapel class at ten.
Tho same old thing ince more ntmln.
And then there's ohm,, it Is bo slow
I Just believe I will riot go.
Arthur's arms woro slll around her; .
Soveral minutes had gone by
Since tho first kiss had been given,
And he had sworn tor her to die.
"Darling' gently Usjod the maiden,
Red as roses grew Hs face,
"If you've never lovel another,
How then learned rou to embarce?"
Joyously he pressed jhor to him,
Whispering in hcrbar with haste:
"Football trainers wkllo at college
Make us tackle 'rdind the waist."
Teacher: "Comptre the adjectivo
"cold." Thomas (arj undertaker's son):
"Positive, cold; cdnparatlve, cough;
superlative, cofnn."-D. H. S. .Item.
He asked fair Maul to marry;
By letter she replied,
Ho read It she reused him;
He shot himself and died.
He might have been alive now,
And she his hapby bride,
If he had read th postscript
Upon cthe other tide.
A movement is on foot whereby a
place In tho library will be set aside for
college fraternity magazines. If this
Is successful it will be a good thing.
Each fraternity represented' here can
place its magazine in the library and
can be looked over and read by who
i er Is interested in such matters. Very
tften these magazines publish articles
that are of much Interest to students In
jeneral, as well as to fraternity people
n particular.
Friday evening the Union gave a re
ception in honor of their members
Messrs. Seaman, Almyand Bessey, who
were elected to Phi Beta Kappa. The
hall was appropriately decorated. The
reception was informal and the com
mittee having It in charge saw to it that
their honored members were presented
to all. A short program had been
planned, but on account of the late
hour at which the collation was held at
the Lincoln hotel those who were ex
pected to speak could not come, so the
program was given up.
There will be a Joint debate in the
chapel Saturday evening between the
Union boys' debating olub and Doane
college. The question discussed will be
whether the contract entered Into last
February with the bond syndicate was
Justifiable or not. The Union boys will
endeavor to prove that it was not Jus
tifiable. A cordial Invitation Is ex
tended to everyone to come and hear
the debate. Messrs. Searson, Boomer,
Lien and Magulre will represent the
Union boys debating club.
Professor KlmbaUI is trying to get up a
party to go to Kansas Olty to hear
PaderrewskI March 19th. The profes
sor guarantees that the expenses will
not exceed $10.
There Is one percon In school that
should be "coiled down." We all know
the scarcity of books in the library on
certain subjects. This student realizes
this more than any c us. He studies
European history. At 8 o'clock he
enters the library, herds up al the
European history books, opens them
and places them upon the little table
before which ho Is alout to sit. He
studies ethics and treats the ethic books
ijt a similar manner. He studies Ameri
can' history and acts likewje In respect
At night, by tho PJa te, in late July
Tiro river is shallow- nearly dry,
Tho willows hang dirk dn whtto moon
Under their leaves, jwlft flre-lUos bright
Are flajflving, charBin? to and fro
In golden flame nov high, now low.
A flsh, perchance, tliough silver spray
Leaps, sparkling-, In moon-fed ray.
In old dead grass, te crickets sins;
AU nature makes htof V. slkln ring.
The sand-snlpo peepsjat tho water's edge;
The coyote sneaks through itall, rank,
And grins as ho prowls and howls.
The trembling cries of screeching owls
Float slowly through h warm night' air,
Telling tho field-mouse 'Wha't to dare.
Once ta a while a duck scuds by,
At night, by tho PJatte, in late July.
"Faust," an adaptation of Goethe's
Immortal poem, will be produced at the
Funke opera house on Wednesday ev
ening, February 26. Tho version given
by the Morrison company is the one
dramatized by BayJp Bernard of Lon
don. Tho scenery, all of which Is car
ried on "special cars, Is very extensive,
the public square of Nuremburg, Mar
guerite garden and the square of the
fountains being not only historically
correct, but most, beautifully painted.
However, the climax of scenery Is
reached In the fourth act, when tho
imps and goblins hold high carnival
on Walpurgis night, on the summit of
the Brocken, in the Harta mountains.
It is impossible to describe the weird
and uncanny flendlshneas which is
hero pontrayed as Mephisto, In his fiery
redness, accompanied by Faust, stands
on the peak of tho mountain, in the full
glaro of the mysterious light. From
tho darkened auditorium of the theatre
It is a grand and awe-inspiring scene,
and the detail is Infernally horrible.
Owls and bate and broomstick-riding
witches flit across the stage, frogs
croak omonig the rocks, while from tho
shady nooks crawl horrible shapes,
half human, hall fiendish. Tortured
souls cry out for release, aspiring de
mons climb tho heights and seem to
take a place beside the devil, who
stands on the apex of the rock and
hurls curses at them all. Anon the
shapes engage In a weird and hideous
dance, straining and listening botixnes
with harsh and dreadful sounds. Then
a bell is heard to ring the ongelus, and
Instantly the stage is clear, till down
the steep descent come pouring tho
forms of loot ones forced down to the
nether regions. It is not often, that
theatre-goers have an' opportunity of
witnessing such a performance as that
to be given by the Morrioon company,
and tthero should be a packed house.
Regular prices. Seats at Dunn's
drug store (Monday morning, 9 o'clock.
Have you seen the new model No. 2
Smith Premier typewriter? If not call
in at 1SG South Eleventh utreet and
examine it. C. W. Eckerman agent.
Ladies' Cloaks
Ladies' Underwear
Ladies' Hosiery
Ladies' Gloves
Gents' Underwear
Gents' Hosiery
Gent's Gloves
1235 to 1239 St
Jeweler, Optician, and Engraver.
All goods sold ongravod free of charge, and no chargo mado for oxamlnlno
tho eyes. B
Lincoln, Neb.
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Sealer in. all kinds of
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Mas. 343 ft 34S.
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Win Seat SO People.
Regular IBoard at 8B2.50.
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