HA8 BEEN RE-OPENED BY Pranois Bros. THE MOST CONVENIENT PLACE FOR STUDEN 3nauguml fymn. i 1 lJLi CAPITAL CAFE DEDICATED TO CHANCELLOR GEORGE E. MACLEAN. Words by William Rnuu qunroy. Music by Win ard Kimiull. OPEN ALL NIGHT. Oysters and atne in Season, Tim j; L-J ffTT 121 North Eleventh Street. Up-on a, floor of prnl rlo lands, Whoro SUN-SHINE pours tho wholo yonr thro' SHORT ORDERS OUR SPECIALTY. -:- OIV1 U 4 TRld U-J .JJJjiJ.jJSU: jfr5 rtjis- Cor. 1 4th & J The -fr&r. II J r i 1 - -v rta9 J : i . TjffiEz MiVtfVtoWWMMW ' ii kJ r r r r ' r r Brr Streets. HIT w .M' "J1 ". A' iii i I i i i . mf. I m iiq -m -fr-Hffi -f --p-!." " .. ....... 1 ''1 1 "T '"MNg" ..X.. . ft. 5fe - i . -I -r . A -Jft i - : , - . -:- r p ir r. : - n :: - -- . (J"Tf", ' " " ji" ''I1' ' jm ' i''i4i ' j rgPByr 1 M1 J I " "7V' " nl 1 zliur eG f Our dear old col - logo grand-ly STANDS I3o-neiitu a sky so - rono-ly bluo. Mmf J fcUsy 3 ft rr1 1 (LLJZg3rf7g u 1 .i ,j, - -1 ji, opi A . i ji iy v- Tho flag hor towor wavos abovo, And in tho brcozo tho colors stream That "Arc our hearts with doopest love, Tho dear old scarlot and tho croaui. By day and night tho west winds swoop In wilful wildnoss 'round hor walls, nd liko tho west wind, broad and (loop, Our prido and lovo upon hor falls. Long may our collogo rulo thofplaln, Long may wo moot to sing her praiso. God grant thut sho may grandly roigii fiTk l Through dear unnumbered length of days. A health, Nebraska's prido, to thoo, And to our Chancollor loud and long Kaiso ono strong choor, thou throo times throo A tiger and a jolly song. atrfBJ'mmmmmmmmXm rV(m? ' V t- WILLIAM REED DUNROY. 4- A FKE8II HAMLET'S SOLILOQUY. A flunk or not a flunk that In tho question; Whether 'tl nobler -in 'tho mind to enter A closs-iroom and take a. zip Or'to pony and make a ton, And by ponylnff paa? To pass 'to flunk No more, and by paswinpr to nay we end Tho (horrid fear and a thousand shames Thsut flunking would Inour 'tis a oon- eumatlon Ooodly to bo wished. To pass 4o flimk To pony I perchance to bo caught I ay, itncre'tf itho rub; For In that direction, what horrors may cornel TJialt's what makes ponying up appre- (honnlvo; For -who would hear the scoffs and Jeers of collogo Tho professor's scomn, the bright Htu dont's ridicule, The pangs of mocking and unsuccess ful effort, The reproach of ilils class and tho spurns Ills family would lieap upon him, When he himself might safely pass With a few notc7 Who would tax his mind And grunt and sweat wearily over book, Hut that 'the dread of something fol lowing, Makes us rmthfrr -chink of awful grind ing Than to leap the gulf with a pony? Thus fear of "flre" makes cowards of us all; And thus the mighty power of resolu tion Is vanquished by tho ghostly thought y w- r Of tho Prof's good eye-slgbt at Exams, And ventures of great risk and toaue, Wdith this regard, expire lgnomlnoualy And lose ';he .name of action. Ex. The Lincoln news agency, headquar ters for news, magazines and novels. Harper's Century, Munsey's, Bcrlbncr's, Cosmopolitan and other periodicals al ways In stock. N. 23. corner Eleventh and O streets, Richard block, J. B. Pearson, manager. Best regulation whlto cadet gloves 10c at the Ewlng Clothing company, 111C-1U7 O street. Tho comploto edition of "Bealdo the Bonnlo Briar Bush" 15 oonhs, Horpol sholmer's book department. ?iub sodjd '0jd3jo mou joj sunox. pa obacco 1201 O street. Salt Jbaths. LINCOLN, N EBRASKA. OPEN AT ALL HOURS DAY OR NIGHT. SULPHO-SALINE BATH HOUSE AND SANITARIUM AM FORMS OF nATHS Tarkloh, ntualnn, llomnn, Rlectrle, with i pedal attention to tti. iJ cntlon of NATUHAI. 8AI.T WATKlt BATHS, mtoniI times itroniror thnn ma watrr.tor U .J ot Klioumntlnni, Norvoun difficultly, ntul mny othor dlnouBon. The Dnth HoagolN thu mo( ,, plcto In th world SKA IIATUINU mnjr beenjojed t nil aciuonaln our larnv, mnKiufle ht-ai U'nler Swimming Tool, MxlM) long, C to 10 tt deep, bested to a uniform temperatare of 80 tinrm 226 So. 1 Ith St. Ground Floor. Special Kates to Stuoents, THE... NEBRASKAN FOR THE SECOND SEMESTER ...40 cents ri i 31 i)ImJ mCAVtAldJimMARKsW W COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT for protrn s.-v.wcr and an noneet opinion, writ to Dili .N Cl. 00., who bare bad nearly flhy reirV ozprlence In tho patent bnilneu. Commnnlca. tlon etrlctly conHdentlal. A Handbook of In formation oonocrnlns Patents and bow to ob tain tbem sent free. Also cetalosno of Bechm leal and eclontlOo books eent free. Patent taken tbrooRb tlunn ft Co. KOetra pedal not I oe In tbo Hclentlfle Atnerlca, and thns aro brought widely berorotbi pabllowMk St ooit to the lnrentor, Thin iclendld Paper, nod weekly, elegantly Illustrated, baa by far the vest circulation of any sctontlflc work In the world.. S3 a rear. Beinnle copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, fliOa year. Single conies, 15 cents. RretT number contains beau tlful plate, in colors, and photographs of sew houses, with plans, enabling builders to sbow the laieci aesigns ana secure contracts. Aaareet sign VVH it CO, MKW Yoiuc, 301 BROJJiWXT. A Special SUIT SALE is in Progress Today at Baker's Clothing House, 1039 0 Street Walter Tfeooe . . . PRINTER 1115 P Street, Lincoln CARDS, PROQRAM8, IN VITATIONS. Good Work. FrUei Htaionable. " 11 1 nr 1 11 ii 1 tt - - 1 tMKT)jrf--- v WEBSTER'S ! INTERNATIONAL ! A!r$m,.DICTIONARY f I.WIM naucmttr, SBBBBIBBBBBBBBBBBP ' I L !iSBBBsl 1 H i H sbm Succetsorolht " Unabridged." Btnndardnf tk U. 8. Gov't Prist. lng Office, tteUA Supreme Court uA of nearly all Ht Bcli ool books. Warmly com mended Cv even Btato Bupcrintee dent of Schools, and other Educa tors alHioet with out BUMber. A College) President trrltest "For " ease rltk which the eyo flads the -trorci aougnt, ror accBracy of doflnl "tlon, for effoctlvo methods la Indi cating' pronunciation, for terao yet comprehensive statements of fact. " and for practical use as a working "dictionary, Webster's International' ' excels any other single volume." Tho Ono Great Standard Authority, Bupreme Court. O. & C. XnSKIUAlt CO., PttbllMhett, opringuoia, j&oss., U.a.A., 'Prnd to the nnbllnhen tttr fr mnnkU mr Do not buy cheap reprints of andeqt editlou. kWi I.U. WniniiT. R B. foiiNSON. I. II. McCLAT. President. Vice-President. CajhlM. John Ames, Ais't Cashier, THE Columbia Natl Bank, LINCOLN, NEB. Capital, - $260,000. DIRECTORS: A. S. Raymond, Chas. West, Tho. CochrX jriMlfcL II" TUU KNUWtbo apparatus for half soling in the neatest stylo, tho latest point shoes and up-to-date styles, it would pay you to bring all your shoe repair work to 100 South 10th Bt. All work guaranteed. J, HI Pettit. Thi Funks Opiri House Block is the place to got your Gholco Amori cn I3eauty and Hoses of any shade. Carnations and all floral work guaran teed. Decorations a specialty. THEY & PREY, Florists. TWO TRAINS DAILY i SI2TWEEN -AND- Auburn, Falls City, Atchison, St. JtMpb, and Kansas City. City Ticket 0ffi6e, 1201 0 Street. H. 0,TOWjrBaTB,Ott'ly.6T.A. V. D. OOKKBX.Z., 0. V.mV.A Tho JEwliig Clothing company are the popular priced clothiers ot Lincoln. A call will convince you. 1116 and 1117 0. II ))