The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, February 14, 1896, Image 3

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    .11 Till 111 I I I
Will nuckcr of Red Cloud la ngvdn In
kiw'- ...
Itnlp Sfixton's mother pntd him o. visit
fawJ-O'- . , ,
H.v Mrs soda roitrit'mln, always ranrty
for o-" use "
Mlsw Ksthcr Smoyer visited Eagle on
KMti lUuulall hns resigned from the
ccmti Chi fraternity.
li, : . Theta PI will give a party on
Vfl."l'in'ton,a birthday.
Tin Mnxwella hav challenged the
I- p n c to n Joint debase. ,
On February 21 the Union girls
,rlll eivo their annual program.
Th- Nebraska Mtwary Magazine
will he out on Saturday, Charter day.
Leslie D. Martin enjoyed a. visit from
hi ruber of St. Paul the nrsi or me
T medloal students took a trip to
IOmi.v weuncsuay 10 gum kiiuic"(.i
tnth rlhie. ,
?. .ml members of -the baseball team
a.-p beginning preliminary practice In,
tho gymnasium.
- t
Tiw Ewtng Clotfhlng company arc
jh .ng the new shapes in spring nnis
a: j'.-pular prices.
Mws Nruner of West Point has been
;s ; ng with ihor sister. Mrs. Amy
Rruntf. the past week.
Professor Lyon (attends at least-one
farmers' Institute every yreck now? He
ps to Fremont this week.
The department of entomology has
n-cently received ttwo boxes of grass
hipiwrs from New Mexico.
For novelties in the colore of the
raiabow, see the recent iialtttlngs In
the iwyoholodcal laboratory;
A course of lectures Is now being
given to the students in tjfe school of
agriculture by Professor Stout.
'will McKay is making juite a bright
IKUe paper out of Jils "ilea of Lincoln."
The February issue !s now out
. .
William Reed Dunroy was in Platts
month last week where 'he read before
the Woman's club of tthat place.
. .
Six glt club boys are to appear In
th.- jra 'PiraSe of Penzance," to bo
Hwluwd at the Ianslng next week.
Pr..fwor Sw.ezey will give a. lecture
on weaher predictions at South Rend
n Wednesday everting, Februarj' 12.
Go to the electrical engineer's exhibit
and -e the camera, that will photo
praph the skeleton of a living porFon.
Leslie D. Martin left for his home at
St Paul, Uils state, on Wednesday
morning to remain the rest of the year.
Some of the students have been wish
ing they were itwlns -when it came to
srttlng tickets for the festivities of the
The cadet band did Itself proud at the
eoiwnt at St. Mark's church on last
fuf-lay evening. The boys can play
iirett wt-11.
Th- Kappa Alpha Theta, fraternity )
tase . m1 their charter this week ajid the
H"w memt'era wero formally initiated
ru.Uy evening.
Tii" faculty has changed the dates
4u-i inUiod'.upon for tlie spring vaca
tion March 2C, 27 and 20 have now
lti Jddod upon,
A Htjuarl from tth Pershing RJflfc
l ywtr an exhibition skirmish drill
m Charter day. They -will drill by thj
Ktottte of tb bugle.
Saturday evening the P. R. D. C.
oejid th? ouesdion of the advisa-
Mlttr of admitting' fraternity members
Into iba literary societies.
Professor Fling's third year lilstory
la has made som ranslallons frsm
he French and German sources for the
it of 'the flrst year class.
Budd R. GHlesple. one of the brightest
u4its in tho university, has gone to
1 3om In'.BenubUcan City to romaih
tie lomainder of the year,
JaeV. Barnes Is Incoming quite famous
a try teller. He 1h talked of as be
if Uie bftst man avcllable for the prel
flwicy of the new "Rhino" club.
Owing to a severe fall. Mrs. Manning
1" unable io be alt the university this
week. Her classes continue ns usual
under the care of Mlsa Bmoyer. Mrs,
Manning Hopes to bo nblo to continue
her work lis usual next week, but ihls
Is noit positive, owiln to tho very, i.1n-
ful Injur) 6ho sualWIrtetl.
Tho finest lino of dross shirts end
nock wear at the Ewlng Clothing com
pamy's, prices ithat will suit your pocket
book, The faculty Is trying to arrange cer-
tutn studies to begin tho Second sem
ester, to nccontmothvte students einter-
Ing Uio unlvoraltj' laste In 'the year.
.Franpls brothers, proprietors of tho
Capital Cafe, have purchased a now
coffee urn ud are now prepared to
dTsponse a delicious oup nt any tlmo of
night or day,
F. IT.iMcCabe, of thelognn Observer,
Lognn, la.. Is visiting with Sam 1).
Sloan nvd attending ithe Charter day
If you want a bargain In overcoats
and suite the Ewlng Clothing company
Is the plnoe for stylish goods at low
J. 15. Searson was elected by the mem
bers of 'the senior class to respond to
.ho 'toast "The Student Side of It" at
the collation iFrWaV- Lack of time pre
ventfeftl hts accepting the honor at a
mooting Wednesday, H. E. Newbramch
wnsolKsen to fulfill his place.
Dovhl II. Struthors. who hns been
empISyed 1n the Norfolk sugar factory
as chief beet chemtet. has re turn ad to
,Uie university and will take up his work
Artla Chapman. th director of Un
banjo club and composer of the popular
university of Nebraska two steps. Is
now splttttng logs in i lumber camp
up north.
It may be surprising to marine offi
cers, yet It Is true, that many of our
students go out of school well prepared
for nautical life. They would make
good skippers.
Professor Rruner left Tuesday even
ing for the western jart of the state.
where he will lecture before farmers'
Institutes, lie will not return until
Thursday evenuig.
Saturday evening the" lh- R.
elected the following- officers!
Maguire. president; Strain, vlcc-presl-.
dent; Mumford. secretary, and Harding
and WILson attorneys.
Th Hngllsh dub met Saturtlay even
lngwl the home of Mtw. Mellck. Poems
and sketches wore rend by each of the
members present. Mr. Cortciyou anC
Mr. MaLeod acwd as critlos.
Mr. Hentley's students In history of
philosophy ha' each prepareil a iaper
on some sjieolu! topic taken from the
perloxl of transition from ancient Greek
philosophy to the Mediaeval.
Several vnnhusiastio beet raisers in
the university have had their schemes
spoiled by the recent reiwrt that tho
factories will pay but $1 per ton, where
as before they have always paid JS.
Hon. R. W. Furnas has ro&MUly
loaned to the state museum a number
of oak cases to rvcvtlve xcliaages for
specinMUH of tlie Morrill collection. In
this way the collection is greatly en
Last Friday evening the Union
Literary soolety gave u program of
color. The program as a whole was
vory good for its kind. The verdict was
that the sophs made the best coons on
account of their mouth.
The Ileta Theta PJ fraternity Initiated
Charles Hendy of 'North I'fatte on last
Saturday evening. Following the
Initiation ".vhioh was terrible enough to
suit anyone, a banquet was served and
a good time was the rMUlt.
AH the students speak In the warmest
terms of the nice roast the chancellor
gave fliie young men who attended the
theatre party at the Funke last Satur
day night The chancellor has evi
dently been a student'lilmself.
The Lake Geneva fund has Iwien
started by the Y. W. C. A. This is to
h3p Jy delegates expenses to the
summer school, whero they meet the
beat leader In ithe work and learn the
best methods developed from year to
year. The fund should be Increased
by every one interested in V. M. ami Y.
W. C, A. work.
ProfesBOr'fiherman is !ard at work
upon a series of lectures to be gven
at the university of Chicago when fin
ished. Tbey are to be of a public char
acter aswl 4reat of literary interpreta
tion as tiaught here, as also of literary
construction, with some completeness.
There will probably be sixteen in all.
Tiro course will be similar In ncopo and
plan to that given by Mr. Stfvdman of
Johns Hopkins four years .igo. and
published under tho msiieos of the
university of NebiUiska.
Don Cameron's lunch counter, US
South Eleventh street.
Get fitted ou!t ln gents' furnishings
at (the Ewing Clothing 'company be
fore the Junior prom.
A full line of typewriter supplies at
the Smith Premier ofllep, 133 South
Eleventh street. Tel. U2. C. W. Ecker-
m un, agent.
Four good men are employed at Con
stnJicnr's barber shop, ,1010 O Etreet.
vliereyou get"the cleanest 'shave and
nedUcst hnlr cut.
Have you soon ithe nw model No. 2
Smith Premier typewriter? If not call
In ait 135 South Eleventh street and
examlno it. C. W. Ecormnn agent.
Professor Fossler is lontemplatlng a
change in the German, course as naw
raimlogued. The ohungj would necessl
tute combining the ttlrd aaul fourth
years' work, thus thklhg 'up tho Elgh
teeneh century German one year and
the 'Nineteenth conturj the next. This
would be an Improvement in many re
sieots, but would mnkethirtl year Ger
man a four-hour stud'.
What a boon to the college world Is
the discovery of the j'cathodlc rays."
SubJectless essay wrllors should rise
up and call Professor Uoetgen blessed.
There Is a chance herd for some one to
distinguish himself by writing a great
detective story with the plot hinging
upon the revelations made by the new
force. A plot In faa which In the
words of our English department will
not be called "trite."
The Political Economy club Is plan
ning a series of talks m practical sub
jects for this somesCer. Speakers will
be secured If possible on the workings
of the ITnltied Stntos Jreasur the In
ternational revenue system, the com
mercial agencies, the banking system,
and other such sugjects. Efforts will
be made to advertise these talks as
much as possible, s that students and
Citizens may learn about the work
ings of these various ?ystrms.
Don't say that a glee club training
does a man no good! The Pirates of
Penzance which Is to be produced Mon
day night Is mad up of .picked singers
from all over the city and Che Glee club
boys are getting their full share of
honors. Rudd Gillespie- Is cast for the
rargeant of police. Hob Mbnley sings the
part of the pirate king ami Art Hutchin
son plnys the part of Samuel, his lieu
tenant. Johnnie Matthews. Rert Lvans
and George Porter let loose their voices
In the ranks of the chorus.
The Palladlans deoW-5l nt tholr busi
ness meeting last Friday evening that,
should any members of the society be
so fortunade as to be elected to mem
bership to the Phi Reta Kappa, the
scholarship fraternity, they would still
bo allowed to hold their membership
in the society. The v e on the ques
tion wios unanimous. As is generally
known, the constitution of the 11
ladlans forbids any fraternity man
membership In the society, but since
the alms and scope of Phi Reta Kappa
are unlike those Of t'ie other college
fraternities. It was thought advisable
to annul the provisions of the consti
tution so far as Phi Reta Kappa Is con
The Delta Taw DeiU gave an in
formal dance at thvlr chapter-house
last Friday evening. About twenty
five couples wero present and to any
one acquainted with Ue Delts' powers
of entertaining, 4t Is needless to say
a royal good Umc wh had. Ice were
served during the i-venlng from a
dtalnttty arranged orirwr of the ia
cioUH stairway.
Those present w-re: Medames
Teeters and Rrown; Misses lXtrldgo,
Lowe, Rolfe, Coobran, Ruckstaff,
Clarke. Ena Ricketts, Weeks, Case,
Slaughter, Mabel Ricketts, Camp,
Maude Hammond, Randall, Miller,
Lootnio, Clara Hammond, Cropsle and
Walton; Messrs. TeeU-rs, Marley, Wil
son, Strode, Whltmore. Manley, E,
Rrown, Hutchinson, I Rrown, Riley,
Whipple, Summers, Rurrows, Barnes,
Thomau, Illtchmon, Bavllle, IaRuo,
Weeks, McKay, Gilman, Lenhoff and
Ladies' Cloaks
Ladies' Underwear
Ladies' Hosiery
Ladies' Gloves
Gents' Underwear
Gents' Hosiery
Gent's Gloves
1235 to 1239 O St
Jeweler, Optician, and Engraver.
All gools sol I engraved free of charge, and no ohorgo nmdo for examining
t'.io eyes.
1 1 43 O Street.
Lincoln, Neb
Is tho PnorEit Place to yot your Meals.
1130 N ST
Sealer in all kinds of
(Jv 0
Rack SpringSi
Wiir City,
C5 C L X--
CiHaii City,
Office, H00 0 Sfraat
Richards' Hack.
Yards, 14th ft Y Sts.
Has. 343 & 345.
Corner llthand R Streets.
Three grand tour to Honolulu, Ha.
waikin ihlandH, "The Paradise of the
Pacific," via Union Pacific system and
Oceanic 8. S. Co., leaving Omaha the
morning of Janauray 1C. February 11.
and March 0. Only nine days from
Omaha to Honolulu, $205 for the round
trip, including stateroom and mealH on
stcamtTJi. 'JMcketa good for nine monltifl
I with atop-over privileges. For tnforma-
WiU Seat SO People.
Regular JBoard at 6B&.50.
Tickets S3.QO.
Telephone 199.
327-331 North Twelfth St.