The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, February 07, 1896, Image 3

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Tho nsswiylnff class begins work t'llfl
Miss nolle Cross Is bnok In tlio unl
verity ngailn.
A current ovent the
Klnccrs' exhibit.
electrical en-
Allan Congdon'H father pnld him a
visit last Saturday.
Phi Delta Thcta will g-lve a German
In their rooms soon.
Rector's soda fountain, always run
ning. Try our hot soda.
Nels Pollard spent Sunday nt No
hawka with his parents.
The Glee club will prolmbly ship at
the chapter day exvTClses. Arthur had a slight touch of
tho grip the flnU of tho week.
A number of now students have regis
tered for tho coming semester.
Carl K. Rngborg lslack and Is taking
post graduate work in mathematics.
A. n. Lyons of Eagle was at the
' unl" on Tuesday calling on friends.
The medics witnessed an operation nt
TabKha hospital the first of this week.
L. Is. Funk 'Is In tlio law sdhool agnln
and expects 'to ta'ko his degree In tho
Italph P. Andrews went to Chicago
Tuesday to consult a specialist about
his eyes.
The Pershing rifles are now putting
In extra time drilling, proparlng for the
exhibition charter day.
Cliff C. Wesoott of Plattsmouth has
entered the university again for the
second semester's work.
The Beta Theta VI fraternity will gdvfa
a jiaTty ithe 22fi of February to celebrate
Washington's birthday.
Professor Nicholson is attending the
sugar beet convention which meets at
Fremont the Cth ai.d Cth.
Some of the students ire planning to
take advantage of tho sTiort charter day
vacvutlon for a trip home.
The Betas are planning to give n party
at their chapter house on ehe evening
of "Washington! birthday.
The Sigma AlpTia Epsllon fraternity
called upon Chancellor MocLean In a
body lat Saturday eventing.
The class In photography has had one
meeting. The memws will soon agi
tate ithe subject of cameras.
Hev. "W. W. Evarts, pastor of the First
Baptist church. OmoJiu, visited Proi'ufi-
sor Burnet'a classes Monday,
e o
The Delta. Tiau Delta fraternity will
give an Informal dance at tihelr chapter
'house Friday, February 7, lRltC,
All girls should attend itlie parliamen
tary drill to be given at P. G. D. C. In
Palladhm hail Friday afternoon.
Everybody should come out next
Thursday evening and see the electrical
display in 'the electrical building.
The ithree literary societies will hold
their Joint Teceptlon on next "Wednes
day evening at the school of music.
Vergil Barber has given up the prin
ter's trade for a while and will carry
work In 'the university 'this semester.
The chronic kicker's complaint has
resulted In one extra change of towels
since last issue, so says the "regular."
The Y. M. C. A. has arranged to hold
the Sunday afternoon meetings In
Dellan hall begilnnlng with next Sun
day. - . s.
Set of apparatus ore be! -t In
place ready for tthe thirty jtuuenta in
beet sugar chemistry, who begin work
Friday. ...
Profeasor Oomstoclc of the Case
school of applied science sent six speci
mens to the state museum for exchange
last week.
The Glee club Will star upon a tour of
serenade this week. The young ladles
will certainly keep awoke until the wee
small hours.
Prof. W. T. L. Taylor gave an informal
reception to the newly elected offlcers
of the political economy club last Thurs
day evening.
One of the old-time safes such as
was used by the Black Hills Stage and
Express companies in carrying gold
bullion from 'the Black Hills has Just
been presented to the state museum bj
Mr. Russell Thorpe.
Wo think It Wftfl a senior girl who
with mind on the exam's wanted to
know If tomorrow (Fobruary 2) will bo
"aundog" day.
Tho Sigma Alphs will give a party In
March. As thoy aro making arrange
ments for U now thoy will surely make
a success of U.
Miss Althco. Roberts, a former unl
vewKy student, is teaching In York,
Nob,, where she has a position ns as
sistant principal.
A box of books, weighing about 200
pounds, has been received by tho stato
historical society. It will bo opened as
soon ns Mr. Barrett returns.
Misses Cole, Pollock, Mills, Blooming
dal, Alice Craig, Mary Craig and Messrs.
Warner, McCormlck and Root hnvo
joined tho Dollnn literary society.
A visitor being shown nlwiut tin
campus, noticing the windows of hf
building across tire street south, asked
If It was tho city steam laundry.
W-lth the opening of tho socon.1
semester, the two divisions of Anglo
Saxon, meeting at 11 o'clock were
united. Professor Sherman takes the
If you are going to the Junior prom,
don't neglect your footwear. 25 per
cenit off on all shoes, Including patent
leathers. Sanderson, Shurman &
A penny collection la being taken
among the girls to secure money enough
to buy a mirror to be put in the girl
cloak room. All girls are asked to con
tribute. Carlisle TucktT Is trying to organize a
quartet from the material offered by the
Glee club. The probable members are
Messrs. Gillespie. Langworthy, Math
thews and Lansing.
An effort is being made to organize
an advanced Anglo-Saxon class. Miss
Pound has consented to Instruct a class
if a sulllclcnt number of students de
sire to itake up the work.
Professor Burnet has been asked to
send an extract of his paper on Carlyle's
English, read iat Chicago university last
summer, for publication In the Central
Modern Language Association.
Professor Wilson's Virgil classes have
abandoned Allen and Gtvcnough's
Laitln grammar for the present and are
doing work In Bennct's, the new one
Just being introduced into the uni
versity. Our professors arc In greater demand
than ever to deliver lectures at county
Institutes and (teachers' meetings. Tlu
people of the state are undoubtedly be
coming more and moixj Interested in the
Some of our little boys will have to
come In at 8 o'clock in the cvonlng now
that the city council has passed an
ordinance to the effect that all boys un
der nf teen must not le seen on the street
aftei S o'clock In the evening.
Regent Morrill has returned from the
east where ho has been the past two
weeks. He dined with Chancellor and
Mrs. Cantleld at Columbus, O., and re
ports both in good health with our ex
chancellor's fame and popularity grow
ing every day.
Mr. L. J. Simmons, editor of Uih
Sioux County Journal, while in Lincoln
during the recent meeting of the Btate
press association presented the stato
museum with a 'box of fossil nuts to
crack.He collected the nues himself In
the Holt creek valley.
By request of President Pollard of
the Nehawka institute our lyrofessors
have been doing some lecturing lately.
Februury 4 Professor Fling lectured at
Elmwood, on the Cth Professor Wolfe
at Alvoe and Fobruary 11 Professor
FoBsler will give an address at Murdock.
Mr. Charles Rledel of Loup City sent
down a black-footed ferret to the state
university for Identification, it was
found to be the Putorlus Nighnlpes. It
is the first of the kind sent to the state
museum. It is known as the farmer's
friend, because Ut feeds on the prairie
doe8- . . .
After three attempt to get a quorum
the athletic association met Tuesday
and adopted the amendment as printed
In our lat Issue. This gives the uni
versity athletic board the power of
-itw the football manager which
will probably be done tomorrow afternoon.
Mrs. Manning liad oharge of the
elocutionary part of the "Eugone
Field" program given at Mrs. L. C.
Burr's last Tuesday evening. Recita
tions were given by Sadie Smith, Mario
Pollard, Josephine Lottridge, Norman
Shreve and Keeno Abbott of the ad-
vanced elocution class.
Mr. F. W. Taylor has arranged for
forty farmers' institutes to bo hold
throughout the state thin winter. Four
of thom were hold last wook, and four
are In process this week. One Is to bo
at Arcadia, ono nt Proseott, ono at
Loo park, and one at Broken Bow.
Thoy will all ho cloaod in three weeks.
Tho literary societies nro greatly ngl
(ntod over tho question of allowing
members of tho scholarship fraternity
to bo members of tho societies. Tho
noxt thing we know some of tho hard
skull barbarians will bo frats In Bplto of
themselves. It Ib yet to bo Boon how
those students who work on Bitch a
broad-minded plan will decide this quos
tlon. There ar several university glrjs who
borrow college papers of their gentle
man admirers from tho mall boxes,
Then In about a day those same gentle
men nro kicking tho dlfforont editors
for not sending to thorn tho papors.
Now if those young ladles do tho right
thing thoj- would subscribe for the
pniKrs themselves. And if tho young
men would do tho right thing by their
girl friends thoy would present Uiom
with a poiM subscription for the remain-
dcr of the year.
A now case of minerals for students
htm Just boon placed In tho stato mu
seum, without expense to the state.
State Superintendent Corbett iUmished
tho case without cost. Tho lower part
of tho case Is tilled with a collection of
minerals representing the Dana system,
which was prepared in Germany by
Kruntz. Tho upper part of tho case Is
filled with modeis or crystals represent
ing the crystallographlc system in con
nection with natuial crystals.
Miss Mary Tromaln again offors the
course the status of woman to the
students of tho university. This course
is one of unusual Interest, tho first port
treating of the position ofwoman In
Europe, the second of woman in the
United Slates and the relation of
woman to institutions, is taken up In
some detail. The course is open to
students who have had work in history.
This Is but the second year it has been
offered. It was very fa rably accepted
two years ago and Mlts Tremain will
make no changes In presenting the work
again this year.
The Philharmonic orchestra of tho
unlversltv conservators' Is preparing a
program to be given In a short time
which will be of great Interest to ithe
musical people of Lincoln. The bcautl
ful Don Juan overture by Mozart will
be presented. Mrs. Herzog will give
one piano number, Mrs. Llppmcott will
sing and a quartet composed of Mrs,
Llpplncott, Miss Gctncr, Mr. Seamark
and Mr. Kettering will have a seleotlon.
Not the least interesting part of the
progiam will be the numbers by Mr.
Item taken from a local paper Febru
ury 1:
We have heard of gold, railroad trains
and small American republics being
stolen, but it would seem impossible that
u thief could manage to make off with a
newspaper olllce. Nevertheless that Is
fact for yesterday afternoon between 3
and 4 o'clock the Nebraskan ofllce was
stolen front the university. The police
have no clue.
Later The reported theft of the Ne
braskan ofllce is a fake. The co-op was
swept and when the editor came in he
failed to recognize his den.
Charles Hagenow, who has recontly re
turned from Chicago.
A vory queer mistake was made at
company B's dance lat Friday night.
It was during the interval between
dunces when the young people were
enjoying short tete-tetes; in one
Bocluded corner an extremely earnest
conversation took place. "Yes," he
saild, a he looked with unconcealed ad
miration at his fair partner, "yes, I will
call and bring some Phi Psis wtth me."
Now tho laughing and talking of the
othor dancers became bo loud that the
young lady misunderstood the gallant
youth, thinking he said some fresh cider
instead of some Phi Psls. "Oh." she
nvninimni: "all rlirht. do bring somo
fresh oldor when you come.
Who weeps with you when you are sad,
And laughs with you when you ore glad,
And swears with you when you are
The Editor.
Who has to be both kind and wise,
And never (hardly ever) lies,
And when he does, creates surprise 7
The Editor. - I
Who owns a heart as well as cheek,
Is possessed of a spirit proud, but meek,
And lives on 40 cents a week?
The Editor.
Selahl Ex-
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