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About The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1896)
I LOCAJS. MIhh Kdllh IjiiIiIh'OU Wiih on din Hloli IlHl IllHt W(Hl(. M'Ihh MilolUy JnllU'll -till HIllOtlH IllHt Krliiny I'Vfiiliur. t mii Cnni)))c1l Imui rotiinii'il for lli KiTiiIld HCIIlfMlor. rii-niw Hltoild will H)0iu1 fiuncliiy with liln ihiiCoiUh In Anlrluiiil. Thorp Ih tnllc of a oIidhh club bolnn M-m'-tl III tlio imlvoivlty, lii'Viillnnul inoolliiK, Dolliui hull, 7i:tfl p, in, Httivo J. Coroy, UNulor. TlH'i'i' nri' nimni'H of now k'i'Ih' fm- i itliv ildtippoir liufnmloiiK. rit.- Viiwlty UIIIoh n ro 'thinking of i M.nir a tliuuo lioforu long, ImlKc lfawoolt loolurod ito tho law Ihh Tiuwlny on "Inmuvuiuo." m;kk Mho Mount of Omiilin Iiiih buen i In- Kin-Hi if Mlu Altoo Bliiuglvtor. OlmrliH WodUh Omtl t'lui "grip" hint wi'i'k ivnd wiih nlmpiit from oIuhho. Tlu IOiikIIhIi club will moot tomorrow vi'iiliifT with Nod AbbfVtt ut tliu lutylum. Fnink Mlllor 'litis boon nlolc for tho imut two woolH with Mm itynhold Tovor. llciml In tliu Co-op., "Say, I AVnnt i)iu of TIioho liomilo 'Jrainblo HiihIioh." 'I'lii- fol'owlng program woh obnorvuil iIi!h wpolc by 't'liu rcllg-loiiHTy Inollnuil: Profoiwor: Wo am Kcil't.tncr through il. In vi-ry Hlowly. Mr. HmUy tmiiHlati Ili'Xt. Tlu ndlatiH aro mining funcln to buy a new earnest for tlio rostrum In tholr hall. MIbhw MHIh and Seollold. nnd C. .1. Allen Jolnod I'ho DollaiiM lat Friday I'Vi'irliiK. 10. 10. OiiIvoHh HWTerlng with a foyor ami will probably not Ins back la .school th l.i year. MIhh 1211a lA'Onard Iinivoh "tho unl vi'fwiity HiIh week 'to take a school north of tin city. Homo of tho HClonllDo claraeH havo b t'li holding one hchkIoii oxam.s In tho ufti'i'iioon, Tho ehiKAcH In European htotory aro wrestling with tholr regular oml-an- iiual iKipcra. MIhhoh Shank and Hutlor, and Mr. Pad well Joined tho PallmllnnH lant Prl lay evening. Andloy Reosuor, who many romombor lasJt year, Ih teaching a miccosHful school at Mollnc, Nob. Charley Harbor has boon confined to his room for the past itwo weeks on .iceinint of sickness. Tho Palladlans will give a party Sat urday evening at the 'homo of Mis- Kllzabeth Thompson. Tho Dellans have organized a quar tet. A mooting was held for practice Wednesday afternoon. Miss Stella Kirkor will entertain a number of her friends 'tomorrow even ing at progressive hearts. - Harry Mlllor, a former studon't of the university, tiled Tuesday morning at hl home In West Point, Neb. Dr. Hessoy was In Woodbine, In,, tho fori' pant of the week attending tho funonal of one of his relatives. loleotlvofl will bo offered In tho unl- MM-ity next aemestor in Hebrew and a Ktudy of itho Hebrew prospects. The Lincoln hdtel will be decorated fr Uie Junior prom, by 'the different oiKanizations In the university. Miss Dora Aunvan will tako ohargu of itshe work whloh Miss Boose 'has been doing in itho English department. Kverylwdy Is looking fonvard'to wilnd 'w? up tho first BemosteT with a big time at tho company "D" hop tonight. Tho university band will furnish mu Rlc for tho chancellor's reception, which s to bo bold Friday evening, Febru ary i4, Tho joint recoptilon of itho Y. W. and Y. M, C. A. will be held 'in two weeks from Saturday In tho conservatory of music. Tho friends of Miss Maud Trlplott Mil bo pleased to learn of her success 113 a musician in her now home at CHrtton, Mo. T. c. Martin Is to glvo an illustrated ' on "Tho Nfagra Falls" Fobru. Hmlticnil Prison on nil Wlnlnr Ololli liiK. ary 111 it t the Futike, TIHicIs will be secured fnnn Itevignu. It may t't b realized, bu't It Ih a fiiot never ilbe lew, itlvat two-thirds of itho Hoob'ty oventH of Lincoln aro given by unlvornlty Htudontfl, The llagonow choir, conipoHod mostly of vocal HluduntH 'In tho onsorvviitory, fiirnlHhud uiuslout the UnlveriiallHt con cort laHl Hunday afternoon. MIhh IIooho loft Thursday for Falln City to iiuuupl a portlitlon In the Falls City 'high Hohool. The many friends of MIhh Hwmu wIhIi hor huoophr. Dr. Whlto had an explosion of some Htilphurlu aold last week, The doutor tlilukH thalt ho got away fontuuatoly with the Iohh of a stilt of ulolhos. Tito Y. W. C. A. glrlH havo tholr room flxod up and It Ih '.mloed very tantlly decoratod. The Y, W mid i. M. C. A. eadh havo rooms In itbo building now. iOvery drill night tho cavalry troop drills regularly. Monday thuy rolo out on tho opon north of town, and woro given some ilUHtruotlons by Iiluutuiiaut Adams. Thursday (liny of prmyur for col leges; huim'Iho pmyor mooting, 0 o'clock; mvoiulny in-ayor inuetlng, is nt De Ihvn hall, M'Ihh Taylor, International Soomtary, Leader. Tho I'allatUan lltorary sooloty will give a "new members" pjgmm lit about two weeks. Arrangements aro now being made (and further announce ment will be given later. The elephant clans, known u KngllHh il, Ih a "goner." .Neatly half the mom bo rw wmi1 taking I ho work but for one semester and the class will now shrink down to rogulatdon size. 10 very student should (wit aside one hour a day 'to general reading, wither the current magazines or some stand ard book, it is part of the student's education, a pat't generally neglected. During tho past week Wie cavalry troop has grown very much. If Lieu tenant Hershlng should look around school nowadays bo would llnU more than enough good horses for u caval'.y troop. Tho musical Interest In tho literary soolety seems ito bo growing. ICach so ciety now has a male quartet. With so much competition and so many good voices we ought to havo some choice music. GomiKvnlcB li and C were dismissed Friday night, and A and D drilled In the armory. Monday nlgh't tho order was 'reversed, and the big follows were permitted to go home and use the hour for cramming. Some freshman in search of a theme subject might make Interesting read ing of a paper on ''the different clubs and organizations hi the university. The NubiMtHkan would bo glad to print such an article. There was a largo crowd 'In tho chapel Sunday afternoon ito hear Evangelist Hozcllo speak on "The Man Without a Country." After the address the Christian associations hnxl a joint mis sionary meeting. Dr. A. It. Mitchell lectured to tho medical students Wednesday evening on tho subject of "Dislocations." Tho medics are working up a good lecture course and are full of the energy and enthusiasm that makes things go, The law students 'have boon coming in for tholr share of the agony ithls week. LIko tho other mortals here, thoy havo had exams. It might bo well to mid that, notwithstanding the recent "hold up" Dean Gardner passed a good exam. The Political Economy club mot last Friday afternoon and elected the fol lowing oillcors: President, J, W. Sear son; vice-president, Miss Shlvloy; sec retary and treasurer, H. E. Wilson; executive committee, B. W. Wilson, P.. P. Teelo and Miss Tayloj.V Tho Phi Kappa Psl liafl itho pleasure of entertaining Hon. I. C. Little of Topeka, Kas., this week. Mr. Little waa recently president of tho grand chapiter of tho Phi Kappa Psi f ra'teml'ty. Ho has just returned from Egypt, where ho was sent as speolaJl onvoy of tho United States government. V Tho second number of the Nebraska Literary Magazine will appear in a few days. It will vary from tho recent number In, that H largely consists of tho work and productions of "homo talent." II will be full of KOod thing mid ivwy Htiident owph it to ililntHol. mid to tlio uiilvoi'Hlty lo buy at loast one eopy. www lOwloy & Camp get all the latest and Hpiibur miiHle as kooii mh il Is published. Itoninmbor thwt FrntmlH Him havo ro opened the CnplUiil Cafe, 'i North ICIovonlth street, Bhoi't order niealfi am their specialty, Host: regulation while outlet glovon lOo tut tho lowing Clothing company, 111R-1117 0 street. Clot lltitod oult in gouts' furnishings at Itho lowing Clothing company bo fore tho Junior prom, , Tho uomploto edition of "Hpflldo tho Ikiunlo Ilrlnr IIiihIi" in cuuls. IIoi'ikiN Hliulmor'H book tlopnrlntfliit. Tho fluent lino of droHH HhlrtH and nock wonr at tho lowing Clothing com pnny'H, prleoH'Uint will suit your pookot- book, A full lino of itypowrltor supplies at the Smith (Prom lor olllco, liin South Wlovdn'th Htreot. Tol. ll.'l. 0. W. lOokor- limn, agent. Four good mon aro employed at Con HhttJicor's harbor shop, 1010 O Htreot, where you get the cleanest shavo and neatest hair cult. Havo you soon tho now model No, 2 Bin It'll Premier 'typewriter? It not call In n.t inn South IOIovonth sfcot and examine It. C. W. Eckonnan agent. If you nre going to tho Junior prom, don't neglect your footwear, 2R per conlt olt on all shoos, Including patent leathers. .Sanderson, Shurman & Davis. It. S. Bakor, George Lehmer nnd F. S. Phllbrlek -havo been appointed the com ml t tee to negotiate for the estab lishment of nit interstate oratorical league, reeoniini'iided at tho last meet ing of tho tvssoclallon. Tho university chorus under tho dl reotlon of Mrs. P. V. M. Raymond sang for tho llrst tlmo last night tho now "Inaugural Hymn," written for tho in auguration of Chancellor Goorgo 10. MaoLcan. The music Is by Wlllard Kimball of the university school of music and the words by William Heed Dunroy. The hymn is dedicated to the chancellor and will" bo sung by the chorus at his Inauguration. The committee of sergeants of com pany have rocolved their programs, which havo been pi luted with their characteristic uniqueness this yonr..Tho company's colors and olllcial badge adorns the front cover with the dances inside, each dance being named from the different captains of company "B." The back cover gives tho names of tho committee, which is composed of the sergeants of the company. Tho Lincoln news agency, headquar ters for news, magazines and novels. Ilarpor'a Century, Munsoy's, Scrlbner's, Cosmopolitan and other periodicals al ways In stock. N. 10. corner Eleventh and O streets, Richard block, J. E. Pearson, manager. Burlington's personally conducted excursions to Utah and California. A Pullman tourist sleeping car will leave Lincoln every Thursday at 12:1C .p. m. for Denver, Salt Lake, Ogdon, San Francisco and Los Angeles. Only $5 for a doublo berth Lincoln to Los An geles in one of these cars. Remember there Is no change of cars. For full In formation and tickets apply at Bur lington & Missouri depot or city ticket olllce, corner Tenth and O streets. a. W. Bonnell, C. P. & T. A. PIPESt At 53d. Yoting'.s, the bust variety, Hud nows nnd cigars, 1201 O strout. A Dnngorcyii Topic Last night at one of tho negro churches In Atlanta the preacher, who Is visiting In tho city, was painting a picture of tho fires of hell with all tho vehomenco of his rugged oratory. Sud denly a brother In tho amen cornor aroso and said, "Passon, If yer keep or talking 'bout fire on such a cold night like dls I'zo feared ov'y ono of deso hero nlggors will bo a-wantln tor go to perdi tion." Atlanta Journal. A Good Match Old Lady Then you are not mar ried? Modern Miss No, Indeed. I am ono of tho bachelor girls you hear about so much nowadays havo a profession, rooms of my own, and dine at tho club, you know. Old Lady Ah, I see. You must lot mo introduce you to my diar son who lives with me. Ho is ono of the old maid men, you know. I Bargains " 1 HIM- . t Ladies' Cloaks Ladies' Underwear Ladies' Hosiery Ladies' Gloves Gents' Underwear Gents' Hosiery Gent's Gloves MILLER & PAINE, 1235 to I239 O St COAL COAL COAL CHARLES B. GREGORY, Doalor in nil kinds of CO A Rook Springs. Pittsburg, Wier City, Lexington, Anthracite, Hurrloana, Seml-Anthraolti, Canon City, Peerless, Hanna. Office, 1100 0 Sfrco) Riohards' Plook. Yards, 14th ft Y Sis. Telephones Nos. 343 ft 345. THE PALACE DINING HALL la tho PnorKn Plaok to got your Monls. SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS ALL YOOIl FBLLOW STUDENTS BOARD UEHK. TUV US. 1130 N ST, A. G. 0SMER, PROP USTO A 3?TOTSr THA.T -WILtr. WRITE. THE XZWATEtt.JVLAltt &JE1JS1 IS WARRANTED FOR A YEAR. FOR SALE AT THE CO-OP. niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiuw RIPANS j H ONi: (11VKS KKMUF. S iiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.j Jeweler, Optician, and Engraver. DEALER IN WATCHES, DIAMONDS, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, JEWELRY, ETC., ETC. All goods sold ongravod froo of ehargo, nnd no olmrgo imulo for oxamlninu tlio oyos. 1 1 43 O Street. Lincoln, Neb HLCOHSERYATORY DIMM HALL Corner 1 1th and R Streets. "Will Seat SO People. Regular Board at 8BS.50. Tickets S3.00. J. Ft. -EVANS, President. O. O. QTJIGG-LE, Secretarv EVANS LAUNDRY COMPANY Telephone 199. 327-331 North Twelfth St.