The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, January 31, 1896, Image 2
PIT M i ii I! I1 ! 1 i. i, 1? 1 c J ir ! The Nebbaskan. Wovkly Nowmpr Iwitiml Uvory 1'rlilnjr Noon nt tlio Unlvornlly of Nvliraiikn, KNTKHKII All H-C'(INII'C'!,ABH MAIL MATTKII. r. t. iiii.Kv, MiiiiiikIiik I'.illtor AHHIKIATrH. Mlnn.Io l.otlrlilKO. (i I.. Hlmtf, .1 (3. Illtcliimiii, i K AilnniH, I I). Mnrtln, H, tl. Hloitn, It. H. Miii-Mor, Hotlnly Mllllnry I.OCIll I.OCIll liocnl Itctmrtvr r.xuuuiK" ATAK1' AllTlllTH. V, 0, Wiillliwforil 0. 0. Culver, I'rkoiioryi'nr, " " liv limit l'rlco pur tiionllii I ,7A .Hfi .10 Andrea nil CouimiiiilciitloiiN lo Tun NimiiADKAN, Unlvoritlly nl Nnbruikii. Merit alwayH rticolvos recognition. It mioa'KB for ItBolf. TIiIh In hIiowu In tho notion of ox-Snporlnlondont Knr loy of IMitttHinonth in uncaring Hovrnl of our nrofoflBorH to deliver u courao of lectures boforo tho Cuba county lnnM tutoB. Thorn) Institutes hnvo boon ur rungod hy Mr. Rirloy to aid tlio touohorB In tholr work na woll aH to bring 'thorn In cloHor touch with tho broader and bottor education of today. Much credit Ja dtto to him for taking hold of tho ontorprlso and pushing It to a buccobh.. Although not a gradu ate o: itho unlvorBlty ho fully appreci ates tho good work It la doing In tho caitHO of higher education. TIiobo dn Btltutcs ni"o coininondable and cannot fall to bear fruitful romilta. While our professors have but littlo tlmo for loot tiring tin different suctlonRot tho state, It cortnlnly Ib truo thoy nro good and faithful supportora of all that 1b worthy in gonoral oducatlon. This Ib an ago of papers and periodi cals, and It Is InoxciiBablo lndolonco not lo bo informed on Important toplca of itho day. It must bo romomborod tho currant ovonts of today becotno hlHtory tomorrow. Tho Btudont who grasps tho prcsont as It comes has also tho Immediate past at his or her com mand. Thoro Is no Isolated fast ii history nor Is thoro an Isolated currant ovont. Thon wo should not Isolate ourselves from tho prcsont by giving our wholo nttontlon ito tho toxt bookB to tho exclusion of our surroundings. Do not bo a bookworm! Bo wldo-awake. Know something of llfo around as well as current knowledge. Uy so doing tho truo purposo of a collego oducatlon will bo realized. Lot ovory student ar range his or her courso of study for tho second Homester so as to gather a knowledgo of tho currant ovonts of tho world. Wo hope that boforo anothor sem ester ends that tho present abominable system of examinations will bo abol ished. Tho now plan has proved its possesion of all disadvantages prophe sied of it. Its only advantage has been that somoof tho professors notin favor of tho now system havo oxcucsd their classes after a ono hour examination, whllo others havo kept within tho bounds of tho now regulations as faj as possiblo, and held almost ordinary recitations. Yot to tho students n trial of tho now system has been far from comfortable, and many cannot say they havo had oven a half day's reat bo itweon tho ond and beginning of tho two somesters, Examinations aro generally looked upon by tho student-body as a necos Bary ovll, and if thoy must bo tolerated thoy Bhotild bo presented in a way that is at least free from torture. If tlio design Is to Increnso tho population of tho insane asylums, thon let the now Bystom of examination provail. It is to bo rogrotod, thoro aro many students who aro unconvorsant with current events. This Is undoubtedly a thoughtless neglect upon tholr part. For it is the wish of all to Improve ovory opportunity and leavo no roses by tho waysldo. But can this bo done by constant attention to toxt books? No. Tho widest culture afforded by a collego education Is unattainable with out a fair knowledgo of current hap penings. Our mental horizon must bo broadened by general reading and ob servation. This may bo easily dono by spending a fow minutes dally in ac quiring genoral information, which our library has placed within itho reach of nil. Tlio choicest magazines and pe riodicals with their rich stores of ma- terltil aro at ovory titdontH' roinmniul. Thoy nro Biiroly worth road lug. Hhould wo not utlllzo thorn to oscapo a Jimt orltlolBin? Tho want of tlmo cannot) bo pleaded. For in truth, bouio tlmo dn:iy Ih Hponl usoloBflly, which could bo ub(m1 mora profitably In reading cur rant toplcH. HY Tim WAY. tn vlow of thooxtromo youth of noma of tho froBhmon, it hnB boon thought best to prohibit tho wholo class from wearing mustaches on tho campus. By order of tho sophomoro clnnn. Slzo a Btudont up b wlioro ho situ In chapol. If ho goofl there for a few moments of (pilot and worship, ho takes a Boat down In front, near tho platronn. That Ib, after ho has been In tho rear hoiUb onco. Back thoro romlnds ono of the Lansing "nigger hoavon." The clamor Ib llko an auction books drop ping, Beats croaking, glrlB giggling. You got a Bcrap of tho pBalin wind- wlohed In with tho latest athletic iiowb, and tho prayor mingled with bits of gosBlp about tho last dnneo and somo hnndBomo boy In tho gallory. Ono vIb lt Jb enough. And now ho hnd como back. Twenty yonrs ago thoy had boon Interested in each other. Twonty years ago thoy had parted. A slight mlBundorstaud ing, a word or two, and ho had gone away, leaving nothing but a bit of bluo ribbon. Sho was to Bond It If over hIio needed him. How sho had tronsurad that ribbon dearly, tondorly, ns tho last token of tholr love. It wns fadod and worn, yot sho kopt It at tho bottom of lior Jowol box. Often sho hnd wopt ovor It when sho was weary and felt as If thoro had boon a miBtako.Twonty years of lonollnoBs and empty llfo; and merely a Utile ribbon holding back the suiiBhlno. Why did sho not sond it to him? Sho did not know oxactly. At times sho almoBt did so, but something invariably held her back. Tho ribbon was a pari of her llfo. She could not bear to give it up. And now ho had como bock. Sho was thinking moro and more of the ribbon and of him. What momorlesl What thoughts! It all seemed so long ago. Iind ho changed? And what of his lovo? Would ho como to her for tlio faded bit of color? Could Bho glvo it up to him? And tho twonty years that were gone, what of thorn? There is ono thing that very young students should always kcop in mind. It is this: Keep your mouth shut. It will prevent microbes from getting in ami foolishness from getting out. Speaking of poetry, what is tho mat tor with tho following? It is a touch ing littlo plaint, addressed by a certain fraternity to ono of its members who had gouo off and got married. It was entitled, "Wail of tho Brothers." It had about twonty verses and tho boys who wore lott were m a desporate Btato. Wo glvo the flrst and last stanzas: "Ho has koiio from our midst, oh, wo 1)1 ou d iuid entreated, That ho would not sail o'or tho treacher ous wave, But tho smiles ot a ulren our efforts de feated, Our hopus of hla futuro llo low In tho 1 Brave." ftor about twolvo pages of this sort of stuff thoy wind up as follows: "Wall, wall, all yo brothers, wall tho do parted; Bo warned iby tho fato of tho fallen tho Whllo, And whllo weeping for him, In tho Kloom brokon-hcartcd, Gazo not towards tho land whoro tho slronH do smllo." Ovor at Iowa thoy say that Missouri Is seoklng a special appropriation from tho legislature for tho purposo of se curing a nurso and a crato of Million's baby food. Success, old Mlzzery. A VICTIM OF CIRCUMSTANCES. Yorgen Amudthers waa again de spondent and desplto all tho good natured raillery and chaining of his roommate, which usually brought him back to a Joyous temperament, ho per sistently refused to bo comforted, or oven to appear sociable. "I boliovo I'm hoo-doood," was all his gonial roommate could got out of him. But Yorgen had acted In a simi lar mannor and told him the same thing bo many times boforo that ho did not pay any particular attention to him. Whon bod-tlmo emtio, however, and wtlll no ohango tin tho mood or position of tho form Hitting upon lh odgo of tho bod with IiIb head bowed In his hands and his olhows resting upoil his knooB, tho putlonco of tho watching ivMitmnato wn Incoming exhausted, drubbing tho dlHconwlato Yorgni: by, tho coat collar, bringing him rather niiildonly out of IiIb ravorlo, ho do niandod to know tho causo of JiIb troublo, ut tho samo tlmo ndnionlHhlmf him to "act white." Yorgon looked up rather BheoplBhly, rubbing and blinking his oycB as thd strong light ntruck thorn. "Woll," rapllod his roommato rather Imperiously, "what's up7" "I don't boliovo thoso sovon yearn ovor will paBH," enmo reluctantly from Yorgon's llpH. Again ho foil bnok In ) to IiIb old position, muttorlng nemo thlng about boing "roportod whon ho wasn't responsible for that distance." Ills roommato yawned and assuming an expression of roHlgnatlon carelessly ilnnulrod If ho In- luloudod to tali him IiIb trouhlos, and what did ho moan by "thoso bovoii years." Yorgon bracod hlmsolf for the effort, whllo Ills roomate tilted his chair back and put his hands in ills trousers pockotB. Ho appeared to havo no in trcBt In IiIb friend's troubles. IIo know that aftor ho hnd related llioiu Ills usual Jovial disposition would return. That was enough. Yorgon began slow ly. "I havo had lots of hard luck slnco I camo to tho university. Mothor told mo when I broke that looking gins.- I'd havo sovon yonts' bad luck. But it Beomod to culminate today. You know Holon?" To tills declarative statement, uttered Interrogatively, his roomniato noddutj atllmatlvely. Ho had never been In troduced to "Helen," yot from his friend's rapturous descriptions of her, ho considered himself fully acquainted with her. Yorgon resumed: "You soo, it was Just aftor 'lab and I thought I'd go homo with hor; its only two blocks, I forgot my watch was llftcen minutes slow. Wo woro crossing Thirteenth street, which Is without a paved crossing, whon Helen's rubber camo off. T" ho mud was awfully thick there, too. 1 handed her her books and Btooped to put hor rubber on. I had Just got It fully off, whon tho 'assembly sounded' and I had to cut and run for drill, or olso bo roportod for bolng late In formation. "I was sorry to leavo Holon that way. Wonder If she got out all right, and if sho'll ovor speak to mo again?" Ho gazed into the face of his room mate for an answer. Tho incredulous Hinllo ho saw there was stUnclont. Hector's soda fountain, always run ning. Try our hot soda. All the latest and popular songs at Estey & Camp's. Don Cameron's lunch South Eleventh streut. counter, 118 Don Camoron's lunch South Eleventh streut. counter, 118 5a'4fAMaAfaMf;fcis 00 to California I in a XTouriet Sleeper It is the RIGHT way, t x iy iiiwiii tiuu yuu uru extravagant. Pay less and you arc uncomfort able. The newest, brightest, cleanest and easiest rid ing Tourist Sleepers arc used for our Personally Conducted Excursions to California, which leave Lincoln every Thursday 12:15 p.m.,rcaching SanFran cisco Sunday evening, and Los Angclos Mon day noon. GEO. W. BONNELL, City Ticket Agent, Cor. roth and O Sts., Lincoln, Neb. Ask for full informa tion, or write to J. FRANCIS, G. P. A., Omaha, Neb. iMMCWtWAfaWto WIS HAVIC PURCMASKI) Til & Baldwin Wo aro now Iho lenders in nil kinds of Clothing, Yon lmvc nn opportunity lo gut high clnss tailoring at grontly 1 educed prices. You should not neglect this opportunity, g NOW Ib t,ho your 25 Per Cent Discount a-Ddv?i5 VIA THE UNION PACIFIC . . TO . . "The Italy of America," Southern California has very truthfully boon called; with Its fruits and flowem, a Veritable Summerland. Studcntn, whon you want to go homo olthor to points on the main lino or to AlLiBIOIW, ETC. Always take UNION PACIFIC. City Ticket Off Ico E. B. 8L0SS0N, Ooneral Agent. jflvst ftefl Sann, LINCOLN, NEH. Capital, Surplus, $400,000.00 100,000.00 OFFICERS: N. S. HARWOOD President. CHAS A. HANNA, Vice-President. V. M. COOK, Cashier. C.S. LIPPINCOTT, mid II. S. I'REKMAN.Ass't Cashiers LINCOLN FRUIT STAND rUNNIOKnU BROS., Props. DEALERS IN FRUITS AND CONFECTIONERY. Nats, Cigars, and Tobacoo, SpeclM attention Riven to stndont nntl fnmlljr trade. Uoods dollvored to all parts of tho city, JH.Vr. Oor. O ana 13th Sts. C. A. SHOEMAKER, M.D., (O. OF N., 89.) Office, No. 1134 L St., Ground Floor HOURS, 7 TO 9 A.M.; 1 TO 3 AND 7 TO O P M. Telephone nK. - - - r r . Best quality regulation white cadet glovea are 10c at the -Ewing Clothing Co., 1115 and 1117 O. W Tailoring Stock. G) PAINE, WARFEL&BUMSTEAD, 1136 0 Street . . . tlmo to buy Sl - IOIBS Wo will givo you On ovoi'yUiing in our storo oxcopb .Rubboi' Gkods. O Street. 1044 O Street. J. T. MASTIN, ICity Tlokot Agent. If You Don't Know It It is timo you loarn tho advantafjos of doallug directly with tho manu facturers. It is not alono tlio sav ing lu prico that is of coiiboquonco although that is a big itom, but it Is tho certainty of satisfaction and tho guaranteod quality and lit Hint tho niakors of lino clothing nlotio can glvo you. Our clothing is practically to ordor. If it isn't right, wo aro tho suil'orors, and wo mauo It as ri,'lit can bo. Wo don't penult auyono to mnko bottor goods. We have ci Full Line Of Furnishing Goods, always correct in stylo. As also wo tiro loadors and tho only practical Huttors iu tho city. If you wisli to havo tho correct stylo call on ub and 300 for yoursolf. BllOWNINGr, KING & CO., 1018 to 1019 0 Street, Lincoln, Nob. HUTCHINS & HYATT SELU ALU At Reduced Rates. 1040 0 St. Telophono 225,