hi iiturim'i ni'ii WKMiuiimwftaw V I w b A J' v t s r I t t X t J OUR WIT ANJ) HUMOlt OURHENT SAYINOS AND DOING OF FUNNY FOLK. Tho ltptnl)nt tllrl unit llrr lUlloon 81m Morrlv MoMhUIkhh Vlrvjn n lcprrl Vnrt nttit Wlt T Trump nl llio Moriunlil. Y comely, rtn-vlo-alecle- love To-ilny la Just na fair to mo a when vp ronm otl, with atnra above, Along the swrct KwpliiK son; My nrm would seek lior pliant waist Ami linger thoro In honoyod hllw; Anil O. 'twna lnrotUc to Ustt The nectar of tho twilight fclaal Wo'ro lovers atill. .lust of oUl. lint ah! u shndow's come between; She does not Jwm tne overbold. Anil beats her heart for me, I wean. 1 try to reach her melting lips. Hut cannot; this my spirit grieves. The fashions all my lovo eclipse 1 can't set onr hero for her sleeves! T. C, Harbangh In Truth, T11K UVMWNT OP T11K FUKSHMAX. When first I Mtnjek tho city 11 a pockts. full of stuff, Thn -lnd saw would last tbe year out If I wntohod t close enough. Hut how my pile hns melted, 1-lko n snowball In the sun, A Jul yet the year's festlvKlos Aro only Just bejnm. For when you count the football games, WltJi Konolnirtons omi such. Ami mid the crips to Omaha, TJitvt cost us prowy muoh. You'll find tito "Rram' wm vtl" "Won't be so very wnu Especially the bts 1 lost t'pon the Knnsws puno, And when the glee club gnvo their show. They stuck mo for a lox, And If n. fellow coming Jiero Wis wholly built of rocks, And when It camo to (text books The prices knookcnl me flat. And thcn It takes a mint of gold To BOt In any frat. And then there -was n party Every blsssNl week or so. And florists doubled up ho price On roses then, you know. And at every blamed "fnndnngo" ' I ihad to pet n. ihnck. And then I ltouglit a drill suit Thnft fitted like a sack. Now on the money question. My dad te nrH a cmnk. And he wm t.- think I'm laboring T'T break the family bank. But th ever-Tresent question ' That disturbs my peaceful calm. Is how to rateo thi- "flver" For the oaning junior prdm. Thursday -wMle the odiior, whloh ie ourselt, of thiis organ was heavily busied at ate desk In removing from his eyelids the slumbers that bad ac cumulated during the previous period Ms left oye caught sight of a largo nnd ungainly card tacked upon tlhe furni ture of Oils office. On this oarfl was attached the bold words. "Plans remove the debris,' and signed by a congenial committee of one from the co-op establishment. Now we don't car a whoop for all tlie tags that are plncod on our piece of furniture, but boarhig In mind thr faat that nttrly everyone of the editors of our contemporaries, boskles all th loafers that Inhabit tho ooop liavo seon Urls sign, we consider It our duty tc justify oifselvos. And we would like to say so that all our fellow students may bear rtihnrt. we too would like to see Oils debris wliioh has oolleoted for ngoe removed, a tliore are times when we like to at at ourptoce of furniture to do a little oopy work. A ltrokMi Itocord. , "Your ninjusty," reported tlie ohiaf Imp. 4llonry VI II. Idolcs on giving up Ins room on the first floor and going intotbo attic. " "YoutoHliim.-r ,)oinod Pluto, "that io don't hold the divorce record any longer, und thut we've got to have his apartment for u gentleman irom Sioux Fallb." Tiuo AauicmrmtATi schooi. A wpresontatlvo of tlu Nobnskau ellel uihmi rrofesHor Ijyon to lnnulro nbout the school of agrlouHmv that upoiuM so auspiciously htat Tuesday. In roply to his Inquiry ns to (tho object of the svhoil the professor said that tho aim was to supply tho demand for more elementary am'lculturol Instruction, That moat farmer' Iwya could not af Vonl to spend tho tlmo ivqulrt-sl to plxro for cllego und complete the regular ngrleulturl course. This aolool, he sotd, would give n tcolinlcal agrlovilt-n-jl dientlou, by ottering Instruction, uoa In the sciences themselves, but In tho ,ppl(cntlon of tho sciences to farm lug. The session is imM during the three winter month when fnrm wvrk Is lightest, turses of this kind have glvon at most of itho large state ul Ntn'sltios and have been in most eases successful 1n nslng the stnmlnrd of farming In the state. Hei wheiv w are nil so directly dependent uion the fruits o Mho soil it is of ittl tmpoi' tonce that the best methmla of farming bo understood nnd practiced by our farmei's. It Is only as our (farming methods ore Improved that ithe stut can hope to Increase In proAliotieness and eonseiiuently In wenltb, and It Is due largely to the jnlvei-stty nnd experi ment station that she must look to do vise such Improvements and to dissem inate a knowledge of the same. The school opened with an attend ance of lift eon. Xo students otherwise conneotcxl with the unlvorslty are per mlttetl to register In this school, as the course presorlbe! requires nil of tho time dtjrlng six days of the week. Two or throe who ore expecting to come have not yot arrived. MU'toil Mullen, Jntlln Whohu muko la your watch? Uraxlln - Thu tullow who sold It to tno, i guess. Ho mmlo ahout ?20 on thu tranaaoilon. Hoxhury Oamotto, No, .Maudo, tloar, tho tailor would Honreolj nmku n good matrimonial agent, although he tlooa pruaa oo.ur people's suits for thorn. Philadelphia Iteoonl. l am moving today hoeausu I could not pay tho rontl l'lmt'a llrst-rato. 1 am tnovlng for tho same reason; lot's change quartora!"- Kllogondo lllattto, Mtas rinnophace (exhibiting hor pho tographl Kvoryhody aays It dooa not do me Justice. Miss l'ort Mvldently the artist ia a man of tact.-Hoaton Vransrrlpt, "What do you think of your engage ment ring?" "You dear, sweet old hoy, It's the handsomest l ever had 1 mean I like It ever so much." Chicago Vlmes-llerald. Customer A loaf of broad, ploase. linker Five-cent fcuf or ten-cent loaf! Customer (precisely) I will take ono ot !he lonvos that you sell for five cents, SomorvUlo .lournal. rmtretlitn of lln InilnilrU. l)ior,l to Hitrlirlorhixxl. Friend 1 sny, .lack, why don't you mnrry, and settle down? Jack Can't. "Yon hnN-e a good Income," "Ya." "And jour aunt loft you n charming house?" "Yes." "Then why don't you hunt up a wife?" "Oh, a wife Is easy enough to get; that Isn't the trouble," "Then what is the matter?" "1 can't find a servant girl." Cru-1 insinuation. mi I it I I A ' t ''-1 t &2 Mo.e Scltnnmburg You vnnt a voek'-. siilary in advance, put suppose, Mishtor Silver-toiie. 1 lt you have dot week's salary, and maybe vow drops toad ternigitt. How den vlli 1 t mine tMtMH'.s jmu-Ic? Mr. SUvrrs,loe 1 hope, Mibhtor Scltnn.lnirg dot 1 am too much of a sehentleman to play yon any such drick. ash dot. replied tlie clerk with dignity. Textif, M flings An Kuhv Onn. "JCow," said tho medical professor at the quiz, "toll me whether this is a male or n female skeleton." "Female," replied the man at the foot of the el uss. "Right, but Itow do you lenow?" 'I baw her jaws work as you spoke." t'MI1IHk'l. In the dimly lighted alcove a man, in evening dress, stands peering between tho half-drawn portieres into the ball room beyond. Strains of a waltz come floating to his ears, lwrt e hears nothing; he is watch ing a man nnd woman going and com ing through the mazes of tho dance. Suddenly he turns and sees a Gran ger beside him gazing Into his eyes. The face Is repulsive In its expres sion of liatw and envy. Involuntarily he recoils a stop. Only then ho reoognizos his own im ago in tho glass. "On Urn I'limp." A gentleman uomingr out of tlichouKe saw his son bitting on the pntnp, with a slate und pencil in hib hand. Tlie futhor said: "Why aren't 3ou at school to-day?" ""Why, pi," said the boy, -Tin sittin' hero 'oos tho toaoher told ns to write a composition on 'The Pump.1 Spur Not ropular. First Chappie (sadly) Spurs are coming into fashion ag;fl.in for horse back riding. Second Chappie (dolefully) Ya-as. Awful things to land on when a follah falls off. I.ocatml Him. "They say old Smith never suh cribed for a newspaper?" "Never." "Where is ho now?" "Blowin1 out tho gas in some hotell" I w 1 M VSWL i JfrSV JEW Tft7iLJ fci V5B J&ziWjiS io A new prophet has appeared at Nyan Sakat on the upper Congo, where tho IocaI t.u iuia are now required to de fray the expenses of publishing a semi monthly instalment of revelations. The new apostle has acquired the au thority of a She.kh-Keblr, a chieftain of several villages, and feels it his duty to protect home industries by requiring imported missionaries to pay a monthly license of twelve yards of red flannel. At the lUllm-ay Station. Irish Woman O'im after axing ye far a ticket till Ashland, Mr3 Agent Do you want an excurstot ticket? Irish Woman That soortav a ticket is that. Mire? Agent That's a ticket which will take yon there and back again. lri.h "Woman Hut: Flint's tho since of me payin" to go there an" lwck here agin, whin I'm hewi alriddy? Mnt Cnr l-nni llrooVljn. Spencer .lanes Kiys that he con siders, Now York tho finest city in tiw world. Ferguson Decs he? Well, ask him whether he came twer the brldgo or by ferry. Not Ilk Kind. Fontlcrov (In 'hrpark? Utile boy, -v-oul(lnt yxu like te come np to our house nnd play? Swipes, of Uleecker street (whose years tiro i&) Wlutjw play crap? lNjtitleroy 1 dnr no. Swipe. UoWer pihtol ' play j. Juns? l'Vintleroy No. Swipes Swipr joar old man', car oots an' .wke m in de alley? lonUeroy a!, no, indeed. Swii)ot, U'hrt 4 youfc play, tiny how? Fotitleroy Vepiay orcititt, and we hiive a lovly li Ue kitten und Swipe:, Ah. g'wny, .!.. Ysc don't know n thin" "bout playin-. Ycjhsu should die an' jineti ng4'l liuud, you should. Looking Ott ror Nmiilxir Onn. Itlnjro You tire not going to try and fire on" that rtwty old wumon thwtV been lying in t ie tsoltur for tiie part year, aw you. Itobldeji llobbic Yok, sir; I thought 1 would. IHnpo Now. Hobble, the first tUne you fire it oil. the ohunuot, aw it wUl hurst and blow you up. Itobbie though, of that, pop, nnd I'm going to jwt the little Uoy next door to touch It off flrt. Jeweler, Optician, and Engraver. DEALER IN WATCHES, DIAMONDS, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, JEWELRY, ETC., ETC. All goods sol.l onj-mvod froo or ohatKo.and no oluvrgo uttulu for eNamlmi tho oyos, 1 143 O Street. - - Lincoln, Neb M The Lincoln Qu rjn4,u - vJc.LlL JJi.lL 11 0, Cor. 1 4th & M Stroola. JsWitilaiMSf LINCOLN, j " "" "" mJ IX r rSI3 Iii i OPEN AT ALL HOURS DAY OR NIGHT. SULPHO-SALINE BATH HOUSE AND SANITARIUM M.I. I'OHMS or UVTIIs-Tn-VIlt. ltln. ltmn. U'lTtrlc. wfli iivlnl ntlrnt'tti, to tl. ,. ., mmm t XXTl'IIM. Sl T W U'KU IttTII'. wtwnl litn nir.inrr tlmn . n m.-r, tor .. t lllwwntntlitni, NVtviiiMditnrnitiro, niui mi,n oilier IImmi-m l h tlutli ( l ii m. i . !" th wml SUA IWTIII.su wnj iwti)ol nt nil i-nMin tn onr tr-, ihumu , ,,t . , i W utrr SttlMiwlttR I'tiol, IxJxIW lunn, a to 10 tt ili'. Ii-vil to n uolfurHi tuitrriitur .,t ,ss ,ifUrt can yolTafford towTiss it? TUB OPPORTUNITY TO P03SKSS A Webster's Encyclopedia Dictionary. THE LAST REVISION. Containing fully 4r.0A more words dellnitiona nnd phrases than are to bo found in tho latest editions of Webster's nnd Worcester's Unnbn.lced Dictionaries nn-t ntiout Ja,tVl mow words than nro eontaineil in Webster's International Dictionary Ma-sine the most comprehensive and complete Dictionary of th Kndi-h L:ngtnio extant. This mngmtlcens wrk will be on sale In this city for n, short time at special prices and on su -h liberal terms that no onecut nironl to be without this absolute necessity to the ambitious -.tudent or scholar. An opportunity will be ntforded to everyone to examine a copy of the nlovo work at this otllce. FW prices and terms .eo our solicitor, or apply to OI-I.A.-5. BTJKl-sZli, 1 313 L Sti-eet. ) 226 So. 1 lth St. Ground Floor. Special . llaks - to Shibcnts. Two riood Oltlcnn. FJrBt CatlzenWhat we want is a non-partisan goornmant, Soeond Cltljieo That's the talk. We need a good, clean man like Mr. He pub. First Citizen Huhl You moan a man like Mr. Demo. Old Itepub is a born raacal. Second Citizen Old Demo ought to have been In the penitentiary long ago. FlrBt Citizen You're a liar! Second Citizen You'ro another! (They light.) AH Orugglnts nail lr. ilUeH Tain ITIlfl. A Special SUIT SALE is in Progress Today at Baker's Clothing House, 1039 0 Street. Matter Tbooc ...PRINTER lli V Street, Lincoln c.pos programs, in vi a7 ictus Good Work. Tri. ts EeaBonnWe. J. B. WoT. F U. Johnson. I H M,tt.u, PleicM. icc-IHrwJcnt Cahu Juh.N Amu. Ab't la' .it THE Columbia Nal'l Bank, LINCOLN. NEt. Capital, $250,CO0. WRhCTOK. A S R om rem. Cm .. Wist. Umos Cochkan Unit I have the apparatus IF YOU KNOW for lmlf soling iu the ntiUst stylo, tlie latest point shoes and tipto date styles, it -would pay you to brlns all your shoe rejyaii work to 10U South 18th st- All work guuimiteed. J. Ill PettiU The Funke Opera House Elock is the place to get votir Clioice Ameri eii llftiuty and Hoses of any shade. Carnations and all floral Avork guaran teed. Decorations a bpechilty. FHEY ic TREY, Forists. C. A. SHOEMAKER, M.D., lU. OF X., in.) Office, No. 1134 L St., Ground Fbor HOURS, 7 TO 9 A.M.; 1 TO 3 AND 7 TO O P M. Telephone G85 .-..... . TWO TRAINS DAILY 111 TtVEI N AND Auburn. Falls City, Atchison, St. Joseph, and Kansas City. City Ticket Office, 1201 0 Street. JX. C. TOWHSEHD. Gen'l P. & T A. r. z. couzrz.z.. c. p. & v a ltlJu.i vVonderful The time the Union I'neifie "Ovfrlaud" fast mail. No. Jl inakuH to Oj;den. Salt LuU, itutte, Helena, Portion l, SitttiH Kim KniiifiHCii mid i,o Anlert. 'Ijih l)Alh Mi;Ti:OH Iiiih till- liuer-t qinj.iueut coiihiHtimr itf l'ullmiiti 1'ulm-e.ii it L'nliol-Htt-rwi Tuurit KIwjhth. Frw ItfolitntiK ChuirCurH, utiil Diiut. Vnr hill informa tion cull on or luldrfMrt E. 11. SIoh-om, Gnnfrul Afiit, 1014 0 St., or J. T. Mtu tiu, C. T. A. The Ewing Clothing Co. are snowing the best values In 18 and $10 suits and overcoats in Lincoln.