The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, January 10, 1896, Image 3
JLOOA.LS. Minn Gnnton vIhHw! ClilonRO tlnrliw iho holUtny.s. Ami ntlll iho Henlnra nro Htminnlim oxer onis nml koxxmih. ,lolm C lox'c of Omnha xx"na n vlnltor ntiUio "nn1" on Momlny. U Vllnon upon tlio holUlnya vls llliiR nt Onlwnton, Tox, Tho iMrcinlno, xxMiloh wh irivon to tlx nnlx-orslty, tlloil Thuvstlny, MIsh Noah ma l.oo spoivt tho vnon ilnn nt hor homo In Monroo, Mloh. Will flivon, formerly 'J7, Is conspicu ous nrouml the hnlte, onjoylng a short lslt. V o. nntl A, .1. Wnrron wont home lust Siuulny to flrlonl their slHler's fin. oral. The Junior nro wrostllnfi: hard for tho promoiwuK Tickets nro limited to illiy-ilvo. Mkwx SlnuRhtor, lllssr, Fotohot and Namco wilt Rlo n lwixty in Tnslnp hnll .lnnnnry 1". Tho Y. M. C. A. Is .trying to eH-tnl!Mi a rnulInK room In their "bottom" mis sion in Lincoln. rhl Delta Thorn gnvo n touplo of vory onjoynhle pnr-Hos In 'lliolr hnll dur ing tho holiday. Wo soo hy tho lonV(ls that the puhllo .vponUnp olnss will settle tho Venozuola qiioxt Ion Monday. Tho ncta wro mvomi with a fine Hoivnwlo ly tho university rIoo club Wodnosxlny evonlnfr. k Tho KxnnROllst boards .ent out by tin " M i A. iHinnpr ilu vacation roj ort r.xwI success. H. 10. N'owbmnoh's "Through Col onxl Glosses" In tho Courlor Is causing a UMlo flu titer of oxoltomont. Tho thomo department xvas kopt very busy during vacation In disposing of nn vorsupply of tho cnrmlno llulrt. Tho Dollnus hnv ilxoilupnroslnimln tlu ir now hnll find their nlumnl will be the Hi st to uso It Frldny evening. Miss ICthol Gillespie of Republican City Is now at tho conservatory (taking a short course on ithe practice clavier. "xVJio Is the merry-facod lad with hair thnt sits nt tho window of itho Windsor hotol at noontlmo eincl takes so much Intercut In the university folks passing by? Koiluecil Prions on nil WIntor Clollt And now tho impoounloun youth looks longingly nt his boi girl and wondora If she will tnko pity nwn him by doing tho "lonp .war not" Wbrunry 12, Tho Ashland olub will hold Its next mooting tho latter iwrt of tho mouth. Thoy will ontortnln tho fnoulty nnd nnd senior olnss of tho Ashland high school. Thoro wns n Invitation loft in tho ntu dent's mnll box nddivssod to Mr, Wil son. Aw thoro nro unconntod numbers of Wilsons In school, who doos It bo long 'to? Tnifosor Taylor will tnlk to tho Vo llltcnt IBoonomy olub noxt Woiluo.mlny on tho mooting of tho American lSeon omto nsHoelntlon, which ho nWonrteit during tho holidays. O. O. Whipple, whoso formor cata logue iveovd ivnd "Oklahoma," will hereafter soo it printed Lincoln, NcAi., ns his tviroiits nix now residents of tho copltnl city of Nebraska. There wna a Inrgo number of lust year students who nttondoit tho stato tenoli era' nssoolntlon. W. 13. Kirk, Frank ltrown. S. 11. Martin nnd Georgo Town wore nniong the number. The stock of the nnldwln nros.' talor Ing estnbHshmont hns boon purchnsed by r.iiliio, Wnrfol & Kumstoad, who now carry 1ho best ossomcAl and largest lino or tailoring gwous mu m. i Tho famiors' dinner tho other day was 'htsrhly enjoyed by nhoso students for .tunnJo enough to get a. "bid." Ronl live cream nnd .homo onnnod doughnuts vtt r.oolly to most of thesiuSents. Tho olnss of 'OS wns pleasantly en tertained nt the nil Kappa rsl house one' evening during tho vacation. Sovwnl university boys ore running university columns In their homo papers. The IT. R p. C, will discuss tho ques tion "Uesolvod, Thnt Greenbacks Should be Wlthdnrwn From Circulation." The nlllrmntlvo spenkers nro Hnko nnd Mngulre, nnd the negative Loin nnd Wilson. Tho senior olnss hns boon seriously at wfrk trying o fix up n. sohemo fOr aiding needy students financially. Tho plnn proposed wns a permanent com mittee to receive and distribute contri butions of the olnss. The rhl Kappa rsl fraternity hold a little reunion nt their ehnpter house rhango f name for the olub, which w.uild oonm-et It moiv wuii tho unl orslty nt Innre, Two more members of tho inngnxlue will be publlshod. 11. n. Whllmoi, '05, Ir now editor of tho Lincoln Weekly Herald. This Is tho paper formerly run by Calhoun un der whoso control it commanded muoh lullueneo. rubllcatlon wns suspended shortly nfiler "Cal" loft for Florida, M r. Wihltmoro's ability in lhl lino of wirk Is undoubted and no doubt he will slvhie In his now position. Ho was the founder of Tho Nobmsknn, which he managed with grent success dung tw ycai's of lits college Ufe, Kolwlthstnndlng the two weeks' vaca tion, tho University wns a preuy busy plnco during tho holidays. Many stu don'is fivm out of the olty did not go homo nnd so spent some little Umo nt tho University. On the whole thoro wore oul'o a number of students who worked in tho library or one of tho laboratories. Thou thevo wns tJie moot lug of the tftnto tenchors' nssoolatlon, which brought many visitors to tho tJnU'Oi'slty. Tho Sigma Chl's Rnen most enjoyable "wntoh" pnrt.' nt tl.r rooms on tho night of tho 31st. The rooms were well filled, but not so crowded but thnt It wns possible to dance comfortably. Nwry requisite for a pleasant time wns there good music, good floor and good punch. Those present wore Misses Foohot, ltlcketts. Weeks. Farwoll, Ril loy. Fulls, Whiting, Carscnddon, Latt rldgo, Adolloyd Whiting, N'orval of Sewanl, Smith of Omaha, Bridge of Fremont, Burks of Beatrice, Conaway of York nnd Henderson of Osceola; Messrs. Thorp. Ames, Stoincr, Walsh, Boo, liVirwoll, Howltt, Bnrtlott, Morrill, Beagan, Lnngworthy, Saxton, Sholdon, King, Oullen, Fulls. Foohet, Ivottridge and Ryon; Mm. nnd Mrs. Georfre Stei ner, Mr, and Mrs, Claikson, Mrs.Korn, a iormRTi" nnd Frof and Mrs Hiohnrds. HorroMcvl lluu or. Mrs. BHekrow MeivyJ Bid you bor row till-, nutter of Mrx Xoxiloor? Daughter Yos. "lts honid: lt jKihttlvoly nwfull AVc cnirt ue it at all " "Wluit shnll we do?" "You must run to tl.o store nnd buy some. (?ct the bests As for this, put it on the ice until to-morrow nnd then take it Inek to Mrs. Xo.v door, with t luniks for tho accom modation, of ooun,n. Don't toll hor it istliesatno Inittnr. because it mip;ht hurt hor fooling-.. I suppose it is tho best she can afford, poor thing." Mrs. Nevtdoor (tie next day) Of nil mean people, those 15rick-ovs take the load S'esti-rdny 1 Imncrt them a cup of butter, mid thoy hnrc sent back some stun" that isn't lit fir axle groaso. kiaiiis if jj?j7t -i ) i srirr d it F Llbrnrj' Stalnvny windows Furnish Much Amusement to Outsiders. L. A, AVesterman, '97, left yesterday for Illinois, wJiero he will engage In bus iness In ithe employ of his brother4n law. K. B. Sherman, '95, who Is teaching t Falrbury, -was a guest at Zelta Tau Delta chapter house during tho holi days. Three nlcoly furnished rooms for rent; team heat. Inquire flat A, Salisbury block. The Unions will have a farce pro gram Friday evening. The numbers will be given by the retiring and incom ing officers. P. S. Bulla, 93, Unas come back to at tend the Slg banquet and see his old friends. Mr. Bulla will be dn town for several days. Professor Fling 4s thinking of making two divisions out of his 8 o'clock his tory class. It is too large, he says, for him 'to (handle. Oarlyle Tucker has again resumed tho proportions of all ordinary mortals, It will no longer cost you DO centH for any seat In ithe house to see him. New Year's day. Sovoral of the boys came up from their homos for the day, and in a body attended the recoption of the Delta Gamma and Kappa Kappa Gamma sororltes. Salturday, the 11th, Is the thirteenth anniversary of the Sigma Chi frater nity, and to celebrate the occasion the boys are going to hold a banquet at their rooms. It Js to be a reunion of the active and alumni members, and letters of acceptance have been received from Slg brothers In Kansas, Iowa, Missouri, and all over the state of Nebraska. The Union boys' debating club has arranged a debate with Doane college, to be held In our chepel February 22. Question, "Resolved, That the contract entered Into with the bond syndicate in February last, was justifiable." Our speakers are P. J. Magulre, Boomer, Lien nnd Searson.. Sides have not yet been chosen. The English club met Monday even ing and elected Miss Smoyer as editor-in-chief for the rest of the year. The management was placed In the hands of Newbranch and Alexander. A com mittee was appointed to see about a On tho Wro Foot. Tho conductor said thore was room for a few more inside. At tho Elephant and Castle, when th tram turned west, the customary con tingent of shoppers tot in aud therft was an uncomfortable jam. But the little man kept his eye on his paper. He also kept his asat. "Pardon me, madam," said a polite man hanging on to a etrap, to a lady standing beside him vith an armful ol paper parcels, "you are standing on my foot." "I'm so sorry," said she. "I thought it belonged to the man sitting down." And then the man's eyea were lifted from hi3 paper, and she got the seat London Answers. Thej II ncl It Ilinl. Rnggson Y-itten, W'y, wot'sde mat ter, Bobby Ye look sick. Bobby Itondbter Ruggsy, it's orful. I just read one of them patent med'eino papers wot talks about Brightseh' 'sense an' it ses ono o' dor wurst feigns is a gen'ral disinclination to work. I'so got it bad. Raggson Tatters (disconsolately) I guess wo'so doomed, Bobby. I'so got it, too. Less lay right down here ' die. Ladies' Cloaks Ladies' Underwear Ladies' Hosiery Ladies' Gloves Gents' Underwear Gents' Hosiery Gent's Gloves MILLER & PAINE, 1235 to 1239 O St UnrHiiRtnn'n IVrnonnlly Conducted Kxonrtdonn io Utah and Cnlllbrnln A Pnllmnn tourist 'droning car will leave Lincoln every Thursday nt DJilTip 111. for Denver, Salt Lake, Ogden, San Frnnrisco, and Los Angeles, Only $5.00 lor u doublo berth Liuroln to Los An. grles in one of thino enrs. Hcuirmber tliero ia no change of cars. For full in formation mid tickets apply nt Burling ton & MiMxoun depot or city ticket ulllct comer Tenth and 0 streets. G. ltoN.i:i.u C 1 and T. A. H, W. BROWN, DRUGGIST. Books and Stationery, College Text-Books. And n ComjilUcSlocV ot Standard and Miscellaneous Books 217 SO. ELEVENTH ST, THE PALACE DTNTNC H A T T Is tho PRornn Pmok to got your Meals. SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS ALL YOUR FRLLOW STCDKNTS HOXRP ni:RC TRY US. 1130 N ST A. G. OSMER, PROP nmssK TrSTC J- TKN THAT Wir.Il. WR1TK. IS WARRANTED FOR & YEAR. FOR SALE ftT THE CO-OP, xiniiiiiniiiiiiniiiiuiiuHiiiiiiiiiniiiiiuniiiuiiiiiniuiiiiuniiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuim I RIP-ANS j ONK filVKS llRI.IKr. MiniiiimiiiuimiiiiiiiiiiiiminiiiniiiiiiiiuiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiMiniiiinuiiiiiiunnuiiiiini COAL COAL COAL CHARLES B. GREGORY, Dealer in all kinds of qO O A I -'-A- Rck Springs, Pittsburg, Wier City, Uxingten, Anthracite, Hurricane, Semi-Anthracite, Canen City, Peerless, Hanna. Office, 1100 0 Street Richards' Heck. Yards, 14th ft Y Sts. TeleRhenes Nes. 343 ft 345. aDOHSEEYATORY DIHIHG HALL Corner ilth and R Streets. "Will Seat SO People. Regular 33oard at S2.50. Tickets S3.QO. J. H. -EVANS. President. O. O. OTJIGrGKLE. Secretary EVANS LAUNDRY COMPANY r Telephone 199. 327-331 North Twelfth St.