The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, January 10, 1896, Image 2

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The Nebraskan.
Weekly SprmuM- Iiim1 Kvrr.v I'llilny Nunn
ni iho Univwmiy of NrtinKn.
I'.NTHiKii a SktoMi.Ci.ash Mail Mattmh.
r. T. Itn.KV,
Mnnfttflii lMltor
MlM.lo l.nltrMw
i simff,
,1.( Mitrtimnn,
C. K AOnmn,
1. H Mmtln,
N It Nloiin.
', (' Culvnr.
O V niiiimfonl
Vriro per y?nr,
" ' liy mull
Price por in mull.
Aiidrom nil Comlnnnlrntlnii to Tin: Ni'Iiiiahkav,
lltilvomln nl NnlirniKn.
"With another yonr comes tho promise
of now, nml ppphnps worthier on thus
lasms, In our monthly lltomture.
There la n prosper that tho sereins
nohlo countonnnco of our twn Wash
ington will regard ua from Uio maga
zine pages. Instead of tho dark vlsng
of tho groat wnr-lord, Napoleon. As
for tho lnttor, tho public Is beginning
(o confess some fatlguo In tho con
tinued exhumation of him. They turn
with pronounced pleasure to tho con
Bldoration of tho great wnrrlor nnd
Christian gontlomnn of our own lnnd.
Hnrpor'a Magazine for ISflfi promisos
a aorlos of Washington nrtlclos on
llvoned by ithe hand of Howard Pyle.
Tho young folks' "Hound Tablo" pub
lished by tho samo company will give
spaco to tho serial, "A Young Cavallor,"
recounting incldonts of Washington's j
boyhood. For tho ladles' Homo Jour
nal, Gon. A. W. Grcoley. V. S. A., the
Artie oxploror, has prepared a number
of nrtlclos upon tho porsonnl sldo of
Washington, viewing him n a neigh
bor, husband and friend. Other maga
zines aw catching tho spirit,
Tho discussion as to which of Uioso
two mon is tho moro worthy of re
nowod public Interest, may bo eas'.ly
loft to dobatlng sooiotlos. It Is a qnos-
tlon of norsonnl tasto. whother one pre
fers .to admlro tho ooncontrated will '
and tho matchless war-gonlus of a
grand tyrant, or to rovoro tho rounded
character ot a pnnce-ioving paumi,.
with tho head of a king and tho heart
ot a llttlo child, ljoubtloss ono may do
both without admitting a comparison.
As far as most Amorlcans arc con
cerned, wo will bo permitted to hopo
that tho wave of interest in Washing
ton will submerge and surpass Napo
leon's splurge. For to us suroly Wash
ington will always bo,
"Tho first, tho last, tho host,
Tho Clnclnatus of tho west."
The studonts of tho unlvorsUy of
Missouri have our deopost consldor
tions. What .an interesting prospect
lies before them in achievements upon
tho gridiron! Think how they can
stand around tho side lines and cheer
their team on to victory over Purdue or
Depaw! Indeed, maybo Doano will
meet them! What preparations they
can mako for the event! Enthusiasm
will bo rife. All Columbia will turn
out 'to seo tho mighty tigers struggle
with somo professional Y. M. C. A.
team. It will bo a glorious ovent.
With another appropriation and an
eastern coach, Missouri may beat every
ono of them. Oh the glory of a season
without ono defeat! We listen for the
scream of the eagle when Missouri has
beaten all the high school teams she
has selected to play with her.
Tho plan Teoontly adopted by the
Registrar of issuing a record book to
each student, is a commendable plan.
Heretofore mistakes in tho catalogue
have caused endless trouble. The
student has had no moans of telling
whother Ills credits were entered, un
less he asked about them or else waited
for the appearance of the catalogue.
The new regime will be appreciated.
Everyone without trouble to the Regis
trar, can now determine exactly his
Standing and mistakes can easily bo
rectified. If tho recipients of the
books are as careful to keep them
posted as they are supposed to be, am
ideal system will soon bo in vogue.
It haa teen highly amusing to observe
the persletance on the part of editors ot
college papers in Uhe clamoring for a
new and entirely original college song.
Hardly a month goes by without some
vertKe editorial dwelling upon the ad
visability of manufacturing a standard
college song which will take the place
of tho three or four seinUoHjrliml pro
duotlnawe now havoon hand. It I to
observed that the prayers of ihe odtti
have thus far been ntmnswvivd. Thi
la nothing nlraiijpr about nhln It would
only bt atraiiRv If the roveine was rtu
ease. When you need n eollege mum
you on n't go nHcviil cud built nm like
yaw build i mil fenoe or oohlekon ooo.
U 'takes wnsldernWe labor and n Rrv.i;
deal of ability to wrl'.'on trly mwhoi louts
song taking for Rmnlod thru 'thl Is
tho krtnd of production "the poralnton;
writers of editorials iro tsJamorhig r -and
the ambitions youth who take
day off end trtv to nianntetnve em-,
netlng on the sumreHtlons of Die numer
ous editors will nmbnbly be jrrently sur
prised and very muoh disappointed nt
the mm It a. The fnet hnt otlw ool
leRes 'have these wings nmuta nlntolute
ly nothing so for as wo ore concerned.
The eastern coHojkw have graduated
hundreds of mon and among them haw
have been one or two good muslokms.
Thorn men Imve had o. thorough must
enl edmvitlon end naturally know con
siderable about composition, yet they
nil selmowllge'thnt It is no mean 'task
to mpoM x good college song. How
then en It be expected thru weoan have
a .strikingly original college melody
composed by fellows wbose
eduontlon oonslsts dn a few lessons on
the autohnrp or a course of nolf-lnstnns
tlon on nhe mouth-orgnn.
There ws a very amusing Incident In
connection with this college song mania,
Ixist year tho lOngllwh club enme to the
startling conclusion tlintt we needel an
orJprlnnl song ond it hey nntnmlly
thought that It devolved on them to get
It. They considered t of such great Im
lon Hint they used up the greater part
of two or three valuable meetings In dis
cussing It. They finally decided to let
every one write words which they con-1
sldered tunefully and appropriate nnd i
bnl-ntr tSiem lo the next meeting and I
select tho versos which seemed Imbued !
with Rreotost genius. It was never I
known whether ifhe verses wore all so
good nhnt tJi- were unable 'to decide
or not. There wn.s n ngne rumor 'that I
most of tho vorsos wore wondrous bad, I
but 1t was uiiAuMientlcntod. It Is sum-)
clontlo say thnt the long-talked of song I
never .aw tho llprht nnd tho world was '
robbed of another wontby creation. This
lnf,""ce Is of course not expected or In-
tended to dlscournpe nnyono, It moroly
son-es n,s an example. And, mnrk you,
tho Kngllsh olub only attempted to
wrp ,tho ,..onls rwhirfi i m,rt oi.
pnrt of in song of this kind). The music
they oxpeotod to grip from an old Gor
man university song.
"What is uho moaning of tho expres
sion 'cheap skato'?" asked nn inquisi
tive second prop.
"A cheap skate." tnnsworod Hay Toole,
dreamily, n ho thought over his last
week's adventures, "Is whore you bor
row another fellow's skates, sneak Into
Lincoln ipark, steal somebody's lunch
whilo you nro out thoro nnd walk both
wnys to save car"
Heard on Now Year's Dad. "Hollo,
Chnrley, whoro are you going with that
olgnr box?"
"I am going to nil it with visiting
cards. I'm going calling today."
TION. Allie Randolph played pitch.
Frank Summers wont duck hunting.
Straff Hewitt packed his trunk.
Hilly MoKny practiced the "Dutch
Jack Heaohly broke in a new pipe.
Curly Andrews went home to get a
square meal.
"Short" DonhofC wont home to mend
the chimney and fix tho weathor v&no
on 'the barn.
Ernie Haughton carried a sprig of
mistletoe nnd looked for victims.
Keene Abbot ate dlnnor with his com
panions at tho "crazy house."
Russell Thorpe won)t 'home to get
some laundry and incidentally to im
press on his father's mind that school
this year was quite expensive.
Doc. Everott studied one whole day
ito see how It seemed.
R. Palmer Teele wore his little Jer
sey cap and went skating. He did not,
as usual, walk to Milford. The reason
Ray does not ride on the cars is be
cause he ds opposed to monopolies and
Tho Low Comedian stopped the Ama
teur Thespian in the hall.
"ATe you going ito begin hard work
for the dramatic club now?" he asked,
as he brushed back a few straggling
See our special lino of ?15 suits made
to order. Special bargains In pants,
$3.75. A good overcoat, ?10. George
W. Fraser, agent for Independence
Wool M'fg Co., 131 N. 11th st.
wBtw or erenm eolorwl hnlr whloh hud
fallen over Ills glnsFos,
"I guewi so," Hftld the Ainntour Thou
plan, lnedHntlvoly, "The. lending lady
has lert us boontiBo she didn't Hko her
Inst newmmpcr notices, but the ou
brelto Is wtlll wllh us nnd I think the
nucn of -"
Just ihen tho Wondering Mfbtflrel
came nmhlng down the hnll 8 If lit
wimv bound for a olraiB, but he flopped
short nnd shook hnnds wtth tlicni, al
though he ilind seen hem both severnl
time during tho fternoon.
"Talking of dramatic?" ho naked
rapidly. "1 just wmnted to toll you ihtxt
1 found Jut the piny we wont to pro
duce. It has on tine ohnmoMr in 11
and 1 think 1 could piny It beautifully.
1 have always wnnted to piny suoh ft
ehnrooter s that Is. 1 could do it m
weil, 1 think." nnd he smiled OB ho pie
tuved hlmswlf porfonnlng Htfart n
Intelligent and dollghtcd nudlouoo.
The Amateur Tbesplnn stnrod nt him.
"It la tho principal pnrt, I suppose."
ventured tho I.ow Cotned'an, Ironically.
"Oh, yes," nwonted the Wnndertn
Mlnetrel. oherily, not In the lea
lmhed. "In fnt. It Is generally the
etnr pnrtsthntftre fitted formo.don't yon
know. In thta one especially 1 nimoK
think the mithor ihiirt me in mind when
he wrote the play."
"T think 'thnt la debatable." said Mi
1ow Ooluodlnn, unfeelingly, "nnd I
think It Is about time you knew that
you omit play bog with ell Wits star
parte. U is nbout my turn to get n
crack at a lending part, o I'll jubiwim
that character mysoirnnd you oaii"ply
the butler or the housemMd."
"Tint's right," ndned Hie Amnteur
Thoaittui. "It Is time you wore learning
that you are not fitted by nature for
a star. 1 never snw the part, but I
don't believe you could play It miy
nore than you could play 'little Red
Rldlnic Hood' or Trilby.' He will take
tt hlnwelf, and if he can't play It 1 will
b t vr him. If ',on want to be cast
for a tort you could do well, why just
piny tie acullton 1f theiT Is one nnd if
there inU you can roll up tho curtain
nnd imss programs."
The Wandering MInstiel did not seem
in the east cut up nt balng roasted.
He 'took It nil as n mnttor of course.
"You fellows mnko me tired, ' he said.
"You ore so selfish. Now T want to take
the part for the good of tho play, while
you want to show off. Now If" Here
he glanced nt tho dock and saw It was
ten minutes of flvt and ho remembered
a pressing engagement at four, so he
rushed excitedly nt of the door, en
tirely forgetting th pllo of music books
ho had loft In tho vlndow by tho look
ing glass.
O give mo a homh by the sea,
iAnd thoro on tin bonutlf ul strand
I wll buy wlhout fall
A toy shove and pail
And dig mo ahle In the sand.
Barofootcd I'll nn on tho beach,
With trousors relied up to the kneo,
And troulilci that ohoke
Will van Mi like smoko;
O give me a lofie by the soa!
Notion to Pacific Const Traveler
The new fast sonico inaugurated by
tho North western-Union Pacific lino to
points as alio, , enables us to offer yon
the best tlirmmli en- service and n good
many hours faster lime from Lincoln.
Plenso cnll on us for full inturmntion.
H. A. MoMimt. (ifiieral Agent. A. R.
FiEi.iMNO.Citv TkiLet Airt. 1 17 So lfi S..
I 0 to
in a Tourist Sleeper
It is the RIGHT way,
Pay mon. and you are
extravagant. Pay less
ami you arc uncomfort
The newest, brightest,
cleanest and easiest rid
ing Tourist Sleepers are
used for our
to California,
which leave Lincoln
every Thursday 12:15
p.m.,rcaching SanFran
cisco' Sunday evening,
and Los Angelas Mon
day noon
City Ticket Agent,
Cor. 10th and 0 Sts.,
Lincoln, Neb.
Ask for full informa
tion, or write to
Omaha, Neb.
- Baldwin Tailoring Stock.
Wo ni-c now Um lundora in nil kiiuls of Clothing,
Yott hnve nn opportunity to got high clnss tftiloring m greatly
reduced prices,
Yott should not neglect this opportunity.
NOW . . .
. . . 25 Per Cent Discount
MAfMrf ...
. . TO . .
"The Italy of America,"
Southern California hns very truthfully been called; with its fruits and flowers, a
Veritable Summerland.
Rtndents, uhen you want to ro homo either to points on tho ninin lino or to
Always tako UNION PACIFIC.
City Ticket Office
General Agent.
If You Don't Know It
It is time you lonm tho advantages
of dealing directly with tho manu
fuoturors. It is not ulono tho suv
mg in price thut is of cousoquouco
ulthougu that is u big item, but it
ih tho cortumty of butinfuctlon and
tho guarunteod quality and lit tliut
tho makers of line clothing nlouo
eun Hive you.
Our clothing is practically to
order. It it isn't right, wo uro tho
sull'orors, and wo mano it as rihht
can be. Wo don't peimit nnyono
to mnko bettor goods.
We have a Full Line
Of Furnishing Goods, always
correct m stylo.
As also wo aro leadors and tho
only practical Huttors iu tho city.
It you wish to havo tho correct stylo
call on us and see for yourself.
1013 to 1019 0 Street,
Lincoln, Neb.
At Reduced Rates.
1040 0 St. Telephone 225.
1136 0 Slrtot . . .
Is the lime to buy
yourSHO IDS Wo will gi vo you
On ovevyf.hmg n our stoi'O
ONcapt, Kubbor Goods.
1 044 O Street
ECIty Tioket Agent.
ffitst at'I Bank,
N. S. HARWOOD President.
CHAS. A. HANNA. Vice-President.
F. M. COOK, Cashier.
H. S. FREKM AN. Ass't Cashiers
N S. Harwood,
John Fitzgi kald
1) V. Co K.
F. M. Cook,
1. D. Macfarland,
f. M Marqueite,
JfliiNll. Ames,
J L. Carson,
A. B. Clark.
Hats, Cigars, and Tobaooo.
HpeclM attention Riven to Btndent nnd (ami);
trade. Goods dellveied to ull jiurts ot thuclti'.
W.W. Oor. O and 12th Sts,
The Finest Bath Rooms in the City.
Student' patrouuRe aollclted. Agency for tn
11 out l.auuiiry,
120 North 1 1th Street.