The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, December 20, 1895, Image 2

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The Nebraskan.
Weekly Nowsiinpor Issued Hvcry I'rlduy Noon
nttlio University of NuliMNkn.
1". T. IlliiKY, MiuhibIiib Kdltor
MIhh Jo l.otlrlilKO ;!Vml",y.
a I.. 8lm" M,,i,,.?.ri
(J, II. AilnniH, UnM
I,. I- Mnrtln '"''ol
H, II. HUiitn '' " W"J
I'rlro per year iW
liv lllllll jj
I'rli'u per month '"
Aildri'M nil ('ointiHinleiitlniiR to Tiik Nkiiiiabkan,
Uiilvi'iKlty tf Nutirukii.
I'horo Ih need of Homcthlng In tho Uni
versity of Nobrnslta that will keep ath
lutlo liiitoroHt nllvo. Uut our inactivity
him Kn?n ho great that wh'on anything
Ir 1o1hoi1, or offered to bo don', no ono
itulccs liold of t, and dooa ovon what ho,
Iio8 promlHOtl.
Iust your Dr. IJarbour nroinlaou that
lio would enrvo a tablet from oak, oh a
record of tho nohlovoinenls of our foot
ball team for 'thnjt year. He boufrht
Mo oak and tho Imwa trimmings, only
asking 'that itJio names of itho plnyora
bo brought to ihlm, aa ho did not havo
tlmu to look thorn up. Ho nought tho
manager of Inst ycais'team throo times,
but could ndt got 'thorn. Another offort
on his part was made and Inst week a
list of names comprising tho champion
ship iteam was presented ito lilm. Our
gonial doctor, after spending four or
live dollars, 1ms now gone willingly to
work preparing tho ilublot, us lie prom
ised. TJi'oro appears to bo vory lltitlo Intorost
inuulfcrttutl In sucurlpg this tablet and
It seoms that Prof. Barbour lias a
thankless Job on bis hands. Wo hopo
he has not. Tho custom of engraving a
tablet In honor of any wthlotlo achlovo
inont should be encouraged. Ttheso tab
lets will bo sorowixl on itho gymnasium
wall ,a monument of what has been
done, and an honor worthy of emula
tion. Tho plan Is not original, but borrowed
from eastern, collogos, and Is one that
has met with wonderful sucoons In
arousing Interest In athletics.
The university Is now In Its twonty
sovonth year and It 'Is time that wo
make a jvcord of our achievements.
There Is no more Interesting pleasure
than pointing out to our visitors and
frlonds relics and itrophlos of past con
tests. A world of exalting college sports
conturs about those. They are looked at
In awe and rcverenco by succeeding
classes. They oxelto a healthy rivalry
to surpass, and stimulate an emulation
hound to result profitably. W bellovo
those deeds of our alumni should be kept
l)cforo our eyes.
The plan Dr. Barbour wishes to in
augurate is simple. Kvory itlme a record
Is made or an honor achieved In tho
athletic world, be it by a single studont,
team or organization of any sort, If it
Is deemed worthy, a tablet shall be
Inscribed with mention of tho event and
the name or names of tho participants.
These tablets will then be screwed on
the gymnasium wall as a monument to
tho ono securing the honor and a record
for succeeding classmen to strive for.
Dr. Barlwiur says ho is willing to carve
all the (tablets required. It only needs a
little interest ito be manifested to se
cure thorn. If this Is done ,lt will not be
long before tho manual decorations of
tho "gym" will present an interesting
aspect. A few trophies and tablets will
serve as the foundation for an interest
ing bit of history, which we will all bo
anxious to rehearse to our frlonds of
tho outlde world, and which we will
exhibit ito them with pride.
Tho meeting of the board of regents
of tno university last week was an es
pecially important ono. Plans wore
made to bring tho work of tho univer
sity closer to tho common people and
broaden its lino of work.
It was decided to open a dairy school
next year, tho regents making an ap
propriation for erecting a dairy build
ing on tho farm. Such a school has
been found to bo very successful In tho
Minnesota university, and It Is bellovcd
it will' prove a success In our univer
sity, floro tho young men from tho
farms will loam 1iow to make good
butter, tost milk, and proporly care for
dairy herds. Tho work will ho vory
A school of agriculture will bo opened
in January and will contlmto for a fow
weeks. Tills school will bo only pre
paratory to tho college of agriculture.
Tho fiirtiioi'H sons, with vory llttlo ox
ponso, can tnko this courso and learn
Romothlng about solontlflo farmlngt
Subsolllng, rotation of crops, diseases
of slock, grafting of fruit troos and
many otlior things which ovory farmer
Bhould bo familiar with will bo treated.
This courso will of courso moot with
opposition from so-callod farmers who
bollovo ..o only way to learn mrmlng
Is by oxporlonco. Uut tho broad-mlnd-od,
successful fanners, who nro abreast
of tho times, will rcallzo tho Import
ance of Biich a school and will undoubt
edly oucourago It as much as thoy tan.
Tho school of nioeliaiilo arts will bo
mado as practical as possible It Is
desired to mako It fill tho gap holwcon
tho common schools and tho uulvor
slty, although It will not tnko tho plueo
of tho preparatory dopartmonts.
All tlioso linos of work havo boon
trloil In other unlvorslllos nnd havo
been found to bo successful. Thoy nro
designed to proimro young moil for
practical, ovory-day life This Is tho
kind of education which Is In demand
nowadays. Young mon who avail
thomselvos of such advantages learn
how to uho tholr heads mom and tholr
lunula less.
Wo arc sorry It Is necessary to run
the cuts of four members of our foot
ball team In our supplement with this
Isbuo which appeared In our holiday
edition of last year. Owing to a mis
understanding tho four mon In ques
tion did not sit for tholr photographs
In tlmo to receive hnlf-tono cuts of
tlioin from Chicago.
Professor Bates has taken exceptions
to tho Htatomont In tho last Nobraskan
that tho IOngllsh club was an offspring
from tho Union socloty. Our authority
Tor making tho statement came from
tho lips of ono of the Unions, who Is
also a member of tho English club. Wo
hopo tho Individual In question will
make it right with Professor Untes.
The law department has been getting
Ub name in tho papers lately. The
class of '1)7 has managed to achieve this
uiunvlable notoriety through tho as
sistance of certain men. who, taking
both years In one, claim the privilege of
bel"g members of both elasaos. There
are nine or these ono year men, we un
derstand, who have sought to turn the
tide of airalrs so that thoy might re
ceive the benefits which nro to bo dis
pensed. In the attempt made at the first or the
year to organize tho Junior class a con
stitution was adopted which did not
state who were pIIkIUI.. to membership
and who were not, and the presiding
ollieer refused to supply the deficiency.
Taking advantage of this unfortunate
situation certain or these one year men
strove to manipulate the organization.
With the slogan "Down with tho Fra
ternities," they cheered up tho more In
(ixperlenccd or their followers hnd to
others gave promises or futuro favors.
To cap tho cllmnx thoy contended that
the olllce of committeeman on the
junior promenade, the Juclest plum of
all' should fall to tholr lot. Mr. T. L.
Hall demanded that in return for his
services ho should bo the representa
tive. The significance Is soon when we
learn that Mr. Hall Is one or the ono
ytor men. This was the Inst straw and
those who felt that at any cost thoy
must be represented by a Junior with
drew, formed an organization Into
which none but juniors could ontor and
sent a committeeman from the class,
Mr. Wells W. Cook, who was seated on
the committee almost without opposi
tion. This It would seem should have
shown who were considered Juniors and
who not, but the law faculty are forced
to make a decision before these men
who confidently expect to graduate In
Jmo will confess themselves over
thrown, j. 1,,
W. V. Iloagland, '95, who lives at
North Platto, was In Lincoln last week
on "supremo court business" and visit
ed friends and tho profs at tho unl.
Estoy & Camp got tho now music as
soon as it comos from Chicago and
Now York.
Tho Lincoln news agency, headquar
ters for news, magazines and novels.
Harper's Century, Munsey's, Scribner's,
Cosmopolitan and other periodicals al
ways In stock. N. E. corner Eleventh
and O streets, Itlchard block, J. E.
Pearson, manager.
Somo Bargains in Books by Popular
Authoro at
Road tho List.
Any or tho following books can be ob
tained for 0 cents at Hurpolsholmor &
Co.'s book department. By mall III
Abe Constantln, I,udovla llolvoyj At
tho Orcou Dragon, Beatrice Harradou;
Uoyond tho City, A. Oonnn Doyle; Bird
of Passage, Beatrice Harradou; Blauk
Ueauty, Anna Sowed; Bound by a
Hpoll, Hugh Conway; By Misadventure,
Frank Barrett; Called Back, Hugh
Conway; Caso of Idontlty, A. Conan
Dcylo; Dark Days, Hugh Conway; Dun
gciotis Cut's Paw, David Christie Mur
ray; Dark Horso, U. Manvllle Fonn;
Dido, 10. F, Bunson; Dream Life,
Donald CI. Mltcholl (Ik Marvel); For
Him, Ulpsy; Forging tho Fottors, Mrs.
Alexander; Glorious Clalop A, Hawloy
Hmart, Her Despente Victor, Mrs.
lUiyno Her Sister's JMrothod, Bortha
M. Clay; Houso of tho Wolf, Stanley J.
Weynitn; Hunted Down, Max Hillary;
Idcnla, author Tho Houvenly Twins,
Snrnh (Irund; Lord Lynn's Choice, Bor
tha M.Clay; Lovo Letters of a Worldly
Wciiuu, .Mrs. W. K. Clifford; Lucllo,
Owen Muredlth; Madamu Le, Leona
Falcoiur; A Mad Love, Uertha M. Clay;
A Marriage at Sea, W. Clark Bussoll;
Tho Melancholy Hussar, Thomas
Hardy, Mystery of Uoncarrow, Mrs.; Natural Law In tho Spiritual
World, Professor Drununond; Old
Mudamolsello's Secret, E. Marlltt; Only
Ono Sin, Bertha M. Clay; Peter's Soul,
George Ohnet; Bevorles of a Bachelor,
Donald CJ. Mitchell (Ik Marvel); ltoland
Oliver, Justin McCarthy; Bomanco of
Two "Worlds, Mario Carroll; Scandal In
Pohcmh, A. Conan Doyle; Ships That
Pass In the Night, Beatrice Harradou;
The Sign of Four, A. Conan Doyle;
Tho SIlo:U Shore, J. B. BurtonjA Study
In Scarljt, A. Conan Doyle, Tlllyloss
Scandal, J. M. Barrle; To Bo or Not To
Be, Mrs. Alexander; Two Woman In
Black, .la.uos Mooney; Was It a Crime,
C. F. It. Huywnrd; Wife In Name Only,
Ik-rtha M. Clay; Tho Wire's Sacilllce,
author of the Two Orphnns, A D'En
nory; A Yellow Aster, Iota; Young
Girl's Love, Bertha M. Clay.
Book Dopartmonl.
At Kd. Young's. Hie best variety,
nnd news ami cigars, 1201 O street.
.mt arc wo to1 bo thankful Tor?
That our athletic association can close
tho season out of doit.
See our special lint of $15 suits mado
to order. Special bargains In pants,
?.'1.7f. A good overcoat, ?10. George
W. Frasor, agent for Independence
Wool MTg Co., lill N. 11th st.
You will Mud good'warm underwear
at the very lowest pilces at the Ewlng
Clothing Co., lllli-llir O street.
J -
The Funke Opera House Block
is the place to get your Clioico A mori
on Beauty and Roses of any shade.
Carnations and all work guaran
teed. Decorations n specialty.
Go to
in a Tourist Sleeper.
It is the KIGIITway
Pay more and )o are ex
travngint. Pay less and
you are uncomfortable
The newest, brightest,
cleanest and cniieiit rid
ing Tourist Sleepers nro
used far our
Personally Conducted
Excursions to
winch leave Omaha every
Thursday moraine, reach
ing San Francisco Snnd (y
evening, and Los Angeles.
Monday noon
You can join them at
any intermediate point.
Asknearest ticket agent
for full informnlion, or
write lo
J. Hhancis. (l.l1 a.. Onmlm. M-ii.
Palno, Wnrfol & Bupstcad nro load
ing clothiers and fashionable tailors;
II.'IO 0 street.
Winter Shoes
' . .. i
TO .
"The Italy of America,"
Southern California line very truthfully been called; with ita'fruits and flnwl'rs, u
Veritable Sumrnerland.
Students, when you want to go homo oithor to points on tbb main lino or to
Always take UNION PACIFIC.
City Ticket Office
. B. 8L0SS0N,
General Agent.
If You -Don't Know It
J t is tlmo you learn tho advantages
of dealing diroctly with tho maim
faoturors. It is not ulono tho sav
ing in pric.o that is of eoiihoquouco
aithougu that is a big item, but it
U tho cortainty of batisfuction and
'.liogiianmtood quality und lit that
the makers of lino clothing ulouo
can give you.
Our clothing is practically to
order. Ir It isn't right, wo aro tho
biiilercrs, and wo make it as right
can bo. Wo don't poimit anyouo
to mako bottor goods.
We have a Full Line
Of Furnishing Goods, always
correct in stylo.
As also wo nro loadors and tho
only practical Hattors In tho city.
It you with to havo tho correct stylo
e.ul on ua und soo for yoursolf.
1018 to 1019 0 Street,
Lincoln, Neb.
At Reduced Rates.
1040 0 St. Tolophono 225,
1213 0 Street.
1044 O Street.
ICity Tioket Agent
ffivst IPlatl Banh,
N.S.HAKWOOD President.
CI1AS. A. HANNA, Vice-President.
V. M. COOK, Cashier.
, C.S,I.ll'l'INCOlT, and
11. S. FREEMAN, Ass't Cashiers
N.S. Uarwood,
Uias A. IIanna,
John Fitzghkald
1) W. Co K.
F. M. Cook,
1. D. Macfarland,
1'. M Marquuitb,
John It. Am us,
J 1.. Carson,
A. I). Clark.
DtALtna in
Nuts, Cigars, and Tobacco.
PpeclM attention glTt-n to student and family
trade. Goods delivered to all parti of the city.
W.W. Oor. O and latb Bt,
The Finest Bath Rooms in the City.
Students' patrouKice solicited. Ageacjr for tb
Host Laundry.
120 North 1 1th Street.