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About The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1895)
LOCALS. MIbs Julln Wort wns sick Inst week, but Is back nt work ngnln. Allan Congdon Is tutoring n numbor ot students In mnthemntlcs. Tho law clnss rccolveil a largo In volco of law books this week. Miss Mary Robblns, catnloguor, hns returned from a visit In tho cast. Ward Illldroth spent Thanksgiving hunting on tho Platto near Ashland. Several of our professors delivered lectures during tho Thanksgiving va cation. Tho university will closo Friday, December 20, for the Christmas va cation. The Ashland club held a reception while homo on the Thanksgiving va cation. Mr. Walter Stophcr has quit school for this year on account if his poor health. i S. E. Clnrk. county superintendent of Saunders county, wns visiting his son this week. Freshman (after rending a society news Item): "Is the punch room the gymnasium?" The soph, class in mathematics un der Professor Davis, took up solid ge ometry this week. Several original rhymes were given at the Union feed. McGuffcy and Shreve were the victims. Allan Congdon, Lee Holdcn and Guy Howard spent Thanksgiving at Weep ing Water with their parents. Miss Margaret Hall started to New York on Tuesday. She and her mother will reside there in the future. An effort will be made to hold a university dance in the new art rooms before they are finaly occupied. Professor Lucy will address the Saunders County Teachers' association -Krlfiay. December 6. at Wahob. Omaha people are beginning to think the 'Varsity football team is all right, if Its members do temporarily roslde In Lincoln. Those -who wish to have seats re served for the charity concort may leave tholr names with Mr. Westcr niann, at the treasurer's office. Some of the students who burnt the steps at the library building Thanks giving evening arc finding It rather ex pensive to celebrate in that manner. Someone has askcd."DId Nebraska hold the cup this year?" Yes, the de sign lay on a Co-op shelf for six weeks. We ho;e Kansas will enjoy it as much as we did. s. E. E. Tyler, who has been teaching the sciences at the Lincoln Polytech nic institute, is taking up advanced work In our geology and botany de partments. An examination for preparatory stu dents conditioned In chemistry last oar. will be held in the chemical lect ure room at 10 o'clock, Saturday. Do- cumber H Professors Wo'.fe, Luckey, Sherman, Caldwell and Fling have moved their dejrtmonts to the library building and are getting well settled in their now quartern. In the midst of all our vociferations to the effect that "We are the Stuff," we cannot forget that there s a college In Iowa where they wear the Scarlet and the Black. Col. A. L. Ulxby of the Journal, says be thinks he will purchase a pair of upholstered bloomers and apply for the position of r-sntcrfleld on Nebras ka's foot ball team. See our special line of f 15 suits made to order. Special bargains In pants, 13.75. a good overcoat, $10. George W. Fraser, agent for Independence Wool MTg Co., 131 N. 11th sL The literary societies will have no Soo our lino of Ovorconts. If you wnnt neckwear that Is up to dnte go o the Ewlng Clothing Co. They are tho lenders In Furnlshlnp Goods: oxL'rcl80s Friday evening, In ordor that nil tho students mny liavo an oppor tunity to nttend 'tho preliminary de bate In tho chapel Ihnt evening. Mr. E. A. Senrson, 98, and Miss Not tlo Henderson, woro ninrrlcd in Dnllns, Toxns, last week. Both of theso young people woro In school tho first of this year. Tho Ncbraskan joins with their many friends in wishing them n long and prosperous life. The clnss of '97 met November 2G nnd voted down tho project of Issuing tho Sombrero. A meeting will bo held Tuesday, December 10, to appoint com mittees for the Junior Prom. They promise io mnko it the event of tho season, to make up for tholr failure to get out the Annual. The Pall Feed this year was as it al ways has been n glorious success. There were about eighty participants. The chancellor spent a short time with the party, to the delight of everyone present. One characteristic of these feeds is their informality. Needless to say, this 13 a pleasing characteristic. .Messrs. White and Lyon received a box from Now York Thanksgiving time. It was from home, you know. Tho boys invited in all their friends and set to, but could not eat all the good things, -io last seen of the party Friday evening they were run ning around a block and were going back to finish up. i Professor Sherman will deliver an address In the university chapel next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, before the Christian associations. The sub ject of the lecture will be: "Spiritual Law In he Natural World." This Is the same lecture Professor Sherman delivered at Chautauqua, N. Y., last summer, which was so highly spoken of. a i no now time shedule went into ef fect Monday evening. We now have a fifty-minute recitation time and a ten minute intermission. Thirty minutes Is allowed for chapel from 9:5 to 10:20. Classes dismiss at 12:10 now instead of 12:00. The ten-minute in termission is to give students plenty of time to go from one side of the campus to the other. The chancellor addressed the South western Teacher's association at Ox ford, Friday evening. His audience was quite large and his address well received. Professor Lucky also deliv ered a very scholarly address at the same place Saturday morning on "Child Study." J. W. Crabtree pro nounced It the finest thing of the kind he ever heard. The Ashland club met and reorgan ized last week. The next meeting will be held Monday evening, when the club will be addressed by Chancellor Mc Lean, Superintendent Ovcrbolt of the Ashland high school and others. The object of the club is to promote social intercourse among the Ashland stu dents and act as a sort of con necting link between the high school and Ihft university. The members are Mrs. Warfel, Mlssos Mansfelde, Du Bols, Wilson, Hcilman, Arnold, Bird sail, Butte, Jury, Bedford, Campbell, Messrs.. Clarke, WIggenhom, Brook, Graves. Crabtree, Williams, Fisher, Smith, George and Harry Shedd, B. J. and J. E. Almy. Tlie Flrrnimi' IComaiiee. "You are out with 3Iiss Box'" "Yes, Iter father putiin extinguisher on the affair." "You've done sparking, then?" 2fo, Vxo gone ha."; to an old flame." The Two Hoeka. 'The immigrant from England are called the Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Bock." mid the teacher. "And did those from Ireland land oh the aim in rock'r" asked Jimmie Dinwid dle. Tjilr Froper Xpberce. The ral and the hen liavo theli proper plierM At everything earthly mint; And wlieieit a lien can lay an ejrjj. It lake tho rain to lay tlieduM vant aro wo to bo thnnkful for? Thnt our nthlotlo association can closo tho sonson out of debt. Tho Lincoln news ngonoy, headquar ters for news, .magazines and novels. Harper's Century, Munsoy's, Scrlbnor's, Cosmopolitan afed other periodicals al ways in stock, N. E. corner Eloventh nnd O streets, Richard block, J. E. t Pearson, manager. Burlington's personally conducted excursions to Utah and California. A Pullmnn tourist sleeping car will leave Lincoln every Thursday nt 12:15 ip. m. for Denver, Salt Lake, Ogden, San Frnnclnco and Los Angeles. Only $5 for a double berth Lincoln to Los An geles in one of these cars. Remember there is no change of cars. For full in formation nnd tickets npidy at Bur lington & Missouri depot or city ticket olllcc, corner Tenth and O streets. a. W. Bonnell, C. P. & T. A. lCcvcrlca of it oiircllttl oitl Hcnu. JIow dear to niy lieiirl iiro the loves of my childhood. When fond rvenlleutlon presents them to view. With Kutle and lltesln I roamed In tho wild wood. With Susie, sweet Pliooue, and Winifred. too. And as I crow older Until. Stella. Kldolla, Evancellne. 'Tlldii. Ann. Polly. Irene. Oraee Nimiilc. Maud. Uosle, Jane, Eunice, Cornell.!. Blanch. Miriam. Jesle. Kva. !bel and Noll, All worshiped my Image. Penelope, Callle, And Hut here wo Mopped lilit. With faco Kravn and Mileinu lie showed u a 11 -a that would fill a whole column.) rniln:: the I.ln;. 1'vo loved the clrl of ev'ry laid Our own dear occidental Delightful iluMis oke the dark Sleek slant-orbed oriental, AH -oris, by turns, liavo touched my heart Greek, Yankee. Turk and Danish But O. my Uiy. I ean't abide. The maiden who Is mannish. There' the Hub. Mis. P.tsveneer It isquitondolicato question to know just whom to invito to ii party. Mrs. Unliam Upham Not nt all; tho delicacy comes in knowing whom not to invite. Ctiplit I'mler Arrest. Mr. Pull am (about to propose) Miss San ford. 1 tun Holloing to say what I wanUd to nij nn hour ago. Can you not, fmni my eyes, what it is? Miss Sanford Do von mean "Good night":" You look sleepy. lie scents to Ito. Mrs. Slings Young' Mr. Dinwiddio Is a bachelor of arts, isn't he? Sna:Ts 1 Hityfvosv that's what you might i all him. He has escajed the wiles ol uoin.-nso IF YOU KNOW. that I have the apparatus for half soling in the neate the latest point shoes ami up-todate styles, it would pay you to bring all your shoe repair work to UK) South 13th ?t. All work guaranteed. J. Ill Pettit. The Funke Opera House Block I is the place to gtt your Choice Ameri- en Beauty and Uobcs of any shade. .ll IKlllUUS .111(1 ail IIUl.ll llUllv IJIIillalll- teed. Decorations a specialty. FKEY & FREY. F P. R. BRAUN, tea I Ladies' Cloaks Ladies' Underwear Ladies' Hosiery Ladies' Gloves Gents' Underwear Gents' Hosiery Gent's Gloves MILLER & PAINE, 1235 to 1239 O St Jeweler, Optician, and Engraver. DEALER IN WATCHES, DIAMONDS, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, JEWELRY, ETC., ETC. All goods sold engrnved free of cbargo, nnd no chargo mado for examining tho eyes. 1 143 O Street. - - Lincoln, Neb. COAL COAL COAL CHARLES B. GREGORY, Sealer in all kinds of c o a :l,- Rick Springs, Pittsburg, Wier City, Lexington, Anthracite, Hurricane, Semi-Anthracite, Canan City, Peerless, Hanna. Office, 1100 0 Street Richards' 1,'sck. Yards, 14th t Y Sts. TeleahcRes Nos. 343 ft 345. THE PALACE DINING HALL Is tho Proper Place to got your Meals. SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS ALL YO0R FELLOW STUDENTS BOARD HERE. TRT. US. 1130 N ST A. G. 0SHER, PROP. HLCOHSERYATORY DIMM HALL Corner II th and R Streets. 129 SOUTH TWELFTH STREET. ' VlrtlAi"' .mV df- 5nII(Dyster parlors BOARD, $3.00 PER WEEK. Private Sappers and Banquets served in the best style on short notice Short Orders a Specialty All the Delicacies of the Season A Call will Convince Yon. Open All Hight. LINCOLN FRUIT STAND rUNMCElLI BKOS., Props. OtALCRS IN FEUITS AND CONFECTIONERY. HnU. Cigar, and Tobacco. Hpectol attention irlra to atadent and famllj trade. Uool dellreied to all parta of the citjr. Jf.W. Cor. O and 12Ui Sts, "Will Seat SO n?eople. Regular IBoard at SB3.50. Tickets S3.00. The Lincoln Salt Baths. mm mrnM Cor. 14th & M Streets, i iMrni m te-SMr -- w -.-., OJJJi-?a N, CDDAOl'A l 11 buinwirii ' jjjJBTlfe iir r -j. " eil ri rk. '-uLLL OPEN AT ALL HOURS DAY OR NIGHT. SULPHO-SALINE BATH HOUSE AND SANITARIUM AM. FOUM8 OP IIATII.H TarkMi. HdmIud. Itornnn. Kfectrle. wib tperiM attmtinr. to th nppll. cation of NATURAL KAI.T U'ATKIt IIATHS T-ral tlm- atroasnr than mm watrr, for "he core of ItheataaiUiH, SVrroiM dlfSeoltl, and man other lliwa. The Hath llotol tho in out roin !( in the world SKA HATIIIMi mar l rnjoynl at nil aon In our liirf, maicniflc nt fait U'aitr riwIiamlBK Pool, UxliO ioag. Z to 10 ft lt. healed to a uulform toiaperuture of 6a ilettTw J. PL T3VA1STS. President. C. O. QTJIGOLT3. Secretary C. A. SHOEMAKER, M.D., V.OY S M.) Office, No. 1134 L St, Ground Floor HOURS, 7 TO O A.M.; 1 TO 3 AND 7, TO 8 P M. Telephone G85. -'T'r' -- ii EVANS LAUNDRY COMPANY Telephone 199. 327-331 North Twelfth St.