NEBRASlfAN THE r. Vol IV. No. 10. UNIVERSITY OF NKHUASKA, JfilNCOLN, DKCKMHKK rt, IS!),-,. Phioi:, f Cunts . -r . ANOTHER GOOSE EGG FOR IA, ARE SHUT OUT A SECOND TIME 1 1 utUpa Hard FlRht hut tho Nebras ka boys Worn Too Strong Clearly Outplayed Onoo more wo have met the Haw- eea and ft hoy nro ours! The Thanks- phlng pome has become anlndlsponsa- part of tho fostlvltles of the day at (in, ilia anil Rood weather assures a fine ! , i,uv.l Tills year tho woathor prophet did not pull his wires right, however, iini oim i mil viiivvu wiis uiuiiuHinnmr , iioiiB-h to come through tho mud and nnsi 10 the game. Hut tho spirits of iIkiso who came niado up for tho .. iihor and It was a glorious game. I was not yet R:30 when a telephone in- -sago arrived at tho university tell ing of the Nebraska's victory by a s. ore of G to 0. The rod light was i iiod and soon ovorybody know the von Since then it has boon told ifiain and again how tho Hnwkeycj . ame for conquost and met defeat. How they appeared on the field clnl in their sorrel sweators and gamboled round in the mud like lambs on n n'oen meadow. How the cup dofondcrs - wintered out and watched them a lule and then bow they did 'om. In the beginning Iowa soemcd to own tho earth. But in the ond they quit t laimed It to Nebraska with all Us ap purtenances and belongings. The game was evonly fought during the greater part of the itimo of play. Fair kicked off, Iowa having won the toss and chosen the gou,j Tho ball re mained in Iowa's possession but a short tlmo when it wont to Nobraska on downs. Nebraska advanced It to Iowa's ton-yard lino, whore it was lost on an excusable fumble, but Iowa re gained forty-five yards boforo Kepler could be stopped. Iowa reached Nebraska's twenty- I rrPTttrtl?bnl1-OTrtr.ak in Iowa territory again. At Iowa's five-yard line Nobraska lost on downs. Tune was called with the ball in tho 'entre of Olio field. No score. THE SECOND HALF. Then Jones. Bud .lones, of Lincoln, Was called 'into tho game, Tho' he limped somewhat on Iris loft lame foot, lie "got there' just tho same. nd "Whipple, lengthy Whipple, Tho Apollo or the it cam, iimil helped tho hall along nd made the bloaohors scream. Hut all tho boys togothor. Tho' lame and bruised and soro. Downed the picked team from Iowa, And rofusod to lot thoni scoro. Thomas kicked off In the second hnlf ami Nobraska advanced tho hull -metro '"in sixty yards hof ore losing It on a tinnhlo Iowa it 'for just threo I'I.ivh when Nebraska took it on downs md sent Shedd over the lino for tho oni touchdown of tho game. An easy -'! was kicked. HaywardundSpooiiorwont out of tho P"iip shortly aftor this and Whipple unil Packard took tholr positions. Tint In le new plnying was done when tlmo tt.i8 called. Tho hall wub In tho cen tre of the ilold In Nobrntfku'B jiobsuh slon. Nobnirtkii (i, Iowa 0. The line-up: Holbrook . . .Loft ond Wiggins Gardner ...Loft tnoklo Qury Walker . ..Loft guard .Wilson, Oapt Lolghton Capt Right guard ....Ktillur .lonoH ' "fon Juiitro Mllford Canton Right .taoklo ...Huywurd TIM. I 1. W'oniua TUght ond Thom.o fc"-wyor Quarter Spooner ;,IoW 1-oft half (ICIiik laln Right hulf ShodU K"I,lo' 'Full iFuir UmpireWill iplxloy. Hoforoe -GriBwold. LlneBinon-ainllullou and Artor. rfho excursion from "Lincoln re turned after rtho theatre was out. MoBt "f tho 'teum stayed In Omalm till tvi- day. i i You twill illnd good warm iiindurwoari "t tliu wory Jlowest -prteus at the TDwlng' Clothing Qon "1115-1117 O street PR1&H AND SOPH TIE. The fishmau nml nophomoro foot lall loamS clashed together on tho campus Saturday nttornoon to see which class of tho university should lioar tho honor of being tho most skll ful on it 1.1 Kriillron, os both of these teams consider tho seniors and juniors easy meat Morrison kicked oft to Wilson, who aided by good Interference, carried, tho hall ninety yards for a touclidown, be fore tho sophs had aroused themselves from tholr somnlferesness. Wilson kicked goal. Morrison again kicked off and as soon as the sophs got the ball, thoy pushed it over and kicked goal. The ball was pushed around the centre until time was called, nnd tho first half ended sophs 6, freshman C. It was not long after tho second half was called when tho freshles made an other touchdown, Hisy nnd Wilson carrying tho Wil. No goal was kicked. Hasty k Joked off. Tho sophs' super ior wcightjpvns itclling and they ad vanced thSjbaUt steadily by terrible rushes of lankier "and good gains by McKay fcjja touchdown. Morrison missed goal? Only one more minute was loft. Score: Sophs 10, Freshman to. r The lln$ -up os. Stein .. Hull ... Moore . BriMon Wossell Sargont Plcrson Position. '99. Benedict . . Brown .Ijort end . .Loft Hackle .Loft guard .Slaughter .Centre Doubt .Right guard ...Plnkham .Bight tackle Carver ..Bight end .Montgomery ..Quarter Roador , Bight hair Ryan ..Left bai; . .Josso Wilson ..Pull back Hasty l5T Morrison McKay- Stock .,,-,.. Kindlor .,. STANDING OF THIS CLUBS. Missouri has protested the Nebraska game, claiming that It was an unfair decision whlcb gave Nebraska the ball and a touclidown after tho punt was blocked, 1n tho first hair. Nobraska bas protested tbo Kansas game, be cauToT n'ocorJItngTo" Tier IntoYpTo'Di'tlo'n" of the rules, "Harvard intorforonco" was played by the Kansas team. It will bo a surprise if oitbor or the pro tests Is allowed. ir thoy aro not, Kan sas undoubtedly has tho pennant, as sho bas tlhe loast numbor of points soorod against bor. The standing of tbo olubs Is as follows: Team. Kas. Neb. Mo. la. Kansas 8 0 n Nobraska 4 .. 31! 0 Missouri 12 10 .. 4 Iowa 0 0 0 Total 1C 18 38 HI! TliiB gives Kansas the pennant on the dose margin of four points, Ne braska mid Missouri bolng tied for sec ond plnco, oaoh ihaviug eighteen points scored against It. Tho ohapol was comfortably flllod as to tho lower ipart on Wednesday evon iug by an mttontlve audiouce assembled to listen to the third recital given by the pupils of the university school or niUHio. A fair sprinkling or students wore present. Or courHo theso reoituls are not supposed to be finished and artistic. They are simply to show tho progress niade Hiy tbo ombryo musl oliuis, and as Hiiuh ure iutorosting. The intoriirotntlon or the music showod inuuli Btudy and ipuluHtaklng on the ijiart of thoso who imrtloljiuted. The piano program consisted of the follow ing numburs: "Third FunttiBio" Melon Jloptmirk Gujttrudo lluiiseu. "Sahorao," "Album Loaf" Gado Mary Kottorlng. IProludo "Andanto RdllproBr" MaBBonot Murth 31UBBQ. iBouru No. 1 iBaoh1 iLo Papulllons Grog-!! Mae 'Colson. QUiore wore 'but two voice numbers, one 'by MIbb 'Gortrudo Wright and one iby MIbb Hmogono Clinton. MIbb Wright Bang a Bong by A'bt Bmoothly and well. A Boronado thy RoBewlng wus the boIoc tion sung by "MIbb Clinton. 'Ono violin Bdleotlon wus ipluyel by Willie Mudra.i "Yunkoo iDoodle," with variations, wubI the Boleotion. ?t- HAVE SET AN EARLY DATE GLEE AND HANJO CLUB CONCERT Will ho Hold ot tho InnslnR Docom- bor 18th A Hclldny Tour Ar- rnnKod for tho Club. Tho (lleo nnd Banjo clubs compris ing over thirty men will give tholr third annual concert at the Lansing theatre on tlie night of tho ISth, The clubs by connuuit hard drill ore in trim for a con cert earlier than ever lxforo. The num ber In both clubs hnis been Increased and the most attractive and pleasing pro gram ever presented by a glee and banjo club In this city has been ar ranged. Tho sonts nr? .all new and catchy and are full of ty local oollnro flavor that eharaotorlaed the Princeton concert last year. Thtfe who have been lucky enough to hoar the banjo club say that tdiey plaV tho latest two-stons In a way to brine joy to ibe hearts of tlho various twlj-sxep fieadi In the university'. There are to be sevwal noveJtles In the programSnirtably a tvw college song written especially for this i-iiiiwn nnu a iiiL-uioy iiui m me mie?i popular airs sung as only a glee club can sing thorn. The manager Halph Andrews bas decided to lower the prlr of tickets to r0 cents in order that ever man and woman In the university can enjoy this first musical event given by college students. The various frater nities, societies and olubs are making arrangements.for lox partloe and thra tre partlos and it looks much as If this should be a social as wail as a musical event. This Is a thing you cannot afford to miss. See thalt you do your share. ' 1900'S HOI. Tho class of 1900 bop, given at Representative ball Friday evening n week ago, was the most elaborate affair. over undertaken by any of tho lower classes. The -decorations wore of tbo class, unlvorslty and national colors, and potted chrysanthemums were ar ranged around tbo speaker's desk. 'Orchestra mnfjie wssirjiiDhod and eighteen numbers -danced, wbicb wore thoroughly enjoyed. Much credit for flic successful termination -of tho re ception Is duo ito tho committee on ar rangements, Fred Ryiins, Vincent O'Shea and Miss Morrisey. RESOLUTIONS OF SYMPATHY. Whoroas, It bas boon ploaslng to Almighty God to Tomovo rrom a fiold of Christian work Mrs. Mary 12. Wing, niothor of our class mnta, Thomas 12. Wing, be It Resolvod, That class or 90, Col logo or Law , extend our hoartfelt sym pauty to -our class mate In this, his hour of afillctlon. Resolved, That a coil' or these res olutions ibe sproad 'Upon the minutes or tho ohiBs; that a copy bo sent to the bereaved class mato unQ published in the collogo papors. J. M. ROGERS, C. 12. Tlu. - i A. F. MONTMORENCY, Committee. ProroBsor White to claBs in chem istry: 1I fliopo the oung men who have boon In Uho 'habit or looking the Htools to itholr desks in the laboratory will doslBt at once. II would also be much iplousod Jf threo young 111011 -who match iponnloB iwlhllo fhoy aro doing laboratory work would (try to give up that bud habit." Thankhglvlng wltnoBHod the fifth an nual game between MIbhoui'I and Kan bub at ICinisiiB City. The scores. 1801 -Missouri 8, Kansas 22. 1B92 MlBsourl 4, KaiiBUB 12. IBlia Missouri 12, Kansas 4. 1804 MiBsouri 12, Kansas 18. 1895 Missouri 12, Kansas C. m Tlie Ponusyhtiula-Oonioll game .to Bulted 40 to 2 dn Ponn8jinuv.ia'B favor. Tlroake Hcloked 'two goals from the field and Blx goalB from iib -many cbanceB. Tiho two ipolntB far 'Cornell u-eBultod from a sufoty iBroake tmade Hiy fum bling the 'ball while behind the iline for u punt. T)on 'Cameron's Hunch south Eleventh stroet. counter, 118 ABOUND THK CAMPUS. It was what in vulgar Kngllsh mlgh' be callcil a mob. Tney wero standing, sitting down and lying down In artistic and comfortable positions all around the room. Thoy wore different In man ner, slr.o and feature, hut In one way thoy were nllko they wero nil smok ing. From the Youthful Borneo, with his cigar between his thumb and fore finger who was thinking very Intensely of something, to tho Star Idiot with his cigar In the extreme right comer of his mouth, who never thought of anything and never expected to, thoy wero all pulling assiduously. The cause of this cosmopolitan gathoriiiE and tholr com mon occunatrton was that tho nililod Fool ,,a,i m(A n crmv,, of thom on vho . . , . . , , . ,, , bi.ii.-i-i .iuii in n hi ui iiiiiiriiui.ti RViifi osity had opened his heart and in cidentally his purso and bought a box of cigars and they had geno to the nearest frnt rooms to augment their ciwl nnd to lo justice to this cxtra- onllnary Instance of cnlargomont of lno 10nrti yearly cveryono was smok- , ,. ,.r,, nT11 , ,, ,,,. wnr.n ,. furtivo glances oast at the oion box on tho table, lCvldontly thoy were trying to finish their present weed in ordor to have anothor crack at the box which ( ws not yet empty. Tho Amateur Thosplan lay at full length on a tufted loung. with a clus ter of rebellious curls over his eyes, "looking just like n full grown cherub," ventured the Commissioned Officer, wac received in roturn for his doubt ful compliment, a Greek Lexicon on tho sido of the head, thrown from the unerring hand of the scandalized and rovongeful aspirant for histrionic laurels. Unlike most of his comrades, the Amateur Thespian was not smok ing against time for tlie very simple and sufficient reason that he didn't need to. Ho knew either by Invitation or investigation that thore wore five cigars in the capacious pocket of tJhe Banjo Fiend's overcoat and ho had the comfortable assurance that he was the only one who did know it He was moreovor quite confident that ho could porsuado the Banjo FJond to offer him at least two of ithem, so he smoked away in his charactorisWc fashion. The Star Idiot did not seem to be on-joj-ing his smoke. To toll tho truth a cigar did not agree with him at all and ho never would have smoked had ho not considered it indispensable in his character of "man about town." The smoke was always gotiuug in his eyes and nose and after the first fow imffs be was sure to grow faint and while he was recuperating his cigar would go out. Tli on tli ore was always ithe haunting fear t3iat he would put the wrong end in his moutfli. Between this -uneasiness and the iaintness and tho -unpleasantness or swallowing hair tho moke, the Star Idiot was ill at ease. He tried desporatly not to show it, however, and sat with an assump tion -or elegant -ease and languor, con tinuously flicking off real or Imaginary ashes from (the end of 'his cigar. "ThlB is a Tory good cigar," re marked the Banjo Fiend by way of starting a conversation and contem pornnoouBly pnulslng the taste or itihe donor. Euclh smoker agreed with him readily. The Banjo Fiend was au thority on good cigars and good banjos and anything 'he cared to suy about either waB listened to wltili awo and veneration by Ihis fellow students; wihuthor Hie knew uiijthlng else in the world did mot matter in the least iho never claimed any other knowledge and mo one thought of enquiring. "Yob, and its Tory popular, too," said ithe 'Gilded Fool, trying mot to fed puffed mp. "Ratlher strange that Whey Bell ,bo miany of thorn, Booing that Its a high priced cigar. People have to work hard ifor every cent mow, you 'know." Tlie Amateur TheBpiau Biniled. It wub iroally Tory amusing to hear IJk'iB kind of u speech from tho 'Gilded Fool,' Who never 'did a stroke 'of work in Ix'lBi Hlfe and wlhoBe father 'gave mini every I cent he ever ihud Ju IIlIb pocket. The I (ContliiuttU nu4tli pufiu ) WITH MOUTH AND BRAINS FEATURES OF DEBATES TONIGHT Will bo Hold In tho Chnpal-A Spirited Contast Promlsod Mnndarson- Gstnhrook Prize. The finals In tho preliminary Kan-sns-Nebraska debates take place this evening l he ehnpel. It promisor to be the most spirited contest for oratorical honors yet witnessed in the university The lioys bnve all loen working hard and it Is assured that thp winners will not have a walk-away. There Is much more Interest being manifested by the participants Man ever was put Into the local oratorical contest. An added fea ture this yar Is tho Mnmk.von-lCsta-brook priz which Is $S0 for first place and $10 for second. These prizes will In annually offered ad already they have wnoil tholr purpose jn increas ing the rivalry among the debaters. The program for the evening Is as follows: Vocal solo J. Albers Debate "Uesolved. That the United States Should Heeognlzo Cuba as a Belligerent Tower." Affirmative, C M. Barr, It, S. Baker, H. V. Qualntance, A. J. Weaver. Negative, J. M. Uodgers, J. H. Lien. H, K. New-branch, H. 1 lavltt. Voonl solo Miss Cutter lVcskn of judfres. The judges are: Professors Adanns, Caldwell. Fling, Wolfe and Dean Beese. THH LAST RITES. The Central Church of Christ was filled Sunday afternoon by friends, as sembled to pay the last respects to all that was mortal ot Mrs. Esther Barber, wife of Prof. G. E. Barber, head or the Latin department. Short services were held at the residence, after which the cortege moved to the church. The casket was borne by Prof. C E. Bessey and Prof, A. M-. Wilson, representing the university. Porter Hedge and Ed win Joary, representing the church and C A Lyman and Samuel McClay, as reprcsontat3?cs oFihVti:'Ar7tr As the procession entered the church Mrs. H. J. Kirschsteln played the fun eral march. "Le Regret," by Shubert. Tlie casket and the spnee around it were covered with rare and beautiful floral offerings. Among them was a mound inscribed ''Mother," from the children, a pillow marked "Our Presi dent," from Appomattox WT. R. C ; opon gates with the inscription "Rest." from the ladles' aid society; A broken wheel from Professor Barber's stu dents; a cluster of chrysanthemums from the ladies' faculty club; offerings from tho Delta Tau Delta and Phi Knppa Psl fratornities, besides many Individual ouerings. It is not generally known that stu dents are privileged to take books from the city library. Our librarian, Miss Jones, wishes it announced that they are. Registration blanks may be se cured from her or at the university librarian's desk. It is only necessary to have -0110 of theBO signed and the student, although not a resident -of Lin coln, miay then eommance to secure books from the city library, Joe Boardsley has 'been temporarily employed Jn the office of the state board or transportation at stenograph er, the position hlB father used to occupy. m Clyde C McDowell took his first ride In the -patron wagon the other night He was wanted aB a witness In police courtand tihe hoodlum waB -driven up to hlB tdoor and he got In as though It were a cara'iufie and the driver wab lib coachman. m Budd 'Gillespie or the .cadet Iband has developed a remarkable idegree tof dex terity with Mb mew skates. The Sigma lArpka Qflpsllon fraternity gave a delightfully informal .dance at their roomB on TYJday might. The a'ooms were ttubtofully deoorated and the (dancing -program was enjoyed to the fullest extent.