POVERTY AND PRIDE. Mv. Minks -llnvo yon onlled oa the now neighbors next door? Mrs. Mln' -Indeed 1 havcnM, nor T won't neither. Thoy'ro tho trnfihiost UlnA of people poor as church mlco, I'll warrant. They homls their WasluV out. "Whtil of that?" "1 s'poso thoy is nuliamed to show the rarfs in their own yard." 5SBs T Let -Us- ThlvTV H tT 1 'I i m SlGSt pi i'i i i J' V t e 6 a n i u o' t, n t t t a t c 8 i h J. A. SMITH, pipe J-lats 0 purii$I?ii)5 - - (joods - - 'i'liiit iii i up-to-date, mid the bwt values hi the cit l-isr NECKWEAR, lilted nnd unllucd CLOV1 S.MIlRTS.UNTMtRWEAR.lIO.SIERY. So! nc-tit fdi Dl'NLAl"S celebrated HATS 1137 O Sti-ool. THE PALACE s Is DINING HALL AM. 1130 COAL DEALER IN a GOAL ROCK vSPRINGS ANTlIRAClTli PITTSBURG WEIR CITY LIJXINGTON Office 1100 0 St. Basement, Richards Block - Tolophonos 343 & 488. MISS FERGUSON Has opened tho second term of hor DANCING 8GHOOL In the LANSING THEATRE DANCING HALL. Regiilur lossons given Monduj's, Wodnosduys, and Fridays, boginning at 8 p.m. Sho may bo consultod at tho hall from -1 to 0 ivm. Mondays, Wodnos days, und Fridays. Residence, 1G10 G Stroot. IRebrasha fliant anb Suit (Do. Woit lmlf of Trunk Prctory I2i7 O St. All Wool 'Pants Mudcto OrUm- Firt-claw nnd gunrnntMU to fit, J3, $4, 55, SO, nnd upward. IillSillCSS StlitS Jit, $18, fao, and up. Overcoatings and Testings AT POPULAR PRICES. Goods sold by the ynrd nnd ends (or boy's pmiti, otc. Pew uncalled for pants and sulti at your own price. O. R. OA'KLEY. O. H.'HOLOOM, Cutter. JT. A.. SMITH, SOOCESSOU TO W. R. DENNIS & CO. Hafts, 'Furnishing Goods First-Class Goods at Reason able Prices. . 1137 O ST.. GoHoTTTSo. 10th St. for It. R. and " Steamship ticUetB. You 1213 O ST A Special SUIT SALE is in Progress Today at Bakers Cldthinvg Mouse, 1039 0 Street tho Propbu 1?r.OK to got your Monls. SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS YOUft rRLhOW STUDENTS BOAltD HERE. TRY US. N ST A. G. OSMER, PROP COAL COAL ALL KINDS OF CANON CflTY PIJI3RLKSS HURRICAXIJ II ANNA SIIMI-ANTIIRACITII Yards, 14th & Y Sts first Wat'l Kawft, IjINCOIiN, N1J11. Capital, Surplus, $400,000.00 100,000.00 OPi'ICRUS: N. S. HAKWOOU Preildent. CI1AS. A. IIANNA. Vlce-1'roildent. K. M. COOK, Ciwhler. C.S. KII'I'INCOrr, and II. S. PKUhMAN.Ats'tCaililera DIRECTORS: N.C. Hauwood, ClIAS A. llANNA, John Pitzomkalu I) W. COiK. F. M. Cook, 1 D Macfahland, T M Mahouimth, John II. Amks, J 1 Cahson, A li Clauk. LINCOLN FRUIT STAND I'UNHIOELTjI DUOS,, Props. DCALCRS IN FRUITS AND CONFECTIONERY. Huts, Cigars, and Tobacco. Special attention RlTen to student nnd family tradu. UooiU dellrered to all parti of the city, ZT.W. Cor. O andiath DtB, It is hard for the world to bollove thu tho slniier who rides In a curriage is mado out of tho samo kind of clay us tho ono who bogs. The road to glory would ceaso to bo arduous if it were trlto pud trodden; and great minds must boriady not only to take opportunities, but to rauko them. Col What Sho Want fid. 1 "spa Where is tho littlo dog I brought homo to you yefiler.lny? lilttle Hot 1 tw.ided it to Tommy Twiddles for his kitten. Popa -Kb? Yon told mo you wanted a dog. Littlo Dot Yos. Tommy told me he liked dogs he tier than on It. Th fit's what 1 wauled a dog for. WIHiib 10 ,M. Now Son-t i-Lnw -Ahom! You vo meinbors Mv. Oldehapp. yon said Hint after wo were innvrted you would assist mo in tho mailer ol rrimfohinff a house. Mr. Oldehapp Corlnlnly. my hoy, 1 coriainly. Come 11 round the comer with mo and I'll introduce you to a friend of mine who Is in the install montbuNiiiesH. nwiiily In a Curoi. Little No, -Mnminn says ih'prouohor Bays beauty is a curse. M Inn does that mean? littlo Urot'ior That menus if mens nnd womens whs all ugly Ihoiv'd never bo any move ilghltn' and iiiiarivlin'. Miy wrrnldn't there?" "'Cfiuso nobody nd over marM,y any body." An Olwiffvliii; IVIl'inl. "Wiiilcs. Th l job yon have now is a soft snap. In t it? .links -I'm -rathor. "Nothing nt all U do. Imw you0" "Well i-r -not mueh ' "rioo.1 pi, . too?" "Ver In r How do you hnppen to li now ho m i h uhout my jr.h? ' "I notice yon Nt it'll to it." AVIiftl Two (tlrls Oot. Mrs. Mujfgs My darter went lo nil them ravivnl niodHuSlUh't weak, and sho got a hUhbttnd: Mglar ease of lovo at first sight. TliCyVe to be married noxt month. Did your durtor got ono, too? Mrs. 'I'ugcs (sndlyl -Nnw, she didn't gotittithun but religion. Vori' 'UlUn 'rtroWn I'o'II.'m. Tjittle i)ot-Jl 'fniiflo a doll's swing to day, and 'I asked ISUjol May to land ino her doll to try ifwtth, an' she wouldn't do It. Mie's just the meanost, Ktingiorit thing' 1 over miw. Little Dii'k "Why didn't you use your own do!!1' Llttio i mi--! was f raid it might fall. DANCING SCHOOL OPENS. MIkb Forguson, Who conduotoa tho danolng soliool bo succosBfuIly In the Lansing thoatro dalioliig hall laat fall, has roturnod nnd Is nRaln ready for btislnoss. Many university students will testify to hor ability to tench the Torpslohoroan urt to awkwrd Individ - uuls. Now pupils enn oonio In nt any time. Itogulor lossons uro glvon Monday, AVodnosdny nnd Friday ovonings at 8 o'clock. Anyone Intending taking dancing lossons should consult Mss Fer guson ub soon as possible. Sho may bo found ut tho hall fom 4to C p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Trldays, or at hor residence, 1C10 C streut. As Miss Ferguson has the use of Lunslng hall, parties dashing to secure It for dancing purposes may do so oy nrmngomont with her. OlrlM Not Wtiiitod. Mother Why don't you want to tub your littlo sister coasting with youV Llttio iloy -Littlo girls Isn't any good ut coasting. J3vury time they btnlces the buiupurun gut thrown up m tuo ulr u;r upautun' run into they crios P. R. BIRAUN, 129 SOUTH TWELFTH STREET. abtcs' anb (Ecnl's (Srillonystct parlors REGULAR 'MEALS 25 'CENTS. Short Orders a:Speolalty All the Delicacies of theSeason A Call will 'Convince You. Open All Night. BeBt quality regulation white cadot gloveo are 10c at the Swing Clothing Co., 1115 and 1117 O. w, ; .-.;v. j... w .. ',!. ' KAfr Til 10 WAY IT LOOKND. The following nceount of the Knnsns gnme Is tnken Hi'im the editorial page or the 1C enlng News. The Inrge crowd thnt turned out to witness tho football contest between the veiirewntfttlve of the stnte universi ties orKnusnsnndNebmskn was doubt less something of a surpHso to tho nth lettc association. It was In foot n mng nlflcent turn-out, nnd Indicates that tho university spirit Is growing much stron ger in liinooln year by year. A large proportion of those who wore present doubtless failed to understand Just vfUy eleven young men should remove nil traces of ell llzatlon from their coun tenances and dress In costumes thai tvotv not recherche by n block nnd a half, for tbo purpose of bucking up , aKaiiist an i-uiial nmniH-r irom nurooa slmilnilv attired, seemingly but to have the opportunity to fall over ono anoth er They kno not at nil why the en tire twenty-two should mnke running Jumps toward one anothoi, but thoy did know when Nebraska was ustrig the ex ponents nt real culture from the Popu list hot-bed to caress the face of the gridiron, and great Joy thronged their beings. A considerable number Of those pres- ! ent. not counting tho Htudents.were v'lt- iiMdlnB thrtr flrsl professional game, or more tfti'lfltly speaking the first game played by trained football players. Thoy siw eleven young men wearing blonted ftdiy copied from a s'ign In front of a 5sorth Tenth street tonsorlal establish-' mettt lino up opposite eleven others at tired similarly save that tho excitable red or the Nobrusliuns' hosiery gave way on the Kansas calf to a deep, com prehensive red. On the line-up it was easily disoernablc that the Kansnns had been better trained, their hair was longer and they bore more visible Inju rles than the young disciples of higher' education from this state. Suddenly some on tossed out a ball, then some bebloomered Individual but ted It with his foot, and the whole crowd came together with a rush that demonstrated the value to a football player of eating his meals nt a students' lMiarfi. .g-houso. Then for half an hour or more thev worried and harried that 1 little piece or pigskin, chasing and push- lug it up and down the field. ICveryonce in awhile It would escape from Its tor mentors, but Immediately some one ...... 1.1 .,n,,,w,a ,i,n If 11 nil tlmn llmroMt I wiriliil J'l'iii.i ,.'.. v .... ...b.. .... .... of the crowd would fall upon him In all sorts of plcturesuue posos. It was here that the Intense pleasure or being the full-bnoli was demonstrated, this mattressed-top gentleman having the exquisite Joy of a twenty- yard run be fore ho could throw himself on tho fron y.lod heap of comrades. After tho captains and the umpires hud pried the heap Into semblance of individual humanity agalr.,thoro would usually remain some one or more of tlii- belligerents stretched out on the ground. Then the game would stop un til the wounded man had been swabbed out by an athlntie-looklng little follow, who piloted a large, temptingly propor tioned bottle around. As soon as his nose or log was pulled huak Into pluco, he Jumped up and thoy went at It iiKnln. Tills time they would lino up with their bonds Implanted In ono an. other's person, some follow would give out a sum In arithmetic, thon the ball would fly from one to another, tho fol low letting It last attempting to stoal out of the mass, while his comrades ol - bowed or hold the romnlndor or the opposition, ir he couldn't get out of the push he would tosB hlmsolf forward and then the balance of the crowd would tos- ihumsulvosonhls porson.flomotlmos one crowd would push the others down to ono end or the Held, und then that crowd would push hack. Once lnawhilo the crowd would say something about a touch-down, but the only thing resem bling that from the grandstand was the attempt or a youthful student to flngor an Incipient outbreak of mustnoho. Thlt thoro wub roally lotB of sport JtiHt watching those onthUBlastlc boys ar rayed In Bcarlot and croam (which, by the by, Is vory apt to bo mixed up In the mind of the populate with rod and white.) It is to bo presumed that those young mon had othor apparel oven if it were not visible. And there was a fascination about watching tho herou lpan struggles of the oxtonded athletes down on the ground, ulthough It Is a pastime that tho majority of us would -mr :' v. aa ?T sj 7 " TSf c; ..j? xnKWi.'AffUV4 --m WpK I dpollne to tain1 part, even nt the ivmm erntlve flsrure of $20 a minute. It Is only whfii one gfty.fH nj.n 11 htRhly-unholstMi-d foothnll plny.rs an notes thnt they wenr shin (ninrds, nov Runvds, ml'her between theli teoth bnnflnfw around the top or tlieti h ns well ns In numerous other un'ss li dlcnte Hint thpy nre nhnut to on tor Ini a oonfllet thnt promises .lomothlnR l sldos a flghl with pillows, thnt onr r enlls with dlsttnot suKR-esttons .. amusement the remark of Clinnoolim Mtlenn thnt the press exaggerates th. Inutnllty of foot-hnll. Burlington's personnllv conducted exctirslons to Utnh nnd California. A Pullman tourist sleeping car will lca. Lincoln every Thursday at 12 1.'. p in. for Denver, Salt Lake, Ogden. Pm Francisco and Los Angeles. Onl for n double berth Lincoln to Los An geles In ono of these cars. Kemcmbi there Is no change of cars. For full In formation and tloliots apply at Hui llngton & Missouri dopot or city tlck.t olllco. corner Tenth and O streets. G. W. Ponnoll, C. P. & T. A. "Fountain pons at fill prices, irom !H to 'I.n0 at lleipolBhoitnor Co's Book n.'idiMttuonL P!- TU'. the popular llorists, ,u.i local L'd at 114 So. 12th street ISd Young's for now cigars, plpos and tobacco 120 1 O street. The Lincoln news agency, headquai ters for news, magazlnos and novels Hnrpor's Century. Munsay's, SorlbnerV Cosmopolitan and othor periodicals al ways In stock. N. IS. cornor UJleventii and O stroots, Richard block, J. 12 Ponrson, mnnngar. IJurglar (appearing unexpectedly) Aniilciu' for iiiuiiodv . gent' Man of the House (on the warpath) Ah why or oxuttse me yes no Why, you sen, the fact is, the doctor or told mo to take exorcise with In dian olubv. I or must hnvo gotten hib ptetol by mistake Tho Axtlito Olllou lloy. Office Hoy Thoro was a man in the front olllco wanted to see you, but I felt pin'ty sure ho had a bill, so 1 told 'ini you wasnU in. links What mado yon think ho bad a bill? Ollloe Hoy 'Oli, ho had a sucalxin', 'bung-flag sort of a look. TJlllivohliilile, Reporter Wiib that uooidont un avoidable? Itailroiul I'residont Corttiinly, sir, certainly. No ono to bliimu. You see the watchman had 'two crossings to look after, 'half a 111II0 apart. You can't oxpoet auiiiu to bo in two places at ouoe. can you? A Sinni-a 'Woman. Mother M -ivy on usl How did you 1 tear Unit iov..y now suit of clothes all ; to piouo.' Small Sou I was throwin' stones at that now neighbor's oat, and it run under their burn, and tlion she guve mo ton cents to oraWl andur and ohase it out. 'WU -Worth ItenilhiK. 'Roaming .Tournalist I hoar tha the present owner of tho Daily TUow uurd is a rich old snoozor, who mudu a fortune on hums. Does ho evor write unything worth reading? Jilowhard Man You just hot ho does. Ho signs tho chocks. Had a Uuod Tliuo. Mrs. Wuyhaok Jllld you go to tho Hi-ator while you wui in tho city. Joshua? Mr. Waybaok No.Muriuh, I couldn't llnd no thuuturs somehow. Tim only pluco 1 could find was a dime niusourt but I saw that aix times.