LOOA.LS. Will Carney Ih working In the gold tnlni'H nt Ward, Colo, Mr. Hurt Abry'M father ilnyH with him tliin week Soo our lino of Ovorconts tm SYamT I : I ;3 iwo spent MMio Dellan literary society will give, a miiHlcul program soon. Mr. Porter Ihih boon fontiiilly liiHtn.ll- ed as Janltoi of University Hall. MIhh Lisle Wilkinson hns boon miff or lug from ti Hovcro attack of totiHllltlH. If they uhocI "Wool 'Soup' " probably they would not havo Hhrunk ho much. 1 U. Hraun'H grill room Ih becoming a popular placo for fratornlty HproalH. Mr. Hort Oarrlngor was out of HChool all of laHt week on account of tonsllltls. Professor Urunor Ih busy Identifying a lot of Mexican birds that ho captured in '!:! i Miff WoHCOtt of IMnttHinouth wiib vis iting old Unlvorsnty frlondH tho llrHt nf the week. Dr. R. 11. Woloott will address tho medical HtudontH thlH (Friday) evening In Nebraska hall. ' 11. K. Whooler Ih back visiting hla friends. After tho Omaha gamo ho will return to Khiihiih. ('arl Korloko of lMattHinouth Hpent the early part of tho week with bin oouhIu, Ki newt Wlggonhorn. The Kwlng Clothing Co. are showing the bent vnlui'H In $8 and $10 huUh and NfU'iints In Lincoln. Ue. Will Urown, 'Ul, who ban boon at (leneva. Neb., died Sunday, November 17th. of typhoid fever, Principal Kllllau and brother of tho Greenwood HchoolH woro visiting thu I'nlverslty last week. Kupt. Overboil of AHhland brought up about twenty high HChool HtudontH to see the game Saturday. Will McKay roportod the Doano and Kansas games for tho Journal and tho Council Iilurfs Nonpareil. .Mrs. II. II. Shedd of Ashland spent Saturday and Sunday with her sons, Harry and Georgo Shedd. Al Moss circulated among his old friends a few bonis Thursday. Ho Is teaching In Jefferson county. Occupancy of tho library for recita tion rooms has boon delayed until af ter the Thanksgiving recess. You will find good warm underwear at the very lowest prices at the Kwlng Clothing Co., llin-im O streot. k. If you want neckwear that is up to date go to the Ewlng Clothing Co. Thoy are tho leaders In Furnishing Goods. Last Friday the recall sounded at 5:r5 the proper time by tho way. Hun gry cadets rejoiced much thereat. The Commandant announced Friday night, that all cadets absent from the foot ball game would bo reported. Miss .Tosslo Shultz of Heatrlce has registered at tho conservatory, and is also carrying some University work. MMio ofllcors havo decided to adopt tho military cap, similar to tho one tho commandant wears, and have sent for prices. S. A. Clark, county suporlntondont of Saunders county was visiting his son, ISdgar, and taking In tho 'Varsity, M'uosday. Carl Marley, "J5, Is ow a mombor of tho llrm of LambortHon & Hall, and Ih practicing law with all the guHto of a veteran. Tho Chancolior lias formally an nounced the MMuinksglvlng recess will be from Wednesday evening to Mon day morning. The Library building Is being rapidly put In shape for occupanoy. Our library facilltlos are suporb, tho reading-room being oifpeolally linn. The. botanical department Is busily engaged in proof-reading on the seminar publications, and Dr. Rossoy's book, which he Is re-edltlng. MMio many frlondH of Ulllle Wilson will be pained to learn that ho Ih confined to IiIh homo, near College View, threat ened with typhoid fever, The Janitors all remained on the ground 'ast MMiemlay evening. MMils moans that our Jollflcatlons aro to bo kept In certain bounds, Arthur Pancoast, who Ih teaching at AHhland, vlHlted frlondH at tho univer sity Saturday and Sunday. Ho Wiih down for tho Kansas game. Tht next mooting of tho political economy club will bo addressed by Hon. L. D. Klchards, of Fremont. It will bo held In two or throe wooks. Oloe club lehearsal MMio club sings, "Ob the beautiful Miller's daughter." MMio director Don't hold tho daugh ter so long, especially tho first tlmo. Dr. HosHoy got word yesterday of the shipment of a largo invoice of botanic al apparatus from Germany, which has boon long expected and anxiously look ed for. Mr. Shear has returned from his trip to tho Ulack Hills, llo collected a line lot of specimens of the trees of that region, and tho trip was entirely suc cessful. ' MMio mother of Rort Gordon died Sun day morning at her residence, 1227 S street. Mrs. Gordon has boon keeping house for her two sons while thoy at tended school. Heta MMiota PI will give an Informal dance at their chapter houso Saturday evening. MMils Is the first party of tho season and the boys are endeavoring to make It a grand success. Mr. McLood was a little late to bis ten o'clock class Tuesday and when he arrived all but a prep and a pretty girl had bled themselves thoncoforth. Results are being awaited. Miss Jones Is moving Into her now office. It has a very handsome desk with all sorts of convenient pigeonholes and drawers; a couch; and will have a small table for the letterpross. Tie fore going home for MMuinksglvlng you should examine the lino of new bookH JiiHt received at Horpolsholmor's book department. The very latest and popular are there at tho lowest prices. See our special line of $lfi suits made to order. Special bargains In pants, $11.75. A good overcoat, $10. Geo. W. Frasor, agent for Independence Wool Manufacturing Co., 11!) North Thir teenth street. During the week, Tie v. C. S. Harrison of Weeping Water, Professor Fordyco of Wesloyan University and Professor Taylor of the I-dncoln Polytechnic were visitors In the botanical department of the university. MMie Phi Kappa Psl Initiates two new men Thursday night, Frank , Stclnor and Charlie MMiompson. After the cere monies tho boys adjourned to P. P.. Hraun's grill room whore an elegant supper was served. MMioso people who wont to English I! woro heartless creatures. "Woro thoy so selfish that they would not forego tho pleasure of the lecture In ordor to allow tho professor to go to the gamo? Verily it looks that way. MMio marshals at Crete aro moro sav age than Omaha pollcomon. Thoy carry heavy canos and do not hosltato to uso thorn. Several of tho unlvorslty boys woro struck by those mon, while Doano men wore allowed to crowd In. Dr. Ressey Is preparing a course of locturos, which aro to follow tho lec tures given by Professor Tlarbour In Omaha on tho 17th, 23d, and 28th of this month. This course 1h a part of tho unlvorslty oxtonslon courses. The Palladlails gave a party last Sat urday evening, November 10, at tho homo of Miss Ttcdford, 405 South Twen-ty-Hlxth street. Nearly all the members of tho society and some of tholr frlondH woro present. Many novelties In the way of games and amusements wore Introduced, which made tho evening an especially pleasant one. Dellcuto re freshments were served. II you w in ..i vt'Ht pocket Testamen muted on India paper, Iml one inc, wide and li:ilf tm in ;h til lok, just look overt io HtJc't at Ilorpo lHliulmor&Co'H. Pho rooters at the Kansas gamo clamored vlgorqusly for a fellow to take his cute little cap off from a reg ular chrysanthemum head of hair of a rather pale hue. It was afterwards discovered to be Captain Lee of Doano district. A dancing club, composed of about twenty-five Unl. boys, has been organiz ed, with L. A. llrown as president; Goo. Hlssor, secretary-treasurer, and C. L. Shuff reporter. MMio boys expect to dis pel all considerations of hard work ono evening each month and substitute a good time. You are Invited to attend the Mis sionary Mooting In Chapel Sunday, Nov. 21, 4 p. in. MIhh Coir will load. Mr. Lunn, Mr. Walker, and Miss Bur rows will toll us about Robert and Mary Moffalt, John G. Paton, and Moravian Missions. Three examples of abiding faith. MIsh llooso will sing. Professor Fling went to Palmyra Fri day morning to Investigate the claims of the high hcIiooI to be placed on the accredited list. In the afternoon ho lectured boforo the County M'eachoi'H' association on tho mothodH of teaching history. Professor Fling Is becoming very well known throughout tho stnto and his methods In many places tiro be ing adopted. The Phi Kappa Psl fratornlty wound up the foot ball gamo Saturday by on Informal little party In the evening. In honor of tholr two now Initiates, Frank Stelner and Charlie Thompson, and Piott. tho Kansas captain. About twenty couple enjoyed the hospitality of the chapter house, dancing and playing cards. Mrs. Wllloughby's or chestra furnished the music and Ices were served In the library. MMie M'ennls association met Wednes day evening and perfected plans for tho coming year. It was decided to put In three new courts with perma nent back-nets directly west of the Li brary. A committee was appointed on grounds and on finance. Tho report of tho treasurer showed $28.0!i and ono-half dozen balls on bjind. Tho now courts will cost In tho neighborhood of $100 and will be the finest In the west. I I i i i mtm I " lui Ladies' Cloaks Ladies' Underwear Ladies' Hosiery Ladies' Gloves Gents' Underwear Gents' Hosiery Gent's Gloves MILLER & PAINE, 1235 t0 I239 O St J. H. "EVANS, President. Secrelarv, EVANS LAUNDRY COMPANY olephono 199. 327-331 North Twelfth St. EL KCLXjiXjESI-I1, Jeweler, Optician, and Engraver. DEALER IN WATCHES, DIAMONDS, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, JEWELRY, ETC., ETC. All goods sold engraved froo of eharyo, and no clinrgo mado for examining tho oyos. 1 143 O Street. - - Lincoln, Neb. D13MATKS CLOSED UP. MMio preliminary debates woro com pleted on MMiursday evening of last week. MMio attendance was some larg er than on tho Tuesday night boforo, but not nearly so large as It should have been. Quite a number of those who did attend woro outsiders and not students In the university. MMiere were two questions debated during the evening. The first was on the subject: "Resolved, That congress should establish arbitration boards for tho settlement of labor disputes." The speakers were A. C. Mayor, Clint Rarr, 13. Coleman and J. II. McGuffey. The other question debated was: "Re solved, That the policy of the United States should bo the extension of its ter ritory." A. J. Weaver, It. S. Raker, II. P, Lcavltt and O. W. Meier were tho speakors. The Judges, Profs. Caldwell, "Wolfe and Adams, then rondorod their decis ion. MMiey Holooted the following ns the eight host out of the slxtoon who had dobatod: A. J. Woavor, It. S. Rakor, .T. II. Lien. II. 10. Newbranch, II. P. Leavltt, Clint Rarr, II. "V. Qualutance and J. M. Rodgers. Those olgbt mon will dobato tho ques tion, "Resolved, That congress was not Justllied in extending the franchise to the nogro after the abolition of slavery." In tho collogo chapel, on Friday ovonlng. Decembor 10. An admission fee of ton cents will bo charged. Whatovor Is re ceived will go toward mooting tho ex pense of tho dobato noxt spring. Tho president of the debating associa tion wlsbos MMie Nebraskan to urgo ov ory oyal student to do what ho can to mako theso debates a succos. TIiuh far but llttlo Interest has beon shown. If tho students do tholr duty, the chap el will bo filled on tho ovonlng of De comber Cth, and thoso who aro there will be repaid for their time. IHL CONSERVATORY DIHIHG HALL Corner llth and R Streets. "Will Seat SO People. RegfQaa? jBoard at SB2.50. Tickets $3.00. jXTTrPjr ,. !!& So. 1 1th St. Ground Floor. Special Kates to s Shxbents, VIA THE UNION PACIFIC . . TO . . "The Italy of America," Southern California has very truthfully beon culled; with its fruits and flowers, u, Veritable Summerland. Students, whon you want to go homo either to points on tho main lino or to KfriuvS W If you lmvo trouble with your eyes see Dr. Magoo at once. No chnrgu fo xuiniuutlon. 1 Itli and O streets. If you trade with Frank DuToil, no wa ngont, cigars, etc., you will re celv'o generous treatment s ATJBiaifcT., ETC, Always take UNION PACIFIC. City Ticket Office 1044 O Street. , D. 8L08S0N, General Agent. J. T.TIABTIN, ICity Tioket Agent