1 Vf' V v t B o o ; o? 'i f. f ,1 tl e r ?i i i The-Nebraskan. ovkljr Npwtnirr Nmifil Bviry I'rlilny Noon ci tli 1'nlviTHliy ol Niliriikn, llMTMIKD MuMM'I.AM Mail. Mattkii. V. T tlu.rr. Mnnnnlnn ISUltnr JMIIlHTH. MIm Jn l.nllrlil(o. .. Hncl.ttjr 0 .. Htmtf. .Mlllmry J (' lliii iminiii Itttml (' r. AiIiiimk. I.ticnl 1.. ) Mil. tin I.ocnl litti nine li. H II HUiiin, ... I'. I. Wild I'rire per vrfir ."fi llV lllllll K-' 1 rlii' mt tii'Hiih I" Vulln-M llll tin Mill") illltllK til TlIK NlllllIACkAN, I mIvkik" v ill Nci.rii-ku. Tin' members t the team, the Htu-ili-ntH nH a whole anil the faculty with one accord, arc rryltiK out ngnlnHt the number of match Ramon nohoduled for our fiiotlmll team durliiR the pant two 'kx It hiiH alifii ) actod detrlmon tallv t many huhIi-iHm, who hae not Mt cmleti'd down from the Kiinnim ami I)iaii- ifnmcK. Tin- player will have to fa'-i' a number of "inlltl'inn If they are not i in fill. besbltH the terrible (ihyHlc nl hi iiiln they ha undeiKone. V Kino Ih wlieiluled for HnatiiiKH Monday. Popular opinion Ih almoHt unanlmouHly nfjaliiBt taking tho team to mien a little "one-horse" place. With all due respect to HaHtlnK' elsce as a city, It doen not boast of any Intollectual In Htltutlon other than the nnylum for tho Incurablo Insano. There Is absolutely no Hense In nrrniiRiiiR a riuiic with our first eleven with the Y. M. C. A. team this city can put up. To be sure we will play a number of substitutes who prob ably will welcome the chance, yet In such a case, there Is a possibility if dt- fat. The Klory if a victory over smh ' a team amounts to nothing. We expect l to win, of course what will It f?nln for us ' Simply the trip, and the members of the team are opposed to It. It Is time that challenges from such small fiy as Hastings nnd Donne be laid on the table We havo satisfied Doane- let this be the last time we nre to meet her on tho gridiron. We should look for bigger game, n antes with Minnesota and Wisconsin could bo arranged If the attempt bo made In the proper season. Playing with professional athlotlc as sociations and alleged Y. M. C. A. teams dogrades the grid-iron. Football Is jucol-L1 lego game. It amounts to nothing whon played by teams not having a fol lowing of college men to urge them on. when the glory of their Alma Mater Is not the goal. Tho University of Ne braska should not necourage the lower ing of this noble spurt Trips to Hutte and Denver we should Ignore in the future There is a possi bility of our meeting an eastern tenm if the right steps are taken. An early ef fort should be made for games with Wisconsin nnd Minnesota beforo their schodulos aro made out. Tho univer sity will be considered "very big pota toes" if we can glvo our northern and eastern neighbors a tusslo on tho foot ball team. AROUND THE CAMPUS. Neatly half the numbers had boon dnnc d and the varied collection of per manent wall flowers who sat helplessly around the sides of tho hall olthor had managed by this time to get their pro grams filled or had given up hope. Tho cluttered lights of the chandeliers throw a soft lustro on the moving throng. The girls in tasty ball dresses passed bock and forth leaning on the arm of their partners and talking busily of nothing. There was a ring of boys around each punch bowl filled with Ico, Impatiently waiting their turn. The noise of the musicians tuning their In struments wns drowned by the continu ous hum of the small talk and the groat mom seemed full of the confused mur mur. The Har me walked along tho side of the hall with his loft hand in his tr. niseis pocket. Ho wnlkod with tho air of a man who was perfoctly satls f'ed with himself and tho world in gen eral He looked on his program and saw that ho had two dances left with the Sweat Creature, one with the Load ing Lady and two with tho Professional Flirt. Suddenly ho stopped short and burst Into a half suppressed laugh. Tho Amatour Thespian was loaning up against the wall with a worried look on his countenance, mopping his damp face with a large silk handkerchlof and trying not to pant audibly. "What Is the matter?" asked the Baritone with a broad grin on his face he knew what the matter was as well as anyone but It pleased him hugely to ask the question. The Amatuer Thespian did not answer at all. tlurMlldq't seem to bo anything he cared to say beslden hi Oath was a much too precious article to waste Just when. "I saw you dancing with her ami I wondored how you llkod It you didn't look at all happy." and ho broadened hla smllo a little In .rPtnomlminco of tho scene. 'I wish you wouldn't grin In that Idiotic fashion" said tho Amaturo Thespian testily. "You've no ika how silly you look." "I don't think I look any worso than you do" suggested the Harltono. Tho Amateur Thespian could not very well deny this so ho choso to Ig nore It. "I have always boon mulct tho Impression that the boy Invariably led In n dnne but I see my mlstako now. She grabbed the shoulder of my oont In one hand and took an Iron grip on my hand with the other and wo went down the iloor like a shot out of it i cannon 'I tried to stop hor but 1 1 couldn't, so I gave up hope and hung I nil. Wverv once In n while 1 would come up analimt another couple with i a crack that dislocated every cartlldge 1 In my M-rtebnie. I don't believe 1 touched the iloor twice during the whole performance " "I should have warned you against her" said the Uarltone compassionate ly, "she always tears a fellow up." "That's tho Idea! That's the way I i feel all tore up" assented the Amaturo I Thespian with a rash disregard for 'grammar. "How do my clothes look?" "Xot o vory bail. You didn't fall down did you?" asked tho Uarltone. "N'o 1 guess not" said he a, little du biously. "That Is one thing I didn't do I guess she got caieless and forgot a little" "I think It was by divine Interest that I didn't get a partner for the next lance" he athled. "I think I shall go out doors and He down a while." The musicians wore about to start up the dance. The Professional Klirt sit ting In one corner with the Studious ' Kl1 "8 '" remarkably "."let (for hor) but when the llanjo Fiend and the Commissioned Oillcer came up she be came aulte ontottalnlng again. The Professional Flirt was possessed of the dramatlo Instinct and she never cared to play to a small audience. Tho next dnnco had begun and the Ijarltono began to look around for the Sweet Croat tiro. He saw her sitting calmly between two ardent adorers who were trying to beat each other tit say ing nice things to her. The Uarltone stopped and gazed at her admiringly. "That girl Is a marvel" he soliloquized "She takes attention ns a matter of ' coursx 1 verilv believe that it is ns much a part of her existance to be nd mired as it Is to eat and sleep. She al ways has been admired and I think she always will bo as long as I continue to breathe." He walked quickly to her side and claimed his dance, and she gae him one of her dazzling smiles part of " hor stock In trade." Attention of the most pronounced and serious kind never worried the vldually and collectively, she would not Sweet Creature. If a half a dozen of the most excitable of her host of Jeal ous adorers had arranged a hexagonal duel antl massacred each other indi be at nil surprised. It would not be bo causo she was hard hearted cither. It was simply a part of hor delightfully Iriesponslble nature. Tho Hnnjo Fiend came up to the Amaturo Thespian who had by this time regained some of his customary composure. Just then tho dance closed abruptly and tho Amaturo Thespian saw the Uarltone release tho Swoet Creature reluctantly and como straight toward him. "Oreat balls of smoko" ho ejaculat ed mentally, "hero comus that boy to rave over the Sweet Creature. I think I will escape him since I am not wild ly desirous of hearing him reclto tho catalogue of her charms." Ho turned and was about to stnrt In tho opposlto direction whon he saw tho Social Stron ger standing alone and looking about for a new victim. "I can't go that way olthor as I don't care to fall Into hor clutchos. I think I will olude thorn both and at tho sumo tlmo pleaso mysoP" and ho walked across tho floor and sat down by tho Queen of Hearts. II. S. WHAT THEY SAY. Mr. Cump, tho popular right half back of the Kansas team, said when In. torvlowed ns follows: "The game was won chiefly by the superior work of our backs, although our lino excelled that of Nebraska. Most of our gains were made between Nebraska's tack- to and entl. Tho game was fought hard. There was hut llttlo slugglnft done. The average weight of our team Ih 171 pounds. Tho lino a-erago Is 183 pounds. Tito combined weight of tho three centro mon being Gil pounds. We came here expootlng to win tho game, but under the circumstances It would not have been surprising at nil If we had lost. Throo of our men were tin ablo to play. We oxpectod a hard gamo and our expectations were fulfilled. As to winning tho Missouri gnmo on Thnnksglvlng day, I think our chancos aro veiy good. Our men will all be In good condition by that tlmo and we hope to bo able to play tho gamo of our lives that day. Wo cannot speak too highly of tho treatment wo havo ra colvod hero. Tho Nebraska boys, are all gentlemen and next to ourselves we would llko to seo them win the pen nant." aitlNNKhli 21; IT. OF N. 0. It wnH a sorry crowd of studpnts that received tho news of Nebraska's defeat at Orlnnell Inst evening. Not much Im portance was attached to the gome, yet Nebraska thought she had such a cinch that everyone believed the score had been turned around by carelessness of the telegraph operator. ISven when a second telegram came the boys thought that Whipple sent the telegram for n "Josh." Tho University of Nebras ka defeated by little firlnnoll? They could not bollovo It. The only explanation Is thaftho game was played In a blizzard and that Orln noll used her mass plays. Our team re fused to piny Donne for this reason, yet they forgot to stipulate under what rules we would play with Orlnnell. This evens Orlnnell with Nebraska for Inst ear when she was beaten 'i'i to 0. It Is now assured that the Hastings game will be cancelled. IF YOU KNOW, Unit I havo tho apparatus for half holinn i tho noaloht stylo, all the latest point sliois and up-to date styles, it would pay you to bring nil your shoo rcpaii work to Hit) South liltli st. All work guaranteed. J, II Pettit. IS SOUTH 12th STREET is tho place to get vonr Choice Ameri can Jteauty and liosus ol' any shade. Carnations anil all tloral work guaran teed. Decorations a specialty. FKEY & FREY, Florists. Matter Ibooe 'RIIMTER 1115 P Street, Lincoln cards, programs, IN-vi-ations FrLes Reasonable. Good Work. HUTCHINS & HYATT StLL ALL COAL. At Reduced Rates. 1040 0 St. Telephone 225. C. A. SHOEMAKER, M.D., (U. or N , mi.) Office, No. 1134 L St., Ground Floor HOURS, 7 TO 9 A.M.; 1 TO 3 AND 7 TO 0 P M. Telephone (585. -- --. .-.., J. It Wright. IMS. Johnson, J. II. McClay, i'r4itl(!iit. VIccl'rculiUiM. Caililer. John Am us, Ass't Caslitur. THE Columbia Nat'l Bank, LINCOLN. NEB. Capital, $250,000. DIRECTORS: A. S. Raymond. Ciias. Wbst, Thos. Cochkan. R. BRUCE MAGEE, Sgtifie Optigai). B1 1105 O STREET, LINCOLN, - - NEB. EKORK YOU START IIOM12 or accept nn invitation for ThnnWsirivInir dinner in the city, provide yourself with one o B our nicely lilting, warm and genteel suits. We have them at all prices, and can assure you the best goods and service. Are You Going to Omaha. on Thanksgiving Day ? You need one of our $10,00 black Irish Frieze Ulsters. It will keep you warm and your voice in good condition. Paine, Warfel & J ju instead, 1136, M'3S O Stnvi. The Lincoln Salt Baths. '' OPEN AT ALL HOURS DAY OR NIGHT. SULPHO-SALINE BATH HOUSE AND SANITARIUM AM. rOUMS OP HaTIIS TiirkMi, Hnlnn. Itoiniiii. I'.'pi trip. I'Iihn liil nttniitlnr. In Dm miM niiliin of NXTUUAI. I.T W ''i;it lll'l'll", Hnvt'rnl llm n Htr.nif.-i tlinn h n nutiT. fur 'Iip . n ol IIIiMiiiniiMini, Net vuii il Hli'iiltli'H, mill mnnv nilii'r illxi'iiM h 'I lie Until oiihi it ilin iii.ihi . m liBtti 11 tlin Wtiilcl n: HA'I IIIMI limy hcrliJuiiMl lit nil rrfl'iiti III iitirlfi'UP, nillitti lie lit ii t iiicr SwIminltiK Pool, CuxlCO Ioiik. U to tuft rii'i, lio-Uoil to a uniform toini-ritliiru of Ml uiir. . HllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIlm I RIPAN S j oxb otVBs m:ui:i NlllllllllltltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIllllll? S&J iteAiariiw,i,wyua!Ui t'sit, a. pkn that rii,rj wuriuc. the xxzAnriE:T.jvx;Aiz ie:jxi IS WARRftHTED FOR ft YEAR FOR SfiLE AT THE CO-OP. F0R The Iatst Haix Cui THEY SAY WE'RE ALL RIGHT. S. E. Cor. 12th & 0. jBL $m LATEST. If You Don't Know It It ia tlmo you lourn tho ndvauttiijoa of dealing diroctly with tho uuimi fucturors. It is not ulouo tho sav iiiK in prico Unit ia of uonhoijuouuo altliougli thtit is 11 big itoin, but it is tho cortuinty of Mitlsfuetkm and thoKiiarautooit quality and lit that tho makors of lino clothing ulouo cun givo you. Our clothing is practically to ordor. lr it isn't right, wo aro tho .siili'orors, aud wo uuiko it as right can bo, Wo don't coimil nuyouo to uuiko bottor goods. We have a Full Line Of Furnishing Goods, always correct in stylo. As also wo aro lcadors aud tho only practical Ilattors in tho city. It you wish to havo tho correct btylo call on us and soo for yoursolf. MOWNING, KING & CO., 1018 to 1010 0 Street, Lincoln, Neb. THE COMMERCIAL BARBER SHOP. DOES THF BEST WORK. The Finest Bath Rooms in the City. StuiluntV ptitroiiuire Hollultvil, AKuncy tor tliu lluHt i.namiry. 120 North 1 1th Street. W. F. COLE, Proprietor Capital j-lotel Barter Styop Corner I 1th &P Sts. SHAVING lOc ... - H, W. BROWN, DRUGGIST. Books and Stationery, College Text-Books. And a Complete Stock o( Standard and Miscellaneous Books 217 SO. ELEVENTH ST. Cor. 14th & M Stroots. LINCOLN, liTRi. . . firofflwar jnnmwjMi.. nnAe,, J IN CDrirtaiXrt, 'n f.uranrcn H J'l I wtiit TWO TRAINS DAILY IlUTWEEN AND Auburn. Falls City, Atchison, St. Joseph, and Kansas City. City Ticket Office, 1201 0 Street. H. 0. TOWNSEND. Qen'l P. fc T. A. r. Z. COUNELL, O. P. b T. A. r Go to California in a Tourist Sleeper. It is th RIGHT wii) Pay more and )ou ore ex trnvngant Pny h"-s nnd you aro uncomfortable Tliu newest, briplite'-i clennust nnd onsifst rul ing Tourist Sleepers an used for our Personally Conducted Excursions to California, which leave Omaha every Thursday morning ranch ing San Francisco Sunil v evening, and Los AngrLn Monday noon. You can join them at any intermediate point Ask nearest ticket agent for full information, 01 write to .1. l'ltANOIr), (!. I'. A.. Omiilm. Null. WW HinlMH !- JL- wl'ISWWWpH'l TSfif'! iwf?t.ihh . r-