LOCALS. Dr. Ward oonduo.tod ohupul oxtrcH's Tuesday nioriiliiK. A E. WlKKlnhorn vlslli'd Ids family at Ashland Thursday. Froy & Froy, tho popular llorlsls, aro located nl IMSo. 112th 8t. Will Muywiml spout Sunday wllli hl8 parents at Nebraska City. Four II vat class artists aro employed at Coiistuucer's barber shop. Clyde Martin spout .Saturday and Sunday at his homo nuar Koarnoy. .1. C. Olson is teaching a night school oT penmanship in tlu Lansing block. Hugh Kdmlston was Initialed by Sigma Alpha Kpsllon Friday ovonlng. Tito pi ops will hold forth at tho No bvaska Conservatory Saturday oven lug. Fountain puns at all prices, from Si to Si. At) at llorpolsholmor Co's I look Department. It. F. Andrews has boon somewhat under tho weather for a week past, but is on the mend. Tho greouhouso does irallt to Messrs. Follmor and Hmorson who have It In charge. Miss Edna Curttssgavoa Ilallowo'en puvty to a numbor of hov friends on Thursday evening, Will Lehman is back from Ids trip home and reports his brother's condi tion much improved. Chancellor Cunllcld has been quite ill for the past two weeks, but is much improved at present. Ex munutions becamu suddenly pop ular last week. Tho idea must bo to cut down tho numbers. If you trade with Frank DuTeil. news agent, cigars, etc., you will, re ceive gonoious treatment. Frof. Ansley met Ids classes again Wednesday after several days' ab sence on account of illness. S. J. Covey wont to Kails City, Hob., Wednsday, being called there by tho serious illness of his brother. The Commandant has shown tho old men several things about how to exe cute the ovdev, from a carry. If you have trouble with your oyes, see Dr. Mageo at once. No charge for examination. 11th and ( sts. The freshmen and sophomores will hold their social at tho University Con servatory the ovenintr of November . William Heed Dunroy is back again, welcomed by a host of friends. lie in tends to remain until the close of the year. Miss Maudo Tviplutt passed through tho city Monday. Quite a number of tho Unions were at tho train to bid hor good bye. My actual count, in one hour, out of 850 people who wont in tho oast ent rance to the main building, '281 fell up tho stops. Tho Epwoilh League of St. Paul's will give a reception in tho church parlors to tho students next Tuesday evening. Chancollor McLean gave an able ad dress boforo the Presbyterians at tho First Presbyterian Church, Tuesday evening. The Chancelloi speaks before the county teachers' association at Edgar tlds evening and at Waverly tomorrow. A. YEAR OJ? SCI-IOOL Til CAN HE SECURED HETWEEN NOW AND NEXT SEPTEMIIICR HY ENTEHINd AT THE BEGINNING OF Ol'R NEXT TERM WHICH OPENS NOVEMliER 11. WE TEACH Pedagogy, Business, Science, Art, Letters, Music, Optics, Technology, Journalism, Printing. Special Courses in University Preparatory Work under tho Patronage of the State University. ALBERT A. FAUROT. A. M.. Director of School for University rkl.1 klMll r im ' ii -- . Take a limit al uir mv full hiiUh. The cM'culivo committee of the board of regents meets Oct, 7th to ac cept the new library building. Mr. A Chappell Is spending two weeks visiting parents and friends, lie will return to Golden, Colo. Tin' Pal boys mot Thtifsdny after noon to make arritngomonlx for a so cial to bo given sotuo time In the near future. Prof, and Mrs. Caldwell will enter tain tho members of the American History class at their home next Sat urday evening Oowlng to tho athletic bleach be tween Yulo and Harvard there will bo no otow race between Harvard ami Yale this year. Dr. HcHsey will deliver a lecture at Uxolor. Neb., on Friday evening. Ills subject will bo, "(JlliupsoHof the Vege table World." A set of instruments for the polariz ation of light has jusl been received by the department of physics from Cor many. Professor llruncr is happy again. Ho lolls us that another little girl has re solved to muko her homo with them since last Sunday night. In Hug. !! Como now, Itediuoud, wako up, wake up. You're In class. ltedmond, disturbed Hum - oli -oh. Yer Hy .loo, I forgot mysolf. Rev. Gardner of Syracuse was a visi tor at Delta Tan Delta's chapter house Sunday. He conducted services at the Vine Street Congregational church. If you wan a vest-pocket Testa, lnont, printed on India paper, but one inch wide and half an inch thick, Just look over tho stock at Herpolsheliuer & Co.'s. Tho Women's Faculty club will give a reception to tho student's on Friday evening, November Hi, at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Richards. The Chancellor annouuet'd on Thuis duy morning that ho and Mrs. McLean 4,wuUL-l)ij--;it hnuitt to ilm atudo.uts.-of the University on Saturday evenings hereafter After this issue Tiik Nkiiuaskan' will bo placed in our boxes down staivs. Lf you want your's loft in tho boxes in the main hall, give your name to one of the editor Seventy-two "foot ball souvenirs" were sold In less than two hours Tues day by tho Co-op. Another order has been telegraphed for, which is expected iu time for tho Missouri game. After much negotiation a game be tween Harvard and Princeton has been arranged. Mr. Leouhard Hohhins writes us that he will send a short sketch of it to Tun Nuiiuaska.v. Tho lecture by Prof. It. IS. Owens is postponed until Saturday night, No vember t). It will bo given in the Physics lecture roni, Nebraska Hall. C. D. Warner, President. Corporal Hinds, iu Financial Hist ory class Professor, what was tho ob ject of changing tho interest on those bills from four ami two-llfths to four and four-tenths? II. P. Lau. '01), has cast his lot with Rota Thota Pi last Friday night. Mr. Luii is tho seventh now inombor this year, and tho occasion was celebrated with great festivity The electrical engineers aro busy this wook sotting up tho trucks and motors of a street car. Tho motors -IN Polytechnic Institute SEND FOB CATALOGUE. wm. Preparation have been planed In tho ISIuoh'luul Lab oratory mid will be tested. Misses Kiln Gray ami Hudlo Smith oulei tallied a hw of their friends Thursday evening. Tho parly In dulged Iu old lime Ilallowo'en games and had a very delight fill time. The Union Hoys Donating olub will moot In Union hall Saturday evening. The subject for dismission will be: "Resolved that United Slates Senators should bo elected by the direct vote of the people." It Is now so arranged that If any of those cadets excused to play foot ball are absent from practice, I hey will be promptly reported by the noting Ural sargeant appointed for that purpose, ,1. P. Cameron. Prof R. II. Owens will give a lecture to the Society of Klcctvieal Kngluoors on Saturday evening. Nov. U, In tho Physics lecture room. Subjuol: "Things liloetrlonl I Saw Iu Huvope." Everybody Invited. Tho Comparative Psychology class has just llnislied the study of tho ner vous systems of the snail and crayllsh. Next week thoy will take up tho study of the cockroach and deteimluo If it lias more nerve than the bed-bug Orvillo V. Field died at Ids home Iu 10 ist Lincoln last Monday, after two weeks' Illness with typhoid fever. Ho was a iunior in the University lust vear where a host of loving friends mourn his death. The class iu artllery drill regulations Is tho llrsl squad to handle the now pbces. Captain Guilfoylo has adopted a practical method for teaching this class and will soon hnvo a crack artil ory detachment out of it. Visitor Why dots tho campus look so deserted, the class rooms empty, ev erything, in fact, as if It had been loft suddenly? Guide-This is the time the class iu English :i recites. Tho farce given last Friday evening under the auspices of the Society Build ing Association, clearly proves that wo have some remarkable talent iu tho dramatic art. All the parts were ren dered very well. We wish we could have these a If airs oftcner. New books at Iloipsholmer & Co.'s Rook Department. "The Hcort of LiU'V' -Mnurteus: ".'liGods," A'Somu Mortals" and "Lord Wickonhain," John Obvei llobbs; "Stark-Munro Letters," Cniiau Doylo; "Out of India,' Kipling; Harvard Stories," Post. Reels from all parts of the state aro daily coining to tho Chemical Labora tory with r quests for analysis. Since tho beginning of beet growing iu the state fro. analyses of beets have been made of all beets sent iu. This woik now practically takes the work of one man. After this year iomo arrange ment will bo made by which those who ask for iinnlyp is of of beets will meet the expense entailed. Last week Prof. Nicholson was called to Grand Island by wire to meet a party of Minnesota railroad men Iu charge of Dr. Frankforter of tho Uni versity ol Minnesota. This party visited Nebraska to got points on beet growing and sugar growing. Dr. Frankforter reports a growing interest in beet glowing In his state and tho University of Minnesota is taking a prominent part in bringing tho beets before the people. A joke Is going the rounds on one of the senior laws. lie answered "hero" for a friend who was away with tho foot ball team. All was well so far. When his friend was called upon to re cite ho bravely stood up and and started in. When about half way through tho prof, looked up. saving, "I thought I called on Mr W." " "Well - or or - I misunderstood, 1 guess." "Well, your answer is all wrong any way. Sit down." WORK e. Chancellor, a. m., J ' President. Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Ladies' Gents' fains 'Gents' Gent's 1 J3. U.A.X iX-iE'X'M.', Jeweler, Optician, and Engraver. DEALER IN WATCHES, DIAMONDS, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, JEWELRY, ETC., ETC. All goo Is sol I euji'iirpd froo of ehnigo, and no ohargo mado for examining L'io eyes. 1 1 43 O Street, THE. PALACE Is DINING HALL MISS FERGUSON Has oponod the second term of hor DANCING SGHOOL In tho LANSING THEATRE DANCING HALL. Kogular logons given Mondays, WednoTilnys, "and 7i'rlday"V!P"'wn7 S p.m. She may bo oousiiltod at tho hall from t to d p.m. Moutfr -days, and Fridays. Hosidene , Id 10 Ci Street. v CAN YOU AFFORD TO MISS IT? Til 13 opportunity; to POSSESS A Webster's Encyclopedia Dictionary. THE LAST REVISION. Containing fully 15.000 moro words, dollntllons and phrnsos, than aro to bo found iu tho latest editions of Wobstor's and Worcostor's Unubrldgod Dictionaries, and about r,,0OO more words than aro contained in Wobstor's International Dictionary. Making tli3 most comprohonsivo and complcto Dictionary of I ho English Lnuguago o.stimt. Thin niagnillcont work will bo on salo in this city for a short time at special prices, and on su h liberal twins that no one can afford to bo without this absolute necessity to tho ambitious shutout or Hcholar. An opportunity will bo atlonlod to ovoryouo to exainluo acopy of tho ubovo work at this olllco. For prica-t ami tonus soo our solicitor, or apply to CM AS. BTJRlvli, 1 313 Jl. Street. J. T-T. "EVANS, Preside it. EVANS LAUNDRY COMPANY Telephone 199. CHARLES B. GREGORY, (U. OF N, '01) SELLS COAL Cloaks Underwear Hosiery Gloves Underwear Hosiery Gloves MILLER & PAINE, Lincoln, Neb. tho Piioi'im Praoi: to got your Mouls. ECIAL KATES TO STUDENTS All, YOUIt 1'JIJiOW STUDIINTS llO.WU) iiuiti:. TKY US. 1130 N ST A. G. 0SMER, PROP. CO. QU1GG-LK. Secretary 327-B31 North Twelfth St. AT 1100 O ST., RICHARDS BLK. PHONE 343. Ll. K J If IS I ft 10 I I