jkWflBftRBWlRSjnRMMt TlIK Nl;MMSKAN. l'l l i w -ip I pi I linn ll 1 I , I rlllllJT Nnilll hi tin' I mini i i hi Nil.rnil.il I.Mi ill l Si i uMi-Ci I r. iin.i v, AftKC" I v Mlm ,lil I ntllllliM', . I' I . Sllllff. .1 ('. Illli I Minn, I I' Ailnn I I) Mm Iiii iir.ro ii 1 1 ii II S ii i i I'l I 0 i i I i l t n c pi i in tin n i i Mill M i 1 1 ii M hi iuIiik I'llllor Hiti-lxt.t Mlllliirv - I. in ill I. in ill I .(Kill r i. iiii b iniiii mil i iniii'li hi l "IKIU ill-i til I III, Nl.llHA K VS, Ni'l.iil.kn Tnum is iin (tii'sti( ii but what ilu-1 MisKotui jjninc will ho the n iiiii' I ol llu- Mfiison, ik miv l" tin1 playeis what kinil ul pi act in Ihi'V h.ivc i had this week .mil tlu-v will tell you it is J the best they hnvi h ul the vein, ami that then teaiuwoik is Mortowhit it was at the lown u.niie last Tlinnks Kivnig. This means a great ileal to those in t'-iiilinjj to n" to Onuih'i toiuonow, nnl it melius that if on .no lot j;oinj mi ought to go Anyone w ho has made up Ins mind to go Thanksgiving and not to morrow hhouhl change it tight now. '1 ho Missouri game is the one we want to win. If wo stand a ghost of a show lot the cup this year we will have to piny a pretty stiff game tomorrow Missouri is in the field to win. So are we The The game will be the best of the season. Again, few. if any, have seen Missouri's team, with then tiger stuped sweateis Then nil are a little i urioiis to know what a team can do ili.it has been coached b a leal livi i.isteni college foot ball pi n et Laurie I'liss' lame hn extended aliioad lie 'm ists th it he has a team which would gie some of his old eastern -.'lends n hi'iltussU With its 3,500 tippiopriatiou and imported coach, what ought they to do! Hut if Nebraska wiiib! What a boast lor oneh spectator that he was really there! He saw how that last six niches was made-saw the long run of Nebras ka's right or left half the machine-like inteiference. And it's all his own glory to tell to room mate or prof , parents or friends He helped with yelling at a critical time he urged them on. And what u t me he had, with all his yelling, tftuent, u itul ride with a jolly -JL.4y,Tgt,r1iU.... fi miss it.' Tin? Pershing Rifle have taken a def inite step toward securing the Armorv for university niilitaiy d.unes. They have appointed a coinmituo. What the members of this committee have ac complished by this tune we do not know, but we were informed by one of them that he wont down town to see a stenog rapher about getting a petition. The stenographer was out and the petition is not et drawn up. e hope the Pershing Killes meet with success in their request 01 conine the sunning of the Aruiiiv for such pui poses will be a dillicult matter probabh , as it is not the province of an educa tional institution to encourage sin h amusements Hut il the demands aio leasonable their request ought to becom plied with There is 110 haim to be (lone. It would not do, however, to throw open the doors oi the Armoiv promiscuously and too generously lor sin h occasions. The number of times it could be secuinl should bt limited to two 01 thieeduutiK the school Near and should be given tm militar) soiials only. heu once might htifiice ll it couldn't bt seemed oltener . Then an annual tnillt.it ball could be given by the whole h.m.illiou and made the feature of the y 11 111 alfairs mill lary. This use of the Ariinn ought certainly to be gianted to some m.iiii.itioii for some occasions dm nig the vear, and .is the Pershing Killes b ivisi.uud the agi tation, it ought to b planted to them first Ai'TlCR this date Tun Ni'.iiuask.vn subscribers will find then papers 111 boxes provided for the put pose 111 Tin, Ni'.miASKAN office. I'or the first few weeks before our subscription list was well filled, we could afford this general distribution by means of putting them in the boxes In the main hall Our phil anthropy in this direction ends with this issue. If you want jour paper left in the boxes upstairs leave jour name with one of the edjtgra or at the olhce If you think it too much trouble to go down stairs, we will be very willing to do this. We will put it upstairs and guarantee that you receive it There is a way of squelching the paper thief th.it proves n ellective A little publicity, which we would just as soon donate him as not, will lix him so he will not desire to take another papet vety soon To take an other's paper is a little thing, hut il has caused us lots of trouble and wo moun to stop il. Hut lenieinber you can have youi paper upstaits if you want It thoto. AROUND THG 0AMPU8. If tho Alimtuur Thospiun was not. ! pi-nnitli'd to rpiimln tinniolcslud Unit aiernoon, It ci'rlalnly waa not his own fault lor ho hud tiiUun m'ory priu'iiution against Intrusion. Hi! hud chosen tho bench fnrthroat from tho walk anil sat with his hark turned squnrHy on tho p.isscihy Mo had Just taken a Irosh cigar frmn his pnekot and was lighting it in a painstaking tuanuot wIiimi ho lie, ml the gong ring in tho main build ing mid ho remembered that ho had a i l.iss in Huikt'siHMiro Ho did not. as on. would naturally oxpert, Jump up 1 1 0111 his -nut. t hiow Ids cigar away and hum into lisa. lie nioioly cU'vatcd Iin evi'lMowsii lit t lo and blown thin cloud ol iiiioko into tho ui' in a niodi t.itivo fashion. "Kvidonlly," ho said to himscli, "that bell moans that my el.i-s is about io lako up and if 1 don't gel in I bore pretty soon thoro is a stioiur possibility that I will ho marked absent." This startling conclusion soi'iiu-d to anutso hi in and ho blow aiiollior cloud of sinoko into tho still air to show how far ho was above such potty things as tho praiso or consuro of anv professor. 1 1 u looked at tho carpot ol loaves at his foot and at tho sun, shining through tho thin llcceo of clouds. "It is really a sin to lock one's s li in doors on a day like this," he soliloquized gravely, "and since 1 don't cue to add 1111 to my generous oate iroiy of oiigiual sins, 1 think I had bet ter not go 111 ut all today." Ho seemed quite pleased at his own brilliancy and smiled in a self-congratulatory sort, of a va . To toll the truth, the Amatnor Tm'spi.tu rairly prais'd except as a 10 sult of introspection. To invent such a plausablo excuse seemed quite unus ual to him, for although he had prided himself a great deal as a philosopher and a cynic, he had heretofore made no pretensions as a logician, and tho new Held opened up to him pieased him vastly. I Io had certainly discovered a now talout and he began to blow a series of rings by way of celebration. Ho was feeling very comfortable when me sanies .ian came along in his af fected gait. 'When is tho .Dramatic Clth going out?" said tho Ladies Man, coming up behind him rather abruptly. The Amatuer Thespian took his cigar irom his mouth and twisted his luad around to see who it was, then ho turned around again and blow some mote rings into the air. lie was al ways provukingly dehbei.ilo when he was aiinoved. 1'icseiitly he said in a dry tono, "Did you ask that because you wanted to know or just because you though it wus a good oponing speech?" (.)." leplied the Ludloh Man 011 whom such a romark was bountifully lost, "J was just wondering. 1 was thinking thoro were some parts you could act out of sight. For Instance, I think you ought to do well in tho 'Isle ol Champagne,' " and ho grinned in anely at this astounding display of wit. Tim Amatuer Thespian did not pay the slightewt heed lo this lling. Clinm pa'iie was lar too serious a subject with him to admit of frivolous com ment. Ho felt quitu relieved when ho saw the hhy Youth, tho Commissioned Ollicer and tho MudioiiH Kid coming liom one direction ami tho Haritouo sauntering up from tho other, 0110 hand slipped into a vortical trousers pocket. The Commissioned Ollicer sat down on the bench by the Amatnor Thespian and looked I'm lively at tho cigar which he hud stuck up in his mouth at an angle of forty-llvo degrees. The Ama tuer Thespian could easily toll what was going on in iho mind of tho Com missioned Olllcor, and he said, ".No, I haven't another one. This cigar was given 1110 by the llanjo Fiend," and ho took It between his llrst two fingers ami gaod at it affectionately. Tho Commissioned Olllcor was cru elly disappointed, for tho Jlanjo Fiend not only smoked 'jooil cigars, but ho gave good cigar" away, winch Is rather surprising. 'How am I to soo all tho racos next week on that?" said tho Commissioned Olllcor, as ho look twonty-oight cents In vory small change from his pocket and surveyed his pile critically. "You probably won't," said the Shj Youth sagely. "You might 'hit tho fence,"' sug gest od tho Marllouo, In a tone implying that he had hutverj recently outgiown such tricks hiinsMf. .None of theso gratuitous suggestions Boeinod lo oonuntuiil themselves to tho Impecunious Commissioned Olllcor. and ho continued to giv.e pathetically at tho meager array of coin In his hand. "You might put your pile on tho races for tho llrst day and win enough to go tho remaining three," said tho Amatnor Thespian, as ho knocked oil" tho ashes of his cigar onto the trousers of tho Ladles Man. "You would stand more cluinco of losing than winning," suggested tho Studious Kid, wh.) always figured ovory thing out mathematically. "I suppose I might borrow It, ven tured tho Commissioned Olllcor tim idly. At this goiitlo hint they all mado haste to change the subject Tho Amatuer Thespian felt a com motion on his loft and looked to see If the wind had sprung up, but it was only the Professional Flirt sweeping up tho walk. The Ladles Man abruptly left the gtoupand huvri'.d in hor direction. As she passed, sin- gave tho Aimituor Thespian a lightning glance with a pair of innocent looking blue eyes, which was supposed to capture everyone who saw it. It had very little olVect on tho Amatuer Thespian, who had no heart, to speak of and. did not rave over u girl "whose art," as ho expressed it, "was so glaringly apparent." The Ladies Man thought litis glance was meant for him, and was conse quently nu'."h elated. "Why is it," said the Studious Kid, gazing intently over toward the south stops where tie) Leading Lady was charming the Now Student, "why is it that the old girls jilways chase up tho new fellows to wate their smiles on?" Tho Amatuer Thespian laughed shortly. t "Yes," said thtj Commissioned Olli cer, "and why do the old fellows rush tho now girls?" ; "I don't see why you need to ask both questions, ' (said tho Amatuer Thespian. "Why not?" ask Ollleer and tho t-taueously. "I'.ecauso," said the Amatnor Tlies. plan calmly, "theione is the natural sequence of tho other. You seo it is this 5ju:,'.' lie UilibAuiukine a longjiulV on his cigar so that it would not go out while he was speaking, "when a no w girl comes hero she is generally rushed to death, that is if nlio is a good looker, or can give the impression that she is, and if this lasts to 'the end of the year, d Uncommissioned .tudious Kid, siiiiul- sho gets into hor si about as right as that she was cut popular society gi they are surprised of ilieir wonderful lost in the shullle, 1 selves on, they c place. On the thir their former llame.s and ho is forced to low or go without took another pull generally 'grab' wii "That's right." 1 tone, "this social s rent. Tho llrst yi held up, the seeouj witha little iiHistil she must grab sol drift onto tho haul! The Ilarltono fel his simile, and evt Amatuer Thespian R. BRUC1 Sgtifid LINCOLN, "It Takes Nine Tailors to Make a Man," -& T. &-' How many know tho origin of this saying? Anyone bringing tho correct answer lo our cutter, L. A Uumstoad, will re ceive tlokotH for tho pressing of one suit or two pairs trousers. Let us add that our tailors aro tho host to boha.i In Lincoln, and wo mako strictly up to date clothing, perfect lilting and satisfactory wearing. Let ti3 make your next suit . Our prices will agree with your l(leaH of economy. - Paine, Warfei & Biimstead, 1136 0 St mCOHSERYATORY DIHIHG HALL Corner Htli and R Streets. "Will Seat SO People. Regular' Board at SB3.50. Tickets SSS.OO - '- HiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniM I RIPANS I E n oxi: oivi:s m:i.u-:r. E 5 RiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiniiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiii niii If You Don't Know It lly head that she is Ihey mako 'em. and ut and fitted as a kl. Well, next vear to Hud that a little upularity liu boon nt by helping them- in still hold their l year, however, all are after new girls grasb somonew fol- my, and" hero ho on his cigar "tho y h great alacrity." cquiesced tho H.iri- vim has agreatcur- ar a girl is always I sho helps herself ncu, but after that io new swimmer or of oblivion." t quite pleased with u looked up to the for approbation. IlAij Stakuktt. : MAGEE, J. A. SMITH, SUCOESSOIt TO 0 ns Optigap. It is time you learn tho advantages of dealing directly with tho inanu fauturor.s. It is not alone tho sav ing in price that V- of cousequuuco ullhotign that is a big item, but it is tho certainty of satisfaction and '.heiiarauteod quality and lit that the makers of line clothing aloiio can ivo you. uur eiotning is prnenjitTry" to order. It it isn't rigfit, wo iro tlio Milferors, and wo nuiKo it as right can bo. Wo don't poneit anyone to mako bettor goods. We have a Full Line Of Furnishing Good.s, always correct in stylo. As also wo aro leaders and tho only practical llatlors in tho city, ll you wish to havo tho corroot btylo cut on us and seo for yoursolt. BKOWNING, KING & CO., 1013 to 1019 0 Street, Lincoln, Nob. Bebuasha lpant anb Suit Co. West half of Trunk lfrctory 1227 O St. All Wool Pants Made to Order I'irkt-clnss ami Kuurntitccd to ll( S3 th IS. JO, ;u id ii;iul3. liiisincss Suits JiS. JlS, 2o, and up. Overcoatings and Vostings W. R. DENNIS & CO. Hats, Furnishing Goods First-Class Goods at Reason able Prices. 1137 O ST. mm AT POPULAR PRICES. 9 sold by tho yard . etc. Few unci suits at your own price. Goods sold by tho yard and ends (or boy's jiiiiiii, etc. row uncaacu tor pants aim O. R. OAKLEY. 0. XT. HOX.COM, Cutter. 1105 O 5BTREET, NEB. HUTCHINjS & HYATT SEL oo U ALL AJLt At Red-iQ Rates. 1040 0 St. I TalophonoIte5. JACK CLARK, 129 SOUTH TWELFTH STREET. Sables' nub (gent's (Brill nb 0yster parlors REGULAR MEALS 25 CENTS. Short Orders a Specialty All the Delicacies of the Season A Call will Convince Yon. Open All Night. TWO TRAINS DAILY IlhlWEKN LIKTCO 3L,I"II AND Auburn, Falls City, Atchison, St. Joseph, and Kansas City. City Ticket Office, 1201 0 Street, XX. O, TOWNBEND. Gon'l P. ft X. A, T. D. COUKEX.L, C. P. ft T. A WIWtl u Go to j California J in a Tourist Sleeper. It is iho RIGHT way Pay moro and vou are ex travagant. Pay less and you are uncomfortable. The newest, brightest, cleanest and easiest rid ing Tourist SleeperH are used for our Personally Conducted Excursions to California, which leave Omaha everv Thursday morning reach- . ing San Francisco Sunday evening, and Los Angeles j Monday noon. You can join them at 5 any intermediate point. i Asknearest ticket acent for full information, or write to J. l'HANCIH, (1. P. A., OnillllH. Null. IH.M.M-aHI(..l,M.A.4