THE NEBRASKAN Vor, IV. No. (5. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, NOVKMIJKIl 1, 181)0. I'ltlOK i Cknts WITH SONG AND YELL THE WAY WE DO MISSOURI A Few Specimens of What We Will SlnR Vocal and Otherwise All In for a Time. Tho response to Tim Xhiiuahkan's request for songs was not nearly so spirited as last year, when quite a nuni l)ot' wore handed in to choose from. The following, sung last year, has bosn changed somewhat (o lit the occasion for tomorrow. Air, Vivo 1 Amour. Let every good Uni. tnnii come right "long, Come with the foot hall team; Wow n big horn if you can't sing n song, Wow for the foot ball team Chorus U. of N , U. of N., make it one more; U. of N , U. of N., don't let 'em score; Don't let 'em score, make it one more, Down 'em at Omaha. We've scalped Sioux City and Denver's Bully old foot ball team. We'll make it one more and down Mis souri too, Down 'cm at Omaha. Chorus. Wg Wilson and Whipple and King will be there, And all of the foot ball team; Whou a touchdown is made and a goal kicked by Fair, YELL for Ihc foot ball team. Chorus. Then fling to the breezes the scarlet and cream, Wear it at Omaha: When King bucks the line we will stand back and scream, "Ov-OSi eiinVuotlirtg.iflfrMM "- Chorus. IJ. C. Laughlin. As clear ns the drops of dew; Wight are our colors as fair as a dream, Hurrah for Nebraska and scarlet and cream. Hail! Hail to the colors that shine in the light) Hurrah for the scarlet and cream. Here's to the college whose colors we wear, Here's to the hearts that are true, Hail, Alma Mater, Nebraska so fair, And hail to our colors, too. Garlands of scarlet and cream intertwined, And hearts that are true and voices combined. Hail! Hail to the college whose colors we wear, Hurrah for the scarlet and cream. Chorus to anything, written by Ilay wiml in a moment of inspiration. Do do Nebraska do Do, the Missouri Iloodo You'll do it yet you bet'you bet O do the Hoodoo do do do do. Do do -Missouri do He careful what you do do Better go down to do Perdue do Not Nebraska nor K U U do Do do, etc. Tho following yolls nro to bo prac ticed, besides tho old ones: Oaky wow wow I Skinney wow wow! ! Shlnney wow wow!!! Wow-ow-ow-ow!!!! Urac a cax cax Go ax go ax Urac a cax cax Go ax go ax Iloo-roo Iloo-roo Paruballoo NEMtASKA! U rah rah, U rah rah, lloo rah, Iloo rah .-.B1J.M-r- -N cslvraa.-kiu Tho following is taken from tiie Uni. vorsitv Courier (Pennsylvania). It is 'il ready familiar to many. What its peculiar ciiarm is no one lias been able to discover. Yet it has become quite popular, snug to the tune indicated in the first line. She's the only girl I love But she's got a face like a horse and a buggy. I met her leaning up against the lake, 0 fireman save my child! While strolling through the fountains in the park, 1 met her (I don't remember), He face was full of knuckles, O Toddy, I'll slap you on the wrist. CHAtfT SONO. We wear the scarlet; We wear the scarlet; We wear the scarlet and the cream, OH1 We are the stu-uff; We are the stu-uff; We are the stu-uff, the people say WHY? THK hCAHUiT AND QllKAM. Ilolow aro given tho words to ".Scar let and cream" paste them in your hat! Tnero is no one outsldo of the Gleo Club that knows these words. Lourn thotn now. Sing to the colors that float in the light, Hurrah for the scat let and cream. Scarlet the hue of the roses so bright, And pale is the Miles' fair gleam, Scarlet the east at the breaking of dawn, And scarlet the west when the sun has gone. Hail! Hail to the colors that float in the light, Hurrah for the scarlet and cream. Scarlet the ruby, the Jewell so raic With colors so brilliant and true, Pale is the opal so bright and so fair PAN-HELLENIC. In Atlanta, Ga., on the eighteenth of November, will como one of tho moat inteiesting gatherings, if not pro portionately important, of this year of big meetings. It is expected Unit rep resentatives of every college fraternity, and it is hoped, frun as many of tho chapters of each as possiblo, will as semble in tho interest of tho general fraternity movement, to stimulate the grand old idea that "in union there is strength," to grasp hands in friendship and to dispense around a vast banquet board, that all-ombracing pun-Hellenic spirit that is tho fraternity spirit. Pnu-llollonlsin is based on a vory simple philosophy that of genuino, broad-hearted altruism and is the only consistent development of a sin cere and vigoious fraternity feeling. So tho fraternity man should encour age tho action of the promoters of this convention, and propose to himself tho possibility of accepting tho hearty in vitation which has been sent broadcast among tho Greeks of the country. Am- (Sieek intending to visit Atlanta's great exposition would not do well if ho chose any time for tho trip other than a period including tho date fixed for tho congress. Ho will got a taste of southern hospitality then, for this invitation is made by southern gentle men, chiefly of Atlanta, and they have a pride in such things. Wo beliovo that tho fraternity idea is more enthusiastically cherished in tho south than in this section, and this may be due fundamentally to that In. born spirit just alluded to and for which southern manhood is justly fa tuous. It is u broad spirit, a noblo one, and tho proposal for tho Pan Hellenic con gress seems to bo tho natuiai oNpres sion of it. University Courier. WILL PLAY MISSOURI OMAHA GROUND TOMORROW Hoth Teams In Excellent Shape-A Low Kate SecuredProspects for n Stiff Game Everybody Going. r Tho only game of t)io season will bo played at Omaha tomorrow, Nebraska vs Missouri. Very tew university en thusiasts have ever h(ld the ple.isuro of seeing Missouri play;, and no ono has soon out team beat them Wo got ono gamo from Missouri three years ago which they forfeited, rather than play against Flippin. Year beforo last and last year they beat us. The Missouri team Is in bettor shupp than It has ever beou bofore. It recolved an appropri ation of s?8,r00 from t,ho State legisla ture for tho year's oxppnsus, conch hire, fitting up grounds, suits, sweaters, etc. Under such circumstances it will not be such a surprise if tjhoy win. Nebraska is prepared to put up u stiff gamo. This wijek practice has been unusually systematic, with care ful attention to all derails, and a groat improvement is noticoablo. Tho b ys have tho idea that thAy must boat Mis. souri tills once. Tho ground is neutral this time, if anything, favorable to Ne braska. Last year's players on tho team have been heard' to ixpress them selves in language more emphatic than eloquent "that they ilro going ttf play like llonds" (with u qualifying adjective uoiore tfio fiends) to beatMissour to round trip lias ilroads, Omaha A rate of St. 10 fort. been granted by the n has plenty of good restaurants and chop houses, and a niejil can be secured for llfteen cents. Tv)o dollars will let everyone out easily 'with a littlo to spare for pop-corn ami peanuts. Tho line up will bo: Whipple 1 '.1 Moore JJungan - ' rfc. 7. .I'anlev Wilson, Capt 1 g McAlester Gilford c Thompson Hud Jones r g .; Davis Hayward r t .', Conley inorpe r o Spoonor q, Mug lh. Shedd rn Fair f. THE OMAHA jur uoys pinyed an game with tho Omaha last Saturday, the Nebraska 8(5, Omaha! much of a game, nuiJ up a vory stiff gamo. our lino was weuk w piaying it was very g( University team some team work and will In dp them matori FOOT BALL 800RB8. Lnat week's foot ball acoros aro: Cornoll 0, Ilaivard 2fl; Yale 0, Uoston Athletic club 0; Princeton 0, Orange Athletic club 0; Pennsylvania 20, La Fayetto 0; West Point 0, Dartmouth 0; Missouri State 40, DoPuuwO; Crescent Athletics (St. Joe) 0, Midlands 0. To morrow: Nebraska, Missouri? ally in tho gamo tomo souri. Tho lineup wa.4 NKllIIASKA Packard 1 o Thomas 1 1. Wilson l g Kellar c., Dungan r g Hayward rt. Thorpe r n Spooner q. King Hi Shedd r Ji Fair r. Time of game: halves. Umpire: b. V G. Griswold. L Pixley and George downs: Shedd 2, Kinj; Harry Jones. Goals Tho ATHLHTIO N boys are all in for tho game tomorrotv and can bo re lied upon to put up tin tuoy romomijertliatMi won. It really does us gooc unejii wnicn tiio faculty is taking in our team, jtnd a fow siJch staunch sup poners as tfullfoylo, Wfard, tho couor una Harbour a and encGurajMinnnt t, liavo to vork so hard I'm- uf.hini i i.. j VMIUVUtl getting on algood footing viii tomorrow tliov w 11 bo will bo a gimo for tho have to vork so Nobraskii. ThiniJ aro goti and if five win better, f Thero w . L'lico Joins . Young, Capt .... Shawhan Alleo GAME. alleged foot ball University club score resultimr 0. It was not .her side putting It showed that hilo on offensive od. It gave thy good practice in rrow witli Mis- second eleven hero on November l with the Yoik team. Mlllord, tho new centre, seems to put now life into tho whole team and his experience easily makes itself noticed- Kellar was good, but wo think that Milford is an imnroveinoiit. Hayward has been resting all week on account of injuries received at Den ver, but will be in shape for the game tomorrow. Harry Oury is gradually recovering from Ills Injuries received in a wrest ling match and will soon be soon in his canvas jacket. Cameron is doing good work with tho second cloven and the llfteen to twenty men who have been out to line uj) against the 'Varsity speak well for ills leadership. We l.ave never bouton Missouri We hope to now. Nkiiiiaskax. Wo will inform our brother that their prospects are poorer now than over before. M. S. U. has already de feated Sedalht A. O . Vanderbilt and Porduc-; today she is pulling out Do l'auw's tail feathers and next Satur day will cause Nebraska to disband. .No, brother, it would tako eleven Flip ping to defeat the Tignrj now M. S. U. Independent. COLLEGE SOCIETY. Tho Phi Kappa Psi fraternity enjoy ably entertained its friends and mem bers Friday evening in their chapter house. The preparations hail been carefully planned ami the occasion was fully as enjoyable as anticipated, llagonow's orchestra had been secured for tho evening, which rendered some excellent dance music. Wide doors bo tweon four large rooms and smoothly waxed canvass mado the best of danc ing room. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morrow, Mr. and Mrs. It. C. Uontloy, Misses Emily Weeks, May Whiting, Edna Carsc.ul don, Stella Kirkor, Belio Iteynelds. Mariol Gero, Edna Polk, Rosso Turner. Ellen .Goro, Geovgio Cnnip.Ena, Rr;k- u. o. ok o McKell Clark Jenkins Laurie Akin Cowgill Cowan ....Humphrey Taylor Uurdick Leonard Twonty-niinuto Cfrury. Referee: inesmon: Win. 'urvis. Touch- Jr, Thomas, Fair, Shedd 0. 3TB8 good condition ir best game, as isori has always I to seo tho In dian- fro a great lieln tho bovs who otts, Nama Lowe, Francis Gere, Mars land, Pulis. Ethel Uyors and Jessio Lansing; Messrs Frank Stoinor, Georgo Shedd and Charles Thompson, and the members of tho chapter, Virgil Harber, Orlo Hrown, I'rof. Elliott, Ward Ilildreth, Frit. Korsmeyor, Rert Kimball, Tom Mapes, Percy Powers, Clint Norton, Dick Heed, Jesse Howe, Julius Sedgwick, Ernest Wiggenhorn, Hcrt Wilson and Harry Shedd. The entoitiilniuent the membeis of tho Omaha club provided at Van Den berg's parlors last Friday for the stu dents who entered tho University this year from that city, was a success in every particular. It was u novel and inexpensive way of bringing the Omiihii people together. All became acquainted witli each other and had a good social time. There was an oven thirty seated at tho continuous ro:v of tables when Proaldont Whipple called order. Ices, candies and cako wore sorved, after which tho program of toasts as pub lished in last week's Nebraskan, wa given. Tho class toasts were enjoy able in tho extreme. Anyone not knowing Omaim High School patriot ism might have thought tho speakers were tho greatest monumental fabri cators on earth. Hut the mombors all know how to tako snob hoiiRis mwi praises and enjoyed them immciisoly. Tho toast of Miss Nellie Randall for '05 was the best of tho evening. It was sot to tho metro of "Hiawatha" and delivered in her charming way, convinced all that '1)5 know how to talk if it wasn't so much of a class. The party broko up atll::i0with tho Omaha club yell closely followed with 'U Hah Itah," etc. Tho members of tho club wish to ex press their tliaukii to Mr. Van Denborg for tho excellent service rendered by hlmolf and clerks and recommend him to any other club desiring to give a yarty of similar nature. NEW LIFE IN ATHLETICS THEY DO TURN THINGS OVER Mcetlnir of Committees From Faculty, Alumni and Students Elect Some New Officers and Discuss General Athletics. A meeting of tho athletic commit tees from the faculty, consisting of Professors Harbour, Fling, Ward Clarko, Nicholson and Guilfoylo; from the alumni, Messrs. Reese, Pound and Dixon, and tho student athletic board, Messrs. Whipple, Camoron, Spooner, Kvorotl and Shedd, was called to order this afternoon for the purpose of elect ing a manager of the foot ball team to fill tho unexpired term of Mr. Sheldon, who resigned a few days since, and olecting an assistant foot ball mana ger, huso ball manager and assistant, and to talk over tho question of cen- oral athletics in the Univorsity. Mr. Whipple, former assistant, was elected manager of tho foot ball team lor balanco of presont season and Mr. Kverett his assistant. Mr. Hayward was elected baso ball manager and Mr. A. R. Andrews his assistant. It was decided that owing to tho largo number of students wishing to attend the Kansas-Nebraska game in Lincoln, who are unable to pay their admission, ono hundred tickets be placed in tho hands of tho faculty com mittee to bo given to such studonts aa make application undjeiwo their names with Miss Tuttlo at tho executive olllce. Tho matter of track athletics was discussed for the coming season and tho opinion of the meeting was that a track athletic team should bo sent to compete in tho inter-colleaiute meet in Chicago next spring. Plans wore sot Iw . fafer J,fav,JrJw around tlMI'- Ten tally-ho parties have been ar ranged for by tho Omaha alumni of tho various eastern colleges. Tho follow ing will bo ropresontod: Yale, Har vard. Princeton, Michigan. Ainliorst. Cornell, Omaha Medics two coaches. Nebraska fraternities and tho Omaha Guards. the campus tico ground. Let every student who can possibly do so attend tho Missouri-Nebraska game in Omaha Saturday, and cheer on his team to victory. Tho time has como when Nebraska university should give vent to a spirit of good fellowship and enthusiasm nover before seen in a western college. QLEH CLUO ELEOT8. Wednesday afternoon the gleo club held a business meeting and elected tho following oiilcers for the year: President, F. C. Clements. Vice President, li. S. Liingworthy. Secretary and treasurer, W. D. Ban croft. . Librarian, O. S. Norton. Tho constitution was amended and the executive committee increased from three to llvo. The twenty-two members aro prac ticing twice a week and aro making rapid progress under Director Tucker Tho club is planning a trip to tako in Nebraska's principal cities, Kansas City and Council Muffs and to last about two weeks. The boys mean to have dress suits and no pains will be spared to mako the trip a grand suc cess. Tho banjo or mandolin club will bo taken along to furnish tho instru- mental music. There Is no reason why tho club should not huvo tho most successful year In Its history. WILL PLAY DOANE. Doano has finally come around and cided to play tho University team. Everything tlioy asked was granted them except to play according to tho old rules, which allow tho flying mass plays. Our manager thought wo should run no risk of crippling tho men and so relused Donne's tonus last Thurs day. They eumo around later, how ever, and consented to play according to modern rules, so a date was llxod, November II). llireodnvHiil'iiti-ilio U'.,,,. sas game. The gamo will bo played at wuiu aim uiu uuuy givou everytliing it cries for. The Om Urn Y. M. 0A guarantees tho expenses of both teams, retaining biiu nut jnuuueub, ii more uo any, lor the rent of tho grounds. Tiio Ne braska managers think this a good dpal, as horotoforo this game has beon played at a loss to us. i