1 1 It 1 9 T K I1' l hi fl THB BOOIITY PHOQHAM8. The following proramR nrc to le ren dered this cvonliiKhy the various liter nry soeletlos: UNION, i . l'lnuo 1 met A AV(iso(;V. ( qrniw Lisat t MIssTriplcll) I Miss Pound 5 a. Violin Sulo Jlomaiian .rfoi.f Miss deliver .1. WhUtlitiK Solo i:looniro.Aidlte Mr. I.eluiicr ,. Story Miss Ollvln Pound 5. Irish Sung Thcic's Mouny n Shllp Keone Abbott r. Violin Solo- l-mt Ooinwit Miss Silence Dales 7 Voenl Solo Selected Miss AblKitt H UcndiiiK Miss Ksllior Siunyer 9 l'lnuo Solo J)ltiitisc Ciopin Mr. Wlllaid Kiinbull jo. Voenl Solo .' .ore .Son VlWM II. S. Kvans PALI.ADIAN. Instruiuentnl Solo. . . Miss Harriet Cooke Rondiue; Miss A mm llnrrows Vocal Solo M iss Juno Stnails Novelette Mr. A. S. Johnson Recitation Miss Sundeau Whistling Jsolo Mr. l.cluner Debate Absolved: That all college .studies should be elective. JAflf.: C. S. Spencer I Neg.: 11. 1. I.eavlt V D1JMAN. Instrumental Solo and Valsc. ..Gotant Miss Lena Allien Speech Mr. Poland Impersonation Keene Abbott Whistling Solo Mr I.ehiner Oration Mr. O. II. Allen Recitation Miss McDill Story Mr. Thomson Vocal solo Miss Mary Craig 3ELK EXPLANATORY. The- following notices appear on tho Chancellor's bulletin board: "Attention of students is called to tho fact that hereafter the regulations of tho faculty requiring students who have incurred deficiencies, conditions kor failures, to legibler for these prece dent to other studies, will bo enforced." "Tho attention to unclassed students is called to the regulation of the fac ulty requiring them to maintain a standing in their studies of eighty-llvo per cent., or Its equivalent, In order to remain in the university." It is understood that tho following letter was sent to order the Testaments fortho German class: "American Bible Society, Afctor Place. New York Brethren: l'leaso send us by express one hundred and twenty-live i12oj Gor man New Testaments. Give us your best discount on this order and thus aid us in our efforts to convert the 'Varsity. Yours in the faith, Student's Co-operative Book Company. Tho class in English now numbers 251. Each student is expected to write essays during the year, aggregating 7,200 words. If each student does the required work 1,S28,000 words will be heaped upon the English department. Under present conditions this would make enough "copy" for over H00 is sues of the Hesperian or enough to fill its columns for over 18 years. Consid ering the quality will be nearly as bad, the theme correctors have a dark pros pect before them. According to a late act of the Cali fornia state school law, graduates of tho California statu university who have had a required amount of work in the department of pedagogy, and who have been recommended by tho faculty of tho university, are granted certifi cates to teach in the schools of the state without further examination. A provision of this act offers the same privilege to tho students of other uni versities tlu.t are deemed by tho state board uf education to bo of equal rank to the university of California. Nego tiations are now pending with tho ex ecutive, and the University of Nebraska will probably soon bo on this list. Don Cameron's lunea counter, 118 south Eleventh streot. The Lincoln news agency, headquar ters for news, magazines and novels. Harper's Century, Munsey's, Scrlbner'B, Cosmopolitan and other periodicals al ways In stock. N. B. corner Eleventh and O streets, Richard block, J. E. Pearson, manager. EXCHANGES There's motor, spomlalo, dnotyllo, Thoro's meter for stylo and for lone; But tho muter that's far moro idyllic Is the meter by moonlight alone. -fix. A (IOD1) WOltl) KOU ATIII.KTKS. While In college ho was "sporty,'' As an athlete, beat them all; Novor found he any equal As a pltehor In base ball. Ho became a local preaoher, Blessed his practice of the nine; All the pooplo Hocked io hear him, His delivery was ho lino. i.v. TOTIIK V It KS II MAN. Hlesslngs on theo little man Verdant boy with checks of tun! With thy patched up pantaloons Worn for many, many moons; With thy greenness ami thy gall, With thy crudeni'HS plain to all; Thou art but a freshman now And to senior thou must bow; lint despite thy lowly name Thou wilt get there just tho same. Laeross practice has begun at Har vard. ice. A course In Japanese is offered at tho University of Chicago. A'.r. Tho Sophomores won the annual cane rush at Amhert this year. j.r. Valo and Harvard will not meet upon the football Held this year, nor is there much prospect of a game between Harvard and Princeton. Tho faraard Advocate intends to publish a book at the end of the year, made up of tho best stories published In Its columns in the last ten years. Similar books were published in 1N" S5. A committee of graduate editors has charge of tho selections, A'.r. SOME COLLEGE STATISTICS. The repot t of Dr. Harris, United States Commissioner of Education, for the school year ending November HO, lSlKJ, presents an array of facts and fig ures which are inteiestiug to every one interested in the cause ot educa tion. From it the following is culled: There were 451 universities and col leges in the United States; of these U10 were educational, showing an Increase of :i per cent in this latter class of schools. The total number of students in these institutions was 1IU,0M, and of instructors 10,247. A special chap ter of the report is devoted to colleges tor women alone, ot which there are a surprising number. There were Mil institutions of this kind, having 22,04'.) students, with 2,1 14 instructors. There were n,;siii,0U2 volumes in the libraries of these institutions and their equipment was valued at $l2B,72,e'01; endowment funds, SltS.OHS.'uri. The income of tho year was 517,071,550, mid the benefactions during the year. S0,715,Ut8. JL.UV niuiiuwi ui 'iui,toiiinui uiuil who graduated in lbiKl was as follows: 1,011 doctors, 2,852 dentists, ,:i)4 phar macists, 0,770 lawyers and T.S'W min isters of the Gospel. These figures show that in tho mat ter of education tho United States eas ily leads the world. No other nation has as many schools, colleges and uni versities. It is to this fact, without a doubt, that the rapid progress and the present enviable position of our coun try as the leader of tho world is due. Considerable commotion has been caused at Princeton on account of the passage of the resolutions by the fac ulty forbidding any student of that-ln- stitution who has a condition in any subject from going on trips with the football team. As seven of the twelve scheduled games are out of town, this will prove a serious difficulty. By this provision five of the present team, In cluding every man back of the line, will bo barred. Consequently there will bo hard "boning" for a time to re move the objections. University Cou rier. At a meoting of the freshman class Friday C. S. Follmer was installed as president and responded with a short but neat speech. Miss llushton was elected to tho vacant office of his torian. Considerable discussion arose over tho proposed sopho -freshman re ception. A committee was appointed to look ovor tho ground and further action postponed to a meeting to bo called tho 18th. HIPLBO DRILL, The Pershing HHIes are getting right down to work, At tho drill last night llvo full sols of fours turned out, the roll showing forty-seven men present, Tho drill was pronounced the HimppleHt and most bonelloliil that tiny have yet experienced, Ton minutes wi's spent In setting up exercise, fifteen in the manual of arniH, and tho remainder of the time was spent In drill upon the campus. Hereafter tho delinquency rules will bo strictly enforced. The present large membership makes this Imperative. Tho report oi delinquents will bo pub llshul in Tun Nkiiiiaskan In the Is. sue following the regular drill. DANCING tiCUOOT. OP13N8. MIhh Ferguson, who conducted tho danolng Hohool ho supoonsfully In tho Lansing theatre dancing hall last fall, has returned and Is again ready for business. Many university studentM will testify to lior ability to toaoh the Torpslohorean art to awkwrd individ uals. New pupils can eomo lu at any time, ltegular lessons are given Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings at S o'clock. Anyone Intending taking dancing lessons Bhould consult Mhs Fer guson as soon as possible. Sho may be found at tho hall font 4 to C p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, or at her residence, 1040 O street. As MIhh Ferguson has tho use of Lansing hall, parties desiring to secure It for dancing purposes may do bo by arrangement with her. Darlington's personally conducted excursions to Utah and California. A Pullman tourist sleeping ear will leave Lincoln fvery Thursday at 12.16 p. in. for Denver, Salt Lake, Ogdcn, San Francisco and Los Angeles. Only I for a double berth Lincoln to Los An geles In one of these cars. Remember there Is no change of ears. For full In formation and tickets apply at Hur llugton & Missouri depot or city ticket olllee, corner Tenth and O streets. G. W. Uonnell, C. 1 & T. A. MI.M.MKIt ON A WIIKl-.l. IContlmivil tritm lKt nci'l.I 1 passed through Kalamazoo where there Is a laigt crrihnju and a uniform factory. This little city was one ot the cleanest anil prettiest 1 had visited. From Dattlu Creek 1 found better rid ing anil by the time 1 reached Ann Arbor the roads were macadam. Vis iting the university of Michigan occu pied a day. It was Just at commence ment time and the little town had a very lively appearance. The univer sity Is compressed like the N. S. LI. Into small space, but there are live times as many buildings, bome of which are very Imposing. 1 saw several Nebraska peo ple there. The ride from there to Detroit was like that Into Chicago, very level and smooth. Detroit Is a Hat, stragly city, but some portions of It are well worth visiting. Home of the finest streets In the country are here. Belle Isle Is an island In the Detroit river, and out of it has been mude one of the most beautiful and popular parks in the world. Of course the first thing which I did was to go down to the river and look out of the United States into Cana da. My intention had been to cross hero and ride through Canuda to Ni agara Falls. Hut I met with an unfor seen obstnele in the form or the Drit lsh Customs Olllclals. Aftor three days of war with Kngland 1 was forced to capitulate and go around Lake Eric. They required a deposit of forty dol lars duty on my wheel, nnd I well I didn't have tho forty. Since then, however, they have done away Tvith this custom and wheelmen are admit ted to Canada without paying duty. Woman' Incutulittenoy. Mrs. Gradlcy (tearfully) I don't caro who knows It. My husband has got to givo up cither mo or his lodge. IIo gets worso and worse I don't bellovo ho'll ovor be any account, tho worthless brutal Nolghbor (hoothlngly) I didn't think It was so bad lint .Mrs. Gossiper did toll mo thnt your luiBbiml was a poor croaturo lit best. Airs, bradloy (Ilnrlng up) Oh, siio did, uui snor won, in just joc that DaoUDlt Ing gossip know sho can't run around ulandorlng the host man In town. Poor erenturo indeed I He's worth a thousand Tom Gossipore, nnd I'll Jet hor know It. Wnlfc till I got my bonuoL Spnro Mo monts. Taken Too Literally. Her Husband How fond you are of millinery, my dear. I wlflh I wore a lint or a bonnet. His Wife I wish you wore. I oould change you for anothor whon I got tired of you. Fun. 1 IEH '" Let- HL I '"g; U) 226 So. I 1th St. Special Hates 0 VIA THE UNION PACIFIC . . TO . . "The Italy of America," Southern California has very truthfully been called; with its fruits and llmvoi-H, a Veritable Summerland. .S' .idents, when you want to go homo either to poiutH on the main lino or to AH-BIOIItf, ETC, Always take UNION PACIFIC. y City Ticket Office . B. 8L0SS0N, General Agent. J 11 Whh.ut, 1 E. Johnson, J. II. McClav, President. Vice-President. Caslilur. John AMhh, Ass't Curlier. THE Columbia Natl Bank,, LINCOLN, NEB. Capital, $250,000. D1KI.CTOKS: A.S. Kaymond, Ciias. Wkst, Tiios. Cochkan. W. F. COLE, Proprietor Capital Jfotel Barber Sr)op Corner 1 1th &P Sts. SHAVINQ lOc Jffvst 11-lat'l Ban!?, LINCOLN, NEIL Capital, Surplus, $400,000.00 100,000.00 Ol'l'lCEKS: N. S. HAKWOOD. President. CIIAS. A. HANNA, Vice-President. V. M. COOK, Cashier. C.S. LIPPINCOTT, and U.S. PKEEMAN, Ass't Cashiers DIRECTORS: N.S. llAKWOOl), ClIAS. A. II ANNA, John Fitzukkald, 1). W. CO.JK, V. M. Cook, I. D. Macfarland. r. M. Marqubttk, John II. Ami.s, J I.. Cakson. A. 1). Cl.AKK. Best quality regulation white cadet Bloves are 30c at tho Ewlne Clothing Co., 1115 nnd 1117 O. Us- Stjoe -You detoiusiraj feSSf iD20?is. 1S13 O ST Ground Floor. to Stubents. 1044 O Street. J. T. MASTIN, City Tioket Agent. THE COMMERCIAL BARBER SHOP. DOES THF BEST WORK. The Finest Bath Rooms in tho City. Stuilcntt' imtronmte Hiillcltcil. Agency for tliu llcnt l.nuinlry, 120 North 1 1th Street. H, W. BROWN, DRUGGIST. Books and Stationery, College Text-Books. Anil a Comiileto Stock ot Standard and Miscellaneous Books 217 SO. ELEVENTH ST. J. A.. SMITH, SUCCESSOR TO W. R. DENNIS & CO. Heats, Furnishing Goods First-Class Goods at Reason able Prices. 1137 O ST. YOUR CHOICE OF. 500 OVERCOATS AT $10.00 SATURDAY, OCT. 19, BAKER CLOTHING HOUSE 1039 0 STREET. wEBuSwi m vj