LOOA.LS. Frank Huiu Hiont Sunday In Fair- iiry. , . , Now students continue to arrive .hilly. II. II. Kverott hint Imil Ida golden locks Ulniuit'd. hiiyeon Pool 1ms returned to IiIh homo at Wabiish. Hon MoLueas Is spending tho week with lila brother Vlu. Mr. I'M Sourson Iiiih returned to IiIh homo at (?raml lahuul. ( over to tho library ami try those ntw lubberncckcd chairs. McDowell aiul Haiti wero tho Inst riders at tlio niees Monday. IT j on want to study Cireok, go down to tin1 t'o-jp any tlmo or day. lloiiur Half rod, who was sick last week, is attending classes again. Otis Weeks, senior captain 'ill. la engineering In tsw Hampshire. Take u look at our now fall buIIh. Tin "now woman" la with us. nave sovorul( ?) In tho University. We Did you nollco tho ntw showcase at tho Co-op? Go down and look at it. L. U. Smith haa a amooth job suttlng tlio state blackboards in the now build ing. Tho elocution classes now hold their speaking exercises in tlio new law room. The students of the I'nlvorbUy have a common interest now Sophomore Kngltsh. Miss Carrie Sheldon was quite sick the llrst of the week, but is improving at present, Don't fail to reserve it quarter for the Literary Magazine. It is something to he proud of. The University orehesra is getting well under way and promises to ho bet ter than ever. A S1.00 fountain pen can be bought at Ilerpolbheitner & Co.'s book depart ment lor $1.1)8. Mr. Charley Harkor was out of the I'nivorsity the first of the week on ac count of sickness. Sidney White returned to tho Uni versity last week and will be in school the rest of the year. J. K. Warren is helping Mr. Hau eroi't in his work in the weather de partment this week. Chancellor and Mrs. McLean enter tained a number of University people "ii Wednesday evening. cSuy Howard has decided that the I'nioii society is tho place for him. lie ins this Friday evening. Prof. JJiirtielt What is the singular of many? Voting Dutchman-Few. Second Prep.-Who steals my Youth's CoiiiMtiion out of my box right along? Seniors, this is scandalous. Have you seen the new No. 2 Smith Premier? If not, drop in at No.l H5 So. 1 Ith St. C. W. Kckerman, agent. Two hats have boon found and loft at tho executive olll.co. If you have lost a hat call and see If It 1b there. k Hufoni buying (Iroek, Latin, Gorman or French dictionaries look over Uor- polsholmor's hook department. Tho companies are now fallen in at tho huglo call outside of tho building and not at tho call live minutes later, as heretofore. The class In .lonrnalibin Is studying the development In printing from tho beginning up to the middle of tlio pres ent, century. Friday evening there will bo a recep tion to students at tho First Itaptist church. All university students espe cially invited. Our students who are teaching tills year are meeting witlrmarked success, which speaks well for tho training thoy have received. Tho best furnishing goods stock in Lincoln is at tlio Kwiug Clothing com pany. Kverythlng that is now and up to duto to show you. A vigilance committee should bo ap pointed to catch the hat thief and then make things so warm that ho will con clude to leave school. A course for those who wisli to spe cialize in tlio study of chemistry is posted upon tho bulletin board. of the laboratory building. Those of the members of the ad vanced class in elocution will present a short one-act furco to tho remainder of the class Thursday afternoon, A follow who tluuked in hygiene last year is anxious to get Dr. Clark in his squad. Vengeance is sweet. Tlio rooms in tho new Libraiy build ing are nearly tluished and are llrst class in every respect. No wonder all llie piofessors want rooms over there. .1. Amos Harretl has just returned from a trip through the southern states. He reports an enjoyable time visiting his cousins and other people's cousins The Kwiug Clothing company is showing the best made clothing at pop ular puces. The $8 and $10 suits are the best values ever shown in Lincoln. Mrs. Maiming lias started another class in elocution for the benefit of the law students. Mrs. Manning's elocu tion work is growing rapidly in popu larity. We need a reformation. Some sticky-lingered fellow stole a Chemistry from tlio Co-op store Monday, when the vigilant Fuller turned to wait on a customer. Miss Rena Chappell has typhoid fever. Miss Chappel Is one of our good energetic young ladies and we join her many friends in wishing her a speedy reeo ery. Wo wonder if the drill suits are re sponsible for this a laundry bill of a well-known cadet was found. It read as follows: "To 1 shirt, 10c; To 15 col lars, inc." One of the events year for the I'nion Society will come off Saturday evening at the home of Miss Anderson. It is a farewell party to Miss Maud Triplett. We hoar that, .1. W. hearsbn has u debute on hand which Involves the "now Woman" question. It'it dollars to doughnuts (hat Scarsou comes out ahead . 'I ho Chancellor Is making ovory ef fort to Inoroaso tho attendance at ohapel exorcises. No one- now knows what sort of u treat ho Is going to mis" by being absoi.t. Miss Ferguson's dancing school Is becoming quite popular. In faot, one of the faculty is taking lessons. Good! Tho students rise up as ouo man and offer their hand. A. A. Gllnian and F. T. Hi ley wore initiated into the Delta Tan Delta fra ternity Saturday. Sigma Chi Initiated James Feoliet, U. 0. CtMgrovo and YV, Burton tho same date. Honesty Is tho best policy. Quo ca det was reported for misspelling tlio word "absence" Had ho used tho pioper word, "skipped," there would have been no such report. That young man had a good opinion of himself who tohl the professor in an English class that if tlio professor ami ho wero to change scuts thoy would not bo out of tholr proper places. Tho Literary Magazine will contain articles Irom Prof. II. M. Uolden of Missouri State University, Prof. II. H. Ward of our own University, Mrs. Uur uett, Mr. J. A ISurrclt and others. The awkward squads are doing won ders lids year, the drilling is far ahead of any previous year at this time. Captain Guilfoylo puts his whole soul into the work and the cftect can be easily seen. "I wish," said tho young man taking conic sections miner l'tof. Davis. "What uo you wish?" said hiselium. "I wish 1 had studied my algebra when 1 was in the high school." The rest of the class say "ditto." Director Nicholson gave a short talk in the chapel Wednesday morning on tlio sugar beet .industry in Nebraska. He cumpaied the sugar beet ratsei to a posting student, and showed that his business was a prolitable one. It does not make tiny di (Terence how many classes may be reciting on the second Hour- just lei that piauo-baug- nig go on in Pal hall. Tlio comfort of others does not make any difference just so someone is amusing himself. The second number of the Nebraska Literary Magazine will appear about October k2o. Tlio English Club has given great attention to this number and it will excel, if possible, the lirat . number, which appeared last May. Have you heard of it? Heard what? Why, the Literary Magazine, of course! Leave your subscription for one with Prof. UatcS, Miss Prey, Mr. Lien, Anna Uroady, Amy Bruner, Ned Abbott or Hale Uradt before they are all gone. I larps I Ladies' Cloaks Ladies' Underwear Ladies' Hosiery Ladies' Gloves Gents' Underwear Gents' Hosiery Gent's Gloves MILLER & PAINE, 1235 to 1230 O St Jeweler, Optician, and Engraver. DEALER IN WATCHES, DIAMONDS, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, JEWELRY, ETC., ETC. All goo Is sol I engraved fro of charge, and no chargo iniido for examining t'10 eyes. 1 143 O Street, - - Lincoln, Neb , - - - TOT? TD A T A fE1 Is tho Pitorim Pr..oi: to got your Mouls. I flj rALAlJj SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS DINING HALL Alii YOUIt rSI.I.OW STUDENTS HOARD UKtlR. TKY US. 1130 N ST A. G. OSMER, PROP. MISS FERGUSON Has oponod tho second term of hor DANCING SCHOOL In the LANSING THEATRE DANCING HALL. Regular lossons given Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, beginning at 8 p.m. Slio may bo consulted at tho hall from 1 to 0 p.m. Mondays, Wodnos days, and Fridays. Residence, 1(510 O Street. CAN YOU AFFORD TO MISS IT? tub opportunity; to possess a Webster's Encyclopedia Dictionary. THE LAST REVISION. The glee club met Monday night. As the result of a misunderstanding uo new men were present. The old boys lined up in good shape, with 0110 first tenor, one second tenor, three baritones and four low bases. The management says the prospects are llrst class, al though the llrst tenors are somewhat scarce. The trip this year will be dur ing the holiday vacation. Students' note books, ruled and plain, extra size and quality, 10c each at Iler polshelmer & Co.'s book department. IF YOU WISH TO DO UNIVERSITY PREPARATORY WORK EITHER IN COURSE. OR IN SPECIAL SUBJECTS, WE ASK 1'OU TO INVESTIGATE THE LINCOLN POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE. TI-IK NEW SCHOOL AT HAWTHORNE, H.i. 1KU 'J,10.11 ft0,"00,'' roJ UNIVKHSITY I'UKIMUATIOS offr n tunrnuRU two. yearn' courw which (11m tlieatndent to enter tlie IrMlimmi KbtltJ,wU.ni',tJJk4,SlJil-0iSI,V' Wl? "tjr. Individual Instruction. Low Tuition. Excellent Facilities 2ooll-t0TrrMt,ho'!l OVK?sJ? -Bnsrlth dramniar, Arithmetic, Algebra. Geometry. Phyilcs. Chemestry. Botany 5liK Rhetoric. Paintln. Drawing;, and other Subjects. j:wIdk cIiSm In lS TWENTY TEACHERS, ALL SPECIALISTS. Vibitors ulways welcome. Ask for our catalogue. ALBERT A. FAUROT, Director of School for University Preparation. WM. E. CHANCELLOR, A.M., Prosldont of Puoulty Containing fully 15,000 moro words, dolluitions and phrnsos, than aro to bo found in tho latest edit ions of Webster's and Worcostor's Unabridged Dictionaries, and about 23,000 moro words than aro contained in Webster's International Dictionary. Making tho most cotnprohonsivo and complete Dictionary of tho English Lunguago extant. This magnificent work will bo on salo in this city for a short timo at special prices, and on suli liberal tonus that no onocan afford to bo without this absoluto necessity to the ambitions student or scholar. An opportunity will bo afforded to orcyouo to examine a copy of tho above work tit this oillco. For price-, and tortus soo our solicitor, or apply to OHAS. BURKE, 1313 L Street. J. PT. EVANS. Px'esiclent. O. O. GITJIGGTE. Secretary EVANS LAUNDRY COMPANY Telephone 199. 327-331 North Twelfth St. CHARLES B. GREGORY, (U. OF N, '01) SELLS COAL AT 1100 O ST., RICHARDS BLK. PHONE 343. 0