LOCALS. Thin If pvotty kooiI woiithor for Oul- M'l rlhtir lMneonnt In teaching near xh1nitil. llomor Hnttlold wan hIoU the flrst of tin- wt-ok. Tlio Co-op Is now nwopt ot ovory ev ening. (Adv.) Tlio toam Ih Hiivod nonn Onrrtnor Is w itlt U8 ngnln. Tlio Cartel band now mimbors twon- iv -i inoniborf. i i ist Wlggh'horn npoM Sunday at i,iv homo In Ashland. s-iv Turner Won't yon come ont .,m1 i.lay-foot-ball?' (5 1 nnboook '94, Is principal of tlio Palmyra high school. A pood fountain lon for J1.00 at lli-nHilsholmor & Co.'a. www H. U. Shodd has boon oloctod a mom lu-r of tin KhrUhU olnb. Thoro are throo Uvlnlonn of tho class In Anglo-Saxon this year. Miss Helen Klloy Is teaching In tho .nibllc schools of Albion, Nobr. W. H. Snddelh, '518, Is now attending the stato university of Minnesota. V. U. Williams Is back and Is deem in iho mysteries of Senior law. Mrs. Mael.ean has been elected pres ident of the Ladles fauiilty olnb. lies, "We have 'whined' for twonty- tivo years" How much a shine? Harry Frank has returned to college mid will try for a place on the team. Horace Whltmoro comes around to smile on old friends once In a while. Miss Maud Trlplett entertained a few of her friends Thursday evenliiR. Miss Maud Trlplett will leave for her new homo In Missouri the flist of next month. Chancellor MucL.can expects to en tertain Rev. Kincald from Minnesota Sunday. Judge Heese had a busy time. the first of this week getting the law students registered. Miss Mercy Walker and Mr. Leh mor have been elected members of the English club. Miss Imogene Clinton Is clerking In KitzGerald's store and carrying her music at the conservatory. G. W. Fnrr of Marquotto, Nob., who was In the university two years ago, is back taking law this year. An open session of the Maxwell club will be held in the college of law, Oct. 1'J, at 8 p. m. It is understood that Gardner Is to play the position of draw-back on the team this year. J. M. Rogers Is taking the law course tills, year, lie will read In tho olllee of V. It. McArthur. liert Abry has been formally lnstnllod as Prof. Owens' stenographer and lias taken up his work. Hedge Is now carrying a cane with whleh lie practices the "drum major act" when no one Is looking. Oapt. Gullfoyle took oharge of two di visions! in geometry this week and will Instruct them during the year. C. G. "Now Mr. Jl. you are adjutant t this battalion, you are expected to Take a look nt our new fall suits bo tho strnlghtoHt man In the corps of cadets" -then noticing John's disap pointed look ho added "physically, I moan." Mr. Aboil, nfter measuring l.ohnhoff and Tumor-"Goo whiz, there's no money in making those pants." During the summer Harry Shodd ran a very successful dally at his homo, known ns tho "Summer Hreese," Chanoollor MncLenn loaves this even ing for Tocun-iSeh where ho will address the teachers' county nssnolatlon. The hat thief has again commenced Ills operations. Even tho library mom la not exempt from his presence. Committees have boon appointed from tho wiphomoro and freshmen classes to make aiianffoments for a joint social. Hon. H. 11. Shodd came up from Ash land last week to see how his sons, George and Harry wore roUIur along. Pi of. Wolfe has Informed his clnsss that It Is not necessary to laugh at his Jokes. (Other professors please copy.) Hnrvoy HOald Is playing the snare drum In tho Cadet band during Fred Humphrey's season on the foot ball field. It would bo advisable for a certain student to Cram a little on his Grook lesson since paternal presence un- noi ves him. Cnti nurnlmm writes from Morovla, Cal., his regrets that ho cannot be In school this year, owing to his father's poor health. It Is surprising to note the number of drug stores advertising "sure death to cockroaches," now that the cold weath er has set In. I... C. Smith will superintend the sot ting up of nbout r.00 foot of slate black hoard which Is to bo put In the new li brary building. In point of noise (not mentioning quality) the olocuilon classes rlvul tho cadet band, judging from sounds that Issue from room R. Wo suggest that an alleged 'kicker' In a local contemporary bo turned around and himself subjected to a vig orous process of like nature. Resolved That everyone be duly thankful for the now chairs which have boon put In tho library. Carried unanimously. Tlio grounds about the new library building are rapidly being placed In a llni condition. Whon all Is llnlshod tho building will bo n decided Improvement to the rumpus. The Pnllndlau society intends to cel ebrate their quarter contc-nlal next Oc tober. Preparations have already boon begun In the way of much talking and appointing of committees. Nearly nil of tho ncartomlo classes are larger than they wore last year, which hows that the attendance would bo larger than last year had the prepara tory year not boon dropped, Tho Ashland students, numborlg nbout thirty, will found an Ashland olnb for literary and social purposes, and for bringing their homa town Into closer relationship with the university. A young lady senior who is taking prppnmtnry chemistry, was hoard to make thin Inquiry of a follow student of lllte standing: "Oh, Isn't this juot dn-ndful to bo put In hero with thoso "pi"pps?" Tho regular Y. M. C. A. devotional mooting will bo held In PaPadlan Hall Sunday, Oct, 13 at t p. m. Mr. D. M. ' Davis will lend. Subject: "Christian Fellowship," 1 John 1:3, Math. 2.V.S. Romombor the hour Is A o'clock. Some designing university boys have an eye on a Fourteenth street sign which rends "horse breaking." They expect it to read differently tho morn ing nfter hallowe'en. A brush and paint will be the moans of substituting n "u" for the "r." Members of tho Phi Kappa Psl fra ternity were surprised last week when one of their number, H. S. Shtdd, pre sented them with a catchy little two stop, dedicated to the fraternity. It Is yet In manuscript form but It is un derstood that It will bo published. Julian H. Field writes fiom New Or leans that ho is employed with the Louisiana Electric Light company. He has filled various positions with this company dining the summer and nt present discharges the duties of time keeper, pay master and clerk. At the faculty meeting Monday evening tho committees were each re organized and til -number doubled on each one. This makes tho organization much closer, which seoms especially pltaBing to tho Cliancellor. Anyone who thinks ho connot afford to take The Nebiaskan this year, by securing four names for us will have the paper sent him during the year, free of charge. This can be done enslly with a little work among the alumni and former students. I laiiains N Ladies' Cloaks Ladies' Underwear Ladies' Hosiery Ladies' Gloves Gents' Underwear Gents' Hosiery Gent's Gloves MILLER & PAINE, 1235 t0 1239 O St Jeweler, Optician, and Engraver. DEALER IN WATCHES, DIAMONDS, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, JEWELRY, ETC., ETC. All pools sol 1 onjrnvod free of clmigo, ami no clmrgo mndo for examining I o eyes. 1 1 43 O Street, Lincoln, Neb. MISS FERGUSON Has opened tho second term of lior DANCING SGHOOL The Glee club Is going to take a good early start this year. Wo have plenty of good singers this yenr and tho Glee club should bo a succoss. It's too bad tho little boys In that class In Kngllsh got so restless before thu close of tho hour. Thoy should bo disciplined according to their apparent size. I. P. Gardner has mado his appear ance again this year. He Is improving his spare moments playing foot-ball and getting acquainted with the young ladies. At a mooting of tho Omaha club Mon day, It was decided to give a rcooptlon to tho now students. II. C. Parmoleo was appolntod a commtttoo on arrange ments. In ISngUsh 2, a the olnss Is so largo, each one has his own sent and the roll call Is dispensed with. Prof. McLood appoints a "corporal" to report tho ab sent oen. In the LANSING THEATRE DANCING HALL. Regular losons given Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, beginning ay S r.M. Sho may bo consulted at tho hall from i to 0' p.m. Mondays, Wedno days, and Fridays. Residence, 1G40 G Stroot. rPfTT"' TT) A T k "T7 Is tho Proper Place to got yonr Mou i Qju l ALiALQi special rates to-studuWIo DINING HALL ALL YOUIt F2LLOW STUDENTS BOARD HERE. TRT US. 1130 N ST A. G. OSMER, PROP. H. H.: "Say. It's to.) bad we can't have a football game before they stow thoso old library chairs away some where. Wouldn't thoy pile up high though, and make an elegant blaze?" And a sad expression settled over his face as he walked away. The Porshlng J titles met for their first drill last night. Almost live sets of fours turned out, and under their now captnln.Joe Ueardsloy, they were put through a snappy drill. They made a very good showing and give promise of eclipsing last year's yecord. Tlio opening of the college year has brought back to Lincoln many readers ot books who were missed during the summer months. Repeated calls may bo dally hoard for "Honeath tho Uon nle Hrler Hush," "Tho Manxman," "Tho Prisoner of onda," Sonla Kova levsky," und othor now books. Those as well as stationery , college supplies, fountain pons, etc., may bo had nt greatly reduced prlcos at Horpolsholm er & Co.'s book cJepartmont. CAN YOU AFFORD TO MISS IT? THE OPPORTUNITY TO POSSESS A Webster's Encyclopedia Dictionary. THE LAST REVISION. IF YOU WISH TO DO UNIVERSITY PREPARATORY WORK EITHER. IN COURSE. OR IN SPECIAL SUBJECTS, WE ASK YOU TO INVESTIGATE THE LINCOLN POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE. THK NEW SCHOOL AT HAWTHORNE, OUlt Ill'lll SCHOOL VOTl UN1VHIIMTY I'lU'.l'AllATION offHrsii tlmrouKh two, sreiirn' course wblcli ftla the student to rntor Uie Irenlimiin cIiim at Urn Ktuta University. Smill CUsaes, Strong- Faonlty. Individual Instruction Low Tuition, Excellent Facilulos. Laboratory Mjtuodt. COUB3E3 IN EntrllnU Grammar, Arithmetic, Alfftbra. Geometry, Fuyiics. Chementry, Botany, Zoology, Latin. Uotmnn. French, Oxeek, History, KUetorlo, Fainting', Drawing1, and other subjeots. I.vvuIuk clussts In l.utin, Algibrii, PruwItiK, lllitturlr, Cookery, V.tc. TWENTY TEACHERS, ALL SPECIALISTS. Visitors always wolcomo. Ask for our cntaloguo. ALBERT A. FAUROT, Director of School for University Preparation. WM. E. CHANCELLOR, A.M., President of Faculty ContnininR fully 45,000 more words, definitions and phrasos, than aro to ho found in tho lntost editions of Webster's and Worcostor's UnabridRed Dictionaries, and about 23,000 more words than aro contained in Webster's International Dictionary. Making tho most comprohonsivo and complete Dictionary of tho English Languago extant. This magnificent work will bo on salo in this city for a short time at special pricos, and on su li liberal terms that no one can alford to bo without this absolnto necessity to tho ambitious student or scholar. An opportunity will bo alforded to ovoryono to examine n copy of tho above work at this olllco. For pricos and terms see our solicitor, or apply to OI-IAS. BURKE, 1 313 L Street. J. T-T. EVANS. President. C. O. QTJ1GG-LE, Secretary EVANS LAUNDRY COMPANY Telephone 199. 327-331 North Twelfth St. CHARLES B. GREGORY, (U. OF N , '01 ) SELLS COAL AT 1100 O ST., RICHARDS BLK. PHONE 343