MtiwBftS i,d& The Nebraskan. A Wcokly Nownpajior Issued Kvcry Friday Noon nt tlio UnlvorRlty of Nournskn. Entkiikd as Skcond-Ci.abs Mail Mattkii. F. T. HlLEY MnnnRlng lMltor A. H. IjYon Editor-ln-Clilot h, II. llonniNfl, News ABHOCIATIS KMTOHS. II. Odut Athletic E. (). la.ovn ExclmiiKO Miss IjKNA Dkwkksk Hocluty Mihh UllACK MollOAN,") MlSH Mahtiia HUlcKrt, I i ..l C. K. ADAMN. f l'0Ctl K. II. llAUdllTON. J I'rlco por yenr $ .75 by mail 86 " inoiitli 10 Address nil Commiinlriitlons to Tiik Nkiihaskan, University of Nobrnskii. Tiik Nkiiiiaskan will bo Ion ml on actio at tlio followliiK iiowh stnnUs: li. Ii. Mend, 118 Konlli Eloventh Street, Frnnk OuTlel. lO.'O O ft rout. i:d Yoiiiik. MO'l 0 Street. Tn tho spring of '02 the XJ. of N. bnso ball loam wns ono which loft nn improssion on ovory tonm it camo in contact with. During that spring tho nine raado a trip through Missouri and Kansas.aud although wo wore be? ton pretty badly several times wo played good ball. Since that year baso ball has boon on tho decline. Enthusiasm seems to bo lacking. Most of tho men on that nine tiro in school now, but they too sooin to havo lost intorost in tho game Ono groat cause of this decline in baso ball is on account of lack of support on tho part of tho stu dents. Tho samo thing was true in foot ball up to last fall. The Kansas trip with all its succossos causevl a revolution among tho students, and tho way they turned out to the Omaha gamo, showed that tho success of foot ball is in sured for tho future Now Chicago University plays tho University Club nine in Om aha on Decoration day. Thoro is no reason why a game cannot bo arranged between our nine and Chicugo Univorsity for the noxt day, say. If several games liko that woro played, the students would turn out to see them. Moro men would turn out as candidates for tho team, if they know they know thoy woro going to run up against such toams as Chicago Univorsity, nnd nines from tho state universities around us. A number of the men on the team who havo boon interviewed as to the advisability of a gamo with Chicago Univorsity rathor discourago tho idea, saying. "We'd got rubbed clear into tho ground." Well, what if wo did. Wo can't learn to play ball by playing all tho little High school nines around Nebraska, and if wc woro beaten protty badly onco or twico, tho reticent ball players in tho univorsity would bestir them selves and got out on tho field. From a monotary standpoint this gamo could oasily bo mado a suc cess, with a little rustling on tho part of a fow onorgotic mon. Lot all baso ball onthusiasts got out and work for this gamo with Chicago. Such a gamo would un doubtedly bo a boom for baso ball in tho Univorsity. Members of tho Tonnis associa tion aro showing much spirit in their playing. Somo of tho games played so far havo boon vory good, and promise strong competition to somo of tho best stato champions. Thoy may bo suro that whatovor honors thoy may carry oil' in tho stato tourna ment will bo much appreciated by th oir follow-studonts. Those i honors aro woll worth an amount of hard work and practico, Tho state championship is within easy roach of somo of our best playors. With a little hard work it may bo attained. Let tho university be placed at tho hoad of clean, manly athletics in tho Stato of Nebraska by ono of our tonnis playors win ning tho medal. It can bo done. Tiik hard work the contestants in the field-day events aro doing merits moro enthusiasm than has been shown. The oxhibition promisos to bo woll worth tho price. Let there bo a good attendance. European Tours. E. M. Jenkins & Co. havo pro pared a series of personally con ducted tours to Palostino, Egypt, England, and tho continent dur ing the coming season. For pamphlots, expense, etc., apply at Lincoln agency, 1201 O streot. PATRONIZ- HOMc INDUSTf Y KRONER. Tbe Sbirt Ma 939 O Streak Tlio I'liicst I.lno of Mom's 1'nnilHliliiKH In tlio City All tlio l.iitcrtt Novelties. SHIRTS MADE TO 0RDER.K- 1 0 Per Cent Oil" to Students. M. WALT, (the Students' Standdy) Boots : and : Shoes Made to Order. Repairing1 Neatly and Promptly Done. Y. M. C. A. Block. 13th &N. G. EHhERS, The : Tailor, SUITS MADE TO ORDER. Specialty Ma hi: of Cmumno and Iti PAiitiNa Dhiij, Surra. 0tcik HtSlS'81' 126 S. 11th St. Students who Patronize Paine, Warfel & Bumstead, lljj (lotrtiers AND MERCHANT TAILORS: Will never regret it. They sell Stylish Clothing at Reasonable Prices 1136 O Street. Jacob North & Co. (Llnooln Paper House BOOK AND COMMERCIAL - Printers PUBLISHERS, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS STEREOTYPING LITHOGRAPHING ) Desatrsaper "m128 Lincoln, Neb. A Bit of Advice! To Old and Young. It will prolong your days on Earth I A Trip to the Pacific Coast via the The Finest Equipment. Fast Time. Tickets and any Information Desired can be Obtained of "2-IJETWEEK.-cJ LINCOLN and Denver, Ogden and Salt Lake, Butte and Spokane, Helena and Portland, Seattle, San Francisco and Los Angeles. E, B, SLOSSON, 1114 , Gcn'l Agent. 1. 1 XCOLX, NI1B. JOHN L MASTIN, C. T. A. L. BLUMENTHAL, Any OLD II AT mndo ovor ns good as new. Also, Clothes Cleaned, Dyed, ft Repaired. lOSO 3? STK1CKT. H. W. BROWN, DRUGGIST Books and Stationery, College Text-Books, And a Complete Stock of STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. 217 South Eleventh Street J. A. SMITH. Qnooesaorto W. R. Dennis & Co., Hats . , . and Furnishing Goods, First Class Goods at Reasonable Prices. Lincoln Frame and Art Co. 226 So. 11th Street. Havo your groupo frnniod at tlio most rensonublo ratcn. C. A. Shoemaker, M.D. (U. OF N. '86.) Office, No. 1 134 L Street, Ground Floa Hours, 7 to 9 a.m.; 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p.m. Telephone 685. The Commercial Barber Shop DOES THE BEST WORK. The Finest Bath Rooms in the City. 8tudont patronage solicited. Agency for tho IIt-t laundry. 10 N. llth Street, Art's Place, At 1010 O Street, IS THE BARBER SHOP FOR STUDENTS TO PATRONIZE. G1VI0 US A. TRIAL. LINCOLN FRUIT STAND, POCCINELLI DR09., rrops., DKALEna in UVulto and Confbotionory, HUTS, OIQARS, ANDTOBAOOO. Special attontlon glyen to atodont and family trad. floods d!Wird to all parU ot thteltjr. ST.W. Oor, O and lfith Sis. d : 113T O SST. r;