4. "H?f i-'fO xy'v1 $JSMmBM$iMJm LOCAL 1 Don Onmoron'fl lunch countoi 118 So. 11th, stroot. "Trilby," tho lntot, popular Hong, nt Esty & Gump's. Tho Sigmn Chi frntornity initi atod E. T. King laBt Monday night. Tho now mombors of tho Dolian socioty givo a spocial program to night Invitations to tho Delta mu sicalo, to bo givon May 17th, uro out. A now supply oC AValorman fountain pons has boon rocoivod nt tho Co-op. Mr. Store'', of the class of '(18, was callod home Sunday by tho doatli of his sietor. Tho Ewing Clothing Company aro showing tho finest lino of spring clothing in tho oity. Sixtoon mon foil in for Varsity ltiilo drill at 7 a. in. tho morning after tho Dolta Gamma party. Fino cabinet photos at Hay don's for S2 por dozon. Call soon, as this offor will not last long. Tho Dolian socioty had a busi ness mooting Monday afternoon. It was thon decided not to havo an oratorical contest this spring. Don Cameron's lunch counter 118 So. 11th, street. Fish and gamo in season. Tho nicest ros turant for studonts in tho city. Company "D" fell in for extra drill Wednesday morning at 7 o'clock. Tho intontion is to drill at least two hours extra each wook till tho end of tho somostor. Tho Evans Laundry company has tho contract for washing tho duck pants recently adopted by tho battalion for dross uniform. The first installment was sent oil Wednesday evening. Prof. Dick of Missouri Wes leyan university, will lecture be fore tho Y. W. and Y. M. C. A. ono week from next Sunday. Prof. Dick is an able lecturer and tho associations aro fortunate in bine ablo to secure him. Clint Norton and Will McKay pushed up againtst a strong head wind to Ashland Saturday after noon, getting there too lato for tho ball gamo. They returned after Oun Nuw Spring Suits. High grado, stylish, porfoct fitting. Soo them. You'll like tho pricos. suppor, doing tho latter part of tho trip in tho darkness. F. E. Jhirnos pilchod in tho oponing gamo of tho Wostorn As sociation at Lincoln Thursday. Inmost Amos will ontoriain 13ota Thota Pi fratornity and frionds Friday evening, May ol,at his homo. Charlos Jc los has boon olected managor of tho gleo club. Ho went to Ashland and Wahoo Wudnosday but did not mako definite arrangements for tho ap pearance of tho club thoro. Tho ladios of Lincoln havo in vitod tho Varsity llilles and cav alry squad to assist in tho war song concort May 8th. Both companies aro putting in an hour a day in preparation. A scientific excursion for the studonts of tho dopartmonts of botany, olomology, geology and zoology, will loave Lincoln for South Bond at 8:;30 a.m., return ing at 8 p.m. A special train will run ovor tho B. & M. road. Tho fair has boon put at 1)5 cents for tho trip. Tho many frionds of Charlio Chaudlor wore very agreeably surprised by the roturn of that gentleman. Mr. Chandler grad uated at tho university in '92, sinco thon ho has attendod tho medical collogo at Philadelphia, and will practice in tho city dur ing tho summer. Burlington Route Playing Cards Those elegant cards of tho vory best quality only 15 cents per deck. For sale at B. & M. depot or city office, corner Tenth anu O streets. G. EHL-ERS, The : Tailor. SUITS MADE TO ORDER. OHA8. B. GKREacmY, (U. OF N. n.) SELLS OOA.TL, At 1100 0 Street, Richards Blook. Telephone 343. We. Ho not Offer To give students or any other class of people special discounts, but sell to nil nt the same low prices. Wc invite you to our new store, 1235 to 1239 O Street, and think wc enn plense you. Respectfully, Miller & Paine. Hiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiniiiiiif I RIPANS I tz ONK OlVRS UKLIKF. m Siiiii!iiiiii(iiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiUHUiimmHiiiiiiiiiiiiniini THE HEW MODEL Hammond : Typewriter. A TYPKWIUTKIt NMItODYINO ALL MODERN REQUIREMENTS. Unoqnnlnl Speed, 1'erfect Alignment. InterrhnnRP- able Type, Any Wlilth of l'nper, Superior Work. l.lKlit l'.liiHtlc Touch, Orcnt Endurance C. W, ECKERMAN, Agent, Unlvornlty of Nebraska, or 435 McMurtry Block - .f3s$t. ri9&r- 1.40 Cor. 14th & M Streets. JL lie $mteZ3: I - I . Til L'UiU mmSfASM9 LINCOLN, pair atns. -t :jnfrrarka. OPEN AT ALL HOURS DAY OR NIGHT. SULPHO-SALINE BATH HOUSE AND SANITARIUM Specialty Made of Cleaning and Re pairing DniLti Suits. 0tSB bSE1 126 S. 11th St. ALL FOUNTS OK 1IATHS Turkish. Kuslan, llomon. Kloctrlc, with special nttentlon to the nppll cntlon or NATUKAIi SAIjT WATER HATHS, Bovornl tlmeH BtrotiRur than Bea water, for tho euro ot Rlmuiiiutitiiii, NervonH (linirultieH, and many other OlHoaHofl, Tho Hath Hon bo Ia tho most com pleto In 1!iu world. SKA 11ATIIING tuny ho onoyed nt all homhoiis In our lurRO, mnKnlflcant Suit Water SwIinnilnR l'ool, 50x150 loiiK.and 3 to 10 ft deep, heated to a uniform tomporaturo of 83 (heroes. First National Bank, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Capital, - - - 9400,000.00 Surplus, - - - 100,000.00 OFFICERS: N. S. HA11W00D, PrcBldont. CHAS. A. HANNA, VIce-ProBldent, F. M. COOK. CaRhlor. C. S. LU'l'INCOTT. and II. H. FREEMAN, Ast. Cnshlors. DIRECTORS: N. 8. Hnrwood, ChnB. A. Hnnna, John Fitzgerald, D. Cook, F. M. Cook. J. 1). Mncmrlnn.l, T. M. Mnrquetto, John II. Ames, J. L. Carson, A. U. CJarJr. HIQH CLASS WORK A SPECIALTY. THE Herzog Tailoring Co., Isadora of Fashion at Popular Prices. 124 N. EleTenth 8t. Rlchnrdi Block. Why Not HaVe UPtote Foot GoVeriijg? Wo Sell tlicm Cheaper than you can buy old stylo shop-worn goods. pWta-$lxfay JTOI !SoeSj5- 1215 O ST. 'erfect mffl A J5 ltrer J it JbKw PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. KRONER. T'le Styrt Map, 939 O Street. Tho 1'lnoHt Line of Men's FnrnUhlnRB In tho City, All tho Latest Novelties. ISHIRTS MADE TO ORDER. f- 10 Per Cent Off to Students. Nebraska Pant and Suit Co., 1 2 1 7 O Street. (Wnt i-lf ot Tniak ractory.) All Wool Pants Made to Order, lrst-clos and guaranteed to fit, 93, , 6, f. and upwards. Business Suits, 916, 918. 20, and up. OVERCOATINGS, VEST1NGS, Popular Prices. Good sold by yard, and Ends for Boy'o Pants, ate. Few acallsd far pants aid sulU at yoor ova prlco. 0. R. OAKLET. O. N. Holcou, Cutter, Subscribe for The Nebraskan. 1 - T -.',3H' "'', " " ' -vH & fT" 4