The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, May 03, 1895, Image 2

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The Nebraskan.
A Weolcly Nowpapnr tnmiml Kvor.v Krldiiy Noon
nt tho Unlvorolty of Nolininkn.
Kntriikd ao 8kconi'Ci.ahh Mail Mattkii.
1'. T. Nimcy MnnnKliiK Killtor
A. II. I.yon Killtor-ln-CMot
I II. ItonniNH Now
H.Onnr ...Atliltttlo
K. 0. I.t.orn KxchiiiiKo
Minr I.kna Dkwkkhk Hoeloty
Ml"" MA' Til IIUIIM, I tMm
IC. II. lUlJtlllTON. J
l'rli-o pop year .7J
by mull N
month (
Aihlri'dH nil CommiiiilcutloiiK to Tins Nkiiiiahkan,
Unlvrnlty of Ntilirnnkn.
Tiik Nkiiiiabkan will lio lonml on unto lit tlio
following iiom HtnnilH!
I,. !.. Monti, 118 South Klovcnth Htroot,
Trunk lluTli'l. low O Stront.
Kil Youiik. lo:i O Htrcot.
There hn3 boen much ngitntion
during tho pnst wook in tho Var
sity Hiilos with roforonco to tho
compotitivo drill to bo hold in St.
Louis the first week in July.
Ciiptnin Elliott hns rocoivod a fn
vorablo reply in auswor to a lot
tor of inquiry rogarding roquiro
monts, and tho only difficulty ap
pears to bo a woakness in tho
backbone, although various causes
aro assigned for the inaction of tho
llillos. Aftor tho magnificent
showing mado last wook, with
only ten days special practico of
an hour each day, why on oarth
should there bo any hositancy?
It should bo stated in fairness to
thoso who ought to know what
thoy aro talking about tho oldir
cadets who wore in tho colobratod
Company "A" in '92 and some
others, that thoy aro full of en
thusiasm. Thoy rocognizo tho
immonso advantage to tho indi
vidual, to tho military depart
ment, tho university, tho city, and
tho stafo. Go and talk with
thorn. If tho company should
meet, as it did last wook, every
morning at 7 o'clock and hold a
sharp, snappy drill of an hour,
with a bath to follow, every man
is in a condition for tho day to do
his best work. Ho is in tho
meantime getting tho very best
of physical training, besides a
taste of discipline which is in
valuable. Scores of cadets now
take five or ton minutes every
morning upon rising for vigorous
setting up exercises, and one can
almost go through tho battalion
and pick thoso men out by their
athlotic, soldierly appearance.
Thero is no danger of over work
or brain fever if one takes plenty
of physical exorcise to keep tho
digestion perfect Tho trouble
is most students take too little,
and what thoy do take is in a
lazy, careless, aimless manner. So
much for tho physical part. It
is acknowledged by all that tho
drill at Omaha has done more
than other one thing to advertise
tho University of Nebraska, and
tho militai'y department of our
institution has attracted attention
far and wide. Tho Varsity
team has a decided advantage over
tho crack company of '92; tho
men aro bettor sot up, bettor
trained in tho principles of drill,
understand hotter tho moaning
and noooBsity of disciplino as it
exists in the battalion to-day. If
Oompany"A" could win under old
conditions why should not the
VarsitioB win under prosont con
ditions? Tho company noeds some
woll Boloctod rocruits, and thero
ought to bo fifty good mon anx
ious to got into tho company.
Much hard work would havo to
bo done; but is that to bo consid
ered an obslaclo? Thoro romains
practically but three wooks more
of school, and an hour to two hours
oaoh day, including tho rogular
drills would suflieo until Juo 1st,
and would not intorfero with
studios in tho least. Then tho com
pany could movo into the Armory
and drill from throe to fivo hours
a day if necessary. Tho Hat
talion novor had bettor material
for officors, and tho Varsitios aro
especially fortunato in having
such a trio. Tho commandant
has oxprosscd a willingness to lend
all tho aid in his powor, and pro
diets succoss. This is a yoar of
univorsity succosses. Follow tho
oxomplo of tho football boys who
won against such groat odd.
Our orator won against hot oppo
sition. The dramatic club, the
gloo and banjo club ovorything
has mot with immonso success.
Tho more matter of oxponso is
not to bo considered against all
tho advantagos of such an ox
porionco. Thou tho chances of
gottiug it all back, and more, too,
aro about four to one. But sup
poso wo lose, tho results oven
than aro worth sovcral times tho
expense. Get togothor; givo some
sort of an exhibition ; got startod ;
the Lord helps thoso who help
themselves, and a good start half
wins tho battlo. Varsities, you
have big odds; go in and win.
Delta Gamma Entertains.
Last Wednesday ovoning tho
young ladies of tho Delta Gamma
fraternity entertained their col
lege and other frionds in a man
nor which has never boon sur
passed by social entertainments
in college circles. "Tho Lincoln"
was tho scene of tho festivities.
Tho guests began to arrive about
half past eight, and an informal
reception was hold in the parlors
and corridors until a quarter past
nine, when Brown's orchestra
struck up a stately march, tho
guests filed into dancing hall and
began tho figures of tho grand
march, led by Prof. Barbour and
Mrs. Frank Woods. Dancing
continued until morning, and tho
sentiment expressed by every
guest was "best time over had."
The young hostesses aro to bo
complimented on the success of
their party, for never was a mer
rier company of guests assembled
at tho Lincoln than tho company
which assembled Wednesday even
ing. About a hundred and fifty
guests were prosont. All frater
nities and societies of tho univer
sity wore well represented.
Tho ladies entertaining wore
Misses Bridge, Gregory, Webster,
Camp, Caso, Smith, Woods, Mill
ion, Kelly, Sewoll, Rickotts, Polk,
Cochrane, Doweese, Haggard,
Wing, Dennis, Watkins, and Mes
dames Jackson and Weeks.
Students who Patronize
Paine, Warfel & Bumstead,
Ifj (lotbfcrs
Will never regret it. They sell Stylish Clothing at Reasonable Prices
1136 O Street.
Jacob North & Co.
Llncoln Paper House)
h0De8aa.ersaPer "mst"22 UnCOlll, Neb.
A Bit of Advice!
To Old and Young.
It will prolong your days on Earth I
A Trip io the Pacific Coast via the . .
The Finest Equipment
Fast Time.
Tickets and
any Information
Desired can be
Obtained of
and Denver,
Ogden and Salt Lake.
Butte and Spokane,
Helena and Portland,
Seattle, San Francisco
and Lo3 Angeles.
E. B, SLOSSON, 144 s
Gcn'l Agent. LINCOLN, NEB.
Any OLD HAT made orer u good m new. Also,
Clothes Glianid, Dyid,fcRcpalrtd.
1020 3? STR3DKT.
Books and Stationkry,
College Text-Books,
And a Complete Stock of
217 South Eleventh Street
W. R. Dennis & Co.,
Hats . . .
ana Furnishing Goods.
Lincoln Frame and Art Co.
226 So. 11th Street.
Hnvo your proupH frnniprt ut tlio most
reasonable raten.
C. A. Shoemaker, M.D.
(U. OF N. '88.)
Office, No. 1 134 L Street, Ground Floo.
Hours, 7 to 9 A.M.; 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p.m.
Telephone 685.
First Class Goods at Reasonable
The Commercial Barber Shop
Tho Finest Bath Rcoms in the City.
Student jmtronnge solicited. Agency (or tlio Heat
10 N. 11th Street.
Art's Place,
At 1010 O Street,
IFruits and Confbotionery,
norm, eiae, and tobaooo.
Bpedal attention siren to atadent and fenttr
trade. Goods dellwed to all part ot tfee city.
V.W. Oor. O aa IStt Sis.
1 11