The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, May 03, 1895, Image 1

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Voi, JIL No. 25.
I'moH Fivk Cunts.
Varulty RllloN Will Probably UeproBont
tin Univortty of Nobraska at tho In.
tornatlonal Drill Sxponno tho Only
Tho ondot bnttallion is juhI now
vory oxcitod about tho piclcod
company which is to go to 81.
LouiB, .1 uly 1st to 7th. Whilo tho
battalion Imb roally not anything
to do with it, yot tho Varsity
ItiiloB will recruit thoir ranks from
tho cadotB, as it is this organiz
ation which is planning tho trip.
Ab far as good will goos, ovoryono
is in favor of going, but tho fact
that tho oxpGiibOB of oaoh individ
ual will amount to $'10, throws a
wot blankot ovor a good doal of
onthusiasm which would othor
wiso bo mauifoBtod.
Thoso most favoring tho projoot
havo boon watching with bated
broath tho outcomo of various ar
guinonta and plans which havo
boon triod. Monday ovoning tho
adjutant road oil a list of about
100 namos of tho boat drilled mon
in tho battallion. From thoso,
which includod iuobI of tho Vars
ity RiiloB mon, it was oxpoctcd ta
recruit a company of fifty mon.
Thirty-six of thoso oxprossed a
willingnoss to go into thoir pockets
to tho propor oxtont, but sonio
afterwards dropped out. Wednes
day ovoning tho samo plau was
triod and a list of forty, which in
cludes a fow doubtful onos, is now
in tho hands of tho Commandant.
This is not onough. It will tako
iif ty mon at least to start out with,
as tho specifications roquiro forty
mon, at loast. An invitation has
now boon oxtondod to ovory mom
bor or ox-mombor of tho battal
ion, to join tho proposod crack
This ovoning tho mattor will bo
talked up at formation, and Mon
day ovoning it will bo known for
cortain whether tho University of
Nobraska is to bo reprcsontod at
the inter-national drill at St.
If it is decided to go tho Liou
tonant will drill tho mon two
hours a day tho rost of this month
and throe hours or more during
tho month of Juno. A strong ar
gument in favor of going is tho
manner in which Lieutenant Por
Bhing has voluntoorod his services
as drill master. Ho has oxprossod
himsolf strongly in favor of tho
movement, if it can bo done, and
and says ho is willing to work
night and day to help tho boys
out. Untold benefits, ho says,
will be gained by ovory porson
who goos into preparation for tho
drill which would havo to bo put
up. Even if tho prize is not won
ho thinks that no one would actu
ally bo a loser by drilling for
such a contest.
Tho oxponsos, which havo boon
carofully ligurod, when oxaminod
in tho propor light, do not sooin
so appalling. Each individual
will havo to havo a now dross uni
form costing about tweniy dol
lars. This would bo tho regularly
adoplod uniform of tho Varsity
ltiflos, and any ono not caring to
drill furthor with thorn could soil
it for almost as much as ho paid
for it Tho trousorfl of courso
could bo worn at any titno, as thoy
would bo tho samo as now worn
by all cadotB. Cost of board
whilo in camp is vory small, and
tho railroad faro would bo greatly
roducod, probably to loss than
ono faro. This makes tho cost
practically only for railroad faro,
and as nearly ovory ono takos a
trip of sonio sort during tho sum
mor, it is not looked upon as so
largo aftor all.
Tho Exhibit Saturday Evening.
To tho uuinitiatod tho onginoor
iug building has prosoutcd for tho
last two wooks a strango appoar
anco. Tho boys havo apparently
boon working on all sorts of
schomoB and building all sorts of
apparatus. Any obsorver notic
ing tho porspiration gathered in
big drops upon thoir forchoado
would soo that thoy woro not
moroly tinkering for tho lack of
something bottor to do. Whon
mon work as thoy havo boon work
ing good results must como and
thoso that visit tho enginoors' ox
hibit to-morrow ovoning will tes
tify to that fact. Ordor is now
appearing out of tho chaos that
has roigned about that dopartmont
for the last four weeks, and tho
exhibit as it is now arrangod may
bo brioily outlined as follows:
Tho oloctric welding division
will havo two water pail forgos in
operation in the forgo room, two
oloctrio furnacos, two oloctric
woldorB (using tho Thompson
process), an arc welder, a rapid
soldering dovico, an oloctric sold
ering iron, and an oloctrio pon in
oporation on tho north sido of
tho oloctrical laboratory.
Tho oloctric heating division
will havo iu oporation in tho
drawing room, on tho second lloor:
tho latost electric cooking utonsils,
oloctrical heated Hat irouB, and a
curling iron loaned by tho WoBt
orn Electric Heating Co., a car
heater loanod by tho stroot rail
way company, and othor apparatus
for showing tho phonomoua of
heating by electricity.
Tho oloctroplating division will
havo in oporation, in tho south
west corner of tho oloctrical lab
oratory, baths for gold, silver,
coppor, and nickel plating. Thoy
will also show tho separation of
coppor and zinc by moans of an
oloctrio current.
Tho tolophono division, though
thoy havo boon unfortunate in not
rocoiving apparatus appliod for,
will exhibit tho principles govern
ing tho oporation of tho tolophono.
Tho prinoiplo of tho induction
coil will bo shown in a way that
can bo folt by all interested.
Tho oxhibil will bo opon to vis
itors from oight to olovon o'clock.
Thoso who sat in tho gallory at
tho Michigan gloo club concort
woro surprised to soo fivo Uni
boys sido by Bido in tho front
row reading as intontly as a man
does who iB cramming about throe
minutes boforo oxam. It Booms
that Harry D had thought
fully brought along a novol of tho
Nick Cartor sot'os. As soon as
ho had finished a pago ho would
toar it oir and hand it to tho noxt
ono to him, who in turn passed it
on. This plan was carried out
until tho shoots began to arrivo
to Farmor Martin, of gloo club
fame. Ho became so intontly in
torostod in tho highly probablo
exploits of tho rodoubtablo Nick
that ho forgot to tako out his
pitch-pipo and soo how Hat tho
first tenors woro. Tho last wo
saw of Mr. Martin ho was sorap
ing round on tho iloor of tho gal
lory, aftor tho play was ovor, for
'tho last shoot of this interesting
Whon solcctiug books for sum
mor roadiug thoro is no uood of
paying tho fancy pricos charged
by tho book stores. Horpolshoi
mor & Co. havo a lino of papor
covered books which thoy soil for
10 conts and which will cost you
25 conts olsowhoro. Tho list iu
cludos works by Couan Doylo,
Stanloy Wyman, Sarah Grand,
Beatrice Harradon, J. M. Bar
rio, otc, otc.
E. B. Sherman loft Wobnosday
ovoning for Galosburg, Illinois,
whore ho roprosonts Nobraska in
tho intor-stato oratorical contest
Thursday evening, May 2d. Mr.
Shorman is also ono of tho throe
dobators choson at tho local con
tost to roprosont tho University of
Nobraska in tho joint dobato bo
twoon tho Uuivorsity of Nobraska
and Kansas to bo hold at Law
rence, Kansas, Friday ovoning,
May 8d. To fill both engage
ments it will bo nocossary for Mr.
Shorman to loavo Galosburg bo
foro tho contoat is finished. Ho
will do direct to Lawrence whoro
ho will moot A. J. Weaver and
Mr. McNeal tho othor two No
braska dobators. Mr. Weaver
and Mr. McNeal loft for Kansas
this morning.
It sooniB to mo that it is tho
height of idiocy to call these
pants ducks, said a sad-eyed pri
vate as ho gazed ruefully at his
white trousers aftor thoir first
washing. "Thoy certainly don't
tako woll to tho water."
May 11 rixort an tho Dtvto-Proapoots
Bright for a SuoooHMful Day B. O.
raoo SUootocl Frosiaont.
Th Alhlolic association hold a
mooting in ohapol at 1 o'clock
yostorday and transacted somo
inloresting business. Tho first
mattor that camo up was tho eloc
tion of a prosidont, tho vacancy
boing caused by tho doparturo of
Sid Whito from school. E. O.
Paco was unanimously oloctod to
fill this position for tho romaindor
of tho year.
Tho mattor of fixing a dato for
liold-day was thou brought up.
Saturday, May 11, ono wool; from
to-morrow, was docidod upon.
Tho chances this year aro for a
vory successful fiold-day. Much
interest has boon manifostod in
tho bicyolo races and tho contest
for tho modal for tho best all
around athlete is becoming vory
boated. Tho committee is secur
ing Bomo vory suitablo prizes of
onough valuo to cause somo good
material to bo brought out.
Many ontries fqr all tho ovonts,
which havo boon published, havo
boon registered, and tho outlook ia
vory favorable The fair grounds
is tho place selected for tho oxor
cisos. Tho matter of tho Kantas City
moot was not brought up, and an
adjournment was taken without
anything furthor boing douo.
The Single Tax.
Tho Political Economy club
was addrossod Thursday evening
by Mr. Louis F. Post, tho na
tional locturor for the siuglo tax
doctrine. After a fow introduc
tory remarks by Prof. Taylor re
garding tho work of tho dopart
mont of economics, Mr. Post was
introduced and for nearly two
hours hold tho closest attention of
his audionco whilo ho advocated
tho singlo tax as a substitute for
tho present system of taxation.
Mr. Post is a vory ablo, clear,
and entertaining speaker. Ho
uses simplo tonus, doos not con
fuso his audionco and talks to tho
point. His lecture was illustrated
by charts which aided him vory
much in showing his hoarors just
what his idoas woro. Mr. Post
advocates tho singlo tax becauso
ho considers it just, propor, and
tho solution of our social evils.
We Win Again.
Our base ball team wont down
to Ashland Saturday afternoon
and secured an easy victory over
the High school loam there. Tho
Ashland 0 0501000 39
U. of N 0 S 3 3 0 2 4 1 21
Battery llohlomim and Williams;
Friol and Nonl.
:i -mmmimm
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