wmmm ' ! THE NEBRASKA N Voi, III. No. 2ii. UNLVIOKSITY OF NUMUASICA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, APRIL 10, ISM. PlUUH Five Cents. oa njHH i h EVERYTHING WE ASKED OUARANTEE OP EXPENSES TO KANSAS CITY MEET. Tho Ziottor Rooolvod Trom Noal 0. Doran Allows ub to Boml Twonty Mon ThoJCommtttlo will Aot. As to tho proposod Inlor-stato moot to bo hold at KunsitB Oily, tho following letter which hits boon received bv Fred Barnos, will givo nil tho information now in tho hands of tho oonimittoo which was appointod to tuko charge of tho nmttor. ISIit. F. E. Barnes, Lincoln, Ni:n. Dear Sih: Sineo my last lot tor wo have outlined with A. .1. Post or, of Kansas University, tho following probitblo list of ovonts during tho proposod "Meet" ut Fitiruiount Park, May 24th and 25th. Friday, Mav 24th. 100 yard dash. 220 yard dash. 410 yard dash. Punning long jump. Standing high jump. Punning high jump. Standing broad jump. Ono halE-milo bicyclo race. One milo bicyclo raco. Baso-ball game. Saturday, May 25th. Ono milo run. 10 pound hammer. 10 pound shot. Polo vault. Ono c,uartor-milo bicyclo raco. Two milo bicyclo raco. Baso-ball gamo. Those of courso tiro subject to chaugo, but will probably bo tho ovonts most suited to such a "moot" and was outlinod chiefly to enable tho various universities to got into practice so as to bo ready for tho "Moot". Wo would sufiiiost that tho list of members DO of your ball team and athletic toam should bo mailed to us at least n week prior to the ditto of tho "Meet" and that tho same should be approved by your Chancellor as a guarantee of members being enrolled studouts, this will bo re quired of ouch univorsity. The numbor of contestants of each university will bo limited to twenty, including captain and manager. "Wo will pay all ex pense of railroad faros and hotol bills, teams to board at tho ulttb house in tho park, meals to bo furnished at tho Park Oafo, and to bo paid by us. Wo will fur nish all starters, umpires, roforeos, and timo-keopors. This is I think a full and concise statement of our position in tho matter and I trust you will lo.t us know shortly as to whether the proposition will bo accepted, and if wo can depend upon your taking part in the "Moot." Wo must know something dofi- nilo boforo long in order that wo may proporly advertise and got tho thing boforo tho public. Wo havo no doubt that a very good and suocossful entertainment can bo arranged, and that all con nected will bo porfoctly satisfied with tho arrangonionts. Trusting to hoar from you at ait early date, wo beg to remain, Yours truly, NEAL S. Doran. Tno BlacJ Art, Blackod. Last Friday ovoning occurred tho Palladian boy's annual pro gram. Groat preparations woro made and no ono wasdisappo tiled. Tho first part of tho program was takott up with orations, papers, and itiusio. Tho boys aro eortain ly to bo congratulated on tho numbor of musicians and spoakors thoy havo. Then followod the principal feature of tho evening 'Tho Black Art Blacked," a farce comedy on tho minstrol show order. It was well carried out and afforded a gr at deal of amusoniont for the audience. Another interesting ovent in connection with tho program was tho fact that the girls "rushed tho slato." Thov didit in tho most approved stylo, as tho beys will all testify. Invitations woro writ ton in French and replies rocoivod in Norwogian. Somo wont in short-hand and canto back Ion" hand. At any rato till tho boys arrived safoly and on time. When tho society had adjourned tho young ladies had a vory pleas ant surprise in store for thoir victims. They proceeded at onco to Prof. Jay Barrett's sanc tum in tho now library building whero a delicious feast awaited them. After carousing to thoir hoart's contont, tho party broke up with three choers for tho Uni, three for tho Pall, girls, and threo for Prof. Barrett. Tho evening will long bo romomborod in Pal ladian circles as a most enjoyable one. Lettor of Thanks. Springfield, Mass., Mar. 23. To the Chancellor, Professors, and Y. M. C. A. Students oj the Uni versity of Nebraska: Dear Friends: 1 havo just received, through Dr. P. A. Clark, in tho form of a check for 30, tho vory kind and practical ex pressions of your intorost in our association training school. It will givo us much pleasure to decorate tho door of ono of tho rooms with tho nanio "University of Nobraska," as a permanent testimonial of tho interest which you have thus manifested, and 1 trust that from time to timo stu dents from tho university upon whoso heart tho work of tho Y. M. C. A., in ono or another of its departments has been laid, may make his way to this institution, and find himself all the more at homo among us booause the nanio of his room and its furnishings will bo a constant remindor of your Christian lovo and holpful noss, Boforo breaking ground for this groatly needed building tho trusfeos of tho school dooided that wo ought to have, either in hand, or in good subscriptions, payable before Septombor noxt, tho sum of 15,000, and you will rojoieo with us in hearing that at our trustees' mooting last Wednes day, tho 20th inst , 1 was por ntittod to announco to thorn that tho sum of 1(5,01.0 had been raised in this form. Ground, theroforo, will bo brokon with as littlo delay as possible cortainly within tho noxt two weeks. Again thanking you ono and all for your kindnoss. boliovo mo, Vory Bincoroly yours, Oliver O. Morse. '90 Passes Resolutions. Tho senior class of tho Stato University mot Thursday and passed tho following resolutions rospocting tho resignation of Chaucollor Oanfiold: AVhereas, Mr. James II. Can field has doohtrod his intontion of severing his connection with tho Univorsity of Nebraska, whero ho hits so long and faithfully sorted as chancellor; therefore, bo it Resolved, That it is with pro found regrot that tho class of '95 loarns of tho resignation of Mr. Can field from this institution. Resolved, That Chaucollor Can field has ever had tho fullest ro spect and esteem of tho class of '05. Resolved, That wo rccogni.o his labors during tho past four years as unceasing, untiring and unsel fish efforts in tho intorests of No braska Univorsity. Resolved, That in losing Mr. Canftold, tho university loses a wiso oxocutive, an able supporter and a staunch friend. Resolved, That Mr. Cunfiold, as an honorary mombor of tho class of '95, has the sincoro good wishes of that class for continued suc cess in his future fields of labor. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions bo presented to Chan cellor Canftold, and that a copy bo furnished tho college and city papers for publication. European Tours. E. M. Jenkins & Co. have pro pared a series of personally con ducted tours to Palestine, Egypt, England, and the continent dur ing tho coming season. For namnhlots. oxnoiiRo. ntn. apply at Lincoln agency, 120 L 0 street. Tho inspection of company "0" resulted in tho reporting of four men. In company "D" there woro five reported. This was the last inspection by tho commandant. CHANGES IN THE FACULTY BOARD OF REQENTS MAKE SOME PROMOTIONS. Donartmonts or Elootrloal Hnfrlnoorlnff and Physios Divhloil Prof. Owens Given the Ohalr-Other Oliung-os. At tho mooting of tho board of rogonts last weok somo changos and promotions were mado in tho faculty. Tho dopartmeuts of eloc trical onginooring and physics, which havo up to this timo boon as one, with Prof. Braco at its head, was divided and mado sop arato dopartmonts, giving Prof. Owons the chair over tho olec trical onginooring. Prof. Stout, adjunct professor of civil ongin ooring, was mado asbociato pro fossor. Prof. Wilson, associato professor of Latin laiigttago and litoraturo, and Prof. Piohards associato professor of manual training. Mr. Burnet was made adjunct professor of Gomanic languagos. Tho dopartuiont of pedagogy will bo mado sopatato from phi losophy and a professor for that position is now being sought by the oxocutivo committee. The salary of Judge Reoso was raised so that ho could dovoto his whole timo to tho law school, and ho will now givo up his practice. Prof. Edgron was rewarded by a "raiso" and now receives a salary oqual to that of any other heads of dopartmonts. RECEIPTS. Salad Throe pounds of liver worst, a hard boiled org chopped up and two cabbago loaves. Lot stand for about a weok. II. O. Whit more. Uolicious cako Throe cups sugar, oigl.t eggs, ono toaspoonful of milk, mjx for au hour aud then throw out in tho back yard and make tho cook do it for you. Florence Far well. Lemon Pio Thin roll of cellu loid, ono pint of ox tail soup, covor over with largo quantity of soap suds Ivory preferred. Maud Shaw. Messrs. Sherman and McNoal, two of the speakers who aro to represent us in tho Kansas-Ne-braska debate this year, listened to tho Kansas boys dobato at Law rence last Friday evening. The question discussed is the ono agrood upon for the final contest. Our boys havo now "stolon all thoir thunder" and havo it in manuscript form. During tho past weok a numbor of inquiries have come in to tho department of botany in regard to tho pestiferous woods of tho stato. Not only tho Russian thistle but other noxious weeds bother the farmers, aud they tend in for information as to hoy to got rid of these pests. uusmmmmymmt'' EEl .:'! . i i' i I 4 i 'I i . . 1 'v f