mUmi&miiii j aj wMaawaahfl zsaSi " ' WwTHHB wiy?V Sormonottoa. A limo lo build up. Hcol. 111., 11. The halls of tlio univoraily wore oviilonlly miulo lo bo used, but not ia assembly rooms whoro studonts could moot and gossip and gigglo and waalo thoir timo. It is a good joko to talk about "hall work" and it sounds onto to talk about it, but tho timo was tod thoro is vory precious. Tho library con tains many a book that you will novor bo ablo to road for lack of timo. Your "hall work" might bottor bo spout to good advantago in tho library. Porhaps, too, your parents hnvo worked hard to bo ablo to sond you to school, and )OU ought lo uso ovcry minuto to tho host advantago. Whon you havo learned all thoro is to learn in tho univorsity, thon mako an appointniont for "hall work," but not until thon. A tolobonror rovonloth secrets. Prow xi., IS. Gossip does vory well for ompty or ovil minds, but for minds that aro boing trained for noblo life work, it is positivoly wicked. It seems strango thnt such a condi tion of things could exist in tho Slato Univorsity. But actually you cannot walk through tho halls without hoaring some littlo gos sip. Some of it is harmless, and somo of it is dovilish. If wo could only forgot tho miserable things wo hoar about people and tell only the nico things wo hoar about thorn wo would soon havo a littlo hoavon. Tho sly hints that aro thrown out about people, the evil construction put on the most innocent actions aro vilo and uncalled for. "Whon we get old and tho world has lost its charms and our brains aro worn out, then lot us gossip if wo will, but not while the great beautiful world lies about us and while there is so much to do and to learn. Soo Connnnndinonts. Somo of tho girls complain that their lunch baskets aro minus lunches when they go to them at noon. Wo havo learned and to our sorrow of tho hat thieves, but has it come to lunch thieves? It surety must bo a joke. There are cortninly not among tho ladies that attend tho univorsity, ones that would stoop so low as to pil for a lunch? 1 f it is done through a spirit of mischief, it is to say tho least but a poor waj' to havo fun. If there aro any one so hungry that they must do that way to get enough to eat, God pity them! Character is more than education. If we cannot get an education without stealth let us give it up. Without character wc are building an edifice upon tho shifting sands. "Woo to thorn that ro down to Egypt for help. Isaiah XXXI. It sooms to bo no secret among the students that they "pony," or "crib." They seem to think it is a good joke. It is so much easier to look on tho book and write down tho answers, than it is to think about it. And after all it is so vory hard for some people to think. But what good will it do those students to go through collogo and "crib" all tho timo? Thoy will stand high in thoir olassos and all that, but what roal atrongth havo thoy gainod? His tho worst sort of foolishnoss. And besidos it is stealing. Thoro is no othor word that fits tho act so well as this moan word "stealing." Ladios and gontlemon who would rosont to tho last degrooworo thoy called thioves, will novortholoss porsist in gotting thoir lessons in a dishonost way. Suroly our ideas of right and wrong aro (jueorly dovolopod. D. Hi! Hi! Hi! Phi Kappa lsi! (Continue)) from latrmgo) Town, Whiting, Griffith, Lot- ! tridgo, Curtice, Marshall, Moore, Richards, Polk, Williamson, Winger, Whedon, Flo Wingor, lloddy, and Gustin, of Konrnoy. Messrs. Packard, Saxton, Frank, BishotT, DutV, Hobard, Uoubravo, Burgott, Whoolor, Pulie, Cullen, Malliliou, Kisser, Young, An drews, Low, and Wostorniann. Thoy Were Extravagant, Tho Dramatic club cleared S1U2.80. That was vory good and rellects groat credit on tho management. But the club might have made 108 ovon, or perhaps a littlo more just as well as not if a few of tho membors had been a littlo more economical. For in stance, the following item: "Bent of whiskers for Bonlley." Now, thon, why does not Bentley grow his own whiskers? Thoso are hard times and tho club cannot alTord to hiro whiskers for any one. It was really necessary foi Bob Mauley to rout somo whiskers, for Bob's don't grow very fast yet But Bontley has no excuso to of fer for his actions. Again, there was an ilom, "Per ishable freight for Open Gate," upon which a few ramarks would be in order. Such perishable goods were not necessary for tho audience to obtain a dcdd effect. Mr. Tucker was also extrava gant But then Carl thought he needed a dress in order to act and look like a girl in " Chums." It might bo well . for the Uni vorsity Dramatic club lo pattern after other university organiza tions, as the Glee club for in stance, and give up these luxuries during tho hard times at least. Burlington Route Playing Cards Those elegant cards of tho very best quality only 13 cents per deck. For sale at B. & M. depot or city office, corner Tenth auu 0 streets. C. MAGS AKaR THE PALAOE DINING HALL la TllK l'UOI'KIl VIjAVI: to got your monta. 3-li SPinOI-iVl-i rtLTJIlS TO STU 13 HlNT8.Sb AM, YOUU F15I.1.0W HTUM'.NTH IJO.VIU) IIKIUi. THY US. 1 130 N Street. A. G. OSMER, Prop, .I.,.,,. ... , i. , .,,.. Baker's Clothing House, COMPLETE LINE OF FURNISHING GOODS, TRUNKS AND VALISES. -c Hulta made to order la Cailora Dapartmeat. Entire satisfaction gnaranteed. Special Discount to Student. 1039 O StrooL The Students Co-operative Book Co. HANDLE ALL STUDENTS' SUPPLIES.: S. E. Cor. of Univorsity Hall. J. H. EVANS, Prcst, nnd Trcas. C. C. QUIGGLE, Scc'y and MRr. Evans Laundry Company, 327, 3SO, 331 N. lath Streot, Telephone 199. LINCOLN, NEB. ESTEY & CAMP, Pianos and Organs ! 1 39 South 1 2th Street. All the Newest and Most Popular Songs at the Lowest Prices. CALL AND SEE US. J. IJ. Wright, F. R. Johnnon. J. n. McClay, 1'rvsUent, Vlc President, Cashier. John A. Ames, A sat. Cash. The Columbia NATIONAL BANK, LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. Capital, $250,000. niRKCTOItS. A. 8. Raymond. Chns. West. Thou, Cocbrai Art's Place, At 1010 O Street. IS THE BARBER SHOP FOR STUDENTS TO PATRON Z. G1VK US iVTIMAL LINCOLN FRUIT STAND, PDCC1NELLI BIIOS Props., DKALKB8 IX BVnita and Conffaotioiiory, nuTB. cian, no toiicco. Special attention given to student and family trade. Goods delivered to all parts ot the city. H.W. Cor. o and lfith 81s. vPBiBBfcXa? SPECIALIST. Having permanently located in Lincoln, I denire to cnll the attention of any who aro troubled with defective vision, that I correct all errors of Refraction nnd .Mub cular Insufficiency. Almost nu much discomfort arises from Heterophoria as from Ametro pia. E. BRTJCE MAGEE, 1127 0 St, Lincoln, Neb. Booms 12 & 13. CALIFORNIA Is onr Sleeping Car ltato on tbe Phllllps-Rock Island Tourist Excursions from Council Ml nils, Omaba or Lincoln to Los Angeles or Kan Fran. Cisco, Tin tbe Scenic Iloute and Ogden. Car leaves Des Molne every Friday, and slceplhg car rate from there is $11.50. Ton bave tbrougb sleeper, and tbe Pbllllpi management bas a special Agent accompany tbe excursion eacb week, and you will save money and bave excellent accommodation, as tbe cars have upholstered spring Heats, are Pullman build, and appointments perfect. Address tor full particulars, CHAS. KENNEDY, O. TS.-VT. P. A., Omaha, Hot. O. A. DTJTHEBEOED. C, T, Si P, A., Iiinooln. JHO, BEBASTIAJT, O. P. A. Chloaffo. BEST LINE TO ST. LOUIS AND CHICAGO