The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, April 05, 1895, Image 3

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    , w,
Quit New Si'itiNa Srim
Guh Boohor, jr., is visiting IiIh
brothor .Ichso.
0. II. Platz is sufforing with nn
nttnok of tho grip.
Don Oamoron's lmioh countor
118 So. 11th, stroot.
Tho botanical Bominar went to
Bollovuo Inst wook.
Miss Atkinson hns gono homo
for a neoded uoation.
Prof. lL'i'boit Bates has boon
indisposed this wook.
Mr. Frod Lyon took in Fair
fiold and vicinity last week.
"Still His Whiskors Grow."
For salo at Estoy & Camp's.
Ernst Hall spont his vacation at
his homo in Mo ad, Nebraska.
Miss Suo Gustin, of lvoarnoy
is visiting hor cousin Miss Town.'
Clifford "Wescott and Tom Mapos
spont thoir vaction in Platts
mouth. Art Carpenter did not go homo
till Saturday, Why? Junior
Prof. Ward has boon made an
honorary member of tho botanical
Professor Taylor lectured at
Wavorly Monday on "Mexico Il
lustrated." Gus H. Ellsworth has boon
given tho charge of the now li
brary building.
Mr. C. II. AVolden was called
homo on Monday by tho sudden
death of a sister.
"April Fool" and tho oloctiou
fever havo injured tho veracity of
half our people.
Company D passed tho best in
spection of tho year Monday night,
rocoiving only 5 reports.
Don Cameron has removed his
restaurant to 118 So. 11th St
one door south of old stand.
E. Martin Mayer wont to St.
Joseph, Mo., to spend his vaca
tion with his parents and friends.
Miss Catho; is soon to be
moving around among the uni
versity people again, after a se
vere illness.
Don Cameron's lunch counter
118 So. 11th, street. Fish and
game in season. Tho nicest res-
grado, stylish, porfoet fitting. Soo
thorn. You'll like tho prieos.
We do not Offer.
Tho class in ontomology undo
a short oxpodition into tho coun
try in sonrch of "bugs Saturday.
Tho Junior Annual board of tho
prosontsophoinoro class mot Satur
day to lay plans for next year's
F. F. Dobbs, principal of tho
Wahoo high school, wns in tho
city Sunday visiting W. L. Mc
Kay. 0. A. Fisher is rapidly recover
ing from his illness. Ho attondod
his classes Tuesday for tho first
Professor Ovorholt, of Ashland,
visited tho univorsity, Tuesday.
Ho will bo in Lincoln about a
Attornoy Good lectured to tho
sonior law class last Wcdnosday
and Thursday on "Limitations of
B. P. Tcolo has boon olectod
Manager of tho Dramatic club,
vico Fred Cooloy, who has re
signed. Mr. Chancy Wnrnor's fathor is
in from Bod Cloud, looking aftor
tho univorsity life of tho young
Miss Ura Kolloy spent hor va
cation in Chicngo, where sho heard
some of the fine operas now being
presented thoro.
L. V. Patch onjoyod his vaca
tion in the marshes of tho Elkhorn
valley. Ho had great success and
baggod a nice lot of game.
Thoro wns an unusual noise in
tho band room on last Monday
evening and rumor has it that tho
band has a now luno.
Mr. Shaffer, one of tho best
musicians in tho university, won
tho piano in tho rocout World
Ileruld word-building contest.
Cadot Drum-Major, Harvey
Ileald, went to his homo in Osce
ola, on Saturday tho 28d inst, to
remain till tho close of tho spring
Monday ovoniug Professor and
Mrs. Hodgman entertained those
members of tho faculty who havo
To give students or any other clnss of people special
J$S discounts, but sell to all at the same low prices. We
invite you to our new store, 1235 to 1239 O Street,
and think we can please you.
Miller & Paine.
(U. OF n. .;
At 1100 0 Strcot, Bichardu Block. Telephone 343.
wisity Biblo classes in tho various
church os, also somo of tho officers
of tho Christian associations. Tho
work of this year was reported on
and plans for tho coming year
wore considered.
Mr. 0. II. Allen has boon oloct
od from tho Dolian socioty to fill
tho position of assistant editor of
tho Hesperian, in tho placo of
Mr. Elmore, who latoly resigned.
J. B. Bochor and B. S. Hiltner
havo gono into athletics. They
havo each a sweater, two baseball
shoes, a little cap, and tho prico
of admission to tho tennis associ
ation. L. V. Patch has boon laid up
for several days with a very badly
sprained arm. The combination
which resulted in his injury was a
bicycle, a brick, and the pave
ment. Bov. Duncan Brown, of Torkio,
Mo., lecturod before a joint meet
ing of the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A.
Sunday afternoon in tho chapel.
His subject was "Foreign Mis
sions." The pupils of Mr. John Ban
dolph, of the conservatory, gave a
vocal recital in tho univorsity
chapel Wednesday evening. Tho
program was long and varied and
much appreciated by the largo
audience present.
Profs. Bichards and Hamscn
turant for students in tho city. I been engaged in teaching the uni-1 accompanied a class in machine
Wby Not $JaVe Up-toDate p00t QoVerirjg?
Vc Sell them Cheaper than you can buy old style shop-worn Roods.
&fFuJ.' ii SaJ
1215 O ST.
Perfect BW ;
Fitter M i
dosign on a trip to tho B. k M.
shops at Havolock last Monday
morning, spending tho
, w..w.......n
testing tho largo boilers,
day 111
. Tho
party returned at 4;30 p. 111.
Among tho "Collection of Lin
coln Suntlowors" in tho woman's
edition of tho Call was noticed tho
beaming faco of Fred Cooloy, and
it is confidentially reported that
a certain young lady is now carry
ing that part of ono of tho papers
in hor French book.
Horpolshoimor & Co. are show
ing in thoir book department a
beautiful lino of Easter Cards
and Booklets. Among now books
received are Philip and His Wife,"
by the author of "John Ward,
Preacher;" "Stories of tho Foot
Hills," by Margaret Collier Gra
ham; "Madame Sans-Gone," etc.
Palladian officers were elected
as follows:
President, B. L. Cheney; Vico
President, Ella McCrosky; Cor
responding Secretary, H. P.
Leavitt; Recording Secretary,
Dora Aniiian; Music Secretary,
Lizzie Thompson; Treasurer, Mr.
Hitchman; Critic, Ella Mathews;
Sorgeant-at-arms, C. B. Woldon.
Dr. Clark has received a lettor
from Oliver C. Morse, secretary
of the International Young Men's
Christian Association Training
school, extending thauks for tho
$30 contributed by the university
students and facult' for the erec
tion of a dormitory. Tho door of
ono of the rooms will bo deco
rated with "University of No
braska" as a testimonial of the
interest manifested by our Y. M.
C. A. students in the erection of
tho now building.
William Boed Dunroy's enter
tainment will take place in tho
chapel on next Monday evening.
Hon. W. J. Bryan will make an
address on an interesting subject,
some excellent music will bo given
and Mr. Dunroy will road from
his poems. A splendid poem,
written for tho occasion, entitled
"The Nebrasky Uni," will bo one
of tho features. Tickets on sale
at tho Co-operative store. Price,
25 cents.