iiiiMaiit infl..'i .. ' ..:.;,.ic.i!rw!... ..'"i."..!.' m. "" " ' -i :f::r":-' ywpf-?i',r"ff"' T"WJJtV "T' "'" "" " "W?" v f ' aattHMaatatift M ' ,( li i L0OA.L Tlio ondol band ir improving fnat, H, G, Barber spanl Saturday in Omaha. Prop, l)oo,j Up'hariam moan pompadour? Soo our olTorhi anothor column. Horo is your olianco. Yos, thoy got out in timo to at tend thoir own funoral. Ask MoDowol why tho Hosnor- ian is liko a lot of drift wood. MisH Lulo Pmldtvk onlortninod a fow frionds vory plimsnntly last Thursday. D. N. Lolnnor '08, tho famous whistlor, is soon around tho halls onco nioro. Miss Anita Muir Bpont Saturday in Ashland visiting tho Misses von Mansfoldo. John Hay Kuhn wont to Oma ha last Friday to visit his parents. Ho returned Monday. "Hollo, Bob, taking photogra phy?" "No. Taking pictures." Mr. Harry Shears left "Wednes day for Omaha, whore ho will make his home for tho futuro. A lottor roceivod from Prof. Burnett from Alborqurquo, N. M. says that his health is rapidly im proving. "Why is it that ovoryono is hum ming, whistling, or singing "Still His Whiskers Grow" or "You Can't Change It?" Fred Cooloy's oyes had a narrow oscapo in the chemical laboratory last Saturday, a large flask of H SO4 exploding in his face. Tho two most prominent cadets opposing tho adoption of white duck trousers fo'r tho battalion are Lieutenants Holmes and Hinds. Prof. Chas. Sharer has entered the university for a short courso in psyschology preparatory to ontorhig tho Chicago University. There is more than one way to got even with 'em. And so they say the rustling business manager of tho Hesperian is boarding out a bill. DID you know that tho Foot-Form Store were getting their new Spring Goods. They are beau ties. YOU must cover your foot. Why not got something that is up to date? It costs no moro than old style goods. HAV your feet comfortable and your head will be clear. The only way is to have thorn shod with a shoe that FITS tho foot as well as the oye and purse. Our foot-form shoes are the proper ones for you. 1213 O Street. The mi mo goods for less money or heller goods for the samo money. Let us prove this. Miss Alice Maitland loft Denver Thursday. Oury mado a swift trip Omaha Wodnosdav. for to Tho Union socioty is pro pnrmg a "ffiiosi program "ghost" to bo given this ovoninff. Mr. Lion was olootod to tho secretaryship of tho Political Economy olub to fill tho vacancy causod bv tho resignation of 11, P. Teolo. Prof. Shorman in American litoraturo: "When Thoroau died for tho first timo, I say, for tho first timo his comploto works woro published. Frank Woods, a former niombor of tho class of '05 and of tho Pnlladian socioty, is on tho editor ial board of tho University of Chicago Weekly. P. J. Maguiro filled tho chair in "Tariff History" during tho brief illness of Prof. Taylor. P. J. s not a "doctor" yet but ho has a fow ideas on oconomics. For somo reason tho attondanco at chapel has fallen off materially within tho past two weeks. Tho generous hoarted aro staying away to give tho others a chance. The legislature is good for some thing. It at least furnishes sub- jocts for tho public speaking classes. Just now tho "oleo" bill is being thoroughly discussed and will soon bo definitely answered. George A. Davios a last year's freshman has roturnod to school this somester. Ho lias been en gaged in teaching tho young idea how to shoot straight in ltising City, Nob. Prof. Dann. What aro some words with the diminutive euding "Kin"? Lambkin is a good ex ample. Who can think of an othor ? Piper Pump-kin. To have heard Charley Stroman grow eloquent over tho "oloo margerino" bill in public speaking was almost as good as eating some of your mother's home-mado but ter. Chauncey Warren had an op portunty to attend the United States naval school, but after con sidering carefully decided to fin ish his electrical course here. engineering Owing to the recital Thursday evening, theaddrossof Mr. Albert Watkins on "Civic Federations" was postponed until next Wednes day evening. No one interested in economics should miss this treat. Miss Pearl Woodmansee, '98, has been compelled to drop her uuiversity work on account of ill health. She leaves to-dav for Colorado. Her many university friends wish her a speedy re covery. There seems to be something peculiar with the weather. Not only have a great many students been confined to their rooms on account of bad colds and sore throats, but even the faculty has boon affected. Prof. Fling and Prof. Taylor were unable to hoar classes for a few days last week. Owing to insubordination on the part of the elotric lights at the home of Judge Pound, the fire depart ment waB called out Tuesday night. Anroman cut the wire and no dam age waB done beyond burning a small hole in the wall paper. Miss Olivia Pound covered herself with glory by extinguishing a blaze in the ceiling by throwing a cup of water on it. "Juto" Fiold.a formor oleotrical Htudont who would havo graduat od with '07, has soourod a position in an electrical plant at Now Or leans. W. Keed Dunroy has returned from Omaha whoro ho hold tho first roading from his "Blades from Nebraska Grassos." Ho was greot od with a woll fillod house and tho ontertainniont is roportod as boing "way up." What will happon is yol to bo soon, but that somo great ovent will ocour in the noar futuro is as sured. Tho sonior girls actually had a secrot mooting Thursday and havo succoedod at this writing in keeping their secrot! Prof. Swozey has started a class in meteorology. Two divisions moot in room 11 Nebraska Hall each day. Tho most interesting foaturo of the work is a demon stration oach day of tho weather forecasting from tolegraphic data rccoivod that day. 11. W. Thatchor has boon called homo by tho illness of his father who will havo to go abroad for his health, leaving his son ,(to run tho ranch." Mr. Thatchor doos not hope to bo back again before tho second somester of noxt year. Er" since the dkating has boon spoiled the weary student has boon longing for tho opening of tho boating season at Burlington boach. Then ho may rest his tired brain and forgot all about the caros of life while gliding over tho quiet ripples. Tho friends of C. A. Fisher '97, were much ploasod to soo him back in school the first of this week. Ho left very suddenly a week ago upon the advice of his physicians and intended to seek a milder climate. Favorable changes in tho symptoms, however, have made this move unnecessary for the present. Some facetious student "swiped" a bucket of red paint left over from tlie Co-op annual, and pre sented it to tho English depart ment one day last week. A little card bearing the words: "To the English department," was tied on it. Tho paiat and brush are awaiting identification at the ex ecutive office. The debate between the Max well's and the U. B. D. C's. was well attended and hotly contested. Of courso, as it always is, both sides claimed tho victory. Accord ing to the Maxwell's but a part of one good argumont was made by the opposition. The Union's say that the lawyers simply talked and said nothing. New Books at Horpolsheimor's Book Department. "Our Fight With Tammany," by Rev. Chas. Parkhurst; "Madame Sans Gene" from the French of Victorien Sar dou ; "Echoes From Central Music Hall," by the late Prof. David Swing; "Ascent of Man, by Henry Drummond; "Billtry," a parody on Trilby by Mary Kyle Dallas; "The Manxman" by Hall Cuin. Another One Gone. Miss Maud Berkoy, a formor member of the class of '95, and of the Union society, died at her home Tuesday evening, after an illness of seven months. The following resolutions were adopted by tho society: Inasmuch as it has pleased the Divine Father to take from our midst our dear sister, Maud Berkey, be it Resolved, That in tier loss we recognize that we are bereft of a faithful worker and a true friend of the Union society. That we express onr heartfelt sympathy to her parents in their almost unconBolable grief; And that these resolutions be Bprend upon the records of the Union society, published in tho college papers, and sent to her parents. OHAS. b. aREaoRir, (D. OP N, 11.) SELLS COL At 1100 0 Street, Richards Block. Telephone 343. We do not Offe To give students or any other class of people special discounts, but sell to all at the same low prices. We invite you to our new store, 1235 to I239 O Street, Jfc and think we can please you. Respectfully, Miller & Paine. B. Q. DAWKB, President. COAL MERCHANTS. CoM drllvonxl to ntndentn In nn.v qitnntlty desired. Jacob North & Co, (Lincoln Paper House) BOOK AND "H" COMMERCIAL . PUBLISHERS, BLANK STEREOTYPING LITHOGRAPHING Wholesale Paper Dealers 1116 TO 1122 M ST. A Bit of Advice! To It A Trip to the Pacific Coast via The Finest Equipment Fast Time. Tickets and any Information Desired can be Obtained of BRfflF E, B. SLOSSON, 1144 ", Gen'l Agent. MXCOIiN, NEB. wmm m WSwxfu!t!m7XT!ltK7fS3KKi inttz,,'-ivij i INTERNATIONAL zrtfZXDICTIONARY A Grand Educator. "" " " successor 0 (110 ' Unabridged." Stnndnrd of tlio TJ. S. licn't Print ing Oflire, tlie U.S. Supremo Court and of nearly all tlio Bclioolbooks. "Warmly com mended by every Btnto Snj erlnton ilont of SchoolB, and otlier Educa tors almost "with out numlMr. A College- President -writes: "Tor " ease with which tho eye finds tlio " word sought, for accuracy of doflrtl "tlon, for effective methods In indl " eating pronunciation, for terso yet " nnmtiitfilitiiiDlvrn ctfit ..vvtn.iia il fnnta 5 " and for practical use as a working "dictionary, '"Webster's International " excels any other single "volume." Tho Ono Great Standard Authority, J tiupremo Court. G. & C. XmilWCAM CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., V. S. A. oar-Rend to tin nubllrtiers for free wimnlilet. ae Do not buy clioup reprints of undent editions LINCOLN FRUIT STAND, rCCOINELLI BROS., Propfl., BKAI.KB8 IN DBVaita and Conibotlonepyi nuts, eiaAna, and tobacco. Bpecll attention glrea to atudent and fatally trado. Goods 4llYrea to all parta of Ike city. JT.W. Cor. 0 a llifc Hi. TwWBSTER s jj 1 r W. ft. DAWES, SficntArr. 1045 0 Street. Printer: BOOK MANUFACTURERS Lincoln, Net Old and Youne. will prolongyourdaysonEarti the LINCOLN Ogden and Salt Lake, i Lsutte and Spokane. Helena and Portland Seattle, San Franclsc4 ana los Angeles. JOHN T. MASTIN, C.T. Art's Plac At 1010 O Street, IS THE BARBER SHOP FOR STUDENTS TO PATRONIZE. GIVK XJS A. TRIAL. I 4 I I BEST LINE TO ST. LOUIS AND CHICAG