T THE NEBRASKA Voi, III. No. 17. UNIVERSITY OF NKHUASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, MARCH 1, lSDi. bv P h BASEBALL OUTLOOK Flno Prospects for a Strong Toam This Year. MANY CANDIDATES APPLY Much Intorast Hns Alrondy Boon Arousod Trip to lown AsBurod Prnotloo Commonood. Tho outlook for baso ball in tho Univorsity is brightor than over boforo nt this timo of tho yoar. Alrondy tho candidates havo bo gun prnctico mid nro onthusinstio in tho work. In past yoars tho base ball team has begun praotico bo lato in tho yonr that practically nothing was done boforo tho ond of tho school yonr. 13y thorough training nnd con stant praotico thoro is no reason why tho Univorsity of Nebraska should not havo ono of tho best teams in tho wobI. Wo havo a good start. Practice games enn bo played with tho Lincoln league toam and various toams in tho vi cinity. Thoro is no reason why wo should not havo an oxcollent in field and outfield as well from tho number of candidates. Of course it will bo hard to find any ono to tako Barnes' place in tho "box." Tho procuring of a strong battery will be nbsolutoly necossary and tho manngeinont should not ovor look this important point. Of tho old tenm, Hoald, Bene dict, Randolph, Packard, Ray- mond, and Hay ward are back. The now men who aro candidates in oludo Hamming, Fair, Porter, Bowman, Frank, McCarthy, Ab bott, Martin, Jones, Bliss, Noal, Rickets, "Wilson, Rowo, Humph rey, Thorpe, Matson, Rogers, New branch, Loibman, and Wessol. Any others desiring to become candidates should hand their namo to either Manager Hayward, or Captain Hoald at onco. There will bo considerable in ducement for a man to strive hard to get on the toam. Besides local games and thoso played within the state there has already boon planned a tour through Iowa, to include games with tho Univorsity of Iowa, Grinnel College, Ames College, and tho State Agricul tural School at Des Moines. In order to increase tho interest in base ball and to bring out now material, games between tho var ious classes, fraternities, and so cieties will bo arranged. Last year groat enthusiasm was arousod in a few days by this means but the plan was adopted too lute in tho season to accomplish much good. If we aro to havo a team at all, let us havo a good ono. Nothing Done Yet. Tho committee appointed at tho last mooting of tho Athletic asso ciation to revise tho constitution, meet every once in a while, when they happen to see each other at drill or meet in tho hall, but thus far nothing definite has been ac complished. Tho old constitution has been gono over and several minor changes recommended but tho most important ones have not been touched upon yet, but proba bly will be by tho ond of tho week. Some of tho important points to como up are, "Shall a committee composed of members of tho fac ulty havo tho veto power upon all tho actions of tho board of direc tors ?" "Should un advisory board bo appointed, composed of alumni and tho fnoulty, which shall havo moroly advisory power but no authority to voto any of tho ac tions of tho board?" It is such quostions as thoso which aro bot boring tho committee. Tho noxt mooting will probably bo called as soon as tho committoo is roady to roport, which will bo at an oarly dato. Third Artists' Recital Tho chapel was woll fillod last evening, tho occasion being tho third artists' rooital, givon by Murtinus Siovoking of tho Uni vorsity Conservatory. Ho was as sisted by Mr. John Randolph who roudorod two baritono solos which woro heartily appreciated. Thoso rocilals soom to bo com ing into popular favor as it was noticod tho atlondanco has in creased oach timo. Mr. Siovokhiir responded to two oncoros, tho pro gram othorwiso was carried out as given bolow: Harmonious Blacksmith (Variations) Handel Two Studies Fantasio Impromptu Chopin Air From "Samson," d TTonrv,. nml A ,D T-7,.,.,,.7 OULWA1WL MUSI .JLLJIiO .4.1. Itf 1111 Iutormozzo Polacca Padorowski Rigaudon from the Suite Raff Tho Beo Siovokhuj Tho Erl-King Sohubavl-Liszl Rooit. "A 'to Tostromo Addio" Romanza "II Locorat Spirito" Verdi Monuot Etincolles (Sparks) Etudo do Concert, G flat Moszlcowski Oratorical Election. Tho oloction of tho president for tho Inter-Stato Oratorical as sociation falls to Nebraska this year and alroady there is a scurry ing around among tho various colleges to got the plum. Tho holder of this office gots a salary of $100 for tho year which is a sufliciont inducement to causo a little hustling. The oloction will bo hold March loth tho day of tho state contest. It is more than probablo that tho univorsity will furnish tho president. Arrangements for the program havo not been fully decided upon yet, but tho Univorsity Banjo club will furnish some of tho music, and our speaker will bo tho first ono to deliver his oration. Tho exercises will bo hold in tho Funke theator. Saw All There Was. One of tho stores of Beatrice, in tho way of advertising, sent ton children to spend tho day in Lincoln, tho store paying all tho expenses. Ono of the places vis ited was the State University. What was soon is told in tho fol lowing extract, a composition writ ten by ono of tho little girls who was along: "Wo took tho car and went to tho hotel, and from there to tho State Univorsity, where we saw tho anatomy of various kinds of animals. We thon wont to the greenhouse, where we saw a great lot of plants and a tree that they make fans of." Ideas Wanted. Drawings for next year's an nual will be in order from now on. Ail people who can draw aro requested to got thoir brains in action, as woll as thoir pencils, and help make Sombrero, Vol. 4, a howling success. Do not think it is too oarly, but come in and avoid tho rush. If you havo any bright ideas, whether you can draw or not, bring them in. Quant & Everett. THE BOARD ELECTED Sophs Make Arrangements to Publish tho Annual. CLASS SCRAP OVER ELECTION Annunl Strlfo for Glnns Honors Al- moHl n Hundrod OotToffothoi Tho Emoted Cnndldntos. Tho Bophomoro class oloctod tho Sombroro board last Friday ond ovory body in tho university know it. It cannot bo said to tho credit of tho class that quito a bittor scrap was indulged in. Thoro was an ovidout intontion on tho part of tho majority to make tho thing unanimous. Barb and frat toolings woro laid asido, and a ticket made out, giving oach fraternity a representation and tho literal y socioties two oach. This did not soom to please cor tain partios, not because ono of thoir own mon was not given some thing, but they had a personal grudge against a member of a rival organization which they wished to bo downed at any cost. Thoy swore a big oath to tho effect that tho said individual would not get said position but ho did by a safo majority. The loading "wire-pullers" did not give thought to any of their classes that morning, but haunted tho halls, making lifo a burden to ovory ono who had the least pos sible chance of bomg a sophomoro. Such determined work made it possible to pass a prepared ticket for tho first timo within tho his tory of tho class. The opposition was against tho editors-in-chiof and tho business managers. There were three candidates for the posi tion of oditors-in-ohiof, R. W. Thatcher, F. T. Riley and Henry Lenhoff. Tho two former were elected, tho voto standing 80, 70 and 30 respectively. H. Oury and S. J. Coroy woro elected busi ness managers The vote stood, Corey 83, Oury 58 and Cutter 47. Harry Everett and William Grant were made staff artists and ten as sociates were elected as follows: Miss Nettie Philbrick, Miss Mae Rhodes, Miss Mabel Ricketts, Miss Anna Broady, H. C. Parme loo, H. G. Shed, V. O. Barber, O. H. Allen, J. P. Cameron and D. W. Hawksworth. Nearly ond hundred were pres ent at the meeting over which the newly elected present, Miss O'Sul livan, presided. The withdrawal of Mr. Thatcher from college makes it necessary that another editor-in-chief be elected. Mr. Leo. C. Smith will probably bo elected to fill tho vacancy. College News. At a meeting of tho 'Varsity crow candidates of Harvard held Saturday afternoon J. R. Bullurd, Jr., '00 was choson to fill tho po sition of permanent captain. Bill iard has been acting as temporary captain since Fonoossy's resigna tion, two months ogo. Members of tho Harvard foot ball toam have begun preliminary practice in tho gymnasium. Tho college papers of tho Uni vorsity of Wisconsin aro urging tho students of that institution to labor with thoir legislators to got a library bill through. Here is a sample: "Every studontl knows that a bill for tho oroction of a now library building is boforo tho leg islature; ovory studont is interested in that bill, and evory studont should koop his oyo on it. Just at prosont it looks as if thoro would bo littlo or no opposition; but it is too much to oxpoot that tho ohronio backwoods oconoinizor will not bo hoard from; thon, too, it is whisporod that opposition is liablo to dovolop in cortain quar tors. Every studont has a duty in tho matter of this bill. You may think you havo littlo influonco with your roprosontativo, but go and toll him your viows on tho mattor, and that you aro watching his cotirso with regard to it. Thoro is no district that has not eight or ton students in the institution. When a legisla tor has boon interviewed a few times by peoplo from his district he is very hkoly to begin to think aomo now thoughts. - A kg is. Battalion News. During this pleasant weather tho members of tho artillery and cavalry detachments will drill with thoir companies. Li6ut. Ponn of Fort Omaha was oxpected horo to address tho offi cers' club Tuesday night but was not able to come. He will bo here noxt week. The commandant promises some promotions for next week, a quar termaster, quartermaster sergeant, some lieutenants and several mi nor officers. Tho artillery detachment has been re-organized with ono de tachment from each company. xnis win give a spirit or competi tion ii the men and will undoubt edly make thorn put up a bettor drill than heretofore. It is very evident to an observer that there will be no walk-a-way in tho competitive drills this year. Tho companies aro very nearly matched in the efficiency of thoir officers and guides, and the mark ings will be very close. The question of the whole bat talion being furnished with duck trousers is now ogitating the ca dets, It has been loft to tho bat talion to decide whether or not thoy shall bo bought. Tho chan cellor, the lieutenant and all of the girls are in favor of seeing the boys in duck trousers. There aro only a few students who are holding out. The vote taken last Monday showed that the cadets woro almost unanimous in favor of them, and orders will be taken in tho near future. Owing to tho recent disaster in Butte, Montana, in which forty fivo peoplo woro killed, it may hap pen that our base ball team will not go there this year. Managor Hay ward has received a letter from their manager which states that two of their players lost their lives and that tho present prospect for enjoy ing a game there is rathor gloomy. However, tho game is not positively cancolled, and will probably yet tako place. An offer has been re ceived from Grinnoll and Iowa City which will undoubtedly be adopted. It provides for tho expenses o olevon men. Promises for a r.it tling good team and sonio good games ab oad arc assured and there will bo some competition in getting on tho team this year. Those students of tho slate uni versity at Iowa City who woro re cently suspended for participation in the hazing of freshmen havo addressed petitions to the faculty asking for a reconsideration of tno matter, promising better conduct in tho future. NOT! Pr jbnbllltlos nrHHHHP Soon no It 'Bn The University HHHHggl n oarer to tho possos&Hra propriation from thoi turo than it was tho ll urv. Tho socond bill tl traduced, providing for priation of $80,000 still in the hands of tho wajj moans committoo, and soemE to remain buried thoro for timo yot. Tho majority which the first bill received fr tho members of tho senate, is suranco that no obstacle will bl met with here in the passage tho other one. Many members tho house who woro not in favc of levying a lax, do not object making the appropriation, and is almost certain that when thj bill comes from the hands of tl committee, which by the way, three Omaha men on it, it will passed by a safe majority, can only wait. Special Programs. Last Friday evening the Pall dian and Union literary sociotj gave special programs. n.Tiniin.l---HAW -mrtnihnrw -nr was the attraction in Palladit " .w r"o' Hall. The program consisted a representation of the Unit States senate as it will be in 200 Of course Womans' Rights hr triumphed. So thoroughly hni tho country accepted the inevitable that m all that august body, bi one man could bo found. Ev4 the president of the senate, t vico-presidentof the United State wore skirts and corsets. As migT be expected under such circunl stances the proceedings were hai monious and almost ideal. Wol mans' hand was seen at the helm and her influence was visablo in every direction. Tho society is tt be congratulated on its new mem bers. Tho special feature at the Union, hall was a musical intersperse with recitations. Especially wei the solos of tno glee club boy Messrs Martin and Albers wel received. The whole prograil was a decided success and reflect! credit on tho society. The only" dissapointmont was the non-ap pearance of Mr. Lehmor '93 who was on for a whistling solo, Mr.i Lehmer's many friends and hi mirers wished very much to heai his merry "whistle" once morei The Commencement Oratior Tho class of '95 seem to be es pecially favored in the way getting the best the country fords. The Rev. Gunsaulus ol Chicago has been secured to dc liver the commencement oratioj It will be remembered that thl duty was performed by Professc Herron for the class of '94an( his address stirred up quite a lit tlo row. It is given out officially,! however, that no one can tako ou fonse at the orator engaged fc next commencement day. Tho largest salary given ai college professor in the world, Professor Turner, of Edinbuj $20,000 per year. ..