mi Mill Hi il Ml IMl'ltllill 111 llll (J&U 3 if i-' I SJI-Jl i S3 .:. J E i I i . J i. i ( X BElft 1 WBL t - Y. M. C. A. Looturo Course. Noxt Sunday nCloriioon at 0 o'clock, Professor Bossoy will loo turo on "My Understanding of tho First Ohaptor of Cloiiosis." This will bo tho sovontli address in tho Y. M. 0. A.-Y. AV. 0. A. looturo oourso. Last Sunday an audionco of about 250 listonod to Profotisor Braco's address on "Tho Thoological Significance of Sonio llecont Soiontiiio results." This looturo course, it may bo said, is proving a succoss. Already tho Chancellor, Professors Shonnan, FosBlor, and Braco, Judgo lleoso, and Mrs. Poattio havo dolivorod addrossos. Somo of tho subjoots discussed havo boon "Spiritual Law in tho OutBido World," "Tho Eil'oct of Christianity on iilora turo," "The Book of Job," Tho Isolation of Law lo tho Biblo." .Dr. Bossoy, Professor Fling, and Profossor Adams aro yet to dolivor lectures in tho course. Some Important Rulos. At tho last mooting of tho fac ulty tho following rules woro adoptod. Thoy will bo of groat intorost to some students: All carelessly written work in any and every department will bo rot'used. In papors that show caro in preparation (in all departments), orrors in spelling, capitalization and grammatical construction will bo marked by tho instructor when tho examination is takon. All errors so indicated must bo carefully corroded by tho student and tho paper roturned to tho in structor. Students who do not improve under (his systom will not bo graduated. THLBE8T LAUNDRY COMPANY IS THE PLACE FOR STUDENTS TO PATRONIZE. Phone 579. 2208 0 St. The Commercial Barber Shop DOES THE B2ST WOKK. The Finest Hath Rooms in tho City. Student putronngo solicited. Aponcy lor tho Host Laundry. 120 X. llth Street. L. BLUMENTHAL, Any OLD HAT inn do over ns good as new. Also, Clothes Gleaned, Dyed, & Repaired. 1020 1? 8TRKKT. LANSING THEATRE Dancing & Hall. The Finest Hall in the City for Balls and Parties For terms &c, apply at 139 No. 13th St. TO CALIFORNIA la our Hlcc'iln 'nr Unit on tl: I'lillllps-rioolc Inland ToiiHhi KxciiiBlurm from Council II luffs, Omnliii or Lincoln to l.o Auki'Ics or Hnn Fran cisco, vlu tho Kconic Itoufo ami Ocrien. Car leaves Oes Molno overv Friday, nnl HlceplliK car ratij from tliero lu $& r.o. Yon liavo th oiiuli sleeper, and tlie I'lilUlp iriiiiiiiKWiieiit Iiiim it special AKonfc acconipany the excursion tacli tvii-k.nnil.vou ulll biivh money aud linvu exrellt-nt an'oininodatlon, nx '.he cars have upholstered sprint: Hi-atH.aru l'ullman build, and uppolntincntH pcif.tt. AddretiH for full particulars, GHAS. KENNEDY, O. N.-W. F, A., Omaha, Neb, O. A. EUTHEKEOBD, G, V, & P. A X.inooln, JJTO, SEBASTIAN, a, P, A Oliloatfo, The mmo goods for has money or bctlcv goods for the samo money. Let us prove this. "Doe" Evorott tho artist has boon slightly undor tho woathor this week. Miss Flo Adams of Superior was tho guost of her brother Ed the first of tho wook. Irving B. Parmaloo, of tho law school, and Stratford Howott havo latoly boon initiatod into tho Sigma Alphs. Tho local chapter o Dolta Tan Dolta in ontortaining Mr. Mo Noal,'oC the Univorsity of Mich igan, who is hero on business. John AV. Dixon, last year's captain oE Company "3," is cap tain of. tho senior company of Yale college. Thoy rocogni.o merit when thoy boo it. AVilliam Rood Dunroy tho "Sweet Singer of Nebraska" will givo tho first reading from his poems in Omaha tomorrow night in tho auditorium of the Y. M. 0. A. building. Ho will bo assisted by tho best musical talent in Omaha. His noxt reading will be givon at Beatrice on March 1st at tho Y. M. C A. building. The fiftconih annual meeting of tho improved Stock Broodors' association of Nomaha, was hold in chapol this wook. Wednesday evening Dr. Peters, of the experi ment farm, dolivorod an interest ing address on " Bovine Tubercu losis," which was illustrated by stereopticon views. Hon. AV. G. AVhitmoro, of Aralley, addressed tho meeting on "A Year of Drought and Its Lessons." Bishop John H. Vincent, the leader of the groat Chautauqua movement is to dolivor tho bacca laureate sermon for tho class of '95. The excellent address ho made before the Stato Teachers' association, is remembered by many as tho best thoy over lis toudod to, and tho announcement that another chance will bo givon to hear him will bo welcomed greatly. Tho class of '9D is cer tainly to bo congratulated. A Parable. Now Nnboh and Shillah dwelt in Anna. And thoy sat at the feet of Zimri, tho scribo, to loarn wisdom. And Simri instructed them every day, of his knowledge. And wisdom iucroaseth in the laud. This was tho manner of the in struction of Zimri. Zimri boro in his girdle a scroll: and when Nabob and Shilluh had pondered well all tho words of Zimri thoy uttered them again unto him. Then wrote Zimri, over against the names of Nabob ond Shillah their work, whether it wore good or whether it were ovil. And it came to pass, in those daye, that Nabob treasured well many words of Zimri, only tho nine and seventieth word, that re membered ho not. And Shillah likewise, remembered not tho two and thirtieth word of all the words of Zimri. Then came thoy, and Zimri said unto Shillah, "Be hold, tell mo tho seven and twen tieth word of those my sayings, and tho sixth and fiftieth also, do claro thou it." And it was done. And ho wrote upon his scroll, oven between the ltavos of it, " Lot Shillah bo called blessed." And ho said unto Nabob, "First declare unto mo the nine and seventieth word." And ho could not. Then Zimri was wroth with Nabob, and over against tho name of Nabob wroto he, "Lot Nabob bo cast into outer darkness." And thoro was weoping and gnash ing of tooth. Katharine Meliok. Must Brnoo Up. The heads of sovou negligent and inattentive studonls rollod in the basket last week; yot the Uhaueollor found timo to en joy tho Ohartor-day colob-ation. Quito n nuinbor of others woro not pormitlod to rogistor for tho socond semostor bocauso of poor work in tho first. There has boon a vory general bracing up this wook in all directions. A Scramble for Tiokots. AVhon tho tiokots for admission to tho opera Iioubo woro givon out AVodnesday noon thoro was a tor riblo strugglo at tho door of tho oxecutivo oflico, and not to tho erodit of many of our young men, thoy rushed and pushod in lino, enliroly rogardless of tho rights of tho young ladies. tt has always boon tho rule to place ovory ono of tho studonls on tho samo lovol, as tho oxecutivo bolievos in democratic prinoiplos, but this was too much for tho so niors. To bo placed on a lovol with the common herd! Oh, no! Thoy just drow up a petition and sent it to tho chancellor, accompaniod by a dismal wail. Friday ovon ing, many of tho dignified mem bers of tho class of '95 might havo boon seen in tho first row of the gallory of tho Lansing tho ator. Owed to Spring. O Spring! thou beauteous joyous timo, Of which our many poots sing, To thoo I'll dodicato my rhyme: To thoo, thou most onchanting Spring. AVhen e'er a boy nits on a tack, A pin, or any pointed thing, 'Tis then our thoughts must turn to thee, For, wo expect to see him spring. And when wo watch tho wheels go 'round And hear thorn buzz and ting-a-ling-ling, If in a senior's head, wo think Those wheels impelled by thee 0- -spring. But, when a junior meditates, Whilo tune takes Koldon wmr flight on 'Tis then we think and speak thy name And ask him what he's ffoinjr to- -spring. Or, if wo watch the lazy soph, Hustle when chapel boll doth rinsr, AVe think tho fountain of true love From his young hoarl must surely spring. The freshman, tho' doth study hard, Doth all his powers together bring But, like tho rost of us, ho Hunks Most gracefully at thoy coming Spring. N. N. H. - r To A Senior Girl. Oh ! haughty senior girl AVith cap and gown, From your high altitude Look down, look down. Boforo your sonior year Undoubtedly, Though I was but a "prop," You loved but mo. -" But since you donned those things The cap and gown, You daily pass mo by With but a frown. Oh! haughty senior girl, AVith cap and gown, From your high altitude Look down, look down. AV. Reed Dunhoy. Lincoln Frame and Art Co. 226 So. llth Street. Huvo your groups friunod at tlio inoHt rcatioiiublo ratuu. The University Conservatory of Music Is ready to receive pupils of any degree of advancement, In all Branches of Music. With a full corps of instructors and the advantages ex tended by the University, it is enabled to oiler to all a musi cal education not equaled elsewhere in the West, and far su perior to the training which it is possible to obtain from private instruction. Students are cordially invited to visit, the new building, and inform themselves of all the privileges ofl'ered. For further information apply to Willard CALL AT- Mead's News -FOR- Fine Cigars, Tobacco I Stationery.. All the Latest Novels always in Stock. The WORLD-HERALD delivered to any part L. L. MEAD, FRCP., Pianos and Organs Sheet Music, and Musical Merchandise. ESTEY & CAMP, 139 So. 12th St. FRANK A. GRAHAM, Livery and Boarding Stables. 1027 and 1020 Q Street. Tolophono 147 Hutcliins & Hyatt SIJLL ALL l.GOALi AT RUDUCKD RATES. 1040 O Street. Telephone 225, SDLPH0-SAL1NE BATH-HOUSE SANITAEIUM. tffflfiwk 'n 'ritxtn "'vTS5a COR. FOURTEENTH AND M STS LINCOLN? Open at ull lionm; ilny or night. All forms oj bathe, Tiirklflh, HubbIiiii, Itotimn, Klor ile, with pedal attention to the application of Natural Salt Water Baiiss several times stroniter than sua wntor. Ilheuma tlem, Hkln, Wood, nnd NurroiiH DIsoaBos, I,lvur and Kidney Trouble, and Chronic Ailments are treated successfully. SEA BATHING May be enjoyed at nil seasons In our Large Salt Swimming Pool, COxHO feet, 4 to lu foot dcop, lioatod to a uniform temporaturo of KO doRrcos. SPECIAL RATES TO BTUDENTS. DBS. M. H. & J. 0. EVERETT, Managing- Physlcans, momwi r ' 11 1 u . - . Kimball, Director. J and Cigar Stand and CHICAGO PAPERS of the city by carrier. 118 SO, 11TH STREET. 7atr(T:;"--irr jy-M-ujj, R. T- HETRICK Cigars Tobacco and NCWS , . If the .Students will try "Hetrick's Special" 5c Oigar Wo nro snro thoy will bo pleased. NEW SHAPB-XBW STOCK. News Stand in Connection. 15th & 0 StH., IlRACK IW.OCK. Two Trains Daily hktwkkn . . LINCOLN . . Auburn, AND Falls City, Atcsison, St. Joseph and Kansas City. City Ticket Ollicc, 1801 O St. H. C, TOWNSEND, Oen'l & T. A. F. D. CORNELL, 0. P. AT. A J