4 mjJ EXCHANGES. OHAS. B. GEBGOEY, M B (1J. OF N. !.,) . WM& J 2 THE GLEE CLUB, Tho Gloo Club ia nt work ngain, and undor nmungor JIoobo, who divuotod thorn ho HuouoHBCully hiHt your, ihoy uvo rapidly coining to tho front, According to Mmmgor Roqhq and tho old inoinborH oC tho olub, tho roport about tho doarth of first lonorn 1h all a I'ablo. ltHooina thct this ia moroly an oxouso givon by tho form or director. Tho material ia vory woll ohoaon thia yoar and tho olub will bo aa good, if not but tor, than tho oxuollonl ono of laat yoar. Thoir ilrat appoaranco will bo at tho Ohartor Day oxoroiBoa, whoro thoy will aing aomo of thoir now aonga. Among tho numerous now songs thia yoar is to bo an original modloy arrangod by Harry Roosc. In tho language of tho olub it is said to bo a "buator." Roeao is Htill manager and ?rod Cooloy assistant mauagor, tho aamo as last yoar. Tho other oflioors have not boon chosen. :ig man giving ins name aa a. tJ. atearns camo "Co-op," Monday, Fobrumy 4, and orderod ving books: Roman History, ihiglish Litora- kor'a Physics, History co'vor and outlines, A young man giving his name aa A. J. Stearns came into tho tho followin turo, Baker's Physics, History Woba tor's Unabriilgod Dictionary, Groonioaf on Lvi donco, Tiodornan on Roal Property, Cooloy on Torts, Parsons on Partnership, May's Criminal Law, Bigu low's Bill, Schouler's Bailments, Blackstone's Law Dictionary, Stophon's on Pleadings, in all amounting to about 80. Ho presented a chock on an Omaha bank for $30, asking to bo allowed to pay L5 on his ordor, and that the change bo roturnod to him. Oury, beforo giving him tho chango, telephoned tho Omaha bank, which replied that, no one of that name had a deposit there. "Whon he returned to tho storo tho man, Stearns, had departed, saying he would go upstairs and find out why Oury was so long. Nothing has boon seen of him siuco and tho thirty dollar chock is now in possession of tho Co-op. Ho gave as his reason for inquiring so many books, that ho intended to tuko senior and junior law, and tho regular academic course. Ho was givon permission by Judgo Reese to enter the senior law class and was present at ono reci tation. Ho was also present at one recitation of tho junior class. He had not yet paid his foe at tho stew ard's olfiico. It is thought his intention was to defraud some one, as ho went into tho steward's office first to pay his tuition, but could not got tho attoution of tho "clerk." Lieutenant Hinds has charge of the gallery practice and at present is instructing his squad in aiming. Corporal Cooloy has a now squad, consisting of one man, to drill in tho sotting up exorcises. Tho now re cruit is Mr. Joors, '9S. At the last meeting of tho Political Economy club tho following officers wore elected: President P. J. Maguire. Vice-President Miss Stella Duckor. Secretary R. P. Toele. Executive Committee O H. Martin, G. L. Town, E. McNeal. The great interest manifested in Professor Sher man's lectures to tho university clas in St. Paul's Sun day school is manifested by tho lnrgo and increasing attendance. This class is composed almost exclusively of university students, and now numbers eighty-five. Tho old students of tho University of Nebraska do not forget her and may bo still useful in many ways. When tho "University bill" was before the House, Randolph McNitt, a former student made ono of the ablost and most telling speeches in favor of tho bill. The articles of Chancellor Caufiold in tho Forum and Harper's Weekly have attracted considerable at tention. Thoy have assisted in a largo degree in placing Nebraska on a higher level among eastern people. Tho Class of Junior Themes Thursday afternoon brought forth several papers, copies of which should be sent toall our statesmen. For unless tho theories proposed by tho different philosophers of that class are adopted by the government tho country will bo in total ruin within the next two years. "Dear Tim: I am sending you my coat by parcels post I have cut off the buttons because it will make it lighter. You will fiud them in tho breast pocket. Yours, etc., Pat." Ex. It was observed that four men out of seven seated at a Library table were wearing glasses. Prof. G. Miss B., what would you do to romody a brokon heart? Miss B. Bind up tho fragments with a band of gold, sprinklo copiously with orango blossom water, and apply raw rico frooly, Ex, "America has no standing army, I bo liovo," Baid tho foreigner. It ia clear you havon'tapont much timo in the Btroot oars of thia groat country," ropliod tho native. Tvulh, Prof, (in oxam.) Don't put more than ono problom on ono pago. Studont (Froahman, of course) What will you do if you can't got it all on ono pago ? Ex. Aftor church. Mr. Smith (meekly) "May 1 " Mias Holona "Oh, cortainly. 1 would bo dolightod to accept of your company," At lost roport Mr. Smith had not re covered. Ex. Professor (In Latin recitation.) "Do olino connt." Miss V. "Cow if, corns." -Ex. Studont (reading Virgil): "And thrice 1 tried to throw my arms around her that is as far as I got, profossor," Profossor : " That was quite far enough ; you may sit down." Ex. 1st Senior "I've got a scheme." 2d Senior " Where did you got it?" 1st Senior " Out of my head, of courso." 2d Senior "That's impossible; you can't get something from nothing." Ex. Young ladies who contemplate pur chasing bicvcles should harden their mus cles in advance, by running tho sowing machine or rocking tho baby. Ex. Charlie What mokes the old cat howl so? Walter I guess you'd make a noise if you were all full of fiddle strings inside. Ex. " Con any boy here," asked the visitor, "give mo an example of expansion by heat?" "I can," said Tommy, "our dog's tongue is twico as long as it was last winter." Charlotte Oh, how slippery these rocks are! Take a good hold of my arm, John, and if I slip, hold on like grim death, bnt if you slip, for goodness sake let go. Ex. Just for Next Week ! a Holiday Number ai)d Ttje Nebraska n . . . for the rest of tho year, only 25 Cents. By mail same price. If Yoti Get There WITEC BOTH' O) v u J THErnnr.rU v&c-vmob, g&Ddtiis 1818 O Street. Idersondjwaj THEFOorrnRM -nSTO'I H$Td$is 113 O Street. We Will Put Foot-Form Shoes on them at 1-5 off Until January 31. SELLS OOA.L At 1100 0 Stroot, Richards Block. Telephone 343. We do not Offer To give students or nny other class of people special discounts, but sell to nil nt the snme low prices. We invite you to our new store, 1235 to 1239 O Street, nnd think we enn plense you, Respectfully, Miller & Paine. B, Q. DA.WB8, Prealdont. W. . DAWES, 8ftcrotarjr. COAL MERCHANTS. Coal dullvoroil to ntndonts la nny quantity Urslrod. 1045 0 Street. Jacob North & Co. -(Lincoln Paper House) AMMWM BOOK AND COMMERCIAL "Printers PUBLISHERS, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS STEREOTYPING LITHOGRAPHING D "hrsaper 11 mst!122 Lincoln, Neb. A Bit of Advice! . To Old and Young. It will prolong your days on Earth ! A Trip to the Pacific Coast via the The Finest Equipment. Fast Time. Tickets and any Information Desired can be Obtained of LINCOLN and Denver, Ogden and Salt Lake. Butte and Spokane, Helena and Portland, Seattle, San Francisco and Los Angeles. E. B SLOSSON, 1144 O Street Gen'l Agent. IIXCOIiX, XEB. JOHN T, MASTIN, C. T. A. SMftUMMVltMUtUKC., . WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL Entirely Nr. T Trn Tf XT 4 T Tr Abreatt ctkt Timis.J - ' KSJSim. X A Grand Educator, Successor of tho " Unabridged." Standard of tho U. 8. Gov't Print ing Office, the U.S. Supreme Court and of nearly all the School books. "Warmly com mended by every Btato Superinten dent of Schools, and other Educa tors almost with out number. A Collego President writes: 'Tor " caBO with, tvhlcli tlio cyo finds tho " word sought, for accuracy of definl "tlon, for effective methods in Indi cating pronunciation, for terse yet " comprehensive statements of facts, "and for practical uso as a working "dictionary, ' Webster's International' " excels any other slnglo volume." Tho Ono Great Standard Authority, Bo writes Hon. D.J. Vrevrrr, Justice V. 8. Uupreme Court. G. & C. MERRIA.3I CO., FabUahera, Springfield, Malta., U.S.A. WPend to the publishers for free pamphlet or Do not buy cheap reprints of ancient editions. VtMMMUtW Ljj OS v$y Art's Place, At lOlO O Street, IS THE BARBER SHOP FOR STUDENTS TO PATRONIZE. GrIVJK TJS A. TRIAL. I ii lllilliKlllill BEST LINE LINCOLN FRUIT STAND, POCCINELLI BBO&, Prop., BEALKBS IX BVolts and Corxfbotlonory, KVTa, OIBABS, MRDTOMCOe. Bpettel attention given to stadent and fasslbj trad. Goods delivered to all parU ot the city. JT.W. Oor. O an4 IStk Bin. TO ST. LOUIS AND CHICAGO m M a KHomH