L..iiJL-aijUU rnf ' t UtVW,W$"V M t-ngjhTTii I II Wl gwj I N rl '' 'll, ' i Tmih Nebraskan. A WruMy NnwMinior ImihmI Kvery Frlilny Noon nt tlio Dnlvemlly of .NoUrnnU. Kntkuku ah SKroNti.OMHn Mail Mattkh. T. HlliKV... MnmiKltiK Killtnr A. II. 1.YON , KtlltoMlH'lllol ll, II. IIOIIIIINK , , Nlitt AHHOCIATK KIUTOI18, H, OlIHV , tlilotln ll. 0. Oil Ill.tUK , ,. llM'll IIIKO Mis I,kna Dmwkkhk ,.,. Society MlHI" nitAOK MllWH.N, MlA MAIiTIU IIDIIKH, I , 0. lj. AlUMn, I ,,,Kft U. II, llAVIIIITON. J I'rlco jioryoixr , ,,. ,$ ,7,1 ii. iiliiMt. I,,.,.,....., ...,.., ..,,..,.,, o.i " " month ... , ,10 Aililivus nil t'ommnnloiitlon to Tiir Nkiimmcan, Umvorxlty of Ntlirnnlu. Till! N'uniUfKVN will bo touml on snlo ut tlio tolliiwiiiK iiowh Ntnnilx: li. I. Mow), US South Klnwnth Stroot, I'rnnk DiVltiM, low O Stroot. lid Yniinir, I oi t) strwt. Tiikhk was tlio snnio old sornp about tho distribution of sonts nt tho Lansing for Ohnrtt '-day night. No mattor what system is adopted thoro uro always thoso who wish it somo othor way. Evory con eoivablo plan has boon tried, al ways with tho samo result: fault finding and genoral complaint. "When tho older citizens, who had stood by tho University for years when it needed frionds, wore givou rosorvod soats, then tho stu dents as a body declared that it was first and foremost a students' day, and that thoy should have tho precedence. "When thoy woro givou precedence, and an at tempt was made to recognize them by classes, thou tho lower classes held indignation meetings because their tickets placed thorn in tho gnllory. When tho plan of re serving soats was abandoned, and all woro given an equal chance at all sittings, the cry wont up that it was mighty poor management that compelled people to go a half hour in advanco in order to get a decent seat. This year it was the seniors who declined to recognize that this is day of gen eral rejoicing, and for all students alike; and hold meetings to estab lish tho fact that they wore mis treated because they wore expected to get in line with tho othor stu dents when tickets wore dealt out The simple fact is that the stu dents of tho University, each hold ing a single sitting, will just fill tho Lansing gallery and all. "When tho Legislature must be (properly) shown somo little courtesy, and tho State Officers are cared for, and the clergy who officiate in chapel during the year have been granted this slight rec ognition for their gratuitous and very acceptable services ; there re main for the faculty and students just about one thousand soats for sixteen hundred persons It is impossible to determine in ad vance who will be present and who will not, and so the only safe and equitable plan seems to be to is sue tickets at a given hour as far as the tickets would go, and let the rest take chances when the doors are thrown open to the public. There is a woeful lack of com mon honor and decency in the way in which students treat each other at such times. It would seem that natural courtesy should demand that the young women have the first chance, but at the distribution youug men crowd young women aside without the sligheBt compunction. In addi tion, when it is well known that thoro ia but ono tiokot for oaoh student, and really not that, mon crowd into lino a second timo and ovon a third timo, and bonst that thoy have thus ohoatod a olaBS nuito or a oollego-mato out of Ins or hor ohanco for a sitting. It ia high timo that thoro was a keonor aonso of honor than this; and that if thoro is not, thoso who boliovo in bottor things should simply sond dirootly to Oovoniry tho fol lows who thus outrago all sonso of common fairnoss aud deoonoy. Certainly all must pity tho management; which sustains tho firo of oitizons, faculty, and stu donls to say nothing about tho gonoral burdons of tho day. Tiik recont looat oratorical con tost provod conclusively tho do- olino of enthusiasm for theao con tosts on tho part of studouts in general. Sovoral yoars ago thoso contests woro eagerly looked for ward to and tho chapol was always crowded. Tho intorost was in tense while awaiting tho an nouncement of tho decision of tho judges, tho studouts fairly "raised tho roof and yolls and songs without number woro lot looso. Within tho past fow years this enthusiasm has died out. Tho audiences have become smaller and tho yells fower until this year not ovon the lower portion of tho chapol was filled. Scarcely enough money was taken in to pay for tho prize of tho second orator. While awaiting tho de cision but very few yolls were to be hoard and thoy woro started bv tho fow alumni who chanced to be present. But very few seemed to oaro about tho outcome. In fnot it was a very "tamo" affair. Tho orations woro good but tho audi onco lacked that intorost noooB sary to mako an oratorical uon toat a suocobb. Alroady tho KniiBas-Nobraaka dobato is rapidly taking tho place of thoBo contoats. In viow of thoso drawbacks why should wo not withdraw from tho Stato as. sooialion? Eithor thoro should bo moro intorost taken in or atorical contests or thoy should bo abolishod. This iB certainly tho opinion of tho largo majority of tho Btudonta of tho Univoraity of Nobraaka and aomo action should bo taken in tho near futuro- Studonts who Patronize Paine, Warpbi. & BumstSad, I? feWers AND MERCHANT TAILORS- Will never regret it. They sell Stylish Clothing at Reasonable Prices 1136 O Street. J. H. EVANS, Prcst. nnd Trcas. C. C. QUIG0I.K, Soc'y nnil M;r. Tiieius will bo anothor mooting of tho Athlotio association vory Boon to adopt a now constitution. Hub mooting will bo most impor tant to all lovors of athlotics in tho collogo aud ovory ono should mako it his businoss to bo pros out. The Neiiiuskan asks ovory stu dont to look ovor thoso rules pub lished as "A Suggestion " in tho issuo of Decembor 7th. If you want thoso, all you havo to do is to say so. J. A. SMITH, SuocoBBorto W. R. Dennis & Co., Evans Laundry Company, 37, UaO, U3i N. lUth Stroot, Telephone 199. UNOOLN, JSTUI3. THE PALACE DINING HALL In rilli l'KOI'RR PLACE tontyonr mouU. BSPir.cijVXi Kwvnns to s,i,uuir.N,rs.s AM YOUK FHU.OW 8TUDKNTS 1IO.VUI) II15IIK. TUY US. 1 1 3 O N Street. A. G. OSMER, Prop. Baker's Clothing House, COMPLETE LIKE OF FURNISHING GOODS, TRUNKS AND YALlSES.m BntU mad to order In Custom Department. Entire satisfaction gunrnntcod. Special Discount to Students. 1039 O Street. Hats . . . and Furnishing Goods. First Class Goods at Reasonable Prices. -pi wh Boys, i en you want SOMETHING GOOD, Come to June's Corner 13th and O Streets. Tho following card was found in tho Dean's over coat pocket Cite Otowtteers in fty Hebmskan . . AItE ALL RELIABLE.- UtTe them jour patronage, and mention tlio Inct that you saw their nil" In TlIK NKUnAHKAN. APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION. INDUSTRIOUS GROUP. Second Semester, 1895. Name in full Immcr Present Gardner. ?$.?.L?.: i,h Lilwoln, 400 S. 9t)i STUDIES. Hall work. Chapel nouns PKICnSEK llench work "?..,."ona ' English Foot-hull . Photography ,..., .t..............., ...,. ..... Dramatic Hub Total, 6 3 3 HOUIt OF HKCITATIO.N. Any time ot dar 10 O'clock The Students' Co-operative Book Co. HANDLE ALL, STUDENTS' SUPPLIES.: S. E. Cor. of University Hall. Sunnhlny days preferred Same time as llench Work ST Whenever let 'leven practice Every Day Every Evening. UEQlSTItAirS NOTE;-! am at raid Mr. Gardner that you are carrying too much work, Although your previous record will warrant your carrying most of this work, no student can stand alio! It. J. B. WrlRht. F. R. Johnson, J. H. McClav. President. Vic President. Cashier. John A. Ames, Aest. Cash. The Columbia NATIONAL BANK, LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. Capital, $250,000. DIUECTOItS, A. 8. Raymond. Cons. West. Thos, Cochrai First National Bank, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Capital, - - . $400,000.00 Surplus, - . . 100,000.00 SEMI-ANNUAL Clearing-Out Sale ! of ttje Go-OP.- Until Saturday, February 1 6th, the following- named articles will be soldi at a. fcjTeouy reuucea price: "The Wheel' 129 So. 12th Street. CIGARS, TOBACCO, AND NEWS Lemonade, Milk Shake, CIDER, AND OTHER SOFT DRINKS. J. E. HOWE, Prop. M. WALT, (the Students' Standby) Boots : and : Shoes Made to Order. Repairing Neatly and Promptly xione. Y. M. 0. A. Block, 13th & N. orncKits: N. 8. llAinvOOD. Pn-Hhlent. as MPPINCOTT. and ". S. rilKEMAN. Amt. Cashiers. DIIIKCTOUS: N. S. Hiirwooi, Wins A. Iliiunn, John FlUKirnltl, I). V. Cook, P. M. Cook. J. I). MiK-rnrlaml, i XI. Alnniuetlo, John II. A 111 I'M. I. L. Ciirsoii, A. II. Clnrk. 1 7 good horses, warranted, have recently been tested and not found wanting; 75 lockers cheap. The last of Hoagland's "Thomas Jeffersorfs" A few of Wheeler's "Gorman Commentarle $" somewhat out of date but still serviceable; A large quantity of Prof. Fling's time cards 8 hours and unrinr 3 fnr 1 0rv nil mm., a i-..,Jo c . . .. . ., Mt w.wl ilWMi, uonm strctignL. These goods must be sold at once regard ess ot sacruice. H. W. BROWN, DRUGGIST Books and Stationery, College Text-Books, And a Couplets Slock of STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. 217 South Eleventh Street G-O TO SI 9 Worth Ninth St. ran tub BEST Wo. MBALS """.at nil hour. Ojr.ter, and 0am, . In Beason. lLE,CHEVHOKT,Prop. Opp. stat. Jo0n,l HIGH CLAM unor ffprrMm- THE Herzog Tailoring Co., Leaders of Fashion at Popnlar Prices. 12 N. Eleventh st. m . ' Wchards Block. AND COLD AT Rector's; Pharmacy, N. W. Cor. 1 2th and N Streets. SODA WALTER KOGrE, Printer "15 P Street, Lincoln. Cards, Programs, Invitations. Good Work, Itonsonable Prices. C. A. Shoemaker, M.D, (D. OF N. 'SO.) Office, No. 1 134 L Street, Ground Floa Hours, 7 to 9 a.m.; 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p.m. Telephone 685.