THB NBBIZA.SKAN t I FRESHMAN MATH. EXAM. I. 1 "throo rings" call tbo jnnitor would it necessarily follow that "one calls two?" II. If the aeromotor at a hoight o soventy-fivo foot oomplotos 420 revolutions per minute how many timos will (a) Prof. Allon's whiskors vibrato, ouo story below; () Prof. Hitehoook, two stories bolow? III. If it takes 142 yards of calico to mako an olophaut a pair of doublo broastod brooches, how much sawdust must a hen oat to lay a plank ton foot long? IV. If thoy ohango oditors four timos a Bomostor, what are tho ohancos for auothor issuo this yoar? V. If Oulver has throo woathor signals on tho Hag staff, what was tho state of tho woathor tho wcok bo foro and what tuno will tho band play tomorrow ? VI. If a freshman registers for twonty-ono hours, how much crodit will ho got for his somostor's work? VII. According to tho laws of Nobraska a man can charge time-and-a-half for all ovortimo work, and doublo time for all work dono on Sunday. To what oxtont is this statute enforced by studonts taking European history ? VIII. If wo don't got an appropriation this year, how many students will bo turnocl away next yoar? IX. Now that tho Go-op has tho floor painted, will it bo necossary to swoop tho floor again this yoar? X. If 180 stops por minute is tho regulation cadonco for double time, how many stops will a cadot have to take to keep with tho music of tho oadot baud how many timos will he havo to ohango stop in goin"-fivofeot? CHARACTER SKETCH. CHARTER DAY CELEBRATION. Ho has becomo rather prominent during tho last few months prominent as a whole. Parts of him have always boon prominont. For instance, his smilo will break window lights, tho Sabbath, and put tho fire out It is a wonderful smile. Probably no one over saw a similar ono. You can almost hear it. As for tho person himself, ho is queer. In Pollycon class bo's got wheels in his head; shows it by con tinually trying to got the wheels out of other peoples' heads. He's probably brainy ouough, but thinks ho's four ounces more brainy thau tho rest of 'cm put to gether. Ho's oxcruciatingly eccentric; too utterly so for any uttor use; sometimes. You'll meet him in tho hall, and in your most dulcet tones say, " Hello th ore, ," and he'll let loose that beautiful, pile-driving smile at you, shout "Hollo yourself!" and tramp post you " tramp " is tho word leaviug you a good deal chagrined at getting nothing worth remembering but the smile. Ho was reading a pupor in "Junior Themes" class ono day, and toward tho last got twisted up over Ids writings; so after smiling n hole through the paper and remarking " Well I guess I'm stuck," crammed his essay into his pockot and fell into his soat He's going to Kansas. May tho angels and minis ters of graco go 'long with him and dofend " them folks down there." WANTED. Oharter-day will bo celebrated in all its solomnnoss this year as usual. There will bo no recitations, but tho battalion will probably go on dross parado, and havo inspection. The following is the program for tho day. 18G9 CHARTER DAY 1895. FEBRUARY FIFTEENTH. Buildings and grounds open to tho public from 2 to 0 P.M. Informal Departmental Receptions in . tho various lecture rooms, laboratories, libraries and musoums; with oxhibits of apparatus and other educational appliances. Dress parado by , tho Cadet Battalion at 3 p.m., tho weatlnjr permitting. The Chancellor and tho President of the Board of Regonts, with tho Orator of tho day, will receive the Faculty, State Officers and Members of tho Legislature, Grant Memorial Hall from 5 to 15 P.M. CHANTER DAY ORATION At the Lansing Theatre, 8 p.m., bjr President Andrew V. V. Raymond, LL. D., of Union College, Now York. Two nrms around my nock ontwiuc, A smooth cheole closely prossos mi no; I know what such caresses moan, And iu my chair I backward loan. "What is it, daughtor iniuo? " I say; "What is it that you want to-day? Somo moro now drossos, or a hat? " "No, dear papa, it isn't that." "I hopo it isn't laces, then?" "You doar old dad, just guoss again." " Moro diamonds, or, porhups, a poarl? No? Thon what do you wunt, my girl? " I don't want anything; you soo It's Tom, this time, and ho wants mo." rff I tray fr-ra ' Mr i k?.- hfinsgi&k -Ex.