.1,'icfrntMf CT2STB iVBBJRASKAN iS FIELD DAY PROGRAM. Field Day will bo made ouo o unusual interest this jear on account o the medals which will bo offerod. One, a gold medal, is in the possession of the Athlotic association at present and will bo presented to the best all around athlete. ThiB will bo decided by points, a minimum and maximum being arranged in each event -and the number of points scored being determined pro portionally. There will probably be inedalB for each vent also. The Field day will be celobrated sometime in May 4ind some arrangement will be made to enable those who wish to enter to train in the Armory. The follow ing program has been arranged: 1. Mile bicycle race. 2. Foot ball punt. 3. 100 yards dash. 4. 220 yards dash. 5. 440 yards dash. 6. 880 yards dash. 7. Mile run. 8. Class or organization relay race. 9. 120 yni'd hurdle race. f 10. Standing broad jump. 11. Running broad jump. 12. Running high jump. 13. Standing high jump. 14. Pole vault, height. 15. Sixteen pound hammer throw. , . 16. Sixteen pound shot put. 17. Base ball throw. Besides this there will bo a wrestling and boxing exhibition hold in the armory, probably on the 23d of March. There will be three classes for each, heavy weight, middle weight and light weight. The first will include all over 158 pounds, tho second all between 133 and 158 pounds, aud the third all under 133. The sparring shall be for points. Tho wrestling shall bo catch-as-catch-can and three points uhall be necessary for a down. Both events will be contested in pairs, tho winners to contest with each other. Medals will prob ably bo obtained for those events. E. O. Page, ) . o J. P. Cameron, Committee. W. H, HAYWAItD. ) Oh , SIDE TALKS WITH GIRLS. (WITH AP0LOQIE3 TO ItUm ASIIMORE.) I am glad to help tho boys, too, when they write, but these columns are intended for the girls. Rush A. E. P. In leaving a recitation room, in going up Btairs as down, a well bred young lady precedes a gentleman never waits for him. A. M. and R No, spoon holders are no longer used but if one should be fancied the ono ypuaro using now would do very nicely. H. M. When a gentleman is whore a lady is put ting on her cloak he should offer to help her assume it, but he need not be more than hour in so doing, un tho sleeves are very largo. Simplicity. It is very bad taste to call a woman Mrs. Dr. Smith. It would bo quite as suitable to say Mrs. Salesman Jones or Mrs. Broker Bones, though I don't doubt she did. S. A. E. 1. It is very improper for a man to smoke in tho presence of a woman and certainly no gentle man will do this when walking on the street with a woman, even if ho is engaged or married to her. JV V. Z. (1) My dear girl, do not griove over the fact that you blush easily. It is a charm peculiar to youth and one that is very fascinating. (2) Judging from the sample you sent, his eyes must be brown. E. K. I cannot recommend any hair dye or face bleach unless it be " Howard's Face Bleach." In offer ing his arm a gentleman simply says, "Will you not take my arm?" But it is not necessary to take it off. 0. E. and others. My dear girls I feel safe in tell ing you that any well conducted young lady may Bafely go about the university unattended at most hours of tho day. N. A "chap"oron is novo r a man. Anxiety. If a stranger slams the library door in your face it is sufficient for you to bow and say " thank you;" if tho offender be a friond a simple nod is enough, but one cannot bo too particular on eh oc casions. Flo. F. Whilo it would not bo in good taste to re fuse him on account of his height, especially one of such military rank, yet it would bo quite impracticable to dance with stilts on. Better avoid him, if possible, throughout tho evening. Anxious Junior Aftor Senior "Scrap." I Bhould adviso cold cream, to bo obtained at any drug house. No, oven if your tio was rod, tho maiden had no right to snatch it and out it up; it was vory ill-bred; how ever, I should overlook it. TO LIEUT. HIND8. Don't go off mad, as you did last yoar, And leave Company MB" away in the roar. p'VC QrS