3sesjte3Swara 12 TUB NBBKA.SKA.N LOCALS. mm II A LOVE LYRIC. WITH APOLOGIES TO W. IlEEO DUNROY. Tho youth had lingorod long Bosido his Mury dour; Hor father, in his bod upstairs, Qot mud, ns morn drow near. How could ho sootho tho groat uurost Which surgdd in his broast? With noisoloss stops and slow, Ho vonturod down tho stair; Enfolded in ouch othor's arms Ho found tho loving pair. It did not sootho tho groat unrest Which surged in his broast? Ho quickly got his boots And put thorn on his foot, Then kicked that gontlo, loving youtli Far out into tho stroot. Thus did ho sootho tho groat unrest Which surgdd in his broast. II. A. Woodward. WHAT THEY HEAD. As the athletic editor of The Nebraskan was walk ing down street, it suddenly struck him to notice what signs the university boys were reading. The follow ing was the result: "A Breezy Time," . . . . Haughton " Frog in the Throat? " 10c McNeal Dick & Dad Hair Cutters (15c.) Forsyth Howard's Face Bleach Kimball :Sweatine Beitz "A True American," Flippin Three Gold Balls (I. Goldstein) Sedgwick Warner's Safe Cure The Freshies The Foot-Form fitoro Bradt "Corinne," .v Hebbard "Stokeys," 2 for lc Everett and McDowell Sulpho-Saline Bath House Fergeson "What Cures Others "Will Cure You," . . .-.Newbranch THOSE FORMULAE. How dear to my heart aro those problems in physics, When tho Prof, with red sido-burns presents thorn to view, Ho oxplains thorn so clearly, and shows us so plainly, That wo aro "immojieatoly" convinced thoy aro truo. But moro dear to my heart than tho problems or playthings Aro those thirty-odd formula?, that wo must repeat. Some In their heads cuunot find room to storo thorn, But remember them bettor when scratched in their seat. H. F. O. Thoso are the feet That they fit so neat At the foot-form Btoro On O street. Tho Junior Law class has beou increased this semes ter by the addition of five Academic Seniors, Messrs. Deary, Hoagland, "Weaver, Kimball, and Lyon. Mr. Hall, assistant in tho zoological laboratory, has beou compelled to leave school on account of poor health. Mr. Carr takes his place as assistant. The Microscope club held its regular monthly meet ing in tho Botanical laboratory last "Wednesday even ing. Prof. Ward was elected president for the coming year. Every Sunday afternoon tho Philharmio club, under Prof. Hagenow's direction, gives a musical concert at tho TJniversalist churoh. It is always crowed as tho treat is f roo. The outlook for some good base-ball gameB this season is very promising. Games with Baker and Kansas universities aro assured. It will only take a guarantee of fifty dollars to get a game with Ann Arbor whoso team will play at Omaha, and it is very possible that our team will cross bats with Iowa and Grinnell some time during tho season. Last Friday evening about fifty Palladians enter tained themselves skating on Oak creek. Several peo ple report having seen stars while looking downward. The street car company aro minus two car window lights by reason of a couple of "Pal" girls not being stich airy, feathery creatures as wo sometimes read about. Their escorts are rustling for cash to pay the bill. President Andrew V. V. Raymond, who delivers the Charter Day address before the students and faculty of tho University and the members of the legislature, is a man of unusual record. Although but twenty-six years of age, ho has won an enviable reputation in the educational and theological world. He prepared for college in Troy, N. Y., and graduated from Union College at the head of his class. Ho immediately en tered the theological seminary at New Brunswick, N.J. After accupying two somewhat minor pulpits in New Jersey, displaying much ability as an organizer and eloquent speaker, he was soon called to tho First Pres byterian church at Albany. He easily maintained his position in tho front rank of the ministers of that capital city, a task by no means easy. Ho became widely known for his eloquence on both sacred and secular subjects and was soon called tho " idol of the alumni" of his alma mater. No banquet wbb com plete without his blessing and after-dinner talk. After several unsuccessful attempts to secure him, he at last accepted the presidency of Union College, which posi tion he now holds. President Raymond is a brother of Hon. I. M. Ray mond, A. S. Raymond, P. V. M. Raymond, aud Mrs. I. W. Lansing of this city aud has many classmates and friends in Lincoln and tho state at large. The following notice was recently posted over tho faculty's mail box: "All books which have been out of tho library for three months by mombera of the faculty must now be returned "! ! i iSSiwmMwwmmwmmt