The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, February 14, 1895, Page 9, Image 14

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Firiat minimi hop.
Y08, sir, Turner is a man to bo lbokod up to.
In sophomore latin "Is Miko a dorivation from
Ask Maud RisBor what sho powdered her hair with
at Ashland.
And now Dunroy wants to know if the sugar course
is to make the girls aweet.
(In the Opou Gate.) Ask Bentloy if it was in the
wav. or if she chewed it off?
First prop to Librarian "Will you please got mo a
book from which I can got somo original ideas V"
Talk about your utility men. Keouo Abbott played
the part of hinges and gato post for the "Open Gate,"
last Friday night.
A. J. Weaver, ) ,
W. H. Forsyth, Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres.
L. 0. Oberlies. )
It is rumored that Editor Rosewater, of Omaha, is
soon to iutroduco a bill providing for the removal of
the state university to Eighteenth and Farnam streets.
A great joke is going the rounds on Wheeler and
Hayward. They were both in the same rhetoric class
all duriug last semester but did not know it until the
exam, was held when they met in class for the first
Jo (leaning out of-the car window) "Why, we've
only gone three miles." The Baron "Added onto the
the two mil68 we walked from the engine to the ca
boose makes five miles."
Behind the scenes. Curly Andrews " Now, Bob,
put this lamp behind the fire place so that it will give
a ruddy glow. We don't need the andirons or Oven
the firewood but the "ruddy glow" is indispensable."
At Ashland. Old lady, viewing the "embrace act'
between Aunt Hettio and Uncle John, in Opeu Gate
(in very pronounced whisper) "0, the silly things. Do
you suppose they are really engaged?" (Audiblo
suickers behind scenes. )
The Dramatic Club made quite a hilarious appear
ance when they crossed the street from the Ashland
opera house to the hotel bus. Curly Andrews was in
front pulling the trunk, Keeno 'Abbott came next with
a chromo, a " God Bless Our Home" picture, a box of
grease paints, and a 5x10 telescope. The rest of the
company following in single filo and Bob Marley
bringing up the rear, dragging the portable fire place.
It was certainly a sight worth ton years of a person's
life to witness.
Ho "If I'd known that tunnel waB so long, I'd
havo kissed you."
Sho "Gracious, didn't you? Somebody did." Mr.
The University of Wisconsin has just adopted tho
somestor system. It also asks for a new library build
ing for its 88,000 volumes. Tho Lord bless you, Wis
consin, and us, too.
Clair Hobbard: "1 a wahn't a tio, donohor
know, to match my oyos."
"Lot mo soo. Bluo oyos and or sorry, sir, but
our bluo ties with rod edges aro ail sold. Have some
in next week." Ex,
Tom: "Is Jack hore to-night?"
Belle: "Yes, but you can't see him."
Tom: "Why?"
Belle: "Bocauso ho's behind the chrysanthemum in
his button-hole." Ex.
Tho followiug tablo shows tho total registration of oight of
tho loading institutions of learning in this country:
Columbia 1816
Cornoll 1577
Harvard , 3293
John Hopkins , 534
Prlncoton , . 1109
University of Michigan 2348
Yalo v 2373
University of Nebraska , 1420
Sho told him surely 'twas not right
To smoko a pipo from morn to night.
"Indood," criod ho. "what would you, dear?
'Tis but to aid my thoughts of you."
u Why. then," sho whispered, nostling near,
" Why, then, I lovo your old pipo, too."
A love-lorn lad wooed a coy maid onco,
All of a summer's day ho plod,
Oft ho spoko of tho bonrts of lovo tho duncot
And shyly sho shook hor head.
Whon from his heart hope had almost fled,
Ho spoko of bonds ho had in town,
Still, tho silly littlo maiden shook hor head,
But sho shook it up and down.
. '
O lovely Pyrrah, thoro must bo
Somo handsome lad a-courting thee.
With roses ladon from neighboring bowers,
Else whonco this pretty wreath of flowers?
Your swoot simplicity in dross
Hath tangled youth in many a moss.
Tho luckloss boy knows not thy heart,
Thy stillful oyos, thy knowing art;
But happy, hopes thj lovo to hold.
Rash youth! In time ho will grow old,
And, having plunged in seas of lovo,
Swim out, and place his coat above
Tho tomplo door. Brine soaked it hangs
To warn wild youth that "love hath pangs."
Horaco I, 5,