r T rr The Nebraskan. A Wcokly Nownpiiiior InhiiuiI Ilvi-ry Prldny Noon at tho Ut.ivorslty of Nournekn. Kntkhkii ah Hkiond-Omm Mail Mattkii. V. T. ltll.KY MnnnidtiK Utlltor A. II. l.YON Kil I tor-l ii-Ulilof li. It. ItOlllll.NH Nuwh ArtHOCIATK KIIITOIIfl. H Ouuy Athletic 1,. ('. OllMIMKM F.XclllltW) Muh liKNA Dkwiikni: Hoclety Mihm (Iiiaci: Moikian.I MlHH MAIiTIIA ItUIIKH. I t ., r. k. aiiamh. f ,'"ta' I'-. II. IlAllllllTON. J Price por year $ .70 Ity mull n " " inontli 10 Allrri nil Cominiinli'iitlnn to Tun Nr.niiAHKAN, i;nivornlty if NulirnHkit. Tin: Nu'mahkan will lio (outul on nlo lit tlio fnllowliiK howh HtniltlHI I. I, Mend, IIS South tilovciith Htroot, Krn nk il llol. I0!1(I O Stivot. Kd Youtur, MOn O Strciit. You want to got a holiday Nk imvsivAX buforo thoy tiro nil gone. At tho recent session of the St:tlo Historical Society, the nick name of the state was changed from that of "Bug-eating" to "Tree planting." This change is cer tainly very appropriate, but never theless we have all come to feel proud of tho fact that we are "bug eaters." We have on hand several copies of the holiday number which we are desirous of getting rid of as soon as possible. There will bo no An nual published this year, but while we do notconsidor this issue in any way a rival to tho Sombrero, still it remains tho only publication worthy to be retained as a memento of your college lifo for tho year "Ji-y. "When those on hand aro gone, they cannot bo reproduced and it behooves every one to secure a cop' us soon as possible. During tho past fow years tho library accommodations have been If UWSiflM.' so very long ago that Miss Ellen ISniith presided over the reading room, the library, and exercised the functions of rigistrar. Then the library was opened only a few hours each day. Tho work soon became too bur densome for one person and assist ants were added, until to day we have, besides the librarian, several cataloguers and several assistants, while Miss Smith's time is entirely taken up with tho duties of regis trar. To accommodate the increased demand of the students for more library hours, the library was opened every evening of the week except Saturday and Sunday even ing and a night assistant employed. Last week tho library was opened Saturday evening for tho first time This plan will bo tried for some time, and if satisfactory remaiu the established rule. There are, however, some who object to tho now- departure. Heretofore books could bo taken out Saturday evening and kept till Monday morning without any dif iieulty. .Now books cannot bo taken out .without tho special per mit of tho professor to whoso de partment tho book belongs. Of course history and other reference books will, as a rule, have to remain in the library for those who wish to consult them Saturday evening. Tho only question is, will more bo accomodated under tho now regime than under tho okU A meeting of tho contestants who expect to enter tho local oratorical contest was hold in chapel "Wed nesday afternoon. It was decided to recommend Saturday evening, Fob. 10, to tho association as tho date of the contest. Tho associa tion meets to-day to decide this question as well as any other that may como up. Examination Soheclulo. (Whoro no room Is montlotiotl, tho regular licoltiitlou room will bo UH0(1). SATURDAY, .JANUARY 20--2-1 1. M. College Hygiene Young men. MONDAY, JANUARY 2S S-10 A. M. French L Miss Conklin, Armory. French 1 Prof. lCdgmn, room 20. Botany 17 Hot. loot ;' room. Latin h (Soutonius), room fi. 10-12 Latin J Room 10. Hebrew. Military Science 5. Agriculture f. French !J 2d year, room 20. Hegmnniug Latin: Mr. L-uighlin, room IS, Uni. Hall. Mr. "Weslerman, Armory. Mr. Fling, Chetn. lecture room Mr. House, Chapel. 2-1 i M. English Literature f Armory. Geometry, Second Prop: Mr. Albers, Chapel. Mr. Candy, room to, Uni. Hall. Mr. Chatourn, room2o, Mr. Howie, room b, Mr. "Walker, room i, ( (( u (( Adv. Physiology. i-0 J'. M. Algebra, Second Prop. : Mr. Albers, Chapel. Mr. Candy, room lf, Uni. Hall Mr. Chatburn, room 2o, Mr. Howie, room J, Air. Walker, room o, 11 tc u n (( (i American History . Mechanics and Mechanism. Lectures in Organic Chemistry. TUESDAY, JANUARY 20 S-10 A. M. Greek Agriculture 1. Xeonophon 2d year Greek, chapel. Algebra First Prep. : Mr. Albers, room J 7, Uni. hall. Mr. Chatburn room;, Uni. hall. Mr. Howie, room 2b, Uni. hall. Lieutenant Pershing, Armory. Mr. Walker, room , Uni. hall. Botany 1, Bot. lecture room. J 0-1 2. Horticulture i. English Literature 15. Electricity and Magnetism. sm . , Chiistry, Prep., Chom. lecture room. Cheijiistry o, room 4, Chom. lab. 2-1 1'. M. Physics, Prep., Armory. Latin li. Mathematics ?. Constitutional Law and History. Guard Manual, etc. (A. It. & C.) Histolog3r. 4-0 i m. Botany, Prop., Armory. Cicero's Select Letters. Entomology. Paragraph Writing. Advanced English Literature. Crystallography. Amor. Hist. f (Theory of the State). WEDNESDAY, .IAN. uO 8-10 A. M. Virgil Prof. Dann, room 11. Prof Wilson, Chapel. Physics y. German, Teachers' Course. English, First Prep. : Mr. Bates, Chom. lecture room. Mr. Gray, Armory. Miss Manley, room 27, Uni. hall. 10-12. Greek 1. Logic. tuantitalivc Analysis. Invertebrate Morphology. Agriculture '6. Latin, Second Prep.: Prof. Wilson, Chapel. Miss Tremain, Armory. 2-U v. m. American History J. Civil Engineering 5. Agriculture 5. Domestic Chemistry: Trigonometry: Prof. Candy, room 5, Uni. hall. Prof. Hitchcock, Bot. lecture room. Prof. Hodgeman, Chapel. Mr. Brooks, room 3, Uni. hall. 4r-0 r. m. American History (1850-1801). "Water Analysis: Horticulture: German, XVIII Century Lit. Engineering Trigonometry: Prof. Candy, room 15, Uni. hall. Prof, llodgman, room 17. THURSDAY, JANUARY 31 8-10 A. M. Anglo-Saxon, Chapel. Polioical Economy. French 5 History, First Prep.: Mr. Holmes,' Chom. lecture room. Miss Law, Armory. 1.0-12. Chomistry 1, Chom. lecture room. Italian. Botany 15. Spanish. Geology 1. 2-1-1 M. Flectivo French. Geology 3. English I : Mr. Hates, Chapel. Mr. Gray, Armory. Miss Manley, room 3. 1-0 1. M. English 3 (Adv. Hhet.), Chapel. Geology 5. ER1DAV, J.'EIHUJARY 1 S-10 A. M. Boginnitig German: Miss Ivorsmeyer, Armory. Miss Hoppner, Chapel. Prof. Fosslor, Chetn. lect. room. 10-12. Second Year German: Miss Korsmeyer, Armory. Miss lleppnor, Chapel. Sc. Ger., Prof. Fosslor, Chom. lecture room. 2-4 p. m. Beginning Greek: Prof. Dann, room 3. Miss Tremain, room 10. Physios 1, Armory. Botany 10. 4-0 i. m. Drill Regulations, Armory. SATURDAY, EEltRUAUY 2. Graphics S-12 a. m. '97 Elect. The sophomores hold a mooting in room 20 yesterday afternoon and elected otlicers. Miss O'Sulli van was elected president by a ma jority of three. F. L. Wright was unanimously elected vice-president, Bilgreon treasurer, and Miss Jennie Guile secretary. As a scrap was in sight quite a crowd turned out, about sixty being present. The matter of electing the Annual board was put oil until tho next mooting. A Confession, I "cannot sing tho old songs" Snid Httlo Mawlla S. jTut 1 cjiu "skiito tho old" way" Aud skiito it right, I guoss. Botanical Notes, There will bo a meeting of the Lincoln Microscope Club next Wednesday evening in the botani cal laboratory. Two boxes of specimens from the University herbarium were ont away this week. One goes to the national herbarium in Washington, D. C. The other goes to Harvard University. E. E. Bishop brought in an en tirely now and astonishing fungus. It is probably twelve years old. Omaha Club. Tho Omaha Club will meet Fri day evening, February J, at 7:30. Very important business is on hand, and all aro requested to bo there. ,J. II. Kuhns. Tho question chosen for discus sion in the Kansas-Nebraska debate is, Resolved, that loss weight should be given to precidont in judicial de cisions. The sides of the question have not yet boon decided. R.LHETRICK Cigars Tobacco and NeWS ,i. . . If tliefitndontB Hill try "Het rich's1 Special" 5 c Oigax1 We nro Hiiro thoy will liu plonnod. NEW SHAPK- NBW STOCK. News Stand ii). Connection, 15th & O Sta., IWiacb Hlock. J. A. SMITH, Snoceselr to W. R. Denlis & Co., P Hats . , .1 and Furnishing Goods. First Class Good! at Reasonable Prlc8. 1137 Students who Patronize Paine, Warfhl & Bumstbad, Ibe AND MERCHANT TAIL0RS Will never regret it. They sell Stylish Clothing at Reasonable Prices 1136 O Street. J. II. KVANS, 1'rcst. and Treas. Evans Laundry Company, 327, 3at), U3 1 X. LJJIh-fcUi'oot. Telephone 199. .LIN'OOLN" NMIl. rn n-EE PALACE In Till I'llOI'Vll 1'IuU-V tuKut your montd. 5SPKCIAL RATKS TO STTJJ3 HNTS.r- AM, YOUll FKM.OW STUDKNTS ll()UI UlUti:. TltY US 1 ' 3 O N Street. Baker's Clothing House, COMPLETE LINE OF FURNISHING GOODS, TRUNKS AND YALISES. na Hults ma Jo to oidor In CaBtom Department. Entire satisfaction guaranteed. Special Discount to Students. 1039 O Street, Boys When you want SOMETHING GOO Come to 5 Corner 13tli Ok abpq-tisers in ?e Hebraskcin . . ARE ALL RELIABLE,- UIto tliom yonr patronnge, nml mention the fact tlmtyoti huw their "ntr In Tin: NmiitAhKAN. The Students' JH.iWL.a AtiL STTJDE3sTTS' SUPPLIES.: S. E. Cor. of University Hall. J. II. Wrlnlit. V, V.. Johnhon. J. II. McCIny, I'rexlileiit, VIoi I'reHliIent. Cuohler. John A. Ames, Auxt. Cnti. The Columbia NATIONAL BANK, LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. Capital, $250,000. niiir.rrnits. A. S. Iliu iii..ii I. Clmn. West. TIioh, Cochrni "The Wheel' 129 5o 12!h Struct CIGiliS, TOBACCO, AND NEWS Iji'inon.ul ', Mhk Shake, CIDER, AND OTHER SOFT DRINKS. J. E. HOWE, Prop. LINCOLN FRUIT STAND, PUC0INELLI BROS., Propa., DKALE&S IH BVuite and Confbotlonory, HUTS. CIOAIIS, AXDTOIACOO. Special attention given to student and fnmllj trade. Goods dollvered to all parts of the clt. K.W. Oor. o Rna 18th Sis. H.W. BROWN, DRUGGIST Hooks and Stationary, College Text-Books, And a Coniplelo Stock ot STANDARD ,'ND MI5CE" LASZOUS 5fO!S. 217 South Eleventh Street, lotliiers C. C. QUIGGI.IS, .Sci y mill Mjjr. DINING HALL A. G. OSMER, Prop. & June's and O Streets. Co-operative Book Co. First National Bank, LINCOLN, NEIUtASKA. Capital. - - - SKHMMHI.00 Surplus, - - . 1M,00.0: OKKIOICItS: X. S IIAHWOOI). I'uHl.lent. CIIAS. A. IIAXX. VIcvl'U'Mlil.-lll, I'. .M.CDOK.I'iiNliler, (.. S l.ll'N.MOTT. nml II. . I'ltl.KMAX, AhhI. CiiHlilerH. Illlti:i,"l OltS; i X S 1 1 nm ooil. J. I). Mm iiiImiiiI, T. ,l. ,Miiniieiti, lohli II. Allll'H, I. I.. I.'mihiiii, A. II, ('lurk. UlllH A. Ililllllll, John I'itzuvrulil, I). W.CikiI;. K. .M. O.Mik. G-O I'O SID North Ninth St. roicnitc BBST Wo. MBALS Menls ut ull hours , Oyster and Game In Koason. M. E. CHEVROIIT, Prop. Oun. state Journal HIGH CLASS n QRK A SPECIALTY. THE- Herzog Tailoring Co., Lenders of Fashion at I'opuiar Trices 12fl N. Elorenth St. Richards Block. jiOTG) AND COLD SODA -AT- Kector's Pharmacy, N. W. Cor. 1 2th and N Streets. WALTEE HOGE, Prlnter IMS P Street, Linooln. Cards, Programs, Invitations. Good Work ltensonable Prices. "" C. A. Shoemaker, M.D. (D. OP N. '86.) Office, No. 1 134 L Street, Ground Floo. Hours, 7 to g A.M.; 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p.m. Telephone 685 v