: totefrbss it 111 lilt i Wl firr ' -T - ithmh "TV" i t ' , . . , V jnry . v f iTt LOCAL Correct Ihuujn w FitrniahintH KILBORN. jt i, JrafcwktfMifiM'SBI MMRMHMHHNMHra9nmnniRRIVKr . HM 4 -jr Ti- -Ff"-y "-- a maiwiPiiwtaBWaMiiiaiiwaptJBuLgwiijniiHntiiwiwiMiiwiwiii.iii. m tt75 m mil i m lffl2K I h MjS. Ask Prof. Klinjr if ho I't'ols hot lor now. Soponkiii" of Chrislinns numbers ? 7 7 7 i t t Don (Jn moron's lunuh eountor 1 U So. lltli, atreol. Hurry W. Hohinson has ul lnsl ruturnud (o school. (.1 (sorgo Sheldon 'J) I of Yul(s is prowling around Lincoln. Fresh: "Thoro goos Dales; I wonder whal he's lionl on." 11 n: "Dr. L. ,). Abholt is a horso doctor of auolhtsr color." 'P. .J. Thorp's is the place to go to havoyour skates sharponod. For 'S)7 olaxs pins call at 10. Fleming's, the jeweler, 1 12:2-1 O st. They say McLucus got a groat Christinas present How ahout it Miss Pound is acknowledged the I'm us I skater of the young ladies of the city. A mooting of the freshman class is called for this afternoon a full attendance is desired. Y. M. Palmer has loft for La Crosse, Wis., where ho has secured a lucrative situation. Mead's newsstand is headquar ters for cigars and news. The latest novels always in block. A. 1. Weaver attended the meet ing of the intor-stato Foot hall As sociation at Omaha last Saturday. First Cadet: "1 wonder if the Lieutenant enjoyed his trip to Chi cajxor" Second Cadet: l did." Fd Tilson's health is again fail ing, and it is feared that he will have to leave the university once more. 'Polly'5 Wheeler has been con fined to his bed by illness for the labl few days, His early recovery is hoped for. Don Cameron's lunch counter 1 14 So. lltli, St. Fih and game in season. The nicest restaurant for students in the city. Try it. Kussell and Davenport had their overcoats stolen from the hall of the conservatory Monday evening while they were eating supper. If you want to send The Ne iikaskaN to a friend or former stu dent now is the time. Take a.ivan tajie of our extraordinary oiler. Query. "Can you cut a figure eight on skalcsf ' Soph. ".No, but 1 can cut class to go skating.'1 1st, Prep. "It that a freight train approaching.'" Senior. "No, that's the gentle rumble of Prof. Fossler's wheel. Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Wilson have issued "at home'5 invitations to the senior and graduate law classes for Saturday evening, Jan uary llHh. The familiar face of George Sheldon UJ'2, Avas seen around the halls this week. George is not an active politician but. he is still in terested in the part'. The University was well repre sented at the Limbing opera house last night. Students of Slmkos pe ire hail an opportunity of wit Ward and .James in "Henry IV." The patriotic youths of western NebrasUa who are fortunate enough to scouro the cadet uni forms sent there will be thankful that three years of drill are re quired at the Univeroity of Ne braska. If Yoia GMfafeMM;fotfity v THEfSnTTnoM &Ve '.. cmRE. .i- r 121JJ O Street. We Will Put Foot-Form Shoes on them at 1-5 Ha fj J m fT T1 P "III ' Save wonei by our prices on Clothes. The Foot form shoo store is allowing ouo-liflh oil' on all fool covering, except rubber goods, sold during the remainder of the month. A prop, who hoard the Chancel lor rapping on I ho radiator to call the attention of tho typewriter down stairs, asks if tho Chancellor is addicted to "hitting tho p;po.'' Tho oll'or thai has boon posted up on 'I'm: Nkiiuaskan bulletin board will last but a few days: "A holiday number and The Nehhas kan for the rest of tho year for oO cents. All students are expected to be registered by thoelose of the week. Tins will enable the registrar to make out tho cards and have thorn in the hands of tho instructors at the beginning or next semester. Tiie Philharmonic Orchestral so ciety of Lincoln proposes to give a series of three concerts in the near tutu re. Any one who is interested may obtain further information by applying to Director Kimball at the conservatory of music. The twelfth annual Chase and Wheeler oratorial contest of tho Pal ladian society will be held in tho chapel tomorrow (Saturday) even ing. The four contestants are Miss Bullock, Miss Leonard, .Jasper Hunt, and 11. P. Leavitt. Tho prizes are given by Messrs Chase and Wheeler of Omaha, alumni members of the societ'. An ex cellent program has boon prepared. A very excellent address was de livered last bunday afternoon m the chapel by Mrs. Pcattie of Omaha. llcr subject, "The In fluence of Christianity in Litera ture," was handled in a very able manner. She went back to the very earliest writers, showed the condition of literature before the coming of Christ, took up the in lluence of Christianity on more modern literature. These Sunday afternoon lectures have been very well attended and have been very interesting and profitable. Dr. Brace will speak next Sunday. Tho Junior "laws" have been ha ing considerable excitement of late over elections, points of order, and presidents. A weather beaten face pushing a mass of "Auburn" whiskers wjis seen entering the south door of the main hall last Tuesday morning. It seei no l to be familiar with the surroundings but no one seemed to recognize it at lirst. At last some sharp-eyed upper classman, after gazing for several moments- at the visitor suddenly exclaimed, "Well, if that isn't Montmorency!" Sure enough "Montie" of '1M was back, from the West to surprise his friends by his marvelous apjxjar anee. A good joke on Cooloy is going the rounds. It was just after the foot ball season when he was drill ing an awkward squad made up of Fair and Thorp. He had explained to them what "double time ' was, but neglected to tell them what th 03r should do at the command "quick time." He started them at a good live pace and then very suddenly commanded "quick time.'5 Cooley dropped back to a walk, but the sturdy foot ball players, thinking the command meant faster, "hit the road" at such a terrilic pace that the sergeant was left far Get There WITH BOTH' FOR photographs PRICES JUST RIGHT, AND Work the Finest. 1079 O St. in the rear. Ho managed finally to 'iHng thorn to a halt boforo tho lose of tho drill hour. Groat chunks will bo taken out of the atmosphere a week from Saturday evening. Once more tho doughty U. B. 1). C. is to moot the invinciblo Maxwell Club in morl-il combat. Tho question for discus sion is, "Kesolvod that tho initiat ive and referendum, as modeled on tho Swiss plan, should bo adopted in Nebraska." Allirmative (The Maxwolls), Edwards, Williams, Paul, Hatch. Negative (The Unions), Lion, Baker, Nowbranoh, Maguiro. A very able address was deliver ed before tho State Historical So ciety Tuesday evening by J. Ster ling Morion. Many students availed themselves of tho opportunity of hearing the distinguished "Sage of Arbor lodge" on the money question. The second one in the series of Artists' rceitals has boon post poned one week, hence it will oe cur next Wednesday evening, lie will bo assistedby Miss Susie Seiio tield. Every lover of music should be present Tho last program of tho Woman's Club of this city was under charge of Mrs. Prof. W. G. Taylor. Too subjoots discussed were of an econo mic nature. Miss Mary Jones our librarian, read a very exce.lenl paper. The "Wheel55 news and cigar store has removed to 129 South Twelfth Street where we arc pro pared to do business as formerly. J. E. Howe, proprietor. On the Lake MeDowel: "That's nothing. Down in Fairbury there's a bluff that will echo back an an swer back every time. Chauncey Nusz, Jack Brady, and Chas. Lyman aro frequently seen in the University Halls. J. W. ScarPon '95 was at the University last week. Who sent McLucas that Christ mas present? And what was it? Strictly In It. ' The Chicago, Union Pacific and Northwestern line oilers the best accommodations to the traveling public eii route to Chicago. Through trains, fast time, magnifi cent sleeping cars, elegant dining cars, colonist sleepers, reclining chair cars and handsome da' coaches. City ticket office, 1044 O street. Thoroughly Coinlortuble. Passengers destined to the prom inent cities of the Missouri River should patronize the Chicago, Union Pacific and Northwestern Line. Magnificent Pullman and Wagner sleeping cars, elegant Pullman and Northwestern dining cars, free re clining chair cars, handsome day coaches and comfortable Pullman colonist sleepers. City ticket office 1044 O street. Rdersoncljwaj JUeF0otForCi srvsT0i 1X13 Street. off Until January 31. S OHA8. B. GEEGORY, (D. OP N. !.; SELLS COA.L At 1100 0 Street, Riohards Blook. Telephone 343. We do not Offer To give students discounts, but sell invite you to our and think we can Respect H. Q. DA. WES, Prcsldont. COAL MERCHANTS. run I iMlTorod to dtndonU In nnv qunntlly tlrslroil. Jacob North & Co, -(Lincoln Paper House)- BOOK AND COMMERCIAL PUBLISHERS, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS STEREOTYPING LITHOGRAPHING ) Wholesale Paper Dealers 1116to1122 M ST. Take the. The Best Route To OMAHA &u point3 East Kansa3 City E.A.ST, II . Denver and all Colorado points, Ogden, Salt Lake, Butte and Helena. Portland and Spokane Falls, Seattle, Tacoma and '-, ' ' Alaska, San ' Francisco and jcui luuauaiicu ucauiipiivc mation, call on or address, E. I. SLOSSON, Gin. Aft., 1044 O Street, evv.jvmuui'vw;vM ... WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL fflZrDICTIONARY A Grand Educator. buccc&wrotlie ' Unabridged." Stiwilnrdnf tho U. S. Gov't l'rint iiK OflJc-c tl e I .8. Supreme Court and of nearlj all the BclioolUookB. "Warmly com manded by etcry Bute Buj crinten dent of Bcliools, and other lidurxi tors almost villi out number. A College President xerltcbt "Tor " cage ivitb -which the vye ftidn tho " word sought, for accuracy of defitil- J, "tlon, for effective ineihods in Iri51- ? "eating pronunciation, for terne jet 5 " comprehenilvo Rtatements of fact, 5 "and for jiractlcal Ube na n irorklng $ "dictionary, ' "Wchster'a International' i " czcoIh any other single Tolume." The One Great Standard Authority, Bo writes lion. D.J. Ilrewr, Justice U. R. Uujreaie Court. y . vntinri lur a.a tL.i.ff..iu Sprlug&eld, Mass., U.S.A. 5 sjfPml to Hie imbUditrt for trtt pampMft. 5 vJr l'U uut buy cheap If vriul of undent eOltlont WSAWVVOVlAAtJ0 or any other class of people special to all at the same low prices. We new store, 1235 to 1239 O Street, please you. full', Miller & Paine. W. R. DAWB3, Secretary. 1045 0 Street. fHPrinters Lincoln, Neb. From Lincoln, Neb., wctSS "N WEST, and SOUTH, Los Angeles. uuua.9, iiuic uiuua, ux uj uiiui.- J. T. AUSTIN, City Tickft. Atf., ilHCOtlT, VEB. l,',MHi,IMH BEST LINE TO ST. LOUIS AND CHICAGO WSBt .1 IA 1 y ) :i ' t 'n s - -'- t"" tasaJBSCJ. : Tsh n u uKmmm&k