nift -mi -,- ta&4- flYyiiin'"!! ii riitiiiiiiiitf Try1" Wift m H4j,r ,,54.,-,, ,.-7pw "? fi . WfSwMmnMKPr,E!sfSK!nR'7) A "v 1 " 'W.IMWiwWMHBWBBHIH llw . "WfTp. T ' -vy J, , , Tho Ravons. Who oomo Ko tno wmu wnon mo chupol-boU rliiRB, With u rush from ufnr llko tho wnvlug of wings? Who gather togothor, a lloolc dark and dun, Llko tho black clouds of ovonlng that darken tho sun? Who hunt, in tho twilight, oaoh lono, silont spot, Tho dim, darkonod shadows of things that aro not. Tho spootros of Sophomores, bilont and wise, Tho spootros of lYoshmon with wondor- ing oyos, Tin ghosts of last Juniors, all woary and palo, Forovormoro lost In that black, shroud- iug voll, Tho sad, silont mournors who wandor away, Aud boar a toar-caskot of sablo away, A caskot that crowns llko a liolmot oaoh hoad, When tho cold, shining toar-drops in soorot aro shed. They aro ravons that hovor afar from tho slain, Thoy would toll us of death that is coming amain, For som hi tho halls whoro thoir glory was shed, Tho records of fair ninoty-llvo will bo said. Stars. Twinklo twlnklo littlo star Tho student wildly cried As on tho glaring ico ho took A fearful jarring slide. Political Economy Club Meets Tho regular meeting of the Po litieal Economy club occurred last Wednesday. A very able address vras delivered by Prof. Caldwell on "Proportionate Representation in Government." Tho professor briefly discussed tho ancient and modern methods of voting, the growth of tho ballot system, and laws passed for purifyiug elections. Tho evils of tho existing "major- ly i'i vero then pointed out by diagrams in a Ind i lusiratcd rniander a surprise to many. Prof. Caldwell behoves that a true rep resentative government should rep resent tho views of all tho people and not of tho majority. Tno mi norities as well as tho majorities should be represented. He proved conclusively that our present system of representation did not represent the people accu rately, that a great number of vo ters ai'o either misrepresented or not represented at all. He then advocated the proportionate repre sentative system. By this sj'stem in electing, say congressmen, all districts aro abolisheuand the con gressmen elected at large. Each Sarty may nominate as many can idates as there ai-e congressmen to be elected. Every voter then votes for the required number. lie not only gives hi& iirst choice but also his second and third choice, so that if his candidate is not elected his second and third choice nury not bo thrown away but will go to some other candidate. Tho professor does not claim that this system is faultless but he thinks it is just and practical and much better than the present method. Therefore it should be given a fair trial. Nebraska State Historical Society. An adjourned session of tho ninteonth annual meeting of tho Nebraska State Historical Society will bo hold on tho evenings of January, loth and 16th, in tho chapel of tho State University, at 8 o'clock with tho following pro gram: January lb. President's annual address, "Tho Pioneer Populists and thoir Finance in tho Territory of Ne braska in 1855, 1850, and 1857, and tho results: A Parallel be tween Past and Present Fallacies," J. Sterling Morton, Nebraska City; "Some Unpublished Material on tho Sioux Indian War, 1891," L. W. Colby, Beatrice "A Memorial of L. B. Shryock," Soiuo Extracts from Knrly Docu ments, prepared by F. Hall. January 1(1. "Freighting in lSfiO," IWosos 11. Sydenham, Kearney. "Reminisconses of tho . Third .Indieial District from ISfiMSOl, 1C. Wakoley, Omaha. "The Ponca Indians," .1. Amos Barrett, Lincoln Reminiscences by Old Settlors. Election of Officers and trans action of such other business as may come before tho Society. The State Horticultural Society will hold its sessions at the State University on the loth, Kith, and 17th of .January. Its sessions will be held only in the forenoons and afternoons, 'beginning Tuesday af ternoon and ending Thursday forenoon. Their Wodding Trip. Mercedes McQuinnte was the beautiful daughter of a AVolyau merchant prince. Patriquo Donald was' a student of the great university in that sub urb. Mercedes was the belle of the village. Sho had beauty. She had riches. "What more could be desired. Patriquo was the pride of his parents, lie, too, was hand some, light hearted and blithsome. His parents, on the contrary, were poor. lie had never known a sick day in his life until he met Mercedes. He was in love. So was Mercedes. It was love at first sight. ' A year passed. As boforcstatcd, Mercedes and Patriquo were in love. At this juncture in our story her father discovered their love. He immediately threatened to dis own his daughter unless she would give up Patriquo. But she re fused. Sho had the blood of old Irish kings her in veins. Give up Patriquo? Never! j) It was moonlight on the banks of Salt Creek. Ever and anon a tlcccv cloud blew across the face of tho moon. Standing onn bridge ... . 1 j -r jh eeucs. one uipijcu 1110 nuor an i rii i i ii ji patiently at times with her foot, it 4as rather cold. Suddenly there appeared down the road a solitary traveler coining toward the bridge. It wae Patriquo. The lovers How to each others arms and wept for joy. But Mercedes recollected some thing and drew back. "Patriquo," sjio said, "1 cannot many you to-morrow!" "Why not?" gasped Patriquo. "Patriquo, I know how poor you are, but that makes no (fitl'erence to me. I could live in a sod-house with you and be happy!" "But what then can hinder our mar riagoi" "Patriquo, it is this. 1 can not bear the idea of marrying and hav ing no wedding trip; and unless you can find sonic way of taking a wedding trip 1 can not be your wife." xnv uiun w;ia u iuuluii uiiu, What should he do? He had no money, no way of raising any. lie was in despair. "Oh, Mercedes!" he cried, "take back your request! I cannot grant it. Unless you dol will throw myself over this railing into the raging torrent beneath!" But Mercedes was firm and as there was a foot of ice on tho stream Pat riquo remained on tho bridge. Suddenly a thought Hashed through his brain. "Mercedes!" ho cried, "lend mo twenty cents!" "Certainly," she said, "But what good will that do" "Mercedes, tomorrow we will take the street car from Wesloyan. Wo will be transferred to Western Normal. Wo will return and be I " I n v I s"x m r it -- s x r n - I . m .- transferred to Wesloyan again, all for twenty cents. That will bo our wedding trip!" t f 1 1 la "rntrique, sho oxoiaimou m tones of joy, "I will bo yours to morrow!" And thoro on tho bridge enfolded in each others embrace, thoy stood. And faintly through tho midnight air camo the sound of a sweet boll. It was tho last car leaving University Place. "Darling," ho said softly, "thoso aro our wedding bolls." And sho smiled sweetly. Tho end. L. II. R. An Improsslon. Algernon Prettyfaeoaiid Klouuor Lillyloeks had quarrelled.. It was over nothing too, as lover quarrels generally are. Eleanor had paid a little too much attention to a new student and Algernon said some thing about it, that was to say the least, impertinent, and of course Eleanor resented. And after all their vows and tender messages to one another, thoy had begun to pass each other by with a cold stare. Eleanor had sent back tho pretty little turquoise ring she had worn for a year, and she cried a little when she took it oil' too and I am not sure but that there was a suspicion of a mist in Algernon's eyes when he received it back. Hut they had both sworn that they never would make up again, although their hearts were both sore and bleeding. Each one had confided in tho nearest and dearest friend, and it was a settled fact that henceforth they were to be as nothing to one another. Alas, for human plans! Fate had something to do with this love quarrol, and this how it happened. On Christinas day the llayden Art Exhibit opened lip, in the Armory. Now these two silly lovers were both ve.y fond of art. So on Wednesday morning bright and early they both wended their way from diU'orent directions to the art gallery. Algernon had no idea that Eleanor would be there, and Eleanor was totally ignorant that Algernon was in the city. They both were soon interested in the pictures and were lost to all their surroundings. They unconsciously walked nearer to each other. Suddenly Algernon stooped down to see the number of a pic ture that was hanging quite low, when his head came in contact with another head that had bent down for the same purpose. Algernon started back and began to rub his head when ho saw that tho owner of the other head was none other than his formcrj' sweetheart El eanor. Thoy stared at each other j,mi l,ntli burst into a honrlv lmiffh a moment, irowneel a utile, anci ' - -7 r? I '"'J si.iJi;i.i u.mia ;i lusuiiiiiiuii icy irnisi kiss told that ther quarrel was at an end. An an critic who was standing near mkI had seen the whole proceeding, remarked "How impressionistic!"' William Reed Dujjkoy. Miss dones conies of tho has secured several "Chun Hook" for December. It is certainly the literary curiosity of the age. One verse from one of its poems illus trates the general tone of tho pub lication : "Who-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh? Wo uro tho brothers of ghouls mid who In tho narao of tho Crooked SAints aro you?" , j Strictly In It. The Chicago, Union Pacific and Northwestern lino oilers th'e best accommodations to the traveling public on route to ClLicago. Through trains, fast time, inlignifi- ecnt sleeping cars, elegant r cars, colonist sleepers, iK'c chair cars and handsme nniig ining day 10-14 coaches. vilj uckul mice, in., . :..!.... ..' i to 0 street. Thoroughly Cyfinlortalilc. Passengers do 4 lined to the prom inent cities of tlii; Missouri River should patronize tlie Chicago, Union Pacific and Northwestern Line. Magnificent Pulli linn and Wagner sleeping cars, clejj ;unt Pullman and .North western dn iing cars, tree re- dining chair car handsomo day coaches and con colonist sleepers. 10J4 O street. for table Pullman City ticket oflice , The University Conservatory of Music Is ready to receive pupils of any degrco of advancement, In all Branches of Music. Witli a full corps of instructors and tho advantages ex tended by the University, it is enabled to offer to all a musi cal education not equaled elsewhere in tho "West, and far su perior to the training which it is possible to obtain from private instruction. Students aro cordially invited to visit tho new building, and inform themselves of all tho privileges offered. For further information apply to Willard Kimball, Director. Jacob North & Co. -- (Lincoln Paper House)- BOOK AND COMMERCIAL PUBLISHERS, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS STEREOTYPING LITHOGRAPHING Wholesale Paper Dealers 1116 to 1122 M ST. FRANK A. GRAHAM, Livery and Boarding Stables. 1027 and 1029 Q Strcot. Tolophono 147 t vrwmv, Free!; Free! Willi every Cash l'lirclmse of 125c. n chaiicu !p given I'reo on u i!() Wheeler & Wilson No. '.) Sewing Alaeliino ami a Moy or Girl's "i0 Iiie.vele at Tho Lansing Theatre Drug Store, HICKS BROS., Props. L. BLUMENTHAL, Any OI.I) IIAT mnilo over us kooiI no now. Also, Clothes Gleaned, Dyed, & Repaired. 1020P STBEKT. Art's Place, At 1010 Street, IS THE CARBER SHOP FOR STUDENTS TO I'ATRONIZi. G-IVK US A. TRIAL. Rutchins & Hyatt SELL ALL GO AI AT REDUCED RATES. 1040 O Street. Telephone 225, Nebraska Pant and Hnit Co., 1217 O Siroot. (West bait ot Trunk Factory.) All Wool Pants Made to Order, flret-clnns aud guaranteed to at. 93, $1, 95, $0, and upwards. Business Suits, 15, 118. 920, and up. OVERCOATINGS, VEST1NGS, Popular Trices, Hoods sold by yard, and Ends (or Hoy's Pants, etc, Fovr uncalled for pants and suits at yonr own price, 0. It. OAKLEY. O. N. Holoou, Cutter. rHPrinters Lincoln, Neb. THE H JT T LAUNDRY COMPANY IS THE PLACE FOR STUDENTS TO PATRONIZE. Phono 579. 2208 0 St. KILBORN. . "photographs PRICES JUST' RIGHT, AND. Work the Finest. 1 029 O St. The Commercial Barber Shop UDEB XUL BliUX WUKH., The Finest IJath Rooms in the City. St ii ck' nt putroiiQKO BOllclteil. Agency lor tla Ht-ht l.uundrj. 1KO X. 11th Street. Hi, (fi'mfiSk, TO CALIFORNIA Ih our Sleeping fur I'nto on tint I'lillllpx doi'lc I h'. 11 111 1 ToiiilNt Uni uiHionH trom fouii'll lllnff, (Jiniiliii or Lincoln Hi I, ox Angoli'H or tSfin Nun. cIhi'O, vim tin M-i'iMc! Itoiltn and Ouilrii ( ar InaviH Mom MoIiiu cvnrv I'llilny, anil Hlt-opili mr rati) from tlun Ih $" Ml, You Ihivh th 0111)1 nloopiir, and tliu I'lil'lipH lllltllliVIIK'Mt llllK 11 Hp.'Cilll AKUIlt UCCOI'ipilllV 1I111 ex hi hIhii rnrli iwyu.mimI.vou will Have iiiuiii'n miii! Imvi' I'xcdk'iit mvoiimiodiitlo!, an 'lm mm linvo iipho Htiinitl uin4 Hfiitri.nru Pullman liulld, and appoint int'iitH pi'il-'it. AililrcHH or full pin tli'iiinrn, CHAS. KENNEDY, O. W.-W. P, A., Omaha, Nob, O. A. ItUTHEREOKD, O, T, & P, A., Iilnoolu, JWO, SEBASTIAK, O, P, A,. Chicago. I J. N. Johnson. Lincoln. t 7& ,l