BH PISflF'FWlP'" MS? ' i ft't f -,BFff -- . - r1Hi. I LOOAL 11 E. Hinges, '!)2 visited the Uni this week. Don Cameron1: lunch counter J 14 So. llth, street. Miss Gregory smolo her annual smile Wciulesday. The Varsity lii lies' Hall promises to ho a swell a Hair. The senior girls look real sweet in their new gowns. If you see it in the slate capitol it is Chancelor Canliehl. Miss Disco, a last year's student visited the Uni this week. ,7. II. tlohnson has an appoint inent at the rftato House. Lieutenant Pershing wont to Chicago during the holidays. T. .1. Thorp's is the place to go to have your skates sharpened. St oilier .lr. looks like Little Bil lee Evsm the combing of his hair. For f 07 elass pins call at K. Fleming's, the jeweler, 1224 O st. They say Mc.Lucas got a great Christinas present. How ahout it? A rare opportunity now to clothe yourself cheap at the Kwing Cloth ing Co. Mr. "W. O. tlonos was out of town this week and his classes did not meet as usual. Tom Hall. 'l, wis renewing ac quaintances around the uirversity this Avcek. Miss Parker announces that she will rivo instruction in wood carv injc free of charge. W. L. Carney has left the Uni versity to accept the position of teae' jr in Filmoro count'. As was predicted in the Xk lm.vsKAX a Zoological club was formed. It will meet every week. Professor Hate's article read be fore the teachers' association was very favorably spoken o by all vfUo Ivoc.vtl it. Kil Morrill is rapidly recovering from his injury, lie is aide to be out but he will have to use crutches for some time. One of the most inlluencial and able of our legislators is Randolph McXitt, of Ked Cloud, formerly a member in the university. Kugeno Parks, an electric of last year attended the teachers' as sociation. He is teaching out "West somewhere in a high M-hool. "Jack' Hrady, of Kearney, for merly a member of the clas of '1)5 has just been installed as messenger to the chief clerk of the house. If you want to send Tub Xk HiiASKAN to a friend or former stu dent now is the time. Take advan tage of our extraordinary oiler. A good many of the student's avail themselves of the opportunity of skating at the Heach these beau tiful moonlight nights. Hotter be careful boys the 'tend" if dm win.? nigh. 'a' The oiler that has been posted up on Tiik Xehkaskax bulletin board will last but a few days: "A holiday number and Tin: Xkhkas kax for the rest of the year for cents. For Sale. A set of encyclopedia Hritannica, Ninth Edition, with American revisions and additions, at a greatly reduced price, for cash or on time. Address F. T. Itiley care of Nebrasknn. ?aj7defsonScl?jkvA V 5ais -- 12i3 0 Street. Reversible Ties 2o and fiOe. UMII vmrzTmrr The New Club House Ties ."Oo. "V. K. D. "Are gym-girls the same as tom-boysf H: "No, sir, 1 know of no one to whom I ever gave my note!" A: Some people can't give notes. Hon. Fred Harnes, '0(1, has signed with Manager Kbright for the season of 'IK. Hold 'em down, Fred, hold 'em down I Through theelfortsof Prof. Kim ball of the conservatory of music, Thomas' orchestra wilfplay in Lin coln about April l.Mli. Don Cameron's lunch counter 1 14 So. llth, St. Fish and game in season. The nicest restaurant for students in the city. Try it. Don't forget the fact that it N money in your pocket now to at tend the di Mlutionsaloat the low ing Clolhirg Co. It is on till the evening of the 10th, but no longer. Miss (icrtrude Smith, who was so well known to the students, has been obliged to give up her posi tion; the fund for paying her only lasting nine months during the year. ' MKs Korsenger of the class of ?0;$ has taken charge of Prof. Hurnet's class.'s. She lias studied siiu'e she left here, having spent a year at Chicago, and she certainly come? well propirod in her sub ject. Mrs. Peattieof Omaha will de liver the second address in the lec ture course of the Christian asso ciations next Sunday afternoon at : i. in. The subject will bo "The Influence of Christianity on Liter ature."' Frnie Haughton returned this week from Washington, I). C, where he attended the convention of the S. A. E. lie says ho shook hands with Grovor and Willie Wil son. (EnjH.'UxI) Mnyhn bo did, he certainly looks pale enough. To illustrate the changeableness of Nebraska weather within the last three diys, according to Whipple, there have been fifteen diU'orent weather Hags floating from the Hag-stall. (Of course the weather didn't change a bit.) Misses May Lewis and Gertrude Marsland, together with Messrs. Maria', Harbor, and Peed, spent several day of their vacation in Fremont as the guests of the Misses Gray. All report a very ple.isaut time and are loud in their praises of Fremont and of the hospitality of their hosts. A meeting of the Athletic asso ciation is to bo called soon to con sider a change in the constitution and other matters of importance, among them to set a date for field day, appoint committees and so forth. The prospect for a good live scrap over the constitution is very promising, and it i.4 expected every member will be present, With one member of the senior class dismissed from the univer&ity for theft, another member of the same class under suspicion for dis honest' in connection with the senior themes; and suspension hanging closely over a student somewhat lower in rank for at tempting to convert the property of another student to her own use it looks as though complaint about lax discipline at this institu tion is without foundation. You Should Wear -.. , gmji fBbJ Valuable additions have boon made in the French department during the holidays, especially in the lino of French novels. Quito a number of Halxae's stories and ninety-ono of George Sand's were secured id ono swoop. The crowd that you will see at the Kwing Clothing Co. these days is a convincing argument that they must be selling clothing and fur nishing goods very cheap. They are selling at actual cos () cents on w dollar, just as they adver tise. The senior girl is abroad in the land. Could you have seen her smile of satisfaction last Wednes day morning as she noticed the lower classmen gaze at her with awe and admiration you would have wondered If It wasn't a nice thing, after all, to bo a senior girl. tlolm W. Dixon of Yale univer sity, who graduated hero last year, has boon heard from. lie con gratulates the university on its rapid advancement and especially on its success in athletics. Dixon will graduate there this year and probably stud' law in the Yalo Law school. The senior elass evidently be lieves in woman sull'rage. At the elass election, held just before the holidays, every office was given to a lady by a unanimous vote. The following wero elected: President, Miss Grace Bridge. Vice-President, Miss Martha Hurks. Secretary, Miss, Olivia Pound. Treasurer, Miss Mablo Lindley. Class Poet, Miss Katherine Meliek. Sargeant-at-Arnis, Mis Ella Mc Crosky. '05 is certainly to be congratu lated on the able women it pos sesses. At the armory on Tuesday even ing Misses Burr and Wilder gave a receptii n to the young women of the physical training classes, and Lieutenant Pershing to the cadets. Over two hundred students availed themselves of the oj pottunity of tnus snonumg wiint nronuseu to no. a vcrv .ciii?mnTGVciiing. .an ad ..."., . . . . .- ditional nice featiro ws3 the pie tures of the Iltydon Art exhibit which still adorned the walls of the armory. Durhig the ovoning music was furnished by the uni versity conservatory orchestra. Many town people came to see the Iliydon art exhibit and wero sur prised and delighted at the recep tion and especially at the refresh ments which they supposed to bo a part of tin entertainment. Dr. Britton, Professor of Botany in Columbia College, says of the "FloVa of Nebraska" in "Science.'' It irk hard to find words to ex proftssXour gratification at its ap pearance, and avo have tried in vain tl) find any point which is fairly open to adverse criticism. Hogiimiing with a synopsis of the largojj groups, including fnnmlie, and am introduction contributed by Professor Bossey, in the details of which! there is room for much dif ference of opinion, there follow conciscdcscriptiou of the classes, orders, Xfanialies, genera, species, and varieties of Protophyta and Phycophyt found within the state contributed iVy Mr. Dr. Alton and Saunders, aiuil of the Coleochaci acraie and Chantfcea by Mr. Al bert F. Woods. I The descriptions are well drawn! the typography excellent and tile plates accurate and well executlcd. We tendei our cordial conglratulations to all concerned in tnoAproduction of the book and to all uflio may have op portunity to use lit," 7derso--c2lin3,;aj - i irui.ri-ruM i Wr-.ST0RV d$is Foot oma Shoes, OHAS. B. GEEGOBY, (u. op n. n,) SELLS COA.L At 1100 0 Stroot, Riohards Block. Tolopliono 343. We do not Offer To give students or any other class of people special discounts, but sell to all at the same low prices. Wc invite you to our new store, 1235 to 1239 O Street, Jfc and think wc can please you. Respectfully, Miller & Paine. I). Q. DAWES. Prcoltlent. COAL MERCHANTS, Coal (li'Uvcrcd to students In nny quantity desired. New Funke Opera House. Cor. O& 12th St. I FRANK C. ZEH RUNG, Manager. Tuesday, January 15th, '95, Tlio ReproHontntivo American Player and Playwright, MILTON NOBLES With tho assistance of s 5 pOULY And his famous Company. A Bupurh production, FOR REVENUE ONLY, Or, A Third Party Movement. A Satirical Political Comedy in Four Acts, by MHton Nobles. Take the. The 73 FT Best ' TT zzmv C 52 Route VMwn i . mmmL WTOP 11 OMAHA aU Points East, Kansas City, EAST, I nnnwr and all Colorado noints. Ocrden, Salt Lake. Butte and , , Hnlflna. Portland and Snokane Falls, Seattle, Tacoina and ' Alaska, San Francisco and Los Angeles. For illustrated descriptive books, time cards, or any infor ' I mation, call on or address, I E. B. SLOSSOH, Gen. Agt., 1044 O Street, MltlttBKlaOtBidiilayi cv-iacva'vit'v-iy'-'y" v WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL EnHrtly New, jibrtat cthl Timil, A Grand Bduentor, DICTIONARY Successor of tho " luubrldgcd." Standard of tho U. 8. Uov't 1'rlnt tlioU.B. Supreme Court and of nearly all tlio BclioolbookH. "Warmly com mended ly ciory Stato Suj erlnten dciit of SclioolB, and otlicr Educa tors almost with out number. A Colleffo Yrcstdent writes: "For " onno with -which tho eyo finds tho rd sought, for nccurncy of doflnl- for effective methods In Indl- niiS iironunclatlon, for terse yet L .. I -A.-A ........ .. .t giprtiuuiiBiVU miuiu.-iim . mi j. for practical use n n working J l.ilonary, weiiatcr'U Jiuerimwonm- " excels nny other slnglo volume." Tho Ono Great Standard Authority, to w.ltcn Hon. W..I. llmwnr, Jtutlce U. H. DujireiKu Court. G. & C. MSTtlilAM CO., PnhltahorB, iprlngnehl, Mass., U.S.A. o'l-Tond to tlio pnldlntirni for free pamphlcfc. uir 1.0 int li.ty cliuaii ri'iitinta of onclcnt editions. 'jt..r. .v;wtwtwvww ? iM p a 1 SMl! " ! 5 "it i V?. 11. DAWES, Secretary. 1045 0 Street. rtOJHJES, From NllVy Neb., - WEST, and south:, J. T. MASTIH, City Tloktt. Atf., I.IWCOI.H', XTEB. BEST LINE TO ST. LOUIS AND : llllllElllllIll CHICAGO satt