The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, January 11, 1895, Image 1

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Vou J II. No. 12.
Pmck Fivk Cknts.
A Large Colloction taken
Chapol This Morning.
Sonator Rnthlumi's Ac'dross
PlodRod Subscriptions Amount
to $325Moro to Follow.
When it had become whispered
about the halls (his morning thai
a subscription list would be started
for tho benefit of tho drouth suf
ferers, every one was interested at
once and wIhmi the time nunc the
chapel was crowded to its fullest
Those who were not, there wi 1
probably not piny the sneak net,
but for their benefit nnd for those
who thought tliey would not like
to put their nninas opposite the
mnount they thought they were
able to give, the chnneellor an
nounced that the s'.ot in his
door wa . in w. irking order,
and any n eki 1 or dime that
was dropped through would I e
gratefully received by the little
letterbox on the other side.
In addressing the students the
chancellor snid that when tome of
the students enme to him and
liroiched the in. liter, lie was only
too glad to do all in his power to
start and aid the movement.
lie then introduced Senator Rnth-
burn who represents that district
from Colorado and New Hamp
shire. He also explninel how it
was possible for the relief eommis
sion to purchase coal for SH) cents
a ton, for which the individual
would have to pay $ The same
proportions in saving in many
other necessities eould'be takenad
vantaire of.
The chancellor then asked every
one, when he went home to dinner
to hispeel carefully his closet ami
bring down everything of any
value which could be worn by
some western sufferer, lie siid
everything went, but they drew
the liny at "one stocking."
"While the subscription lists
were being passed. Prof. Fosslor
spoke of Mr, Ludilen and the work
he was doiny, saying he was the
whole relief commission himself.
The meeting took up nearly the
whole hour and when the amount
was reckoned up it was found that
$225 had been subscribed hr ilm
stu lent alone who were present.
These subscription lists will be
open for several days yet. mid
everyone is earnestly invited to
put his name down for at least
something. The Co op will le
open to receive bundles of cloth
ing, nnd when this is li!,.(l up.
there will be plenty of room left
.in the ennpus ' ITp till one
c.ock thi a.ternoon many bundle-
had come in.
Paine, W.trfc! & Bunistoad sent
up n handsome buud.c which will
1)0 gratefully received by some
Hor Dolognto Absent From tho
Lonj?uo Mooting.
Knns.ns No: Disposed to Pny Expan
ses or th Tanm-Anothor Moot
Infir To-morrow.
Special Announcements.
Depart m -nt oi Ilol.any. Several
announcements are made necessary
because of the meeting of the Suite
Horticultural society next week in
the Rnhmif il Iwiimm ...,...
! nun IUMWVH113 lllllli U13U 11 I --.......,.... iaiiuii- 1WW1II.
.f ;hc state, whorctho-auffenim.-is. ., S1 Tuesday afternoon the
l. css in '-Flail and' Purpose Iif IXu-
the worst
The senator's remarks were very
well received. As he had just
come from that district, he had the
mciics of suffering fresh in his
mind, nnd his earnest pleading and
descriptions, caused many a hand
to go a little deeper in the pocket.
He aid in part: "I have been
called to tell you of the drouth dis
trict from which I have just conic.
It represents the saddest people in
the state. In lsyo we had a total
failure of crops. The two following
years were fairly good ones, but in
W.i.'J the failure was severely felt,
and as you know the last year was
a complete failure. Merchants
have been driven out of business
because the fanners could not pay
their accounts. The merchants
have trusted them relying upon the
prospect of good crop-., but now
all these accounts are worthless.
No one can get credit there. The
man who owns J(!o acres of land
unincumbered cannot borrow a dol
lar on it The people there have
no grain, hay, provisions, or cloth
ing. They do not know where the
next meal is coming from. Think
of the little children going bare
foot in this kind of weather.
They cannot go to school because
they Imv.o no clothes to wear.
From personal investigation I
know that whatever is intrusted to
Mr. Ludden, the secretary of the
state rebel committee will bo
properly distributed. There is
positively no reason for complaint.
Mr. Ludden was then intro
duced. Ho ex )!ained how the dis
tributing was ( one, how the com
mittee Avere divided into county
committees and those appointed
subcommittees in each school dis
trict and voting precinct. It is
the office of these commit tees to in
vestigate personally all people in
need, and a written endorsement is
tirst issued by members of this
committee before any supplies
would bo given to them. Jle
spoke further of how the students
of universities and colleges in other
states had started a movement to
aid Nebraska sull'orors, especially
tun" will meet in room 1, No-
urasKa llall. I
Next week the class in Uilanv
!. (''classical botany1) will meet
as usual in the botanical lecture
room, on Thursdny the lecture will
probably be somewhat shortened.
There will be no lecture in
Pharmaceutical Botany on Wednes
day morning.
The annual course of lectures
on Phylopnlncontology (FoiJ Bot
any) which began on Mouthy of
this week, is open to any win 'wish
uiiiiiciHi. wneuier student or not.
The lectures occur at J o'clock on
Mondays and Wednesdays. ()
account of the meeting of the
State Horticultural Society there
will be no lecture on next' Wednesday.
CI: sses in Flomcntary Boiany
( "Preparatory Botunv" i'uiil t,u'.t
as usual next week.
In the Library.
Miss Jones has found a treasure
which she considers more valuable
than Captain Ividd's, or any bodv
else's. For the last twenty years,
more or less, a book of poems,
written in 1MJ, has been in the
library. It was treasured only for
its antiquity until about a week
ago. In some way Miss Jones
happened to look at the i-(n side
ways and discovered the picture of
a landscape with boys nnd trees
nnd cows nnd slice) nnd houses
painted on the odirc of the leaves
in wntor colors. The picture enn
not be seen unless the pages arc
rolled in a certain way, and Miss
.Jones wouldn't sell it for a farm.
Five books, which are probably
of more practical value than any
live books in the library have been
added during the holidays. This
set is a history for ready 'reference
and topical reading. The books
contain concise but complete arti
cles on every subject which history
has to do with, from Algebra to
Omaha. The articles are taken
from the best authorities, are up
to date in every way. I n many cases
different authors are quoted. Al
together it is tho handiest and most
practical thing in tho library.
The annual meeting of the Inter
state Football Association wns held
at Omaha, Saturday, .January .Mh.
lliM-e were present Fred 1 James,
president, from Nebraska: Prof.
Greene from Kansas; Breninor
from Iowa, Manager Tcele of Ne
braska wns also present. For some
unaccountable reason Missouri was
not represented and no explana
tions were sent.
Very little business was done on
account of the absence of the dele
gate from Missouri. The pennant
was given to Nebraska. The pool
ing of the Thanksgiving games was
discussed long and earnestly. Ne
braska and Iowa have always ad
vocated pooling these games be
'uise the attendance at the Kansas
City game is much larger than that
at the 0m ilia game. Missouri and
Kansas hive contended against the
pooling as it lessened their profits
to divide with the others. Prof.
Greene said he was very sure lh-it
Missouri would never "consent to
pooling, and he knew Kansas did
not wish to submit. No conclusion
was reached.
The question as to whether Kan
sas should refund to Nebraska the
''ticket mono'," was then consid
ered. Nebraska domiaulcd it. Prof.
UYcHittT ttjftv-Ui - citsjiiattti ie-of
Kansas, said that, personally, he
believed Nebraska should have it,
but that his association did not
wish to pay it. Iowa was unwill
ing to decide the question alone.
For that reason the matter was laid
over until Missouri should be present.
Officers for the eiisuinir vciir
were elected as follows: President,
l-mrraboo, ol Iowa; A'ice-president,
Tefl'ts. of Nebraska. Kansas and
Missouri have not elected their
men for the other offices yet.
The meeting then adjourned to
meet Saturday, .January luth, at
the same place. It is to be hoped
that all the colleges will be repre
sented at this meeting. Very little
could be done before ou.acco'uiit of
the abenco of Missouri. On no
account should the, latum u. which
mis uone so much to encourage
their friends a de ightful s ,
ing party at the lie km -dno.di
night. The in n:i was urrfvi.
After one of the best tim ' uu igin
able nt the boieh, when it wns be
ginning to grow late, and the skat
ers beginning to grow weary, Miss
llarley escorted the party to her
home, where a most delicious
spread awaited them. The rest of
the evening was spent in dancing.
That Miss llarley is a capital host
ess is the opinion of all present.
Happy New Year was the greet
ing of scores of young men at the
home of Miss Cochran on .January
first when the young hostess kept
"open house,"' assisted by Misses
Clara Wat kins nnd Marion Smith.
The reception was informal, the
y'img ladies wearing street dresses,
but was none the less enjoyable on
that account. The rooms were
prettily decorated with roses
and potted plants. During the
afternoon refreshments of 'sand
wiches, coffee, and cake were
served. The young men who went
the rounds on New Years declare
the call at Miss Cochran's one of
the jolliest of the afternoon.
On New Years day Miss Sadie
Burnhain celebrated her return
from school at Andovor. Msis. bv
a very pleasant reception at her
uoine. rsiie was assisted by Misses
Georgie Camp, Agnes Sewell, and
Ella Kaymond. The house was
darkened and the rooms lilled with
soft light, showing the evening
dresses of the girls 'to the greatest
advantage. A profusion of flow
ers decorated the rooms, and
sinilax wreathed the, iln'ir-wiv
and festooned the chandeliers.
Miss Willoughby's orchestra fur
nished sweet music during the af
ternoon. In the dining room re
freshments wore served. After
Jj-ccepjLioiia fowjntc cajle,i
v-iu iiivm-i) u remain i j a .li
1 1 Providos for a Levy of a Half
Mill For Two Years
Nj TolllnR Whether tho Measure
Will Pass or Not-Frlendiv Fool-
InR Toward tho Unl.
Of course nothing definite can bo
said concerning the prospect for the
university from the legislature now
insession. There is nothing but.
friendly spirit, in both houses of the
legislature and a disposition on the
part of all members to do whatever
they can the condition of tho state
careful ly considered.
Senator MeKeeby of "Webster has
taken the initiative by introducing
senate file No. 87, which provides
for a special levy of one-half mill
for a period of two years to be
used for building purposes. This
idea lias already met with favor,
and the request is so reasonable that
it is thought the bill will readily
pass. So far the state has given
only $2o,000 to the university for
building purposes. The remainder
has come from funds which should
be held sacred for instructional pur
poses and current expenses.
The levy amounts to 50 cents on
a valuation of 1,00, which will
amount to $SO,000 for each of the
two years. This amount will
complete the library building and
leave enough for the erection of a
recitation hall. If tho measure
passes, bids will bercccived and tho
contract let to have the librnrv
fully completed by September 1st.
The bill is in this form:
MM Mil 11 ,i
i iiere wilwul icvicu iirion tlio
A - 1 ? I . 1
pany, wmen, n is said, -ii-.-is
the least enjoyable feature of
The young Indies of L' Amuse
ment club gave a most enjoyable
"at home" New Year's day to' their
many frien Is, at the resident of
MissIIeaton. Asinall "unbleached
American" Jlefed m dnnr.L-.,. ,-,,.
and created much amusement. The
shades were drawn and th,b house
beautifully decorated will flower
ing plants, palms, and pines. In a
bower of ferns in one corner stood
a punch bowl, which was the object
of many pilgrimages. Kcfresh
ments were served in the dining
room, which was prettily decorated
in yellow, while shades of the same
as pretti
o shades
warm hue softened the glow from
the caudles. Jn the evening a few
friends remained for an informal
e .i ii i ."J V iVr r """ icinainuu lor an iiiiormai
football playing - the West, be party which made a fitting close to
f IlUllr I 1 1 rut ...
Holiday FaAtivities.
A mi ml ii ifcf frto hmwr lii)i-t sW
the JvjmniL fmtpriiilv iv m ln-
light ful reception !y'cw Year's day
from 3 o'clock to at the beautiful
home of Miss "Win don. Daylight
was excluded, and the house bril
liantly lighted. 'J 'he decorations
were principally roses, chrysan
themums and paliiir., the fraternity
colors, light and d irk blue, being
interwoven iimonj; the flowers.
The VOUli"" India uinm in m'n.nitirr
dress, and the ofl'ek of the brigh't
c dors wns very phf-asing. During
the afternoon dellicious refresh
ments were served in tho dining
room. Considerable amusement
was created by t
which in the in'id
luou accidentally
Sweet Home,." to t
of the callers, lh
preity New Year'
with the nnmob of
who wore Misses
(iere, Elliott, Ci
Francos Gore, i
Winger, Jury, Ai,
nol uoro, Uriggs,
ing, Jjindly.
Miss Dora Uai
bers of L'AiiiusiWiit club and
. lt..,.... .1...- 'I1!.,. 1 !
.i iiajjwj u.h). j no young mines
forming the club are Misses Hea
ton, Kisser, Farwcll, Williamson,
Shaw, IIark'3, 'd Nell Law.
ic music box,
le of the aft er
iilucd "Home,
he consternation
1 girls had very
card-, engraved
thohc receiving,
Whedou, Pasco,
ui)s; y, jsroadv.
Elaine, Roberts,
nu liroady, Ma
.Riokolts, Whit-
y gave tho liiem-
Miss Jones' Class.
One of the least known nnd
most important of classes carried
on at the university is Miss Jones'
Jones' class in libraiy training.
Tho subject originated Avilh
Mr. Dewey, of tho capitol li
brary at Al ban'. The regents of
the University of New York recog
nized its importance to tho extent
of granting degrees to college
graduates who completed the
coursein library economy. Miss
Jones is of those. The class con
sists of ten advanced students, who
are very quick and apt in the var
ious dennrments of librarv work.
There is great demand for' persons
oi mis miming aim tiiero are not
more than half a dozen training
schools of this class in the United
States. Miss .Jones savs she. is
asked constantly to furnish compe
tent persons lor unraries lroin all
parts of tho slate and hopes to fill
some of the calls next year. No
credit is given in the university for
tho work as yet.
of the ensuing binimini7tax
one half of 1 mill on each and
cery dollar thereof, the proceeds
of which lcvj' shall constitute a
special fund in the hands of tho
state trejisurer, for the use and
benefit of the university cf Ne
braska for new buildings, neces
saty improvements of buildings
alread3' erected, improvements of
the uiiiversit3r grounds and other
equipments and facilities of in
struction; to be expended l3r, and
under the direction of the board
of regents of said university.
For the disbursement of moneys
hcreb' appropriated tho board of
regents of the university of Ne
braska shall issue certificates
signed b3' its president and sec
retaiy in the manner provided by
an act of tho legislature of the
state of Nebraska, approved Fel)
ruary 23, 1S75, and upon tho
presentation of such certificates
the auditor of public accounts is
hcreb' authorized and required
to draw and isstu his warrant
upon the state treasurer for the
amount specified in such certifi
cates and in favor of the parties
tnoroin nameit.
Whereas an emergency exists
this act shall take effect and be in
force from and after tho date of
its passage.
They Elected Officers.
The election of officers of tho
various literary societies for the en
suing period resulted as follows:
For the Palladian: President,
Miss Gray; Vice President, Miss
Boll; Recording Secretary, Miss
Grace Thompson; Corresponding
Secretary, Miss Leonard: MukiVjiI
Secretary, Miss Pollard; Treas
urer, v. ij. Keeil; Historian, It.
P. Benedict; Sargent at Arms,
Mr. Williams.
For tho Unions: President, Miss
Pound; Vice President, W. Vjj
iioagianii; itocoriiing Secretary.
hi.. n f r
iur. iuouiiuy; Uorrcsponding
Secretary, Miss Friel; Treasurer,
J. P. Cameron; Sargent at Arms,
W. E. Kirk.