F PMHe(,u u J BEFORE X BUYING Jf Holiday Gifts . . . YOU ARE INVITED TO SEE WHAT WE OFFER. WE CAN PLEASE YOU, WHETHER YOU WISH TO INVEST 5c or $500. Respecteully. Milkr & fame. THE STUDENTS' Co-operative Book Co. BAKER'S CLOTHING HOUSE. i COMPLETE LINE OF FURNISHING GOODS,1 TRUNKS & VALISES. SUITS MADE TO ORDER IN CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. 1 039 O ST. Entire Satisfaction Guaranteed. Discount to Students -SsCALL AThSX- flDeab's Hews anb Gloat Stanb FOR FINE CIG-ARS, TOOAOOO, AND STATIONERY. All the Latest Novelties always in stock. The World- ffcald ami Chicago Papers delivered to any part of the city by carrier. L. L. MEAD, Proprietor. iiS South iitii St. '2Bog CifnhMita' S. E. CORNER OF -vvvw i w university HANDLE ALL HALL Supplies. Prank DuTeiik, 1020 St 3- ?-; RED DUDE I 1020 St 1 GI6AR ?S3- STORE frf Hitrl4AII.AAfJ Cigars, Pipes, News. CHAS. B. GREGORY, (u. of. n. '91) SELLS COAL cUZs SZ2 Telephone 343- When you want Something Good Come to . . . tne?s Corner 13th and O Streets. T. J. THORP & CO. MACHINISTS, MODEL MAKERS, NOVELTY MANUFACTURERS NICKEL AND SILVER PLATING, Rubber 0 Stamps, o Seals, o Stencils, o Etc. J3ICYCJLB 'RBJPAJRING. Old Wheels Changed to Pneumatic!. 320 So. lltk St., All Work OmazAUteed writs for yricea Lincoln, Nebraska JS. G. DAWDS, PrOBtdonU V. R. DAWHS. Socrotnry, Lincoln Coal Co. '-COAL MERCHANTS Coal Delivered to Students in Any Q,uantity Desired. 1015 0 Street.