The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, December 07, 1894, Image 1

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Vor, III. No. JO.
... 2 tsr&auBmmiBamfUHimamm eiibmhwi m
WMWHIMIWOMWillllllillllii i " n.. lh.'T", I HBHiHI
Kansas Pressed the Button
and Wo Did tho Rost.
The University "Gnnfj" Distln-
Riilshos tsolf and Makes
Fun for tho Crowd.
It was a glorious day thai. No
ono will over regret tho expense of
tho trip, for tho comfort and satis
faction which resulted far exceeds
in worth tho amount of tho cost.
Tho fact that some preparation
was made, for organized singing
and yelling was worth the trouble.
A '"sing song" was hold in the
chapel Saturday and Wednesday
evenings previous to the exodus,
and the songs printed in tho last
issue of Tin-: Nkhkaskan were
committed and tho tunes well
learned. For tho benefit of tho
general public Tiik Nkhkaskan
had tho songs printed on separate
shoots and distributed "Wednesday
evening and Thursday morning to
tho passengers on tho special train.
They made a pleasing souvenir of
tho occasion.
About 300 Lincolnitos altogether
loft for Omaha, though not all on
tho special train. The "push" ar
rived in Omaha about 10:150. and
tho inhabitants of that village wore
immediately apprised of tho exist
ence of the state university. Tho
boys formed in column of tours
and marched direct to tho Millard
hotel, yelling and singing all tho
Many a third-story window was
raised and faces peeped out with
wonder and admiration depicted
thereon. When tho hotel was
reached tho boys joined in lock
step and marched in a circle around
the rotunda' singing and whistling
tho "We've 13een Thinking" tune.
At the end of eacji verso each one
sat down upon tho knees of the
man behind him, and with the cir
cle thus completed, the refrain was
whistled. It was a novel and curi
ous sight, and called forth many
complimentary and otherwise re
marks from the gaping spectators.
The lice building was tho next
point attacked. On the way there
a brass band was met standing at
the corner of Kith and Douglas
streets, its members were com
posed of little colored boys, while
a man standing in the middle car
ried a huge sign, advertising a ten
cent turkey dinner. Before tho
wondering little darkies quite un
derstood what happened, they
found themselves surrounded by a
string of boys, sitting down upon
cadi other, and marching around
them alternately. Wondering they
dropped their instruments and
open-mouthed, gazed at the mov
ing humanity surrounding them.
When the "little tune" was fin
ished, the boys proceeded on their
journey, leaving the little colored
band to recover themselves.
The march around the open
court in the IJoc building brought
out every inhabitant of the block
Tl,cy stood around the corridors
looking down upon the queer per
formance that was going on below,
and when it wis finished applauded
liberally. Once more outside and
the ubiquitous photographer got a
shot at tho boys sitting down in
the circle that attracted ao much
attention. Hero tho crowd broke
up, but met again at 2 o'clock and
marched out to tho grounds.
Tho morning's performance was
a great factor in drawing a crowd
to the game, and at the close of the
first half there was an audience of
4,000 to watcii tho marchings and
antics of the Lincoln contingent.
The same crowd stayed together
' throughout the game and did some
excellent and systematized cheer
ing. After the game it was this
sumo crowd which seized the play
ers and carried them clear down to
tho Omaha Y. M. C. A. building a
distance of a mile and a half. Of
course tho victors persisted in
walking part of the way.
.lust why there was not a coach
at hand in which tho team could
ride back, has not yet boon satis
factorily explained. It was a big
oversight on Crawford's part, and
causeil many uncomplimentary re
marks to be directed at him.
When tho news was received in
tho evening that Missouri was
beaten, tho boys wont wild, for it
meant that Nebraska really did
have the pennant, despite the game
we lost to Missouri. All of them
that had a voice left, or a piece of
one, yelled themselves inside out,
in their exultation. All who had
ihe "price" attended the theatre
that evening. Tho players were
ready for them, and all wore tho
university colors. Lhe 'prima
dona" appearing in a fascinating
scarlet and cream dross. Tho uni
yell, given by tho actors and the
appearance of .Jimmy Carroll, in
an Iowa sweater, after ho had
been bunged up in a prize light,
wore incidents which called forth
the heartiest applause from the oc
cupants of the bald-headed row.
When tho "gang" left on the
1 1:30 special for home they were a
little weary and worn, hut each
one wore a broad smile and a look
which said, "Well, we've won tho
pennant if wo do look tough."
Elected a Captain.
At a meeting of the foot ball
team Tuesday morning tho election
of a captain was held, at which
seventeen were present. Flippin
and Humming were tho candidates,
but Flip won by a majority of one,
the vote standing eight to seven in
his favor. It is understood that
this is tho vay they voted:
Fair, Dern,
Whipple, Wilson,
Oury, Shuo,
Wiggins, Sweeney,
Yont, Frank,
Spoonor, Dungan,
Hradt. Thorp,
Notes on the Game.
Hamming made a beautiful
tackle in tho first half which prob
ably saved a touch down. Con
verso had broken through and had
a clear field before him when he
was downed.
The following unique yell made
huge rents in the air whenever the
Omaha Medical College students
were particularly pleased with the
game last Thursday:
" Iluro wo uro tho O. M. C.'s
Wo'ro tho boys that Haw tho bonos,
All wo waul ih bonus to saw,
liiihl ltuh! Huh!"
Crawford realized about ."500
from tho game after all tho ex
penses of the team had been paid.
This, with what he got from tho
Doano game, was to bo his salary
for the season's work, and every
stu lent can feel that he got as much
as was due him.
Everyone thought there was a
chance to shut Iowa out. but no
one dared to hope for such a score
as 80 to 0.
The Acjis of Wisconsin Univer
sity appears iij a fine new gown.
The nowgarb presents a very tasty
Student (translating.) Caesar
omnibus completis in Gallium
suniiuu diligentia prospectus est
Caesar, the omnibus being full-, set
out for Gaul on the top of a dilli
genco. -Ex.
Fkkhiiik (to Soph.) " How was
your speech at the banquet the
other night recoiviM? " Sophie
(modestly) "When J sat down they
said it was tho best thing J over
A Band of Juniors Try to Broak
Up tho Reception.
Class Spirit Stirred Up as Novor
Bof jre The Confllot LortR
and Bitter.
Ever since tho wrangling and
hair-cutting contests of tho fresh
men and props last year, class
spirit has been comparatively quiet.
It has only been slumbering, how
ever. Monday evening, tho k20lh,
tho juniors, aching to avenge the
kidnapping of some of their mem
bers and tho disturbing of their re
ception two years ago, determined
to visit, the senior reception that
Tho senior boys, in order to have
a suitable place for presenting the
ehancellor one of those famous
canes, secured tho now Conserva
tory of Music and invited the ladies
of tho class to be present. Ar
rangements were made for a very
pleasant time. Unfortunately tho
whole affair was given away. Faint
rumors wore heard Monday to the
effect that tho juniors would be
out that evening. Nothing unus
ual occurred during tho day, but
tho seniors wore very careful in
going from supper to their rooms,
and hurriedly dressed and departed
for their ladies. Tho juniors made
no active preparations until after
supper, when they determined to
kidnap the president and several
prominent members of tho class.
Had carefully prepared plans been
laid by tho juniors, tlio whole
meeting might luivo been broken
Everything wont smoothly and
every one of the seniors reached
tho conservatory safely. Tho first
suspicious occurrence was the sud
den going out of the lights. Ev
erybody shouted "Tho juniors!"
It was a false alarm, for a fuse had
burned out and was soon replaced.
Meanwhile President Lyon, do
siring some articles ho hail forgot
ton, proceeded cautiously to a
room about a block away. The
articles were procured but a
stealthy junior had notice I tho
president and had summoned his
clan. From all sides they swarmed
in and completely surrounded the
president. With Flippin wrapped
around one side, J'radt holding the
other, and an immense throng act
ing as bodyguard and skirmishers,
the prisoner was coducled to the
front of the main hall. Tho scouts
then brought in word that two
worthy seniors and their canes were
cornered in the reading room.
Fearing that a rescue party would
sally out and rescue tho president,
ho was hustled out of the campus
under heavy guard and taken to a
gloomy dungeon on Q street,
reached only by a steep, narrow
flight of stairs and secured by a
doublo-boltod door. This was made
the headquarters of the juniors for
tho evening.
The two seniors loft in tho li
brary were quick to see that thoy
could do nothing against a howling
mob of from fifty to 'seventy-five
juniors, clamoring for their blood,
with odds of lliivo to one or oven
six to one, probably a determined
fight would huvo been mado to es
cape. But thirty to one Avero too
great odds for oven a senior to hope
to struggle against. Accordingly
tlio imprisoned seniors determined
to resort to strategy. While Obor
lies engaged tho juniors in tho li
brary, Hildroth, with tho aid of
"Cap," fought his way through
tho mob, got into tho office, and to
the telephone. In u very short
lime tho dazed juniors rubbed their
eyes in amazement as thoy stared
upon two poworfi)! policemen and
realized that theV had been out
witted. Tho seniors had reckoned
well. In estimating that ono po
liceman was equivalent to thirty
live juniors, thoy had shown fore
sight, and without further trouble
were escorted over to tho conserva
tory by tlftj officers. Tho juniors
gave a few feeble, half-hearted ef
forts, but had not tho necceessary
ratio of thirty-six juniors to ono
"copper" to effect tho capture.
Meanwhile tho seniors, despite
the confusion on tho ouUido, wore
enjoying themselves and wore soon
called to order by Secretary For
sythe, in the absence of the presi
dent. lie introduced Mr. Martin,
who, in a neat speech, presented
tho chancellor with a cane. Tho
ehancellor replied in an appropri
ate speech, thanking the class for
tho honor conferred upon him.
Tho presentation over, tho mem
bers ofthe class scattered, sonic to
the dining room for dancing, somo
to cards, and tho remainder to
games. Tho juniors, not content
with kidnapping and yelling
around outside, determined to got
away with tho hats, overcoats, and
canes of their enemies. Through
the treachery of one of tho juniors
who had charge of the keys of tho
huiuiing, and who had promised
faithfully to remain neutral, tho
mob was let into the building and
the hats and overcoats secured.
These were hurriedly carried to
the house of an old lady near by.
She thought tho boys were bring
ing in a 'V.ill'" and was nearly
frightened out of her wits. Bare
headed she rushed down to the po
lice station with tho news of her
discovery. The coats wore taken
to the station by the oflicors, where
they were identified later on in tho
evening by the seniors.
Later in the evening the control
of the "assault" got out of the hands
of tho conservative members of 'UO,
and was carried on in a very un
genllemanly manner by the hot
headed ones. They broke into tho
building, scattered ashes on the
Hour und stopped tho dancing.
Ilaughloii was hustled out of tho
window and rushed off to tho dun
geon to join the other prisoners.
The scenes in tho parlors wore
very disgraceful. The juniors
pushed in and were determined to
participate in tho party. Jn the
scrap which ensued, furniture was
broken, ties cut, clothes torn, an I
Furgusoii lost his hair. Even
Flippin was handled like a baby by
tho infuriated eoniors. When
finally tho juniors were expelled
from the building, they plotted to
waylay their opponents on tho road
How Hoagland got away, and
where he slept will never be known.
Forsytho was very fortunate in
reaching his room about fivo min
utes after an ungry crowd of jun
iors hud become tired of waiting
for him any longer The wit and
good judgment of the juniors
during the early part of the evening
may be admired. But their con
duct in the buil ing, in the pres
ence of ladies, was ungentlonianly
and deserves the most severe criti
cism. Tho event will bo long
remembered by those who partici
pated in it and will go down in
history as ono of tho fiercest
"scraps" over witnessed in the
The Juniors, however, have apol
ogized for their roughness an I paid
for any damages that was done.
How It Originated.
Onco Cupid, in bin roguish way,
Into it room wont pooping,
Am thoro upon tho sofa lay
, A miildon calmly sloopiug.
Thou Cupid straightway almoil u dart,
Willi a triumphant grin ;
Tho shot was caroloss, misHod hot hourt,
And struck hor in tho chin.
Ho drew tlio shaft and kissed tho placo,
'Twiih hoalod by moans so Kimplo;
Tho wound, however, lot't u truco
A oharmlng littlo dlmplo. I'Jiv.
Charlie Chandler thinks of start
ing a dramatic school of art. For
further information address Prof.
Chandler, MM South Thirteenth.
Pmon Fivn Cents. mm
The IVIen Who Will Compose
The Noxt Sonato.
Every Loyal Student Read Ovor
Tho List Wrlto to Those
You Know.
The follwing list gives tho names
of men who will composo tho noxt
sonato: Head tho list ovor care
fully and write to tho men from
your district, or anyone of them if
you have but the slightest acquaint
ance with him. It might result in
untold bonefit to tho university.
Any letter sent to tho address given
aft or their names will bo sure to
reach them. If you arc desirous
of writing to any of tho members
of tho house, the chancellor will
show you a list of these.
Tho senators are:
Harry C. Lindsay, Pawnoo City.
J. Hall llitohcck, Tccumsoh.
John C. Watson, Nebraska City.
Orlando Toirt, Avoca.
William J. Lohr, Moad.
Thomas D. Crano, Omaha.
William Stoufor, Wost Point.
Sherman Saunders, Bloomiiold.
ID. W. Joffros, Horaco.
W. 1). Holbroolc, Maplo Crook.
John T. Brosslor, Wayuo.
John C. Sprechor, Sohaylor.
John Crawford, Atkinson.
II. G. Stewart. Crawford.
W. M. Grny, North Loup.
Joseph Black, Koarnoy.
Goorgo II. Caldwell, Grand Island.
J. N. Campbell, Fullorton.
William E. Bauer, David City.
J. C. F. McKesson, Emorald.
Aloxandor Graham, Beatrice
J. D. Pope, Croto.
Goorgo Cross, Fairbury.
Charlos II. Sloan, Gouova.
Edwin 10. Migholl, Aurora.
G. E. MoKooby, Rod Cloud.
L. Ilahn, Hastings.
Walter F. Dalo, Atlauta.
T. M. Rathbuu, Cambridge
William R. Akors, Goring.
Tho Now "Sorority" at Last
"Comes Out.",
For many months universiry cir
cles have looked longingly toward
tho addition of a now girl's frater
nity. These hopes have now been
realized by the appearance last
Friday of the Kappa chapter of
tho Delta Delta Delta fraternity.
This fraternity it ono of tho best
in the country, and has chapters
in nearly all the leading colleges.
Wo aro glad to welcome Tri-Dollu
to the university.
Friday morning tho prospective
Tri-Deltas went to Ashland, so as
to bo uninterrupted in tho perform
ance of their mystic rites. The
home of Dr. von Munsfoldo was
prepared to receive them, and tho
girls swarmed in and took posses
sion. The largo house and exten
sive grounds afforded ample room
for the initiation, even of the
twelve. Miss Lora M. Allen, of
Simpson College, Indianola, Iowa,
was present to administer the oath,
and to see that all was carried on
Daylight was excluded and the
house brilliantly lighted. The de
corations of roses, chrysanthemums
and pines wore tastefully arranged,
and ropes of smilax twined about
the chandeliers and window frames.
Tho silver, gold, and blue of the
fraternity, and the scarlet and cream
of tho university woro blended in
the colors of the flowers. Thoro
were pines in prolusion, this tree
boiiig ono of tho fraternity symbols.
IVfTss Muir and Miss Frankish
were initialed first, and then helped
to make life burdensome to the rost
of tlio girls. A few "ell'eets will
servo to suggest tho uwfulncss of
what followed. Dr. von Mms
foldo was frightened from his homo
by the wiord singing, strange
knockings, and howls of anguish.
Tho Asluand people thought it was
the occasion of Duty von Mans-
(Contiiuioil on lth pngo.)
m'4 '
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