m 5 ill ' m ; I: LOW TARIFF TEN DOLLAR SUIT SALE Tweeds in Latest Patterns Blue or Black ,, Cheviot Plain or Fancy Cheviot NOTHING LIKE IT BEFORE .... T3wrv TTiviit kr. Fn F JD1 U W IIIII5, XVH15 w jkj. INVESTIGATE FOR YOURSELF " $1022 " T w"1 " "" " ' $1022 $1022 'A r-1 i ft if.' I l f J r " . 'IS C C V 5 ' - ; (' rei ZZ .J HI m tAtr ' . iM ' . f -1 ml YOUR MONEY'S WORTH OR YOUR Nctoaska Pant and Suit Co., 1217 O Streot. (Wik halt at Trunk Factory.) All Wool Pants Made to Order, flret-clnsa bud fraarnntied to fit, $3i 5. 10. nod upwards. Business Suits, 15, $18. $S0, and up. OVERCOATINGS, VESTINGS, Popular Price. Goods sold by yard, and Ends (or Soy's Pants, etc, Fow uncalled tor pants tnd quits at your ow prlco. 0. R. OAKLEY. O. N. Holcom, Cutter, Jlie Commercial Barber Shop DOES THE BEST WORK. The Finest Hath Rooms in the City. Student put ronngo solicited. Agency tor the Ilest Lnundry. 120 X. llth Street. C. EHLEES, The Tailor Suits Made to Order. Cleaning and Impairing nlso Done. 126 S Uth St Over WohlenliurK1 Clgnr j u. xxiii 01. Store. SDLPH0-SALINE BATH-HOUSE SANITARIUM. COR. FOURTEENTH AND M STS., LINCOLN. Open at all bourn; day or night. All forms ot bfithf, Turkish, Itueslun, Unman, Klecirtc, with special attention to the application 01 Natural Salt Water Baths several times stronger than sea water. Klieumii tlam. 8k In, Blood, and Nervous Dlwnwu. I.lver and Kidney Trouble, and Chronic Ailments are treated successfully. SEA BATHING May be enjoyed at all seasons In our te Large Salt Swimming Pool, 6D1HO feet. 4 to 10 feet deep, htaU'd to a uniform temperature of M degrees. SPECIAL KATES TO STUDEHT3, DRS. M. H. ft J. 0. EVERETT, Managing- Phyalcans. c.JB EST LADHDRY COMPANY IS THE PLACE FOR STUDENTS TO PATRONIZE. Phone 570. 2208 0 St. L. BLUMENTHAL, Any OLD HAT made over or good as nevr. Also, Clothes Gleaned, Dyed, & Repaired. XOSO I STEEKT. HIOH CLA88 WORK A SPECIALTY. Herzog Tailoring Co., Leaders of Fashion at Popular Prices. W N. Elorenth St Blchords Block. G-O TO 220 North Ninth m. romuB JBBST 15c. MBALS Meals at all hours. Oysters and Gains lu season. X. E. CHEVBONT, Prop. Opp. Htats Journ a) if you will drop a card in p John Anderson, 832 North 12th Street, He will call and pet your laundry, such as Un derwear, Hocks, Night Hobw.Colored Shirt. 'ic, and do them up rljtht. lrtrthlug uiendid Mtl without extra charge. HOW IT WAS DONEl Cotiliuurd from 1st page. Crawford kicks an easy goal. These wore the only points scored m the game. Ottawa's kick-oir goes into touch, and is brought back to Ne braska's 25-yard line. Crawford punts out of bounds, j jind Thorp by a pretty sprint, falls' on the ball at the feet of a g?oup of Ottawa's "co-eds." Tho ball, however, soon goes to Ottawa on downs. Bedell then makes a pretty run of 25 yards around our right end, Potter crets two vards around our loft, and Taylor loses one yard around tho same end, after which time was called. Ottawa claims that just before time was called, Dern fouled Potter, but it was not allowed. The second half started olf by a punt by Ottawa for 30 yards, which was caught by Oury; then Flippin bucked live yards; Oury made six around the right end and Thorp was downed six yards back of the line on the cris-cross and soon after the Ottawas got the ball on downs, but they were forced to punt after two trials. Thorp fell on the ball; then Taylor made the only foul of the game by hugging Whipple out in plain sight when he did not have the ball. This lit tle demonstration of friendship on Tavlor's part cost Ottawa live yards. Yont went around the left end live yards, and then the ball went to Ottawa on downs. Taylor makes three bucks of live yards each, and then Utz is downed five yards back of the Ottawa line. Ottawa wits force I to punt. Flip pin and Yont carry the hall eleven yards and then the ball is given to Ottawa on a forward pass by Crawford. Nebraska gets the ball on downs and carries it thirty even yards towards Ottawa's goal in nine plays, when it is given to Ottawa on downs. From this time on the ball was kept in the center of the field, and at no time did one team seem to have much advantage of the other. The best work for Nebraska was done by Flinnin. Crawford and Oury. Whipple and Jones showed up good form, and Thorp played 4 4 ' in an excellent game. At one time Thorp was literally picked up and carried six yards by Toomey. For Ottawa, Ugly Taylor, Toomey and Kiddell did the best work. There is no doubt about the fact that our strength lay in our excel lent team work. The end runs could not be bait. Every blocker wns in his place at every play, and almost every time a buck was made there was a hole for the runner. C. A. Elliot. ,i. D. Rockefeller has given Chi cago University $3,000,000. Wisconsin rubbed it into IJeloit to the tune of 4ti to 0 at the late foot ball game. The Princeton Tigers went to pieces before the University of Pennsylvania Saturday. Score 12 to 0. The recent game between Iowa State University and Grinnell ended in a general row. The game was declared ( to 0 in favor of the fowa State University, as Grinnell refused to abide by the decision of the referee. r? MONEY BACK. EXCHANGES It costs 1,000,000 a year to run Harvard University. Ex. Oxford University is tho largest in the world, embracing 21 colleges and 5 halls. It has an income of 0,000,000 and has 12.000 students. Ex. At Lcland Stanford the faculty have organized among themselves a base ball nine which has defeated every team the students have formed. Ex. Tho University of Paris has 7,000 students, and in this, as well in in other universities of France, there are no classes, no athletics, no commencement day, no college periodicals, no glee clubs, and no fraternities. ir. Without him (Flippin) Nebras ka's eleven players would be but children. He was everywhere. Ho played across the field like a smoking llame. lie plunged and he tackled, he bunted and ho grunted, and once when the ball was Nebraska's (in the late Missouri-Nebraska game) on three downs, he removed his comical pagoda-like cap and let out his pent up emotions in a wild halloo of sat isfied delight. Kansas City Times. The half back seized the ball and darting roun I the left end made a superb rush down the field. It was a forty-five yard gain, and the crowd went wild. But when the cheers of applause had subsided it was apparent that the ball had not been "in play." "Oh, dear! what does behave to bring the ball way back for?" asked Kitty, despairingly. "I'm sure I don't know," re plied Keggy Westend, "unless the beggah got an encore!" Ex. To Culveh: A not, uniaid, Tho sun above; Two sots wore played Result: two love. Again wo played This time sho won. I won tho maid Result: two ono. Yale Itecmrfl The Collegian's Letter. Dear Dad I'm sure that you'll bo pleased To learn that I have won Tho singles in lawn tenuis In tho tournament just done; I'm trying for tho foot ball team, (It's going to bo a pinch!) If only I were heavier I'm Htiro I'd hsvo a cinch. Wo practice pretty much all day. (You noticed, I suppose, In tho papers how, a week ago, I got a broken nose?j You mustn't notico such reports, For half tho time what's stated Is printed for effect, you know, And much exaggerated. My nose wasn't badly broken, Twas really but a crack; And though it's somewhat crooked Doctor says 'twill straighten back I'm going to try for Varsity Next spring in baso ball, too; And if I And I've got a chance, 111 try to make tho crow. You say you fear athletics May intorforo with Greek? O, not at all! Wo took Examinations all last week. I parse and scan quito easily (Tho latter as you know, Is reading Caesar's odes at sight, And parts of Cicero.) It's timo for foot ball practice, So I will have to run. Please send a check next time You write. Goodbye! Kiss ma! Your son, Next) York Sun. 1013 TO 1019 Jacob North & Co. -(Lincoln Paper House)' BOOK AND COMMERCIAL PUBLISHERS, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS (D STEREOTYPING LITHOGRAPHING Aholesale Paper Dealers 1116to1122 M ST. CALL AT- Mead s News and Cigar Stand -FOR- Fine Cigars, Tobacco 1 Stationery. All the Latest Novels The WORLD-HERALD delivered to any part L. L. MEAD, FRCP., e?e Qbocrtiscrs in (0?e Hebrasluin . ARE ALL RELIABLE. (live them your patrone, final niinllon tliw fuel tlmt vou huh their "tuV In Tin: Nkiiiupkan. The Students' Co-operative Book Co. HANDLE AM. :STUDENTSS SUPPLIES.: S. E, Cor. of University Hall. TOOTHACHE. That little nniHancc. the toothache, the worit of all din eases, cared inlcMM than three raii&Htea, er may be extracted with little or no pain! Fine gold fillings for stu dents at lew rates. Best flint teeth, that will be as good after years' service as new. Itash wnacker teeth, best offered lor 85. at yenr own price. Cheap est teeth eat. Everything in the dental line of the best quality at reasonable rates. 1808 O 8t. Koomi O and 10. K. A. P. HUIlltm The Best Place to Buy . . . Dress Goods, Cloaks, Furs, Fur Capes, Carpets, Millinery, Shoes, and Toys Is at the Big Stores of . . . HERPOLSHEIHER & CO, 12TM A N 8T8., 12 BLOCK. PRICES THE LOWEST . . . Pictures Framed urTue LINCOLN FRAME AKD ART CO. OBODP PICTUKB8 framed at lledococj ITIcm to HtudeuU. ArtliU' MuppIlM, 226 South 1 1 th Streot 1 O ST. Printers Lincoln, Neb. always in Stock. and CHICAGO PAPERS of the city by carrier. 118 SO, 11TH STREET. LINCOLN FRUIT STAND, PUCCI.NKIjLI IHIOS., I'ropa., VY.XX.V.U IN ITruits and Confbotionory, NUTS, CIOAB., AND TOBACCO. Special attention Klren to tudent and twnUj trade, floods delivered to all parts ol the city. W.W. Cor. o and 13th 81s. Suits to order, . $16.50 to $45.00 Overcoats to order 18.00 to 40.00 Pants to order, . 3.00 to 10.00 We KoarunUo and keop all rood we in a no faetureiu repair, or eli montln, free of charge. LINCOLN PANT8 CO., 1228 0 St. GEO. A. WEBB, PBOl'BItTOF. or TBK OLIPP BA.KBERSHOP Bpeelnl attention paid to HtudenU. Oood Work and Ueutleinanljr Treatment. 129 So. 12th Street, LINCOLN, NEB. FRANK PACAL, Boots and Shoes Made to Order, JtejinlrliiK NVally Dune it tho l.owent 1'rlcM. Hl'ISmi HATKH TO HTUDUNT8. Ledwitli Hlk.(UuHoiiiofit) near cor. 11 &.P Furnished Rooms and Lodgint Jobm Illoek, B. XT, Cor. 12th and P 8t. Kntranc 1M if ortb i:tb Ht REASONABLE RATES, Oflce. rofla 1M. U. T. JOWM. A